Zongman: Starting from adopting the homeless melon god

Chapter 122 Divine Soldier descends from heaven

Chapter 122 Divine Soldier descends from heaven

"Only couples and family members can take a mixed bath together?!"

"Ahh! I'm going to kill you~~~"


In the guest room, Bei Chuan You couldn't help smiling when he saw Irena chasing and killing Qian Shu all over the room with her face flushed and angry.

He said how could Irena come to soak in the hot spring with him so boldly all of a sudden, it turned out that she was fooled by Qian Shu.

But Irena is obviously not really angry, otherwise, how could she hit the thousand beams without using magic.

In fact, apart from being angry and shy, Irena is more happy and proud at the moment.

It's like a cat who stole a small dried fish.

Without Qian Shu's assist, the relationship between her and Bei Chuan Yu didn't know how long it would take to make a breakthrough.

"Okay, okay, it's getting late, let's go to rest~"

"That's right, even if you don't sleep, you can't disturb Shinobu and Kanae next door~"

"You don't have to worry about that. I have already applied a silence barrier to the room. The sound can only enter but not exit. They won't hear it."


Or the garden house.

Just as the few people were relaxing and fighting, Wu Mi's face was gloomy and frightening.

As the most powerful servant under him, he could feel the death of every Twelve Ghost Moon, so he had already noticed it the first time Lei was killed.

But compared to being tired, he cared more about the deaths of Futaro and Yuji.

Not long after Kitagawa Yu and the others killed Tiei, the group of four led by Beimingyu Xingming had already found Fallen Princess who was posing as an oiran in the Kyogoku house in Yoshiwara Flower Street.

These four guys are not very particular about people, they directly teamed up to launch a sneak attack, and immediately killed Luo Ji's first life and beheaded her.

Then Mrs. Taro, who had been lurking on Luo Ji's body, popped up. Before he could figure out what was going on, he raised his eyes and saw the four mourning Yu Xingming in the four corners of the house, and he was immediately stunned.

Obviously, the four of Beimingyu Xingming not only locked on the identity of Luo Ji, they even knew the secret of their twin ghosts.

Then Mrs. Taro was in a tragedy. Before he had time to take out the scythe he condensed with the blood ghost technique, he was instantly killed by the four-member corpse guard who didn't talk about martial arts, and he didn't give him a chance to resist at all.

Even if you die, you will be ridiculed by the opposite side.

"That's it? I thought how strong the first quarter moon was, but it turned out to be nothing more than that~"

Yumo Tianyuan put his hands in his pockets, looked up at his neck, and looked contemptuously at Futaro and Yuji, whose bodies were rapidly decomposing, and the two got up angrily and bit him to death.

And their deaths made Wu Mi, who was already annoyed because she couldn't find the person who cursed Naruto, suddenly felt furious.

Unlike the last quarter moon, which changes frequently, the ranking of the first quarter moon has not changed for more than 100 years.

Now that the person who cursed Naruto has not been found yet, another first-quarter moon died, which made him faintly feel that there seemed to be an invisible big net covering him, which made him feel very uneasy. The terrible feeling of the time when Ji Guoyuan chased and killed him.

"Perhaps. The Ghost Killing Team got the news from nowhere. First, they cursed Naruto so that she could not use the teleportation ability, and then subtracted the twelve ghost moons one by one to weaken the power in my hands. Finally, they concentrated their strength to deal with me"

Anyway, after living for more than 1000 years, Wu Mi quickly vaguely guessed the truth of the matter after putting away the arrogance of the same style as Jin Xishan.

"Then let's see who is the hunter and who is the prey!"

After thinking for a while, a cold light flashed in Wu Mi's eyes, and he immediately gave an order to Tong Mo and the others through telepathic voice transmission, so that they, who were searching for the person who cursed Naruko, rushed to Yoshiwara Flower Street as quickly as possible. Be sure to find the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Squad who killed Futaro and kill them all.

However, regarding these, whether it was the four of them who decided to stay in Yoshiwara Flower Street for the night because the sky was over, or Beichuan Yu, they were still at a loss.

Ten minutes later, the nearest half-day dog ​​arrived at Yoshiwara Flower Street first.

However, because of his natural timidity, he did not go deep alone to investigate whether the Beimingyu Xingming and the others who had killed J Futaro had left, but continued to wait for his companions, thus successfully escaping the catastrophe.

