Zongman: Starting from adopting the homeless melon god

Chapter 166 This Heroic Spirit Is Abnormal

Chapter 166 This Heroic Spirit Is Abnormal

The warm sea breeze from the Aegean Sea makes Macedonia have a warm climate that is completely different from London, which has already turned cooler.

But Kenneth, who had just arrived in Macedonia not long ago, felt colder than when he was in London.

"The No. 7 master also appeared? And the summoning of the heroic spirit was completed as soon as he came up? Now, among the seven masters, I am the only one who has not summoned the heroic spirit?"

"Damn! Don't they need to prepare holy relics for summoning heroic spirits?!"

Kenneth couldn't help cursing.

Of course, he also knew that the other party probably prepared the holy relic in advance, and before becoming the master, he was already convinced that he would be selected by the Great Holy Grail.

It's just that this result is undoubtedly even worse.

In addition, after the No.6 Heroic Spirit came, the Great Holy Grail had 'informed' him, the Master, that the Holy Grail War would officially start soon, urging him to summon the Heroic Spirit to join the battle as soon as possible, otherwise he would be disqualified.

This is more than a year earlier than the original time!

"Damn it! Are you really going to give up on Alexander the Great and use the backup holy relic?" In the most luxurious hotel suite in Macedonia, Kenneth ignored the concerned question of his fiancée, and became entangled with uncertainty.

In the end, he was so proud that he still wanted to pursue a stronger heroic spirit, so he forcibly persuaded himself and gave himself another three days.

If Iskandar's relic cannot be found within three days, he will use the spare relic to summon it.

But what he didn't know was.

Just at the Einzbern house, through the back door system, it was detected that No.5 Heroic Spirit, that is, the place where Medusa descended was also behind the Matou house, Emiya Kiritsugu and Einzbern family patriarch Ubus After discussing with Taku Hayd, he decided to also activate the Einzbern family's backup in the Holy Grail system, summoning a Heroic Spirit with the rank of Judge or Avenger to enhance the strength of his own camp.

However, Emiya Kiritsugu disagreed with Hayd and Artoria on whether to summon the Judge or the Avenger.

Hayd has always been worried about the "trash" Angola Newman being summoned last time, which led to the disastrous defeat of the Einzbern family, so he thinks that the adjudicator should be summoned.

Arturia didn't know the truth about Angolan Newman, but only read the internal records of Einzbern's house, thinking that the Avengers job summoned most of the heroes from the evil camp, so she also opposed the summoning of the Avengers job.

But Emiya Kiritsugu didn't care at all whether the heroic spirit was righteous or evil, anyway, in his view, the heroic spirit was just a tool in his hands.

And compared to the "righteous" heroic spirits, he prefers those "evil" heroic spirits, otherwise if he summons another "pedantic" guy like Arturia who knows the way of knights all day long, then he will really Feel dizzy.

In the end, the arms still couldn't beat the thighs.

Compared to the Einzbern family who are not good at fighting, Emiya Kiritsugu is obviously that thigh, otherwise they wouldn't have asked Irisviel to marry Emiya Kiritsugu to win over Emiya Kiritsugu's representative They fought.

After resolving the differences in job assignments, the next step is to choose which holy relic.

Unlike Kenneth, who needs to find it now, the Einzbern family has prepared for hundreds of years, and the collection of holy relics is extremely rich, which is several times more than the collection of Matou Zouyan.

Only artifacts like Avalon need to be excavated now.

Considering that the specific location of the Holy Grail War was in the neon city of Fuyuki, Emiya Kiritsugu referred to many historical materials and legends, and finally chose a rusty arquebus.

At the same time, because Kenneth fled to Macedonia, the plan to seize the magic dress and the refining method of the moon spirit marrow liquid fell through. After a little thought, Kitagawa Yu accepted Iskandar's suggestion and temporarily gave up. Chasing the idea of ​​going to Macedonia to trouble Kenneth, he chose to fly to Germany and head directly to the Winter Castle where the headquarters of the Einzbern family was located.

"Instead of passive defense, I prefer to be proactive."

