Chapter 152 She's My Sister!

Everyone who thought of this possibility was even more shocked, and at the same time, the unprecedented sourness and resentment made all the boys in the school, without exception, eager to kill Beichuan Yu and replace him.

All of a sudden, the spread of these two gossip made the whole school more lively during breaks and after school.

However, Ayako, Yukiko, and Kitagawa Yu, who were the parties involved, seemed extraordinarily calm.

Because they all know what the truth is that caused this situation.

"No! Double speed is still too slow! Why don't you find someone to help you make a player that can play at four or eight times speed!"

"Youkiko has been fond of these things since she was seven years old, and she stays up late at night to peek behind her back almost every day. It is impossible for me to catch up with or surpass her in a short time."

"So the best way is to read the current season's popular series and the popular comics that are being serialized, and then based on these, find out the excellent works of the same type in the past."

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, Ayako sat quietly at the desk alone, doing two things at once, while looking at the rapidly beating screen on the computer screen, while thinking about how to speed up the speed of replenishment.

This made Yukiko, who sneaked in and wanted to make a joke, really couldn't stand it anymore.

"Stupid Ayako, Buban is not what you look like~"

Under Ayako's dissatisfied gaze, Yukiko reached out and took off her earphones.

"What do you mean?" Ayako asked with a slight frown.

"That's the literal meaning!" Yukiko said, "It's impossible for you to really like anime and Two-dimensional like this. It's useless to forcibly master these 'knowledge' just to have more common topics with Yuta."

"In this case, when you are chatting with Yu, you will not be able to understand Yu's mood and thoughts at all, and you will still not be able to chat together."

"Is that so?" Ayako looked at Yukiko suspiciously.

She felt that what You Xizi said seemed to have a little truth, but not much, and when did You Xizi be so kind?

You Xizi saw her thoughts at a glance, and immediately puffed up her cheeks angrily.

"You don't believe me?"


"I'm your own sister! How could I lie to you about such an important matter!"

"But you have played tricks on me in such 'big things' before, right? Do you need me to list them all? You should know that my memory has always been very good."


You Xizi was speechless for a moment.

Although, is she really doing well for Ayako this time!
She didn't want Ayako to lose to other girls in the battle for Yuu Kitagawa!

But Ayako dared to doubt her!

This made her so sad!
You Xizi was sullen for a while, then seemed to think of something suddenly, rolled her eyes, and picked up the phone with a smile.

"Then I asked Yu to tell you, and you probably don't know Yu's 'true face' yet?"

On the opposite side, Ayako froze for a moment.

"Let the senior come and tell me? It's already past twelve o'clock! And what does the senior's 'true face' mean?"

"Hey, you'll find out about this later!" You Xizi said mysteriously, her white and slender fingers like suet jade quickly tapped on the phone screen.

Thanks to the recent frequent text messages and chats with Beichuan Yu, she can even type on her mobile phone much faster than before!
Under the cold moonlight, Kitagawa Yuu and Murasame shuttled through the city, just starting tonight's hunt.

The chilly night wind blowing past his ears made him feel very refreshed, and his strong physique made him feel no fatigue at all.

After all, he also catches up on sleep during class during the day!

The dynamic music came from the earphones, it was Ayako's "Monster" released last night and Xiao Ai's "Idol" just released tonight.

Now these two songs are hot on the new song list.

With the foreshadowing of the previous two songs, now Ayako has close to 30 fans, so this "Monster" has been downloaded more than 20 times in just one day since it was released last night, which can be said to be a huge hit.

However, including Xiao Ai herself, what no one expected was that "Idol" would be even more popular than "Monster".

Under the recommendation of Ayako and Yuna, the song "ready! ! "has achieved more than 1 paid downloads in the past three days. Although it has more than doubled their previous results, it is obviously not at the same level as "Running to the Night", "Love Cycle" and "KICK BACK".

But this "Idol" was different. It was uploaded at [-]:[-] p.m., and it was just after [-]:[-] p.m. The paid downloads had already exceeded [-], and it surpassed "Monster" by a large margin in the single-day sales list in the new day.