Otherwise, even if he entered Jiyuan Flower Street alone, even if he found the four people of Beimingyu Xingming, he would only be killed by the four people who knew all his abilities and details.

As a result, the four of Beimingyu Xingming also lost the opportunity to evacuate in advance.

A war is inevitable.

About half an hour later, Tongmo, Yuhu, and Yiwozuo, who were rushing all the way, also rushed over, joined Ban Tiangou outside the entrance, and then entered Yoshihara Flower Street together.

It's the same as the swordsmen of the ghost killing team who have reached a certain level of strength can detect the breath of ghosts after approaching a certain distance.

Powerful ghosts can also detect the extremely annoying smell emanating from swordsmen who have practiced breathing techniques.

In the anime, Fallen Hime used this to see through the identities of the three of Tanjiro.

Although Zhu's breath fluctuations are more subtle, making it difficult for Luo Ji to detect it at close range, but it cannot be hidden from the powerful Tong Mo, and Yiwozuo, who was a master of ancient martial arts before his death and has the ability to sense fighting energy.

"it's here!"

"I smell those swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Squad!"

It only took a moment for Yiwozuo and Tongmo to sense the positions of the four of them in Beimingyu Xingming.

At the same time, the four of Beimingyu Xingming also discovered the four Tongmo ghosts outside the hotel.

Four Pillars VS Four First Quarter Moon, the battle is about to start!
After a short period of suffocation, Tong Mo took the lead. With a wave of the fan in his hand, dozens of huge ice cones more than two meters long and the thickness of a bucket fell from the sky, covering the entire inn together with the Younv houses on both sides. in.


The four of Beimingyu Xingming felt the sound of breaking through the sky falling from the sky, and the icy chill emanating from the ice cone, and they couldn't help but look slightly gloomy.

They had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​avoiding, and used their sword skills to meet the ice cone one after another.

In terms of strength on paper alone, although Beimingyu Xingming can beat Tong Mo, the gap between the two sides is not very big before the markings are activated.

At least hundreds of confluences don't want to tell the winner.

Among the other three, Immortal Kawa Minami, who is the strongest, can't beat Yiwoza, and Ubi Tengen can only beat a prostitute Taro, let alone a half-ten dog opponent.

The remaining one, Yihei Xiaobanei, is also not Yuhu's opponent.

So on the whole, the first quarter moon side obviously has a big advantage.

Coupled with the fact that the Yoshihara Flower Street is too crowded at night, Tong Mo and the others can act recklessly and don't care about the lives of ordinary humans, but it's a pity that Mingyu Xingming and the others can't.

Especially Yu Mao Tianyuan and Beiming Yu Xingming, one of them needs to cooperate with explosives in their sword skills, and the other uses heavy weapons such as broadswords connected by iron chains and meteor hammers, their destructive power is amazing.

In this case, it is natural to fight with hands tied.

After a long time, the dog and the three ghosts made a move, and with just a few moves, the four of Beimingyu Xingming had already fallen into a disadvantage.

Considering that the stamina and recovery of ghosts far surpass that of humans, their ending is almost doomed.

"Let's go, I'll stop them!"

At the critical moment, Beiming Yu Xingming decided to sacrifice himself to stop the four ghosts of Tong Mo and create a chance for Yu Mao Tianyuan and the others to escape.

Yuhao Tianyuan and the others wanted to say something, but they gave up in the end.

Because they knew that Beimingyu Xingming's decision was correct, he was the only one with the strongest strength among the four, able to temporarily intercept the four ghosts of Tong Mo with one against four.

If it were the three of them, even if they stayed together, it would be very difficult for Beimingyu Xingming to get a chance to escape if they tried their best.


Undead Kawa Minya was the first to turn around and escape from here.

Because not only does he want to hunt ghosts to avenge his parents, he also has a young brother to take care of, he can't die!

Seeing this, Umo Tengen also sighed secretly, combined with his self-created breath of sound, threw out all the bombs he carried on his body at once, and then followed Undead Kawa Minami and fled backwards without looking back.

He has no blood feud with ghosts, but there are three beautiful wives waiting for him in his family.

Now only Beimingyu Xingming and Yihei Xiaobanei remained.

"Little Barney—!"

Beiming Yu Xingming's veins bulged all over his body, and he didn't hold back the broadsword and meteor hammer in his hands. Just the violent air flow caused by the crazy dancing forced the four ghosts of Tong Mo to retreat for the time being.

