Chapter 102 Let Me Help You Again

After taking another look at the system interface and confirming that the three wishers were Ayumi, Chihiro, and Xiaoju, Kitagawa Yuu was speechless.

"What the hell are these three guys doing?"

"Why does Ayumi suddenly want to defeat Yuna?"

"There are Chihiro Ono and Daisy Chrysanthemum. One wants Ayumi to give up earlier, and the other makes me stupid to fall in love with Ayumi. Is there a problem with my understanding, or are the wishes of the three of them contradicting each other?"

Bei Chuan Yu's brows could not help but wrinkle into a ball.

At first, when he saw Ayumi making a wish to defeat Yuna Shimizu, he thought it was because of him, but then he felt something was wrong.

Does Ayumi like him?

And Ayumi doesn't seem to know the relationship between him and Shimizu Yuna, right?

Quickly recalling the scenes of getting along with Ayumi in the past, Kitagawa Yuu's eyes showed a complex look.

Maybe it was in the restaurant at the beginning, when I begged myself pitifully not to say anything.

Maybe it was a time to eat bento together in the escape stairwell and make a promise to be good friends.

Maybe it was when I sent her home under the starry sky every night, and smiled and waved goodbye to her in front of her house.

Anyway, I don't know when it started, but he really had a good impression of Ayumi in his heart, and he fell in love with this simple, straightforward, and stubborn girl.

But Ayumi seems to have been like this since they agreed to be friends.

He can feel that Ayako likes him, and he can also feel that Qianshu and Irena have a good impression of him, but in Ayumi, he has never noticed the kind of affection that will develop into liking.

"Ayumi should just think of me as a good friend, right?"

Beichuan You sighed silently, then frowned again.

"Then Ayumi wants to defeat Yuna because she hasn't given up on Koji Majima?"

"That's right, after all, in Ayumi's eyes, the two are childhood sweethearts, and isn't the motivation behind Ayumi's desperate tutoring to prove to Koji Jianjima that he is not an idiot? If you give up and don't like it, then there is no need to prove it What is it?"

"Although Ayumi hasn't said a word to Koji Majima these days, it just means that she hasn't come out yet, is she deliberately avoiding Koji Majima?"

"In this case, Chihiro Ono, who has always been opposed to this, hopes that Ayumi will give up, and Daisy Chrysanthemum hopes that I will fall in love with Ayumi and actively pursue Ayumi, which makes sense."

From his own point of view, Beichuan Yu tried to use logic to straighten out the relationship between these three wishes.

And with Ayumi's stubborn personality, it doesn't look like she will fall in love with others after only being broken up for 20 days!

The only thing that doesn't make sense is: "Why all of a sudden at this time?"

"Did Koji Majima do something suddenly? Or did Ayumi suddenly find out that Koji Majima and Yuna had broken up, so she saw hope again?"

"Originally Chihiro Ono and Daisy Chrysanthemum thought that Ayumi had given up on Koji Majima, but they suddenly realized that Ayumi hadn't given up, so they made a wish together and started the system by such a coincidence?"

Kitagawa Yu subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction of Koji Majima's seat.

Koji Majima had gone somewhere, and was not in his seat.

After hesitating for a while, Kitagawa Yu got up and left the classroom, then skillfully came to the window facing the back door of the classroom, and looked in Ayumi's direction from a distance.

Because people walked by from time to time in the corridor in front of her, Ayumi did not find Kitagawa Yu outside the classroom door, but Kitagawa Yu could clearly understand Ayumi's situation.

At this time, Chihiro Ono and Daisyaku were standing next to Ayumi's seat, chatting about something.

Ayumi listened, nodding suddenly from time to time, and showing a embarrassed expression from time to time.But if you look carefully, there is indeed a slight sadness on her brows, which is completely different from the relaxed and cheerful look when she came to school together this morning.

Bei Chuanyou hesitated for a moment, but still tried hard to listen with his ears up.

It's just that because the distance is a bit far, Ono Chihiro and the others deliberately lowered their voices, obviously not wanting to be heard by others, so he can only vaguely hear 'long hair', 'lady', 'gentle', 'hopeless' such words.

"Are these two guys teaching Ayumi how to change herself to cater to Koji Majima and defeat Yuna?"

Bei Chuan Yu was agitated for a while, but after seeing that Koji Majima was not here, he was still slightly relieved.