Even he was a little surprised by such a result.

At this speed, Xiao Ai's "Idol" may soon surpass "Running Towards Night" in total sales, becoming the best song among all the songs he moved.

He couldn't figure it out, and he could only attribute this situation to the different tastes on Neon's side.

However, the scene of "Monster" and "Idol" "crazily fighting each other" on the ranking list once again shocked the entire neon music and idol circles.

For ordinary people, they may just think that in the past month, many good new songs have suddenly appeared, and many of them are the kind that can reach the level of the best songs of the year.

But for those professionals, the name Kitagawa Yu is much more shocking than 'Blue Star Band', 'Shimizu Yuna', 'B Komachi' and 'Hoshino Ai'.

Ordinary people usually only look at who the singer is when they listen to songs, and rarely look at the lyrics, composition and arrangement.

But those professionals will not miss it.

So recently, 8 works have been produced in a row, except for one "ready! ! "Except for ", the rest are all monthly sales champions and annual sales champions. This is too scary.

Even if it is written in advance, it is rare.

How many gold-medal lyricists and composers in the industry may not be able to produce half of the quality in a year or two.

However, Yu Beichuan's 'public' information is the music director of Asuka Entertainment, so until now no one has dared to contact him to ask for a song or something, as for poaching people.
Needless to say, the Asuka family's own power.

The existence of the gods is definitely known to the upper echelons of this world, and the Asuka family is one of the most important forces under Inari God's command. Ordinary people would dare to offend them.

"Ding dong!"

Just as Bei Chuanyou was immersed in Xiao Ai's sweet singing, a new news notification sound suddenly came from the earphones.

"Huh? Didn't you let that guy go to sleep? Could it be that he was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep?" Beichuan Yu thought while stretching his hand into his pocket.

The 'that guy' that came out of his head was naturally Xiao Ai.

Although she is very confident in her own strength, and even more confident in Kitagawa Yu's songs, this is the first time she has released her own solo single!
It must be inevitable to be excited to see such amazing results.

So since the song was released, Xiao Ai has been pulling him into an awkward chat for almost three hours, even after returning to the dormitory, she has been sending him messages.

This made him couldn't help being happy and smiling bitterly.

It wasn't until he was forced to go to bed quickly and threatened with a new song in the future that this guy finally obeyed obediently.

It's only been less than half an hour now, and he thought it was Xiao Ai who couldn't sleep, so he came to send messages to 'harass' him again.

It turned out that he guessed wrong.

"Huh? You Kiko-senpai? And let me go there now, what happened?"

Beichuan Yu didn't dare to delay, greeted Murasame, then turned around and rushed towards Ayako's house.

Even if there was nothing wrong with You Xizi, and he just wanted to chat with him, he was actually very happy.

Although he was [-]% sure that he liked Xiao Ai more, and it was the kind of liking that wanted Xiao Ai to become Mrs. Beichuan.

But if it was just a simple chat, he would still choose Yukiko without hesitation.

Who let Yukiko activate the soul of the otaku that he had been silent for so long!And Yukiko is such a beautiful and lovely girl, it's fine if she likes to watch anime, most of the works she watches are male-oriented.

Chatting with her is so easy to chat with!
So 10 minutes later, when he arrived at the roof of the building where he chatted last time, he saw Ayako's room from a distance.

Yukiko was posing like a little adult, saying something to the impatient Ayako.

This made Yu Beichuan couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face, because before this, he had never seen Ayako with such a smelly face.

Facing the flies that harassed her in school, Ayako usually just gave them a cold look on her face, which could easily drive them back.

If they dare to continue to harass her, then the Asuka family's family martial arts is not a vegetarian.

She couldn't beat You Xizi, it was true that she was hanged up by You Xizi every time, but except for You Xizi, no one in the school was her opponent.

One person can easily defeat seven or eight Jidao members.

Coupled with the power of the Asuka family, who could make Ayako show such an expression!

