Chapter 114 Because It's Faster

Kitagawa Yu, who realized that something was wrong, raised his heart to his throat, and turned his head to look at Ania as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, Ania had fallen asleep on the sofa holding the comic book at this time, which made him take a long breath and his heart fell back again.

"Okay, give me your hand, we should set off, remember to prepare for battle."

"I know~"

Irena said that she had already waved her magic wand and directly put a layer of magic shield on the three of them, and then put her hand on Kitagawa Yuu's palm with slightly hot cheeks.

"Well, it feels good~"

Bei Chuanyou squeezed subconsciously, and then secretly smiled, daring to launch the time travel before the two of them were ashamed, and entered the world where the petitioner was.

In the next second, the three of them came to the edge of a forest that seemed to have been ravaged by a level [-] storm.

In front of them, there was a man with short black hair, dark purple at the ends, a big butterfly hair ornament on the back of his head, and a black uniform that looked like a school uniform for male high school students. He looked about fourteen or fifteen years old. The girl was hugging a girl who was a few years older than her, with waist-length black long hair, gentle facial features, and a seven-point similarity to the girl. She was also wearing the same black uniform, but her chest was covered by an unknown The girl who was pierced by the famous sharp weapon, her whole body was soaked in blood, was crying loudly.

But even so, the first time Kitagawa Yuu and the others appeared out of thin air, the two girls still noticed them immediately.

"Who are you—"

The younger girl immediately reached out and grabbed the Sun Wheel Knife, with a vigilant look on her face.

But Bei Chuan Yu's words made her freeze there.

"I'll talk about this later, I can save her!"

Kitagawa Yu glanced over the face of Butterfly Shinobu, who was still very young, and looked at Butterfly Kanae, who was seriously injured, with a dazed look in his eyes.

No wonder he just felt that the sound of praying sounded a bit like seeing Saori early. It turned out that the praying person was Butterfly Shinobi when he was young.

If it was Butterfly Ninja in the main story, he might have recognized it right away.

Butterfly Kanae died four years before the beginning of the main story. At this time, Butterfly Shinobi was only 14 years old, and the voice would indeed be a little different.

"What did you say? Can you really save my sister?"

Looking at Kitagawa Yu who was kneeling on the ground with one knee and stretching out his hand to the wound on Butterfly Kanae's chest, Butterfly Ninja instinctively wanted to reach out and push him away.

But when she thought of what Beichuan Yu said just now, and looked at his incomparably magical golden right eye, she still forcibly endured it, with an extremely nervous, anxious, and expectant expression on her face.

"If. If what he said is true"

The moment the palm touched Butterfly Kanae's chest wound, Kitagawa Yuu and she couldn't help trembling at the same time.

Of course, there is absolutely nothing charming about it.

Butterfly Kanae's trembling was due to pain, and even if Kitagawa Yu had experience in cooking and handling raw meat, he still felt goosebumps all over his body when he touched such a bloody wound where internal organs and bones were exposed up.

Therefore, doctors, especially surgeons, cannot do what they want to do.

But who made the setting that the spell can only be cast when it touches the target and that funny spell match, it's all to save the power of wish.

Bei Chuanyu subconsciously took a deep breath, and as a result, his stomach, agitated by the pungent bloody smell pouring into his nostrils, churned again.

However, he resisted and chanted the incantation.

"Mother Earth is fooling you!"

Perhaps it was because it was already sunrise time, this time the healing technique did not show the strange scene of starlight gathering in the sky, but a soft milky white light full of vitality lit up on his palm.

Although the special effect is gone, the effect is still the same.

Moreover, his current body has reached an extraordinary level through the practice of 'Kinggoku True Body Training Technique', and the consumption of performing healing techniques can barely afford it.

There will definitely still be fatigue, but it won't be as embarrassing as it was when he was treating the glass last time, which would damage his image.

As the physical and mental strength in his body merged into the white light ball in his palm along his arm, the wound of Butterfly Chanae, who was relieved of the white light ball, also began to heal at an unimaginable speed.

In just a few seconds, the shattered internal organs and bones had completely healed together with the external injuries, and even the hidden injuries accumulated in the body's usual practice, as well as the blood that had been lost in the previous battle, all recovered.