At least the current Ayumi has not changed back to what he saw at the beginning.

The school bell rings.

Beichuan Yu took a deep breath, and quickly walked back to his seat.

At the same time, Ayumi, who just turned around, seemed to have noticed something, and turned her head to look at the corridor outside the door, but at this time, Kitagawa Yuu had already returned to the classroom.

For most people, the hardest day of the week is Monday.

If you ask which part of the day is the most difficult on Monday, it must be the morning.

As the bell rang for the end of the last class in the morning, before the teacher on the podium left the classroom, there were already several sighs of relief in the classroom.

In this regard, the teachers in the class are already familiar with it.

As long as those students who want to enter the university study hard and pay attention to the lectures, it is enough. As for those who are not preparing to enter the university, the next two years will be their last happy time before entering the society.

As someone who has experienced it, there is really no need to be too harsh.

The same is true for the classroom next door.

Chihiro Ono, who was already discussing with Daisy Daisy next to him what to eat at the restaurant at noon today before the end of class, stood up and stretched long after class, ready to urge her, is it okay? Daisy, who is slow to sort out class notes, is a little faster.

As a result, when she turned her head, she suddenly found that at this time, she rushed out of the classroom with her lunch box as if she hadn't eaten for three days, and ran to the next class to find Yuu Kitagawa, who was still sitting on her seat with her head down, He didn't know what he was in a daze for, so he frowned and walked over angrily.

"Hey, hey, why are you still dawdling around here? Grab your lunch box and go find your Beichuan-kun!"

While speaking, Chihiro Ono slapped Ayumi on the back heavily. Although it didn't hurt, she jumped up from the seat in a fright.

"That... I forgot to bring my bento today." Ayumi explained in a low voice, and at the same time secretly stuffed her schoolbag back into the hole in the table.


Looking at her dodging eyes, Ono Chihiro was speechless for a moment.

With this level of lying, even strangers can't be fooled, and you still want to lie to her?Is it true that their friendship for so many years is fake?

But after thinking about it, this might not be a bad thing, so after looking at Daisy Daisy who was walking behind her, she still didn't expose Ayumi's lie, rolled her eyes angrily, and complained, "You idiot really "It's hopeless," he dragged her out of the classroom together.

She was more positive than anyone else when joking before.

If possible, she really hoped that Ayumi and Kitagawa Yu could get together. After all, in her eyes, except for the academic performance, Kitagawa Yu was indeed much better than Majima Koji.

But now that Ayumi is really stuck, Kitagawa Yu is surrounded by Ayako, a stronger opponent than Yuna Shimizu. She is really not optimistic that Ayumi can win this war.

Although as a best friend, she couldn't directly persuade Ayumi to give up.

The most important thing is, based on her understanding of Ayumi, she knows that no matter how much she persuades her, it may be useless for the stubborn Ayumi.

But through blows or other methods, she is still very happy to cool down Ayumi a little and let her slowly 'accept reality'.

That's right, the reason why Ayumi lied that she didn't bring a bento was because she was hit by what Chihiro said before.

Although the target of comparison in her heart is Yuna and not Ayako, the effect is basically the same.

Even Yuna's mountain peak is more magnificent than Ayako's, and her personality is more gentle and well-behaved than Ayako's. According to Chihiro, such girls are even more popular with boys than iceberg beauties like Ayako.

This made her, who was not confident at all, suddenly become even more unconfident.

Moreover, Bei Chuan Yu was not her childhood sweetheart, and the two of them never made a promise to stay together forever or get married when they grew up, which made her support a lot less.

It is already a credit to her stubborn character that she didn't directly decide to give up.

"I'm going to have lunch with Chihiro and Kiku at noon today, so let's eat with Ayako. ^.^"

In the classroom next door, Kitagawa Yuu, who was sitting on the seat staring at the phone in a daze, saw the new message from Ayumi displayed on the screen that suddenly lit up, and the boredom that had been suppressed with difficulty suddenly surged again .


Click to send.

Various thoughts popped up in Beichuan Yu's head instantly, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Thinking about it carefully, this is the first time since I have known Ayumi for so long that Ayumi hasn't come to him all morning.

"Is it because you don't want to be seen and misunderstood by Koji Jianjima?"

"Then let me as a friend help you again!"

(End of this chapter)

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