Seeing that nothing happened, Beichuan Yu stopped to say hello, and looked at the two sisters in the distance with great interest.

However, You Xizi's perception is obviously very keen, and he was "peeping" openly for a few seconds before being discovered by You Xizi.

"Ah! You are here!"

Yukiko immediately picked up her mobile phone and dialed Kitagawa Yu's number, and at the same time waved her hand happily in the direction where he was outside the window.

Just like she did to Kitagawa Yu.

Not only do they have 'equal' identities, but they also have an absolutely trustworthy close relationship. Even if the secret is exposed, it doesn't matter. There is no need to worry about being rejected, but they can chat together because of the same hobbies.

There is no doubt that Beichuan Yu is also very special and the only existence to her.

So she also really likes chatting with Beichuan You, as for the original plan of abducting Beichuan You into her own boss's command, she had long since given up.

Apart from Ayako, Beichuan Yu has become the second person she doesn't want to plot against.

It's just that it's a good thing that Beichuan Yu doesn't have Arnia's mind-reading skills. He doesn't know this, otherwise he will definitely be very depressed.

If it is really possible to join Inari God in exchange for Yukiko's 'permission to love', he really doesn't mind!

Anyway, he was also upset at that guy Amaterasu!

Unfortunately, no if.

"Senior? Where?"

Ayako immediately turned around when she heard the words, followed Yukiko's gaze and looked out the window, but saw nothing.

"You lied to me again?!"

Ayako turned her head and glared at Yukiko angrily.

If she can't beat it, she will definitely
"Eh? How could I—" You Xizi was stunned, then suddenly remembered something, clapped her hands and shouted: "That's right! Forget that you can't see!"

Then You Xizi turned to the 'air' next to her and said, "Xiaobai, please!"

Ayako couldn't help but startled when she heard the words, then frowned slightly, as if she had thought of something.

As the second lady of the Asuka family, although she is not the next heir to live in, nor has she become the Miko of Inari God, she still knows about the existence of gods, monsters, and the fox demon next to Yukiko.

It is worth mentioning that just as mortals need the extraordinary power bestowed by gods, gods also need the power of mortals.

The gods need faith to maintain their own existence, so they need mortals to help them spread their faith. Simply put, they need to build more shrines.

In addition, the prayers and worship of those with too much dark side in their hearts will also produce the poison of faith, which can make the gods become insane and degenerate into demons, so it also requires mortals to help them take care of the shrines, try to eliminate those who are not suitable, and reduce the poison of faith.

So a top consortium like Asuka's is also very important to the gods.

While Ayako was thinking, the spirit fox Xiaobai, whose body was snow-white without a single variegation, was several circles larger than ordinary arctic foxes, and slowly appeared not far away where there was originally air.

Lv1 monsters cannot appear to be seen by ordinary people, nor can they do anything physically to the real world. They can only harm people by creating hallucinations, sucking people's energy, and soul.

Lv2 monsters can already actively manifest themselves in front of ordinary people under certain special circumstances, and can initially interfere with the real world at the physical level, so they have many more means than Lv1.

Lv3 monsters can already appear in front of ordinary people, but if you look closely, you can still see that they are spirit bodies.

As for monsters above Lv4, their bodies look no different from normal creatures, and they can also transform into humans.

Even extraordinary people, if their level is not high enough, can't tell whether they are humans or monsters.

This spirit fox named Xiaobai still belongs to the Lv3 level. If you look carefully, you can still see the faint fluorescence emanating from its somewhat transparent body.

Immediately afterwards, two bright white rays with a hint of gray light shot out from her eyes, falling on Ayako.

In the next second, the world in Ayako's eyes changed.

With a heartbeat, Ayako turned around and looked out the window again.

Under a bright and bright moon, Beichuan Yu was dressed in a domineering attire. The wide cuffs and the hem of the haori danced gently with the night wind. With the scarlet mist wrapped around, it looked so chic and mysterious.

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(End of this chapter)

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