Chapter 142
As soon as these words came out, the old people who were just surprised and watching the excitement all frowned, with displeased expressions on their faces.

Even Tendo Yui, who was a little guilty at first, was the same.

"Of course!" You Xizi agreed without waiting for others to speak.

"If Yuu can really do it, it means that your strength has surpassed most members of the Kendo Club, so if you can't join the Kendo Club, wouldn't those old people who are not as strong as you have the shame to stay in the club? "

Many people blushed instantly after hearing this, but there was nothing wrong with what Youxizi said, and they couldn't find any reason to refute it.

Even though kendo has now degenerated into a competitive event and is no longer a life-and-death fight, it still follows the rule that the strong are respected.

"Then I'll challenge this senior and Ito-senpai! Ito-senpai, are you okay?"


Tomoaki Ito, who was in the crowd, faced everyone's astonishing gazes, but he himself was also stunned. The development and changes were too fast, which caught him off guard.

more importantly:
"How dare this guy?!"

"Tendou Yui is the second best swordsman in the kendo club after Yukiko! A bamboo knife once defeated more than 20 members of the Yakuza with real swords and iron bars without any injuries!"

"Plus me—although I can't compare to Tiantong Yuyi, but I have also easily persisted for 3 minutes under Tiantong Yuyi's master!"

"Where did this guy have the courage to challenge the two of us at the same time, and he said he won in ten seconds?!"

"Is he crazy!"

After the shock, Tomoaki Ito burst into anger instantly, his face flushed redder than everyone else combined.

Beichuan Yu was undoubtedly humiliating him!Chi Guoguo's humiliation!
He knew that Beichuan Yu must have some strength to propose such a proposal, but he had to agree, otherwise he would be ashamed to stay in the Kendo Department any longer.

And if he wants to teach Beichuan Yu a lesson, he can only seize the present opportunity.

With the strength of the Asuka family, crushing him to death would not be much more difficult than crushing an ant. As long as Ayako still liked Beichuan Yu for a day, he would have no way to revenge Beichuan Yu in private.

"Okay! I accept your challenge!"

Ten minutes later, Kitagawa Yu changed into a kendo uniform at the instigation of Yukiko.

The delicate and straight facial features are a little more arrogant and uninhibited under the background of the kendo uniform, which makes the girls in the kendo club who think he is too arrogant and arrogant, almost run away with the facial features.

As expected, the boys were even more upset with him, especially after seeing Beichuan Yu's layman-like holding knife posture, they all sneered.

"At this level, you dare to clamor to defeat Tendo and Ito in a one-on-one match? It's beyond self-control!"

"Tiantong! Show your true strength! Don't let the water go!"

"Ito is the same. If you can't solve the battle within ten seconds against this kind of layman, you will be too embarrassing for our Kendo Department!"


In fact, let alone these people, even Yukiko had a look of doubt in her big eyes when she saw Beichuan Yu's posture of holding the knife.

Because Kitagawa Yuu's posture of holding the knife is really unprofessional.

However, this is actually quite normal. The total time Bei Chuan Yu spent on learning kendo was only one week.

Although relying on a strong physique, as well as experience and skills in karate about exerting strength, he has successfully mastered the four types of Thunderbolt, Daohun, Hot World Thunder, and Dianhong Leihong, and he is still on the basis of Thunderbolt. On the road, one step ahead of my wife Shanyi, he created Thunderbolt One Flash Eight Company.

But his basic skills are still at the level of a novice or even a layman.

He himself didn't care about it, and neither did Kujima Gojiro, the master.Because the breath of thunder pays attention to killing with one hit.

Take out the knife, kill the enemy, and withdraw the knife, just these three steps.

If a swordsman who practiced Breath of Thunder fails to achieve a one-hit kill after his sword is drawn, and is dragged into a normal swordsmanship competition by his opponent, he has basically lost.

After all, the endurance of ghosts is dozens of times stronger than that of humans.

It's like the Purgatory Xingshourou in the anime, who can only be consumed to death by Yi Wozao relying on his amazing endurance and resilience when he can't make a quick fight.

Therefore, ordinary basic skills such as slashing and blocking are of little use to swordsmen who practice the breath of thunder, let alone completely useless.

