Zongman: Starting from adopting the homeless melon god

Chapter 175 It seems like no one knows how to ask for foreign aid

Chapter 175 It seems like no one knows how to ask for foreign aid
He arrived as a rider, although he is only D-level in terms of magic power, but with the divinity of C-level and the luck of A+ level, his patience is not low.

But the Heroic Spirit on the opposite side can easily charm him, even to the point where others can't wake him up, which is too scary.

"It seems that this guy is quite restrained. And the soldiers under me!"

Iskandar thought for a while that he was like the Heroic Legion in the world, and then found out very depressed that these vigorous old men should not be able to resist the charm of Scheherazade's level.

"And this guy is still a follower of Mr. Weber, this is really bad news"

Iskandar couldn't help muttering in his heart, a tangled look appeared on his big, straightforward face.

Originally, after learning about the relationship between Weber and his teacher Kenneth, he actually supported Weber very much. He defeated Kenneth in a head-to-head duel and won dignity.

After all, Weber was his courtier.

Help the courtiers regain their dignity, so that they can get their allegiance, right?
But if the enemy's heroic spirit is very restrained, if he still confronts the opponent head-on. Isn't that a bit too stupid?
He has allies!

Isn't that what the allies use at this time?
Involuntarily, Iskandar also thought of Yu Kitagawa.

He observed for a while, and found that the girls around Yu Kitagawa were not affected, so from a rational point of view, Saber, Medusa, and the demon king Nobunaga in the hands of Emiya Kiritsugu should take action.

But in this way, Weber won't be able to gain dignity by defeating Kenneth head-on!
To sacrifice rationality for one's own courtiers, or to sacrifice courtiers for rationality?

Fortunately, without waiting for him to make a decision, Kenneth will follow his heart first.

"Ahem! Caster take back your abilities!"

"It is well known that the Holy Grail War was conducted in secret."

"This is Fuyuki City Airport. If we fight here again, it will affect the entire airport and thousands of people!"

Kenneth tried his best to restore his usual elegance, coughing dryly and said to Scheherazade.

Scheherazade nodded, put away the charm.

Of course, Emiya Kiritsugu was the only one still affected by the charm at this time.

Emiya Kiritsugu who came back to his senses couldn't help but have a gloomy expression.

This is not because I was seduced by other women in front of my wife and daughter, but because I would miss such a good mobile phone opportunity in all likelihood.

As Kenneth said, if the two sides really want to fight here, whether it is Scheherazade's Noble Phantasm or theirs, it is enough to raze the entire Fuyuki Airport to the ground.

Thousands of people will be affected and die.

Even if he could make up his mind and sacrifice these people, Beichuan Yu and the others would definitely not do so.

Among other things, Arturia will definitely jump out to stop him immediately.

Now he is not Arturia's Master, and Artoria would really dare to draw his sword if he sees him upset.

But let Kenneth leave, and build a magic position here, it will be difficult to deal with it.A complete magic field can definitely double the magician's strength.

In fact, Kitagawa Yuu and Iskandar also thought of this.

It's just that the moods of the two are completely different.

Kitagawa Yu felt slightly regretful, while Iskandar heaved a long sigh of relief.

In this way, he can make a long-term plan, and no matter how bad it is, he can get more information about Scheherazade from Yu Kitagawa, and study it carefully.

But before they could speak, Kenneth on the opposite side showed a gloomy look after his eyes swept over Weber, and said in a contemptuous and mocking tone: "I didn't expect you, Weber, to become the master." , do you want to prove your poor magic talent by making a wish to the Holy Grail? Then, would you like to have a fair duel between teacher and student with me?"

Originally just woke up from the charm, Weber, who was still a little trembling looking at Kenneth, became angry when he heard it.

He wasn't stupid, he knew that Kenneth was trying to provoke him.

But the reason why he wants to become the Master and participate in this cruel Holy Grail War is to defeat Kenneth and prove his theory is correct.

Although it was the heroic spirit who made the move, the heroic spirit was part of the magician's strength as the familiar summoned by the magician with spirit-sentence magic.

As long as Iskandar can beat Caster in a head-to-head duel, it's fine to say he beat Kenneth.

Thinking of this, Weber's emotions were like a volcano that had been silent for many years, suddenly erupting.

