Zongman: Starting from adopting the homeless melon god

Chapter 160 This Master Is Not Reliable

Chapter 160 This Master Is Not Reliable
Wait this doesn't seem like a problem at all?
How could a victory in the Holy Grail War be as important as my king?
As long as you can continue to connect to this world, are you afraid that there will be no Holy Grail War to participate in?

"How about using this armor as a holy relic?"


Irena has no objections at all. Anyway, she doesn't understand the history and myths of this world, and she doesn't know the strength and legends of these heroic spirits. She just wants to summon a stronger heroic spirit, and then win and save the world.

"Although Lancelot's strength is not as strong as that of Winky and the King of Conquerors, his overall strength is not inferior to that of Hassan Baimao and Diarmuid."

"Moreover, his Noble Phantasm Knight does not die with bare hands, and can turn ordinary items into D-level Noble Phantasms. If you can snatch other opponents' Noble Phantasms, you can retain the original Noble Phantasm level for domination. It is still very strong when used well."

"And the Holy Grail War is not just a war between heroic spirits. Summoners will also participate in the battle, so the lack of strength in heroic spirits can be made up by ourselves."

"If it doesn't work, let's sneak attack and kill the opponent's summoner."

Just as Kitagawa Yu was explaining the analysis, Irena couldn't wait to complete the summoning.Because no summoning spells were used at all, naturally there was no madness attribute added to Lancelot.

In a burst of mysterious blue light, the broken armor disappeared, replaced by a tall man wearing bright silver armor, with long dark blue hair, slightly curly hair, and a handsome face.

Well, it's much more pleasing to the eye than the face shown when Artoria smashed the helmet in the anime at the end.

"I, Lancelot, have come here as summoned! Are you my master?"

Well, Lancelot who has not been mad can still speak, which is more convenient for Kitagawa Yu to save Artoria.

"Hey, look! It's really summoned! Although it's an energy body, it looks no different from a real person. This summoning magic is real."

Irena first grabbed Kitagawa Yu's hand excitedly and said, then raised her chin slightly, and said to Lancelot: "Yes, I am your master, the great gray witch Irena!"

After a pause, Irena suddenly seemed to remember something, and continued: "By the way, Yuu and Qianshu are also your masters, and you have to obey their orders."


The corner of Lancelot's mouth on the opposite side twitched unconsciously.

From the time he saw Irena's excited appearance like a child, without any sense of nervousness about participating in the Holy Grail War, he felt a little unreliable.

Such an order is actually issued now. Doesn't she know that as a knight, he can only have one master?

Looking at Irena's age, Lancelot could only ask patiently: "Then what if your order conflicts with theirs?"

"Then it's up to you to judge! You are a heroic spirit, not a thoughtless puppet! But Yuu's order must be correct, so you must obey his order first!" Irena said without thinking. .

A strange light flashed in Lancelot's eyes when he heard the words 'you are a heroic spirit, not a mindless puppet'.

The little bit of emotion in my heart suddenly disappeared, and I really recognized the identity of Irena's master.

Immediately afterwards, Beichuan Yu's next sentence made him shake uncontrollably, with complicated emotions showing on his face.

"By the way, this time the Holy Grail War, King Arthur also descended as a saber—"

"My king. She also came? For the Holy Grail?"

"That's right! It was clearly because of you betrayers and your selfishness that led to Camelot's destruction, but she still took all the responsibility on herself, and even thought it was because she didn't do well enough that it caused your betrayal. So she wants to win the Holy Grail, return to the day of the election, change everything, and make herself better."

Kitagawa Yu unceremoniously pierced the selfish heart behind Lancelot's handsome face, making the other party subconsciously clenched his fists.

But after hearing that Arturia took all the responsibilities on him, he felt as if his heart had been pierced heavily by a sword, and he let out all his strength, and his whole person seemed to be much more decadent.

In fact, it is simply an excuse to say that King Arthur does not understand people's hearts.

The situation of Camelot's demise is actually similar to that of the Sui Dynasty in Huaguo. King Arthur ascended to the throne and ruled the country with the help of the knights of the round table, and most of the knights of the round table were of noble origin.

