Zongman: Starting from adopting the homeless melon god

Chapter 129 Little Love!It's all on you!

Chapter 129 Little Love!It's all on you! (seeking subscription)

Of course, Kitagawa Yu has no problem writing a song for Ai Hoshino. In fact, he has already prepared the next song for Ai Hoshino.

And the previous "Ready" and "Best live! Collection" is different from the team song, this time he prepared a solo single for Xiao Ai.

It is the opening song "Idol" sung by YOASOBI in the anime.

This song could have been written specifically for Xiao Ai, and it was enough to rank in the top three in the ACG music of the year, only Ba Ye's Kick Back can match.

It is worth mentioning that there are many singers and groups who have become famous with one song, but it is too rare for them to be able to continue to produce high production like YOASOBI and Baye, and almost all of them are high-quality goods.

Even rarer when considering the time YOASOBI became famous.

Although ado, a neon phenomenon-level female singer at the same time as YOASOBI, is also very powerful, but the voice and style of music are too European and American, and the song is very popular, but he really couldn't appreciate it at the beginning, and naturally he can't carry it now .

So it really can't be blamed that he is always teasing YOASOBI.

Ayako at the side glanced quickly over the faces of the two, and a thoughtful look flashed in her eyes.

She didn't know why Kitagawa Yu loved Xiao Ai so much, but she would not lose to anyone except Yukiko.

During the interval between rehearsals in the afternoon, Ayako ran over alone and found Yu Beichuan.

"Senior, this is the coffee that Sister Mingli helped bring."

"Thank you."

Beichuan Yu took the steaming coffee from Ayako's hand, took a sip, and still had the familiar taste of doubled milk and sugar.

This made him, who already knew the reason, couldn't help but smile in his heart.

"Is the senior very optimistic about Xiao Ai?"

"Well, even if some subjective emotional factors are excluded, Xiao Ai should be the top in the idol circle in terms of appearance, temperament, singing and dancing, but her 'acting skills' are still a little bit poor, very It’s easy to be seen as too fake. If you get rid of this shortcoming and have one or two good works, you should be able to soar into the sky soon.”

Kitagawa Yu didn't know Ayako's real purpose, so he had to tell the truth.

"Then I want to sign her into our company, senior, do you think it's okay?"

Ayako quickly explained: "The size of Raspberry Production is too small, and the president has no background at all. I think under such circumstances, Xiao Ai's sudden popularity with the help of her senior's song may not be a good idea for her." What a good thing."

Beichuan Yu was stunned, looking at Ayako who was a little cautious, as if she was afraid of being misunderstood, she couldn't help laughing, but in fact, he had thought of this a long time ago.

"I think it's a good idea, but President Saito may not let go of Xiao Ai, the cash cow."

"Leave this to me, as long as the senior agrees." Ayako said with a sigh of relief, smiling.

"Then Yuna's music business contract should also be signed to the company." Beichuan Yu thought for a while and said.

Ayako's eyes lit up immediately, and she immediately agreed happily.

She wanted to sign Xiao Ai, of course she didn't want to use the company's superior-subordinate relationship to suppress Xiao Ai, on the contrary, she would take care of Xiao Ai very carefully and help her develop.

This will not only gain Beichuan Yu's favor, but also make Xiao Ai feel grateful to her.

As for her, the most she can do is arrange more job opportunities for Xiao Ai.

She believed that even if this carefulness was exposed later, Beichuan Yu would not be angry.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Yuna's three songs were finally recorded.This time, not only Ayako and Ai, but Anri Sada and B Komachi also came.

Then, after listening to the final effect of the three songs, Beichuan Yu unexpectedly received the admiration of everyone again.

Even with his thick skin now, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Senior, should you upload all three songs now?"

"Well, upload them all."

"Then I'll use our band's account to send a referral link."

Normally, songs are released one by one. It is rare that all three songs are released at one time. After all, this is not an album.

However, the three songs he wrote for Yuna were mainly to allow Yuna to get some income as soon as possible, so as to relieve her pressure on money. He didn't plan to do any marketing at all, so naturally he didn't pay much attention to it.

In fact, Yuna didn't even have a picture of herself on the homepage of the account that Yuna had registered in advance. The avatars were all hand-painted by herself, a Q version of her and Beichuan Yu.

Moreover, Ayako and her band have nearly [-] followers on paid music platforms. With her help in recommending them, plus the quality of these three songs, the effect will definitely not be bad.

"Recommend Teacher Beichuan's new work, it's really super super super good!!!"

Maybe it was because Ayako and the others just released a new song last night, and it was a masterpiece like "Running to the Night". In addition, it happened to be Saturday again, and the interactive area of ​​their band's homepage was quite active.