"Okay! I will definitely defeat you in a head-to-head duel to prove my theory is correct! The strength of a magician has nothing to do with bloodlines and how many generations have been passed down!"

Weber almost shouted.

This caused Kenneth's eyes to flash a mocking look of a successful plot, while Iskandar looked helpless.

Well, even if he temporarily avoided the battle with the caster, he would have to fight later.

As for letting Kitagawa Yu and the others take action to kill Kenneth and Scheherazade in advance, as a real man, he still can't do it.

"Well said! As expected of my subject, no, it's my master! A real man should be upright!"

Iskandar laughed loudly and slapped Weber on the shoulder vigorously, staggering the thin Weber and almost falling to the ground.

Although Weber was a little dissatisfied with this, he was already used to it.

But Kitagawa Yu felt inexplicably that Iskandar seemed to use more force than usual when he slapped Weber's shoulder this time?
Smiling again, Kenneth left the airport from another direction with Scheherazade and his fiancée Sola.

During the process, he didn't relax his vigilance at all, and even secretly took out his own magic dress, the Moon Spirit Essence Liquid.

Looking at it, Beichuan Yu was envious for a while, and almost wanted to keep him without talking about martial arts.

With such a short distance between the two sides, with his speed and strength, he should be able to break through the defense of the moon spirit marrow fluid and catch Kenneth before Scheherazade can react.

But thinking that this would destroy his 'noble' image in Artoria's mind, he regretfully dismissed the idea.

Then the group of them also left the airport together by car.

Before coming, they had negotiated that as an alliance, all of them would live in the private castle of the Einzbern family on the outskirts of Fuyuki City, so as to deal with attacks from other masters.

It is self-evident who is guarding against.

At the same time, in a gorgeous study full of British style, through the real-time images sent back by the investigative familiars that have been arranged near the airport, you can see Beichuan Yu and his party full of six bright black luxury cars. Tosaka Tokiomi finally couldn't hold back anymore.

The magic cane in his hand was too angry, so he leaned hard on the ground, and directly gave the floor a 'bang', poking a hole.

"Bastard! Shameless! Scum!"

"How could the Einzbern family have so many masters and heroic spirits?!"

"And why did Xiao Sakura hang out with those people? Shouldn't she be at Matou's house?"

"Could it be that the Matou family has joined hands with the Einzbern family?!"

Thinking of this possibility, Tohsaka Tokiomi froze, and then his face became more and more ugly. His usual elegance had already been lost somewhere. At this moment, he was gnashing his teeth, wishing to make Matou, who didn't count his words, The dirty inkstone was torn into pieces.

But it's a pity that at this time, Lord Chong doesn't even have ashes left, and he has no chance to whip the corpse even if he wants to.

"Teacher, please calm down. Even if the opponent has four heroic spirits, we may not lose, and we can join hands with the Master of Caster. The opponent is obviously at odds with an ally of the Einzbern family. If we can fight against him Form an alliance, that is three against four, the gap is not too big."

Kotomine Kirei at the side calmly analyzed that even after hearing such bad news, he still had that facial paralysis.

"You're right." Tosaka Tokiomi paused first, glanced at Kotomine Kirei's paralyzed face, and then tried to adjust his breathing to calm himself down.

As a master, Tohsaka Tokiomi, who cares about face, definitely doesn't want to lose his composure in front of his disciples.

And what Kotomine Kirei said was indeed correct.

His servant is Gilgamesh, the oldest king. Not to mention one can fight three, one can fight two, right?

If they could join forces with Kenneth and Caster, their strength would not be at a disadvantage.

Of course, Tokiomi Tohsaka didn't know that Matou Sakura was accompanied by a Medusa who turned into an invisible spirit body, otherwise he would definitely have to swear again.

But after seeing Kotomine Kirei, he suddenly realized that he actually had a foreign aid on his side, and that was Kotomine Risei.

Yan Fengli originally supported the Tosaka family to win the Holy Grail War, otherwise he would not have sent his son to Tosaka Tokiomi as an apprentice.

Now that the Einzbern family, who doesn't talk about martial arts, has recruited so many people to join forces, then he can also ask Yan Fenglizheng to help!

Although Yanfeng Rizheng's own strength is not very good, and he doesn't have a heroic spirit as a follower, he has dozens of command spells in his hand!