"It's too troublesome to worry about being attacked all day long. Let's just get rid of the guy who likes to attack and knock him out of the game, right?"

"But seriously, King Arthur was a woman? It's just unbelievable!"

I don’t know if it’s because those who are close to ink are black, but along the way, Iskandar seems to have a tendency to move closer to Weber, intentionally or unintentionally instilling his ideals and ambitions in Weber and Yu Kitagawa along the way.

It seems that there is still a plan to take Kitagawa Yuu and the others as his subordinates.

Lancelot turned his head expressionlessly, staring at Iskandar, the indestructible lake light on his waist seemed to be pulled out in the next second, and cut to Iskandar's head.

"Okay, okay, I didn't mean to look down on King Arthur, I was just surprised, you know? A delicate woman—"

"My king is not weak! She is invincible!" Lancelot corrected coldly.

"—Uh, well, a woman should enjoy life and love, but she has to shoulder the burden of a country. This is really admirable and regrettable."

Iskandar couldn't help shaking his head as he spoke.

In his opinion, it is really not easy for a delicate girl to become a king and shoulder the burden of saving and managing a country.

On this point, Kitagawa Yu had the same idea as him, so...
"You are right, we should save my king from the curse called king as soon as possible!"

"Although Artoria may disagree."

"But it doesn't matter, three against one, we have a great chance of winning!"

Iskandar looked at Kitagawa Yu differently, as if he had just discovered it at this time.

Among them, the one who can speak so grandly of those who don't talk about martial arts first, it turns out that he is not the only one, and Beichuan Yu is also there.

For a while, he paid more attention to and appreciated Bei Chuan Yu.

There is no doubt that after clearing out other opponents, Kitagawa Yu will be one of his great enemies.

What he and Yu Kitagawa didn't expect was that because of the Einzbern family's cheating again, the difficulty of the "Operation King Arthur Rescue", which they thought to be a sure thing, had suddenly increased a lot.


"Your body is under me, and my destiny is upon your sword"

"If you follow the fate of the Holy Grail, follow this will, and respond to me if you follow this truth."


As soon as the group approached the winter forest that was shrouded in wind and snow all year round outside the castle, Iskandar, Lancelot, and Medusa's expressions changed at the same time, signaling everyone to stop.

"What's the matter?" Wei Bo, who was shivering from the cold even in his coat, asked the doubts in other people's hearts.

"There is not one Heroic Spirit in front, but two." Iskandar answered his question.

"Two?" Weber was taken aback, and looked at Yu Kitagawa, "Your information is wrong?"

"No, the second Heroic Spirit was just summoned." Iskandar still spoke, which made Weber, whose head was a little stiff from the cold, finally react.

"Mr. Kenneth? He didn't go to Macedonia, but came to the Einzbern family?" Weber asked quickly.

But this time, no one could answer his question.

"I don't know," Kitagawa Yuu frowned slightly, and said, "Kenneth should have no connection with the Einzbern family, especially since the master chosen by the Einzbern family this time is Emiya, known as the magician killer. Kiritsugu is considered a notorious figure in the magic world, with Kenneth's arrogance, he would never cooperate with such a guy."

"Magician Killer? Why haven't I heard of it?" Weber asked strangely.

Beichuan Yu glanced at this nerd who had been living in the ivory tower, and continued: "So I am more inclined that the Einzbern family summoned the No.8 heroic spirit by cheating. After all, in addition to only providing land and Outside of the Tosaka family, who are a small step in technology, most of the construction of the Holy Grail system is completed by the Matou family and the Einzbern family, and it is only natural to master some back doors."

"What?! Cheating! This Einzbern family is too hateful!" Weber exclaimed when he heard the sudden atmosphere.

This time, even the Emperor couldn't help rolling his eyes, and slapped him on the back of the head, almost sending him to the ground to eat snow.

"This is war, Weber, do you understand war? What's more, it's an incredible thing like the omnipotent wishing machine. The Einzbern family's behavior is indeed very normal."