So the drainage effect of this recommendation is much better than Bei Chuanyu expected.

Kitagawa Yucai had just returned to the coffee shop by car with Ayako and Yuna, and before he could get out of the car, Yuna's mobile phone had already received three songs from the app that had entered the top 30 of the single-day sales chart notify.

That's right, three songs, not one of them.

Bei Chuan You looked over curiously, and in less than an hour, "Love Cycle" with the highest number of paid downloads has already been downloaded over [-] times!
"Tsk tsk, should it be said that it is indeed one of the most famous masterpieces in the previous life?"

After seeing this number, Yu Beichuan couldn't help but click his tongue secretly. As for the other two songs, the paid downloads also reached 9100+ and 9800+ respectively.

That is to say, even if the commission from the platform and Yu Kitagawa's share as a songwriter and composer are removed, Yuna only took an hour to get a pre-tax income of 75 yen.

This made her mouth become O-shaped in shock, and she stared blankly from the numbers that were still beating on the screen of the mobile phone for a while before she came back to her senses. She suddenly raised her head and looked at Yu Beichuan. The love is flowing like a tide, if it wasn't for Ayako who was still here, I'm afraid she would have thrown herself directly into Beichuan You's arms.

"Yu, thank you!"

"It's not all due to me, otherwise I can't let me sing three songs by myself? I'm afraid the audience will spit it out~"


Ayako and Yuna couldn't help imagining Kitagawa Yu singing the love cycle with his own voice, and then couldn't help laughing out loud.

On the other side, Xiao Ai, who had already been incorporated along with the company, was also eating a bento for dinner with her teammates, while taking out her mobile phone to check the sales data of the three songs.

Then the guy turned his head abruptly, and rushed the rice grains in his mouth two or three meters away.


"What's wrong with you, little love?"

"Ahem. I'm sorry, sorry, I just looked at the downloads of the three new songs by Senior Yuna just now." Xiao Ai explained quickly while coughing.

"Eh? Yuna-senpai's three new songs have a lot of downloads?"

"Let me see--"

"Wait a minute, everyone, swallow what's in your mouth first, and get ready!" Xiao Ai said hastily.

"So exaggerated?"

The three of Nino looked at each other, and couldn't help becoming more curious.

But when they thought of Xiao Ai's appearance just now, they still followed what she said first, and then moved to the screen of the phone curiously.

Next. It's the moment to witness the beautiful girl choking on the saliva.

"Cough cough cough-"

"More than [-] downloads? This is less than an hour? This is too exaggerated!"

"Wait a minute, look, the number one in the daily paid download list seems to be running towards the night!"

"Really, let me see—"

That's right, Ayako's story about running to the night last night had reached the top of the single-day sales list with sales of 12+ in 41000 hours as early as noon today. No.97000 fully pulled nearly 2.

Also relying on the song Running to the Night, Ayako and the others had only 91000+ fans before they released the song last night, and they have already risen to 99000+, and they will definitely break [-] today.


"The song written by Mr. Beichuan is really amazing!"

Although Ayako's voice and singing skills are good, but in the eyes of them who have been in the circle for nearly three years and can barely be regarded as professionals, they are actually just ordinary.

Not to mention Yuna's.

So they knew very well that the popularity of Ayako and Yuna's songs was entirely due to the quality of the songs themselves.

"Look at the comments—"

The four got together and came to the interactive area curiously to read the comments.

After a while, I admire Beichuan Yu even more.

"My God, out of the more than 1000 comments, two-thirds are compliments like 'kawaii', 'the voice is so sweet', 'the song is beautiful', and the rest are just curious about Yuna's senior identity , and to praise Teacher Beichuan, this is too exaggerated!"

Considering that nearly half of the comments on their previous songs were comments such as 'average', 'ugly', and 'nothing special', the gap is even more obvious.

Suddenly, Nino seemed to think of something, raised his head suddenly, and looked at Xiao Ai with burning eyes.

"Hey! Little love!"

"What, what?"

"Ms. Beichuan seems to like you very much, right?"

The eyes of the others lit up when they heard the words, and they all looked at Xiao Ai in unison.

"This... I don't know either." Xiao Ai avoided their gaze with a little guilt, and whispered, her expression was not disguised this time.

"Then we don't care, in short, whether we can become super popular idols, enter the Budokan, it all depends on you!"

"That's right, little love, you have to work hard!"

"We must capture Teacher Beichuan's heart! Let him write us a few more such good songs!"

"." Xiao Ai laughed helplessly.

If it was the past, she might have agreed with a smile. After all, they were born in a small company, and they used to curry favor with those composers and producers.

