Chapter 125 Can Fly?

Goodness is like water.

Water is good for all things without fighting, so it is more than Tao.Husband only does not fight, so there is no preference.

A circle of soft water-blue sword energy spread out centered on Yoshiyuki Tomioka, protecting Purgatory Kyojuro and others in it.

Heishimu's extremely sharp crescent-shaped sword energy was like sparks colliding with the calm lake surface, and only made circles of ripples, which were extinguished by the lake water in an instant.

"Huh? Are you trying to break through? This sword technique is very powerful—"

After seeing this scene, Hei Si Mou also raised his eyebrows in surprise, and he praised Tomioka Yoshiyuki's self-created one-up model, Nagi.

After all, in the decisive battle of the original plot, Tomioka Yoshiyuki relied on this trick to take over Yiwoza's destructive killing and chaos style, which had increased in realm and strength after the battle with Purgatory Kyojuro, as well as the miserable whip attack.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the strongest defensive move among all breathing methods.

"But that's not enough!"

Hei Si Mou finally drew his sword this time.

Xu Kushen went out of the sheath slowly and quickly, instantly increasing the oppressive force on Hei Si Mou's body several times, making Purgatory Xing Shou Lang and the others with extraordinary strength feel extremely palpitating and out of breath.

Breath of the Moon · Land Shape · Evernight Lonely Moon · Infinite!
Heishimou drew out his sword, and countless vertical half-moon-shaped sword qi slashed towards Tomioka Yoshiyong and the other four. Only the aftermath of the sword qi left deep ravines on the ground.

For a moment, the entire courtyard seemed to be roughly plowed by an invisible monster with sharp claws. It was the first time for the Tanjiro family hiding in the corner to see such a terrifying power. His face was pale and he was trembling with fright.

Yoshiyuki Tomioka's face was serious, and he hurriedly displayed the newly realized shape of Nagi again, and the calm water-blue lake unfolded again.

However, even the most defensive sword skill among all breathing methods still has a limit.

If he had turned on his stripes, he would have been able to take this blow from Heishimou, but obviously he couldn't now.

The sharp half-moon-shaped saber auras were like sea mines, splashing water on the calm lake surface. Even if the three of Purgatory Xingjulang also used their sword skills to resist with all their strength, they still couldn't completely block these terrifying attacks The knife qi, the body was scratched by the knife qi, but in the blink of an eye one by one was already dripping with blood and seriously injured.

This made Yoya Yashiki, who was not far away, couldn't help showing a heavy and sad look on his face.

The strength gap between the two sides is really too big.

Even if he has never practiced breathing techniques, he can tell that this kind of slash is unnecessary, just one or two more Tomioka Giyuu and the four of them will die, or even the entire army will be wiped out.

This made him couldn't help but pray silently in his heart, praying that Beichuan Yu could come quickly.

"Huh? Have a wish again? From Yuya Shiki Yoya, this is really a surprise."

On the other hand, Kitagawa Yu, who was fully armed and ready to set off with Irena after receiving the prayer from Ubayashiki Amane, once again received the prayer from Ubayashiki Yoya, and at the same time was a little dumbfounded, but also aware of the danger of the situation.

"The opponent this time is Hei Si Mou. One person is stronger than the four of Tong Mo that day combined. After teleporting there, you will immediately go into the air, at least to a height of more than [-] meters."

"I see."

Irena agreed very earnestly, and she was not negligent in the slightest because of her easy victory last time.

With a thought, Kitagawa Yu chose Umanyashiki Amane as the target, and teleported there with Irena.

At the same time, Hei Si Mou's third move has also been made, and the huge saber energy from the eight-shaped Moon Dragon Wheel Tail is like a giant ax that splits the world, and it cuts towards Tomioka Yoshiyuki and the others.

This blow was far superior to the previous two blows in terms of power and speed, and it stands to reason that it is almost impossible for the four injured people to dodge it.

But just at this moment, in Hei Si Mou's already developed perception, two auras that were so powerful that he was shocked suddenly appeared out of thin air, and they were only more than 40 meters away from here.

This momentary mental shock immediately caused a flaw in his originally perfect moves that shouldn't have appeared.

The breath of flame · the shape of the flames · the winding of the flames!

Breath of the Wind · Wu ZhiType · Cold Autumn Mountain Breeze!