This is the same as the Sui Dynasty relied on the power of the family to establish the country.

However, King Arthur was too obedient to the deceitful chivalry philosophy of equality and fairness. Although he did not deliberately suppress those nobles, he did not give any preferential treatment to the nobles.

The aristocrats oppressed the common people and extorted violently. This is a matter of turning a blind eye in many countries, but King Arthur, who obeys fairness and justice, will wave his butcher knife against them without hesitation.

That's why those nobles feared King Arthur and were dissatisfied with him.

That's why they encouraged Mordred to usurp the throne when King Arthur went out to fight, trying to overthrow King Arthur's rule.

Therefore, the destruction of Camelot was essentially a struggle between the royal family and the aristocratic group that resulted in mutual losses. It was not that King Arthur didn't understand people's hearts at all.

"Your selfish defection just detonated the fuse of the conflict between the two sides, and gave those nobles a chance to do something."

"Even without you, those nobles would attack King Arthur sooner or later, and they might even accumulate more strength, leading to a successful rebellion."

"So while you are responsible, it's not the key factor."

"Even if Artoria can really go back to the past through the Holy Grail, as long as she is still King Arthur who follows the way of knights, the conflict between the royal family and the nobles will continue to occur."

"Only when one side has completely overwhelmed the other does the fight between the two sides subside temporarily."

"But throughout human history, as long as there is a feudal system, this kind of struggle will still exist. Because not everyone has the noble qualities of King Arthur."

"On the contrary, selfishness and greed are human instincts and the driving force behind human progress."

After listening to Kitagawa Yu's analysis, Lancelot couldn't help being shocked.

He is a smart man, so he understood immediately after hearing that what Beichuan Yu said was right, but in that era and in that environment, neither he nor King Arthur could see it.

After a long time, Lancelot came back to his senses and couldn't help but ask, "Then can't this kind of problem be completely eradicated?"

Beichuan Youwen shook his head when he heard the words: "Thousands of years of human history tell us that as long as people rule, this kind of problem cannot be eradicated, unless that person is no longer a human, but an invincible and fair god."

After a pause, Beichuan Yu suddenly remembered something, and continued: "When you were summoned to this era by the Holy Grail, you should have been given the basic common sense of this era by the Holy Grail, right?"

"Yes." Lancelot nodded.

"Then you should know the country of Hua. More than 2000 years ago in the country of Hua, there was an emperor who was greater than King Arthur. According to the normal historical trajectory, after his death, the powerful empire he built also fell apart. "

"But in the parallel world, he changed everything through his own strength."

"He first tried his best to prolong his lifespan, and finally obtained the ability to live forever."

"The next step is to strengthen his own strength, so that he has the powerful strength to easily crush other classes."

"He is already equivalent to an invincible god."

"Under his rule, his empire has lasted for more than 2000 years, and until now he has completely ruled a certain parallel world, and his civilization is far more advanced than that of human civilizations in other parallel worlds. The ability to explore."

"This should be the best way to resolve this class struggle."

That's right, what Kitagawa Yu was talking about was the First Emperor in the No. 3 Odd Story Belt, and the true kingdom of the United Human Intelligence established by him.

It's just that the first emperor also had a problem, that is, he regarded everyone as a tool and suppressed the self-awareness of the people too much, just like the Qin State that implemented the farming and warfare system at that time, so there were some disadvantages for the common people.

Of course, if it was replaced by King Arthur who abides by the way of chivalry, there should be no problem.

Lancelot's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this, and he also believed that King Arthur's noble character would not change.

"That is to say, as long as she can obtain immortality and invincible power, right?"

"But first she has to go back to your era." Beichuan You said with a shrug.

"Including obtaining immortality and powerful strength, at least two wishes are needed."

"Of course, the most important thing is that this Holy Grail is actually broken."

"What? The Holy Grail is broken? This is impossible!" Lancelot's face changed, and he subconsciously exclaimed.