But this time, when she thought of Ayako and Yuna, she who was always full of confidence became a little unconfident.

"Yu-senpai is so handsome and talented, there must be many girls who like him. Didn't you see that Ayako-senpai and Yuna-senpai also like Yu-senpai?"

"So what, Xiao Ai, you don't have to be inferior to them!"

"That's right, I can tell that Teacher Beichuan really likes you~"

"And even if Mr. Beichuan has other girlfriends, it doesn't matter. Anyway, if it were me, it would be fine to just be a lover. After all, Mr. Beichuan is so good. We have met so many musicians and producers, and none of them can match him. Than."

"Okay, don't talk, let's eat quickly~~~~"

With a blushing face, Xiao Ai hurriedly lowered her head like an ostrich, and continued to eat the bento on the table.

"Actually, Nino and the others are right. Senior is so good, he is better than all the boys I have ever seen. Even if he is liked and pursued by many girls, it is normal for him to even have many girlfriends."

"And there is such an outstanding young lady as Ayako-san among them."

"If Senior really likes me."

The more Xiao Ai thought about it, the more shy she became, her heartbeat became flustered uncontrollably, and her cheeks became hot.

On the other hand, Kitagawa Yu, in order to celebrate Yuna's three songs achieved an unexpected good result, and also hasn't eaten Chinese food for a long time, so he cooks and adds a few dishes himself.

Although they are just ordinary home-cooked dishes such as shredded pork with green peppers, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and shredded hot and sour potatoes, it also turned Irena and Qianshu, who had never eaten it, into little hamsters with puffy cheeks.

Even Yuna, who was still a little reserved, couldn't stop eating.

As a carnivore, Bei Chuan Yu contracted more than half of the shredded pork with green peppers by himself, and even ate two more bowls of rice than usual.

However, while eating, he also noticed that Ayumi, who is usually the most active in eating, became absent-minded after receiving a text message in the middle, and always looked up at him from time to time, showing a tangle of hesitation and hesitation It looks like he obviously has something to say to him.

"Leave the job of washing the dishes to me and Bu Meihao."

Others actually noticed Ayumi's abnormal expression, so they naturally cooperated very well.

After a while, Kitagawa Yuu and Ayumi walked into the kitchen with their bowls and chopsticks.

"Okay, what can I say now~"

Beichuan Yu asked while putting the bowls and chopsticks into the sink.

After struggling for a while, Ayumi still lowered her head, and confessed in a low voice: "That. I just received a text message from my mother. She also heard from the neighbors in the neighborhood that it was Jiandao. Classmate, he didn't know what happened last night. It's over, I really wanted to be unconscious, and was sent to the hospital overnight, I heard that I still haven't woken up, so...so."

Generally speaking, if the current boyfriend knows that his girlfriend still cares about his ex-boyfriend, and even wants to visit his sick ex-boyfriend, he will definitely be angry, right?
Ayumi looked at Kitagawa Yu timidly, paying attention to his reaction.

Seeing that he frowned as if he was angry, he suddenly looked like a child who did something wrong, and said anxiously: "Yu, don't be angry, I won't go, really."


Bei Chuan You was startled, and couldn't help laughing inwardly.

After all, Ayumi and Koji Majima have been "childhood sweethearts" for so many years, so he wouldn't be angry because Ayumi wanted to visit Koji Majima who was sick.

He just thought of the Bodhidharma monster that appeared last night, and the curse that had been planted.

Coupled with the inexplicable coma, it sounds like there is something wrong with the brain or soul, so he always feels that the Bodhidharma monster is related to Koji Jianjima.

"Well, you can go if you want."

"No, no, I really won't go, Yuu, don't be angry, okay?"


Seeing Ayumi tightly hugging his arm, looking like she was about to cry, Kitagawa Yuu couldn't laugh or cry while being moved.

"I'm really not angry," Beichuan Yu pulled out his arm, directly embraced her slender waist, pulled her into his arms, and at the same time stretched out his fingers and flicked her forehead vigorously.

"After all, that's your childhood sweetheart~"


"But if you want to go, I will go with you."


Ayumi clutched her forehead and stared blankly at Kitagawa Yu, not only did she not feel dissatisfied at all, but she was so happy that she was about to go stupid.

"Yuyou, does he care about me?"

Ayumi, who came back to her senses, didn't care whether anyone would come in and see her, she couldn't help wrapping her arms around Kitagawa Yuu's neck, and pressed her body tightly into his arms, as if she wanted to fully integrate into his body.

Her pink lips, full of her love, clumsily imprinted on his lips.

 Please recommend, ask for a monthly ticket~~~!

(End of this chapter)

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