The breath of sound, the shape of four, and the endless chopping!
The three of Purgatory Kyojuro hurriedly put out all their strength and used their sword skills to cooperate with Tomioka Yoshiyuki Nagi, resisting and dodging at the same time.

But even so, they barely survived after paying an extremely heavy price.

A huge bloody wound appeared on Tomioka Yoshiyuki, who stood at the front and resisted the most injuries, and he flew upside down, life and death unknown.

Followed by Purgatory Xing Shoulang, his right arm was directly cut off by the sword energy. Although his life was safe, he could no longer pick up the sword.

The remaining Umo Tengen and Undead Kawa Minya stood a little farther away, and the situation was better, but the tiger's mouth also burst, and the scattered aftermath of sword energy was like the flying shrapnel after the grenade exploded, drawing small lines on their bodies. The wound directly turned them into two blood men.

Obviously, Yoya Ubuyashiki's estimation is still too optimistic.

With just three moves, Hei Si Mou easily defeated the combination of the four pillars, leaving the opponent waiting to be killed.

Fortunately, at this moment, Hei Si Mou's attention had already been attracted by Bei Chuan Yu and Irena who had been teleported over.

"Extraordinary power, is this person a cursed curser?"

Hei Si Mou immediately noticed the fluctuation of magic power on Irena's body, and this power that he had never seen before immediately made him guess.

But before he could decide whether to let Tomioka Giyuu go, and go directly to Kitagawa Yu and Irena, his six eyes showed a look of consternation.

Because in his perception, Irena's aura actually flew towards the sky quickly, and... had no intention of coming down at all!

"This conjurer can curse and teleport, but he can fly?!"

As we all know, teleportation and flight are two different things.

Among the ghosts he knew, only Ban Tiangou's Kongxi avatar had the ability to fly, and even though he was more than ten times stronger than Ban Tiangou, he could still only fight on the ground.

It is also quite unfavorable if you are facing an enemy that can fly.

Hei Si Mou was just arrogant but not conceited. After realizing that something was wrong, he immediately gave up the last attack on Tomioka Yoshiyong and rushed over at the fastest speed, trying to prevent Irena from taking off.

The distance between the two sides is only more than 40 meters. Even with the building barrier, it only takes more than a second at the speed of Hei Simou.

In fact, when there were still about 20 meters left in the distance, Hei Si Mou had already made his move.

This time, he started with Moon's Breath's shape of picking up evil, vicious change, and full moon. With overlapping swirl-shaped slashes, he turned into a huge tornado of saber energy, and he was about to slash towards Irena.

However, at this moment, an unprecedentedly intense crisis was like a steel needle piercing his heart, causing his pupils to shrink uncontrollably, and an alarm bell rang out in his heart.

Before he had time to think about it, Heishimu instinctively changed the direction of the saber aura, turned around and swept across, the huge saber aura tornado was like a giant's arm, and directly tore all the buildings along the way to pieces.

But Hei Si Mou didn't relax, instead his face became more serious.

Because he knew that the opponent who brought him death pressure was not hit by his move, and the golden light remaining in his vision also made him aware of the breathing method used by the opponent.

"Thunder Breath?"

"Damn it!"

"How could a human being be able to practice Thunder Breathing to this level?!"

"Is that person a monster?!"

As the brother of Ji Guoyuanyi, the founder of the breathing method, and also the strongest swordsman hundreds of years after the death of Ji Guoyuanyi, he naturally knows other breathing methods very well.

Although the breath of thunder has the fastest speed and the strongest explosive power among all breathing methods, it also depends on who uses it.

Anyway, he has seen countless Naruto in the past few hundred years, and no one has ever possessed such amazing speed.

However, Breath of Thunder also has its weaknesses.

That is to only attack but not defend, without any defensive sword skills.

and so--


Hei Si Mou, who raised his perception to the limit, sensed the sudden sharp pain from the back of his neck, and the fact that his neck was cut to one-third in the blink of an eye, and immediately activated the long-planned Wu Zhi-moon Soul disaster vortex.

This move can be launched directly without swinging a knife. Although its lethality is not the strongest, it is the fastest move in Breath of the Moon, and the area covered by the countless lunar saber energy released centered on itself is also large. Extremely large, as long as he uses his neck muscles to get out of Beichuan Yu's Japanese knife for a moment, he can take the opportunity to seriously injure Beichuan Yu, and even kill him directly.

It has to be said that Hei Si Mou's calculations are really good.