He was summoned by the Holy Grail, and he still needs the Holy Grail to realize his wish. How can the Holy Grail be broken? !
"But the fact is like this~" Kitagawa Yu then told Lancelot about the contamination of the Holy Grail.

"In other words, the other functions of the Holy Grail still exist, but because the core inside has been controlled by all the evils of this world, it will maliciously distort the wishes of the wisher, and after the wish is made, the remaining filthy magic power inside will also turn into' The black mud' poured out, endangering the world."

Lancelot's face was pale, and it took a long time to recover.

"Then what's the point of us competing for the Holy Grail?"

"The meaning is that there is no basis for empty words. Others will not easily believe what I said, and will continue to fight for the Holy Grail. Just like if I am not your master, would you believe me when I tell you this?"

"No." Lancelot said without hesitation.

"That's it~" Beichuan Yu spread his hands and said, "So we can only defeat others with force, and finally get the Holy Grail, and then destroy it."

"I understand." Lancelot said in a deep voice after a moment of silence.

Although the Holy Grail is broken and he can no longer fulfill his wish, he is also very satisfied to be able to see King Arthur again in this era and tell her that she is not wrong.

However, what even Yu Kitagawa, who is familiar with the plot, didn’t know was that while they were talking, in the Winter Solstice Castle, the headquarters of the Einzbern family in Germany, he was accompanying Irisviel and watching it with her. Seeing Illya like an ordinary child, Artoria, who was happily stacking building blocks, suddenly felt something, turned her head, and looked towards the direction of Fuyuki City as if passing through layers of space and distance.

That's right, Artoria, who was supposed to be summoned a week in advance, has already been summoned now.

"What's wrong with you, Saber?"

Irisviel noticed that the expression on her face suddenly changed to bewilderment and shock, and finally merged into a very complicated emotion, so she couldn't help asking with concern.

"I'm fine. I just sensed the breath of a familiar old friend." Artoria took a deep breath and said slowly.

Because Lancelot has not been mad to change his temperament, nor has he activated the Noble Phantasm that can change his appearance, temperament and even ability value, the glory of not being himself, so she still vaguely perceives Lancelot even if it is several kilometers away. special breath, and recognized him.

"Old friend?" Irisviel was taken aback for a moment, but then she came to her senses, and her complexion became serious with a little curiosity.

"Is it a Heroic Spirit who is of the same age as you and has dealt with?"

"En." Artoria nodded lightly, as if she didn't want to continue talking.

Irisviel was not Emiya Kiritsugu, although she was a little curious and worried when she saw this, she cared and didn't ask any further questions, and didn't even intend to tell Emiya Kiritsugu.

As a wife, if she were to choose between Arturia, a new friend, and Emiya Kiritsugu, she would definitely choose the latter.

But she also believed in Artoria, if this matter was really related to the Holy Grail War and was crucial to the next war, she would definitely tell Emiya Kiritsugu the master.

But if this matter has nothing to do with the Holy Grail War and is just Artoria's privacy, then her friend must respect Artoria's privacy.

So, after a short period of silence and remembrance, Arturia did follow the way of chivalry in her heart, and took the initiative to find Emiya Kiritsugu. One of the heroic spirits was Lancelot, and the other party should have arrived in Fuyuki. The city's news told Emiya Kiritsugu.


The knight of the lake, the flower of the knight, among the twelve knights of the round table, the existence with the strongest martial arts.

Detailed information about Lancelot popped up in Emiya Kiritsugu's head instantly, and of course it also included the legendary story of Lancelot betraying King Arthur and abducting Princess Guinevere.

He likes to be as prepared as possible when doing things, and he has read and recorded these materials when he summoned Artoria.

"As King Arthur, the master to whom the Knights of the Round Table are loyal, you should be able to easily defeat Lancelot, right?" Emiya Kiritsugu asked.

A king may not be extremely powerful in combat, but King Arthur is different. She has always personally led troops to charge and fight in all directions, so her force should not be bad.

However, Arturia shook her head lightly.

"Unless you use treasures to confront him, it's just a life-and-death fight in martial arts. Even if I can kill him, I will be seriously injured, and even die together."

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(End of this chapter)

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