Of course, because of his cultivation in the flash of a thunderbolt, his Juhe posture is still very beautiful.

It's a pity that he has a bamboo knife in his hand now, without a scabbard, so naturally he can't use Iai Zhan.

Facing the cynicism and sarcasm of the crowd, Beichuan You ignored them all indifferently, and even had time to introduce the Breath of Thunder to Yukiko next to him.

"The swordsmanship I'm learning is called Breath of Thunder. It's a genre that pays great attention to explosive power. It has high requirements on physical fitness, especially leg strength, so it may not be suitable for senior sister. But I have two other swordsmen here. Both schools of swordsmanship should be suitable for girls to cultivate, and you can see which one you like or suits better next time, senior."

After finishing speaking, Kitagawa Yu looked at Tendo Yui and Ito Tomoaki on the opposite side, and said lightly: "Are you ready? Wait, don't lose too quickly and say you are not ready, and you have to compete again."

Kitagawa Yu was just stating a fact.

Even if he couldn't use Thunderbolt, and didn't even dare to use his full strength, he really didn't have any difficulty in defeating the two people in front of him.

But these words were undoubtedly harsh to the ears of Tomoaki Ito and the melon-eating crowd around him, and everyone took it as a provocation.

Even Tiantong Youyi, who had been cold and expressionless, couldn't help frowning, and a look of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes.

"This guy is too arrogant!"

On the other hand, Yuxiko seemed to have noticed something, and the doubt in her eyes quickly receded.

"Is this murderous?"

"By the way, I heard from Xiaobai that he seemed to have killed a lot of monsters last night."

"With such a fierce aura, it is so good to hide the sharpness before making a move. Breath of Thunder is really powerful!"

Thinking that she would soon be able to learn such a powerful swordsmanship, even with her temperament, she couldn't help showing a look of excitement and anticipation.

As for the other half, Tiantong Youyi Mingming was the opponent, but he didn't realize how powerful Beichuan Yu was at all. From this, we can also see the gap between her and Yukiko.

Although she is the second best swordsman after Yukiko in the kendo department, and she can reach the semi-finals or even the finals in the national competition, she is still only a high school student, and she is far behind those real masters of swordsmanship. .

It wasn't until Yuxiko, who was the referee, raised the small flag in her hand and started the ten-second countdown, that Yuu Beichuan's figure that looked a little "loose" suddenly paused, that she suddenly realized something was wrong.

Unfortunately it was too late.

Although Bei Chuan Yu concealed the grudge in the form of golden lightning, and used less than 5% of the power, but under the blessing of Thunderbolt Flash and Dao Hun's skills, it was still so fast that she couldn't react at all.

In just a blink of an eye, Beichuan Yu had already crossed the four-meter distance between the two sides as if she had shrunk the ground, and the bamboo knife in her hand almost disappeared from her sight.

Immediately afterwards, she felt a sharp pain in her ribs, and with anger and a sneer on her face, she staggered to the side with Tomoaki Ito, who was like a wooden stake.

At this time, Kitagawa Yu had passed between her and Tomoaki Ito, with the bamboo knife in his hand pointing obliquely at the ground, looking so relaxed and unrestrained.


The air in the entire activity room seemed to be frozen instantly.

Everyone who was expecting Kitagawa Yu to be beaten by Tendo Yui and Ito Tomoaki all had their necks back, their eyes wide open, and they couldn't help but gasp.

"My God! Did you see what he did?!"

"Not at all. He just went too fast!"

"Damn it! It doesn't matter if the sword is fast, how can his 'shrinking ground' be so fast! I just watched the video of the battle between Master Chiba of the Beichen Yidao style and Master Okita of the natural Lixin style on the Internet yesterday. You must know that these two schools are very powerful, but why do I feel that the guy in front of me is faster than those two masters?!"

When they came back to their senses, many people couldn't help but swear, in order to vent their shock.

Especially seeing Ito Chiaki curled up on the ground clutching his ribs after more than ten seconds, unable to stand up.

This let them know that apart from the extremely fast speed of Beichuan Yu's blow just now, the strength of the move was not light at all, and it was not an ordinary move that relied on speed to win.