After finishing speaking, the emperor ignored Weber's thoughts of "I am your master", turned his head to look at Kitagawa Yu, and asked, "What are you going to do now? 3 vs 2, we still occupy the With the superiority in numbers, and there are no other masters and spirits around to interfere, we can confidently and boldly fight against each other."

"But, after all, this is the lair of a magic family that has been passed down for more than 2000 years!" Weber couldn't help reminding before Kitagawa Yu could make a decision.

To give a simple example, although Emiya Kiritsugu was depressed after the Fourth World War, his strength did not drop much, but after that, he tried several times to rescue Illya who stayed in Winter Castle as a hostage , but even the magic barrier of the outermost winter forest could not be cracked, and in the end he could only die in depression.

Therefore, although the manor castle, which has been continuously strengthened for 2000 years, cannot move or attack, in terms of defense, it should be comparable to the combat power of a heroic spirit.

In this way, the strength comparison between the two sides became three-on-three.

As for the master, Emiya Kiritsugu's several magic powers are good, but as long as one is prepared, it is not difficult to deal with them, but the army of artificial humans of the Einzbern family is a bit troublesome.

Facing a group of artificial humans who are not afraid of death, is it possible that Irena can really use AOE magic to carry out massacres?
Irena would certainly not want to do that.

In a real fight, Irena will definitely be restrained.

However, after thinking for a while, Beichuan Yu finally decided to move on.

"Done! In order to save my king, how can I do it without taking some risks?"

"If we get to Fuyuki City, Jin Shining and Kenneth are watching, it will only be more troublesome."

"And with our strength, even if we can't attack, it should be fine to retreat."

Beichuan Yu said quickly.

Of course, these words were mainly for Weber, the Emperor, and himself.

As for Qian Shu, Irena, and Matou Sakura, they would never have any doubts about his decision.

"Haha! Wise decision, my ally!" Iskandar laughed and said after hearing this.

"The strength of the opponent is not weak. If we really arrive in Fuyuki City, according to the information you have obtained before, then the situation is likely to become a three-legged confrontation. At that time, although our side with three heroic spirits is the strongest, but It also makes it easy to be targeted by the other two parties.”

"The other teacher of Weber probably doesn't want Weber to win. He will definitely be our enemy. Then we will make enemies on all sides."

Seeing that Kitagawa Yuu and Iskandar had agreed, Weber on the side swallowed his worries and the proposal to retreat temporarily.

Not to mention, it only took half a day on this journey, and he had already consciously adjusted his position with Iskandar.

And as their group moved again and continued to approach the Winter Forest in front, in a gorgeous living room in the Winter Castle, Emiya Kiritsugu, Hayd, Artoria and Irisfy Er also looked solemn.

Only just been summoned, with long black hair hanging down to the calf, wearing a dark red military uniform like dried blood, wearing a samurai sword, wearing a red cloak on the back, a petite figure, completely ignored the possibility In the coming battle, he was still groping around on his body, looking curious and unbelievable.

"What are you doing? Avenger!"

Emiya Kiritsugu, who was in a bit of a bad mood, noticed her incongruous appearance, and immediately couldn't help but asked gloomily.

He felt that he might have miscalculated this time, although he was only summoned for less than half an hour, and although this Avenger seemed to be very strong, his inconspicuous appearance was completely inconsistent with his compatibility!

If the pure pursuit of strength, wouldn't it be good for him to summon the ruler directly?
"Haha, it's just fighting, there's nothing to worry about~ I just didn't expect that I would be an Avenger, well, this is really destined!"

The corners of Emiya Kiritsugu's eyes twitched, and he withdrew his gaze. He didn't want to pay attention to this guy who seemed to be a bit out of his mind. He looked again at the magic barrier and trap layout map of the Winter Forest that Hayd had brought out, and began to study it. An ambush would be more appropriate there.

Obviously, the battle must not be led to the Winter Castle. For no other reason than to prevent Illya from being affected, he must definitely stop the enemy in the forest.

Although he has a cold personality and is unscrupulous, he is not a completely emotionless machine. He still attaches great importance to his wife and daughter.

 Please recommend, ask for a monthly ticket~~~~
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(End of this chapter)

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