What is the use of more heroic spirits?Without magic power, it is not even as good as ordinary familiars.

And as long as he has enough Command Seals, he can make Jin Glitter realize the continuous firing of treasures. At that time, if dozens of eccentric swords are fired, even if all the other heroic spirits join forces, they cannot be his opponent.

Thinking of this, Tohsaka Tokiomi became happier, and a confident smile appeared on his face again.

It's just that he doesn't know that Beichuan Yu also has Arturia, the daughter of the moon world.In the battle of treasures, Artoria's curry stick has never lost.

What's more, Kitagawa Yu also brought Avalon, the strongest defensive treasure in the Xingyue world.

Theoretically, as long as there is enough magic power, no attack can break through the defensive barrier supported by Avalon.

Glittering Gold's Deviation Sword won't work, neither will Karna's 'Sun Wheel, Obey Death', nor will Raer's 'Great Composite Temple of Radiance'.

Even reversing Arjuna's "Returning Sword of Judgment and Destruction" and Solomon's "The time of birth has come, so as to correct all phenomena", these theoretically powerful enough to destroy the world's super-standard treasures are also indestructible. Defense of Avalon.

So as long as they are not killed by a surprise attack, Beichuan Yu and the others are basically invincible.

No matter how many Command Seals Kotomine Kirei got, it was useless.

"Kirei, let the Assassin send clones to follow them, the Einzbern family will directly try to sneak in and assassinate their Master, and the El-Melloi side will try to communicate with them to see if they can communicate with them Join hands." Tokiomi Tohsaka took a deep breath and quickly ordered.

"Yes, teacher." Kotomine Kirei didn't say anything more, just like an obedient puppet, he nodded in agreement, and quickly left the study.

Then Kotomine Kirei also started to contact Kotomine Risei, intending to discuss with him about 'borrowing' the Command Seal.

Perhaps it was due to the old-fashionedness of the magician, he did not use the phone, which prevented Maiya Hisau from listening to their conversation along the phone line.

After Kotosaka learned about the current situation, Yan Fengli agreed to Tosaka Tokiomi's request without hesitation, and decided to give all the dozens of Command Spells on his arm to Tosaka Tokiomi.

It's a pity that they don't know the identity and strength of Beichuan Yu and his party, but Beichuan Yu knows their strength and means better than themselves.

The Command Spells on Kotomine Rizheng's arm are simply a killer weapon. Each Command Spell is equivalent to an A-level magic, which can instantly recharge the anti-army and anti-city treasures. He is more powerful than Tosaka Tokiomi. Are still hungry.

After all, these command spells can continue to exist even if the Great Holy Grail is destroyed, and they can be brought to other worlds for use!
So before boarding the plane, Kitagawa Yu reminded Emiya Kiritsugu and Hayd to send someone to monitor Fuyuki Cathedral, especially every move of the supervisor, Kotomine Risho.

It's just that Yanfeng Lizheng, as a senior member of the church, shouldn't give in so easily, and he didn't think of a way to seize the Command Seal for a while.

But if Tohsaka Tokiomi intends to get in touch with Kotomine Risha and take the Command Seal from Kotomine Risha, he can take advantage of the timing of Tohsaka Tokiomi's departure from his magic field and attack him.

It's a pity that Tohsaka Tokiomi was more cautious than he imagined. After knowing that so many of them joined forces, he didn't leave his magic field easily, but was going to let Kotomine Rizheng come to him by himself.

In his opinion, ordinary masters should not keep an eye on Kotomine Risei, the supervisor, all the time. In this way, even if they find out that Kotomine Risei is about to enter Tohsaka's house, it will be too late to stop him up.

I have to say that his little trick is really clever, at least Beichuan Yu really didn't pay too much attention to Yanfeng Rizheng who went out alone at first.

But they still have Emiya Kiritsugu on their side, since the incident of his master's death, he has been extra cautious in doing things.

After knowing that Kotomine Ri was leaving the church through the monitoring familiar, he immediately took out the map of Fuyuki City and quickly analyzed it, and then came to the conclusion with a serious face - he just walked out of the church within 50 meters Kotomine Ri is going to Tohsaka's house!

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(End of this chapter)

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