But this is incredible!
Although most of them are not very good at actual combat, as members of the Kendo Club, they are still very rich in vision and theoretical knowledge.

They really couldn't figure out how Bei Chuan Yu, a novice who even had a problem with holding a knife, could be so powerful.

Why is this so meow? !
"Now everyone has no objections? Since Yuu has already won, then according to the agreement, he and Shimizu-san will join the Kendo club together."


Youxizi's voice was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples in circles, waking them up, and like a sharp sword, piercing directly into their hearts, making them all feel extremely heartbroken .

Of course, this does not include those few girls.

If it wasn't for Yukiko who was beside Yu Kitagawa, and Yuna who was super handsome and had a murder weapon, they might have already surrounded her.

Even Tendo Yui, who had barely stood up with a bamboo knife, looked at Beichuan Yu with a strange light in his eyes.

Most of the girls belonged to Mu Qiang, especially the daughters of traditional kendo families like her.

After personally experiencing the power of Beichuan Yu, she couldn't help but developed a strong interest and affection for Beichuan Yu.

It's just that with Youxizi around, she didn't dare to be too presumptuous, at most she was going to take the opportunity of asking for advice to get a little closer to Yuu Beichuan.

As a result, Kitagawa Yu didn't give her a chance at all. After putting down the bamboo knife, he and Yuna followed Yukiko to the minister's exclusive training room next door.

After a while, the three of them sat around the small tea table, in front of them was steaming green tea with a faint fragrance.

"Eh? Breathing can make you stronger?"

"Yes, the swordsmanship I practice is divided into two parts, the breathing method to develop the body's potential, and the swordsmanship moves corresponding to the breathing method." Beichuan Yu introduced.

"The function of the breathing method is to develop the potential of the human body. Not only can it greatly increase the strength and reflect these attributes, but it can also generate fighting energy of corresponding attributes. For example, the breath of thunder I practice can generate fighting energy in the form of lightning."

As he spoke, Beichuan Yu opened his left hand, and with a thought, a dazzling golden lightning shot out from his palm. Although it was only fleeting, Yuxiko couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Yuna, who was seeing extraordinary power for the first time, subconsciously exclaimed.

After a while, You Xizi came to his senses first, and asked curiously, "How many breathing methods are there?"

Beichuan Yu had already thought about how to answer in advance: "According to what my teacher said, the breathing method is divided into the initial sun's breath, the moon's breath, and the wind, water, thunder, flame, and rock derived from the sun's breath. In addition to these five basic breaths, there are variants such as the breath of flowers, the breath of insects, the breath of clouds, the breath of love, and the breath of snakes."

"So much?"

"Well, there are quite a few. But the only ones I know now are the breath of thunder, the breath of flowers, and the breath of insects."

After a pause, Beichuan Yu continued to introduce: "Breathing method does not need to be trained concurrently, it is enough to master only one, because the degree of development of the body is the same, but the attributes of fighting energy and moves generated are different."

"For example, the battle qi generated by the breath of thunder is too violent, so the practitioner needs to be physically strong enough, especially the legs."

"At the same time, the moves of Thunder's Breath are also very heavy on the body. Even if ordinary people fully tap the potential of the body through breathing methods, they still cannot meet the standards for performing the corresponding moves."

"If you use it forcibly, your legs will be directly crippled because you can't bear the violent power."

"That's why girls generally choose the breath of water, the breath of flowers, and the breath of insects, which are breathing methods that are less burdensome to the body."

"Then what if I force myself to practice multiple breathing methods? Is there any danger?" Yukiko asked curiously.

"Dangerous, there is no danger," Beichuan Yu explained, "However, to cultivate the breathing method to the highest level, you need to maintain a corresponding breathing rhythm every day, including eating and sleeping. You must develop such a habit. It’s already difficult, but now it’s easy to confuse yourself if you practice other breathing methods as well.”

"Eh, you have to maintain the rhythm of breathing even when you sleep?! Isn't this too exaggerated?" Yukiko's eyes widened instantly, and her pink lips became O-shaped.

Yuna on the side resolutely dismissed the idea of ​​practicing breathing.

"Well, Yuu will protect me anyway, so I'd better concentrate on drawing manga!"

 Ask for a monthly ticket~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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