But such an outbreak obviously cannot last long.

Even Beimingyu Xingming's strong body, who also practiced the Buddhist body forging technique, had his skin cracked and blood spattered in just two breaths.

However, Ihei Xiaobane did not respond.

In the past, his escape killed all his relatives, even if those relatives were all bad guys down to the bone, death is not a pity, even if his relatives even wanted to sacrifice him to the snake ghost for the snake ghost to eat.

But it still became a demon in his heart.

So he will never abandon his companions and run away alone.


Beimingyu Xingming noticed his expression out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly couldn't help but swear, his heart was extremely complicated for a moment.

In the past, he was also betrayed and wronged by the child he was guarding, and was even sent to the execution ground because of this, so after that, except for Yoya Shiki, who saved him, he will hardly trust anyone anymore.

But now looking at Yihei Xiaobanei who is still stubbornly staying by his side, his heart that was originally sealed and petrified by a rock suddenly opened a crack, and a long-lost feeling made him unable to help but utter Laugh happily.

To be able to meet a companion who will never leave before he dies, his heart is already extremely satisfied.

On the other hand, Yihei Xiaobanei, although she will not abandon Beimingyu Xingming and escape alone, she has no intention of waiting to be killed.

"Kamisa, please bless us for successfully repelling these four winding ghosts—"

Yihei Xiaobanei let go of all the distracting thoughts in her head, and prayed wholeheartedly.

In fact, in the ghost killing team, there are still quite a few people who can reach the standard of spiritual purity set by the system. The reason why Beichuan Yu didn't receive many prayers yesterday is that most of them don't believe in gods so much in their hearts. , just praying sincerely.

So from a certain point of view, Ihei Xiaobane is still very lucky.

Because the prayer last night was successful, he has established contact with Beichuan Yu, and now even if Beichuan Yu is not by his side, he can still receive his prayers.

"Huh? Defeat the four winding ghosts?!"

Bei Chuanyu, who was already lying under the covers, was startled by the sudden system notification sound, and hurriedly lifted the covers and sat up.

"This wish comes from Ihei Xiaobanei? What's the situation? How did they meet four wind ghosts?!"

Bei Chuanyou couldn't help frowning, with a look of surprise on his face, the lineup of four winding ghosts is not easy to deal with.

"What's the matter, Yuu, what's the matter?" Irena, who was sleeping next to him and had been peeking at him, immediately sat up and asked concerned.

"Ihei-chan and the others are in trouble. How many arrows do you have?"

"20 sticks."

"That should be enough to divide them into two groups, and wait for the teleportation to come directly to the first wave."

"it is good!"

"Open the shield first."

"I know~"

With a wave of the magic wand in Irena's hand, the pink nightdress on her body was instantly replaced by the witch's costume she usually wears. Then she applied a full three layers of magic shield to herself, and activated the defense engraved on the clothes Magic, directly pulled the defense to the highest level, then summoned a magic broom and rode on it.

On Beichuan Yu's side, he has already picked up the Sun Wheel Knife that was put aside, and he is wrapped in golden lightning, completing the power storage of the thunderbolt flash.

"Be careful!" Qian Shu also stood up at some point, exhorting with some worry.

She also knew that she was not strong enough to go and would only be a hindrance, so she didn't ask to go with her.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen, I have saved a lot of power of wish just in case~"

Kitagawa Yuu said to her with a smile, then took Irena's hand and started the teleportation.

In the next second, the environment in front of them suddenly changed. Huge ice cones, violent tornadoes, and countless grotesque aquatic creatures smashed towards them overwhelmingly.


Beichuan Yu almost couldn't hold back his foul language.

Instinctively moving sideways one step to block Irena's body, the thunderbolt in his hand turned into a rice soul with a flash of lightning, and the lightning five sabers directly smashed all the incoming attacks with the golden saber light.

Only then did he have time to observe the battlefield.

"Sorrowful Islet Xingming is covered in blood and Yihei Xiaoba is full of scars. Yuma Tianyuan and Immortal Chuan Mimi are nowhere to be found. On the opposite side are Tongmo, Bantiangou, Yiwozuo, and Yuhu. good"

Seeing that Hei Si Mou was not there, Bei Chuan You couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

At the same time, Irena couldn't help feeling sweet when she saw Bei Chuan Yu who was guarding in front of her, and then with a wave of her magic wand, ten ice arrows appeared directly above Tong Mo and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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