Butterfly on the side saw this scene and his big eyes were about to pop out.

【Wish has come true】

[Power of Wish +13]

Two consecutive system messages resounded in his mind, which immediately revived Beichuan Yu, who had become exhausted due to the exhaustion of mental and physical strength, and his eyes lit up again.

"13 points of wish power! Although it's not as much as Yuna gave that time, it's still quite a lot."

Glancing at the power of wish on the system panel that had returned to 39 points, Beichuan Yu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, revealing a satisfied smile.

It's just that he didn't notice that at this moment, his already handsome appearance, reflected by the golden light in his right eye and the white light in his palm, was like a god walking in the world, deeply imprinted on Butterfly Ninja and Butterfly Ninja. Kanae's heart.

As Butterfly Kanae's wound healed completely without leaving a trace of scar, Kitagawa Yuu also terminated the magic spell and took his hand away.

Although Kanae feels amazing after recovering, all he wants in his head is to find a place to sleep well.

If it wasn't for maintaining his image, he would have been yawning wildly.

After all, the time in the main world is already eleven o'clock in the evening.

"Sister, sister, are you okay?"



Butterfly, weeping with joy, threw herself into Kanae's arms excitedly.

Today she is not the gentle big sister in the main story who always suppresses her emotions because of imitating the dead Kanae, and always has a kind smile on her face.

It's still the little girl who always has a serious face, but is actually very emotional, very straightforward, and impulsive.

"Thank you for saving me!"

Kanae sat up, hugged Butterfly Ninja in her arms, gently stroked her head, and looked at Kitagawa Yu and said gratefully.

Although from the moment she became a Ghost Slayer Swordsman, she was ready to sacrifice, and just now she had even put down everything and was ready to face death.

But who would want to die if they could survive.

What's more, she still has her sister Butterfly Shinobi to take care of, and she still wants to continue killing ghosts and saving more innocent people.

So she who came back to life at this moment is really very grateful to Bei Chuan Yu.

"You don't need to thank me, you should thank Xiao Ren."

"Eh? Thank you Shinobu?"

"You know my name?"

Kanae and Butterfly Shinobu exclaimed at the same time, but their concerns were different.

"Yeah, the god I serve happened to hear Shinobu's prayer and was moved by her prayer, so he asked us to come and save people."

Beichuan Yu still didn't directly admit that he is a god. First of all, his current strength is still a bit weak. There is obviously a difference in deterrence between being a god and having a god behind him.

Furthermore, this is the world of Demon Slayer: Blade!It's all here, how could he miss the breathing method!
If you say you are a god, then how can you go to a teacher to learn the breathing method~
Unsurprisingly, exclamations sounded from the mouths of Kanae and Butterfly Shinobu again.

But to Beichuan Yu's surprise, they accepted it very quickly.

"turn out to be--"

"My name is Kitagawa Yuu, and these are my companions, Nishiki Chisuke and Irena."

"My name is Butterfly Kanae, and this is my sister Butterfly Shinobu. It turns out that Kitagawa-kun is a priest. No wonder he has such a magical ability."

Butterfly Ninja looked at Kitagawa Yuu and the others curiously, and said, "It turns out that there are such powerful priests in the world besides the family of the Lord's wife."

Kitagawa Yu, who was still a little surprised at first, suddenly remembered that the Ubuyashiki clan that the Demon Slayer Squad was loyal to had intermarried with the priest clan with spiritual power for generations, and used the power of the priest clan to resist the curse of Onimai Tsujimu.

"Then which god is Beichuan-kun serving?" Butterfly Kanae asked.

Just like worshiping Buddha in a temple, after the wish of Shintoism is fulfilled, it is also similar to going to the shrine to pay homage, not to mention that this time it is a life-saving grace.

It's just that Beichuan Yu's answer made her and Die Ren stunned at the same time.

"The god I serve is Karma God, but we don't have any shrines anymore in this world."

Most of the gods live on Gaotianyuan. With the change of the times, many famous gods have lost their incense in this world, which is normal.

But the god of fate. Isn't that the god who seeks marriage?

The two looked at Yuu Kitagawa's handsome facial features, smiling gently like the breeze in early summer, both of them could not help but feel their cheeks slightly hot, and a thought that made them ashamed to die came to mind.

