Chapter 88 Mutation
Hans hesitated, but Lynn still provided him with some information about gyromagnetic lasers. Of course, these were what Lynn wanted to say.

The Lizard Gang can also be regarded as their own force, and it is always good to cultivate more.

As for the complete principle of gyromagnetic laser generation, although Lin En has mastered it, he cannot give it to them for the time being.
Donating part of the technical information is considered an exchange of benefits in exchange for the Lizard Gang sending troops.If you really tell the technology all at once, it will be a unilateral gift, and this kind of relationship is very unhealthy.

Once this matter is over,
There was only one thing left for Lynn to do now.

That's how the huge cave in Nailhead Dock was discovered that day.

What's in there?
On this day, Lynn explored the past again with the three-eyed person,

Last time it returned to the surface in an inconspicuous burrow at the corner of Nailhead Dock, this time it turned out to be going in from here.

When encountering the first fork in the road,
Lynn was in trouble.

In this case, how can I find a correct way to the deepest part of the cave?

Between doubts, Lynn remembered some accidents that happened during the investigation of intelligence.

After his observation at that time,
NO.11 Garbage Mountain is extremely guarded,

Although I don't know if there is any inextricable connection with the cave,

But anyway, there is no other good idea, and it would be a good choice to explore the way in the direction of NO.11 garbage mountain.

Lynn followed the map and was about to leave,

But suddenly took a step forward.

Take out a map and start to draw the route,

As long as the exhaustive method is used to eliminate all wrong routes, the remaining one must be correct.

After making all the preparations,

Lynn began the long process of exploring the road.

a day passed,

Lynn detected four dead ends, and then the robot was about to run out of power, so it had to retreat first.

Four wrong options were ruled out.

Two days have passed,
Lynn found several dead ends, among which, he managed to return to the surface three times.

Many wrong options have been ruled out.

Lynn frowned.

The route in this cave is quite complicated.

At this rate of investigation, it would take him at least several months before he could see some clues.

It was a waste of time, and he didn't want to do it anymore.

While struggling, he suddenly remembered something.


Using sonar, you can quickly detect the terrain structure in the cave.

"Is there something like sonar that can quickly detect large spaces?"

A ray of hope suddenly rose in Lynn's heart.

This thing, it can be said that the vast majority of people in the crossfire have never heard of it, but he knows that there is such a thing.

Immediately, Lynn thought of the Evolution Society,

These people are so passionate about mechanical equipment, maybe there is sonar among the things that can be exchanged for contribution points.

Even if the members have sonar and other detection equipment in their homes, it is not impossible.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen Bliss for a long time."

Lynn couldn't wait to call him,
Haven't played yet,

Brees called first.

Lin En was refreshed and connected immediately.

A loud roar suddenly sounded from the other end of the phone, startling him.

"It's done, brother!!!"

Eardrums were buzzing, Lynn hurriedly turned down the volume of the phone, and became nervous for no reason:

"What have you become?"

"My network card has been processed!"

"That's it?"

Lynn sighed, and said speechlessly: "I thought it was a big deal, why don't I just apply for a network card, and why make such a fuss?"

"There are too many people applying for contribution points in the meeting!"

"Besides, Anning City is blocked by a high information wall. Even if you have a network card, you can only connect to the local area network of the firefighting area outside the city. What's so happy about even having a local area network?"

"No, Lynn, you don't understand!" Bliss said suddenly.

"This is not about me alone, but about decades of evolution."

"We have been preparing for such a long time, just for this day!"

"Through our many years of devotional worship, the energy of the sacred artifacts in the meeting has been fully accumulated. On the day I connected to the network card, the president would use the sacred artifacts to completely open the high wall of information and send my IP in by some means. , I will connect to the network first, and then write all the content of the entire Anning City network into the local area network of the crossfire!"

"This time, I want to connect to the public network of Anning City under the eyes of everyone!"

"Everyone in the firefight should cheer for me!"

Lynn froze for a moment.

"Damn it!" Lin En was startled, and his intuition told him that what was about to happen would be very big, and he hurriedly said, "What do you mean by this, what holy artifact, what are you going to do?"

"Brother." There was an indescribable excitement in Brees' calm tone, "Don't you think this world is unfair?"

Lynn remembered his proficiency panel, and said weakly: "It is indeed a bit."

".Yes, people in Anning City can enjoy all kinds of superior technology, but it is extremely difficult for us to get in touch with the technology they use in their daily life. Is all this really fair?"

Breece's words became more and more impassioned.

Lynn said weakly: " it fair?"

"Of course it's not fair! Then let me ask you, what is the root of the unfairness?"

"What is it?"

Lynn was stunned: "What is it?"

"It's the information wall itself! They restrict our technology, restrict our economy, and use means to restrict the immigration of people from the crossfire to enjoy a better life in Anning City.

They have used all means to hinder the development of people outside the city, and they have used various aesthetic orders to shape the chain of contempt, so that we are at the lowest end of the chain of contempt. This is eternal and complete slavery, but few people can perceive it !
They weave lies internally and use various propaganda to claim that they are good to the people in the crossfire. Externally, they think that if they collect all the technology into the city and build high walls, they can sit back and relax and enjoy the eternal foundation of Anning City.
They talk high on the skyscrapers, but we can only run around in this wilderness, running around for a living, suffering from the erosion of illness"

"As long as people in the crossfire can connect to the Internet, all problems will be solved!"

"We can also learn knowledge from the Internet, assemble machinery by ourselves, embrace the advancement of technology, and gradually break away from this set of unfair game rules they have formulated.

To tell you the truth, this is what we have been trying to do for so long in our evolution! "

"If everything goes smoothly, what if we build another city in the wilderness?"


"The day after tomorrow, I will tell you personally the day after tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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