It's just that he misjudged one thing, that is, Beichuan Yuke is not an orthodox swordsman, and the knife is stuck?Then it’s okay to abandon the knife~
With a flash of golden light, Bei Chuan Yu had already escaped from the attack range of the Moon Soul Calamity Vortex. By the way, he went to the place where Xing Shou Lang's severed arm fell, and picked up his solar saber.


This operation directly dumbfounded Heishi Mouxiu.

As a swordsman, he actually dropped his sword?Is this plausible? !

On Beichuan Yu's side, his expression became more and more relaxed, and even a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, because Irena had already taken advantage of this time to rise to a height of more than 50 meters. It's her time.

"Come again!"

Bei Chuan You looked at Hei Si Mou.

The gazes of the two sides met in mid-air, as if violent sparks had collided.

In the next second, the sun wheel knife of Gojirou Kuwashima stuck in the back of Heishimu's neck was ejected directly by the self-healing muscles.

Both sides attack again at the same time.

The breath of the moon · the shape of the two · the moon with pearls!
Breath of Thunder · Wu ZhiType · Heat World Thunder!

This time, Hei Si Mou didn't use his big move as soon as he came up. Although the power of the big move was stronger, it was inevitably slower.

The opponent is Yu Beichuan who is practicing the breath of thunder, and if he is a little slower, he will be at an absolute disadvantage.

Therefore, Hei Si Mou chose to strike first with a large-scale slash that was not very powerful, but extremely fast.

And Bei Chuanyu had seen Heishimu's defensive power, and he was afraid of his Moon Soul Calamity Vortex move, so he also gave up using Thunderbolt Flash for melee attack, and chose the safest long-range slash.

The golden lightning collided with Senhan's moon, but the golden lightning gained the upper hand.

And when Hei Si Mou was about to take on Evil Mirror Yueying and Yuelong Lunwei as a follow-up combo, Beichuan Yu would decisively dodge the attack with a thunderbolt.

So when Bei Chuan You didn't want to go all out, there was really nothing he could do about Heishi Mou Na, and the two sides ended up in a stalemate.

"What does this guy want to do? The endurance of human beings is far inferior to that of ghosts, and he still uses the breath of thunder that consumes the most and is the most burdensome to the body—" Hei Si Mou was very puzzled.

But then he suddenly thought of Irena, and immediately raised his head and glanced upwards between shots.

Irena took advantage of the opportunity of the fight between the two sides to rise to a height of [-] meters and stopped. With a wave of her magic wand, a huge bronze mirror with a diameter of two meters and an extremely radiant surface appeared beside her out of thin air. forward.

This made Heishimou suddenly feel an extremely bad sense of crisis.

"What does she want—"

The idea had just popped up, and the answer was already presented in front of his eyes.

"Solar Disc!"

With a touch of Irena's wand, the copper mirror instantly emitted a dazzling white light, turning the area hundreds of meters around into daylight.

The sudden severe pain immediately caused Heishan Mou to groan uncontrollably, and his body disintegrated rapidly under the burning of the sun, and black smoke rose all over his body.


Now Hei Si Mou finally knew why Bei Chuan Yu was delaying with him even though his physical strength was not as good as his.

Even with Wu Mi's recovery ability, he couldn't withstand the burning of the sun, let alone him.

Seeing that the bronze mirror that released the sunlight could not be smashed, Hei Si Mou immediately chose to retreat.Naturally, Kitagawa Yuu and Irena would not just let him go.

While riding a magic broom and manipulating the bronze mirror, Irena shot out spells one after another, such as slowness, gravity, and imprisonment, all of which were aimed at Heishimu.

At the same time, Bei Chuan You also launched a flash of thunder, and circled behind Hei Si Mou again.

However, just like Hei Si Mou didn't know Irena's information and was calculated, Beichuan Yu and Irena also didn't know that Wu Mi had already decided to commit suicide in pain, driving Hei Si Mou to a dead end.

Faced with the dilemma that escaping is death, and not escaping is also death, Hei Si Mou chooses to die like a swordsman.

At the same time that Bei Chuan Yu, who was behind him, was about to slash with his knife, Heishi Mou also stabbed the Xu Crying God in his hand into his body.

In the next instant, countless sharp blades stabbed out from Heiseimu's body, piercing all around at a speed faster than bullets.

At the same time, every sharp blade was releasing slashes towards the surroundings, and the overwhelming moon blades centered on him, instantly covering everything within a radius of 50 meters.

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(End of this chapter)

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