"Could it be that Lord God wants me to form a relationship with Kitagawa-kun?"

It's no wonder, after all, many of the cultural customs here in Neon originated from the Tang Dynasty in Huaguo, and it is very common to make promises with one's body.

Coupled with the age of Demon Slayer: Blade, even if it is
It's a good thing that neither of them is a love brain like Ganlusi Mili, or else they might have already confessed their love at this time.

Bei Chuan You didn't know that they were thinking such unsuitable thoughts in their hearts. Now that he had already talked about this, he naturally took the opportunity to talk about the breathing method.

"However, if you really want to thank you... I hope you can help me join the Demon Killing Squad, and learn from senior Kujima Gojiro as my teacher. I want to learn the breath of thunder he inherited."

Beichuan Yu didn't hide anything, and directly stated his purpose.

Kanae and Die couldn't help but show a surprised expression after hearing this.They really didn't expect that Beichuan Yu would make such a request.

"Can priests also practice breathing?" Butterfly Ren subconsciously blurted out and asked Beichuan Yu, who couldn't laugh or cry.

"Priests are humans too, why can't they practice breathing?"

"Uh, that's not what I meant."

Butterfly Shinobu finally realized that there seemed to be something wrong with his statement.

She actually wanted to say that Beichuan Yudu was so powerful, and he was still a priest who served the gods, how could he be attracted to ordinary people like them who could practice breathing techniques.

But it doesn't seem right to say that, it's a bit too belittling of their breathing.

"I mean, why is it the breath of thunder? My breath of insects, and my sister's breath of flowers are very powerful! If you want to learn, we can teach you directly, and there is no need to go to that mulberry O Shimago Jiro!"

Of course, Beichuan Yu also knew this, after all, he had read all of Demon Slayer: Blade.

It's hard to say the breath of insects, but the breath of flowers, or Kanae is really strong.

Even in the final decisive battle, few of them were able to single out the top three of the first quarter moon, but in the early stage without turning on the markings, they were able to single out against the first quarter moon all night, and did not die until the accumulated injuries were too serious Yes, only Yan Zhu Purgatory Xing Julang and Butterfly Kanae can do it.

Considering that Purgatory Xingshoulang's opponent is Shangxian Sanyiwoza, and Kanahui's opponent is Shangxian Ertongmo who is much stronger than Yiwoza.

It is no exaggeration to say that even in the final decisive battle, Kanae's strength is enough to rank in the top three, or even the top two of all the pillars, which means that Beimingyu Xingming can beat her.

Considering the age gap between the two parties, Kanae, who also became a star in only three or four years, is absolutely terrifyingly talented, even higher than the protagonist trio.

It's a pity that she doesn't have the halo of the protagonist, and she met Tong Mo before she reached the age of stripes. Even in the final decisive battle, she can be [-]v[-]. Facing the siege of Butterfly Ninja, Kurikaro Kano, and Zuihei Inosuke, she is also Can replace Butterfly Ninja's boss.

Otherwise, when Hana Hui also opened the Mottled Child Mill, she would be easily hung up and beaten by herself.

There is such a second master of the All Ghost Killing Team who personally taught me the breath of flowers. Anyone who wants to learn the breathing method will probably accept it, but the problem is, the breath of thunder is really cool!

"I still want to see if I can learn the Breath of Thunder."

"Why?" Butterfly asked with a frown.

"Because Thunder Breath is faster (shuai)~"


quick?What is this strange reason?Killing ghosts is not just about being quick.

Butterfly Shinobi, who was still young and was full of revenge for killing ghosts and parents, didn't get Kitagawa Yuu's mind, but Kanae, who was already 17 years old, understood it after a slight start.

Although she was a little worried that the breathing method would be used to kill humans, she still agreed to help after a moment of hesitation.

"Being chosen by the gods and possessing such miraculous healing spells, Mr. Beichuan will definitely not be a bad person. Even if he uses the breathing method to kill people, there is definitely a reason for him!"

Kanae recalled the lingering warmth in her chest, and the gentle smile imprinted in her heart, and all her initial worries disappeared completely.

"It's a big deal, if Beichuan-kun really does something wrong in the future, I'll stop him again~" Kanae secretly thought.

(End of this chapter)

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