Zongman: Starting from adopting the homeless melon god

Chapter 194 Playing games is so serious!

Chapter 194 Playing games is so serious!

"Yu-kun, the curry I made is almost ready. Do you want to stay and have a meal together?"

"No, Qianshu and Irena are still at home waiting for me to go back for dinner."

"Dinner?" Miyano Akemi looked at him suspiciously.

"Well, it's dinner time where we are now." Kitagawa Yu explained.

"Okay then, but if You have time, please trouble you to come and see Xiao Ai often, my sister is always talking nonstop, and only You can pull her out of the laboratory. "

"This. Well, I get it."

After hesitating for a while, Kitagawa Yu agreed, and then said goodbye to Miyano Akemi and returned to the main world.

And just after he left, the door to the laboratory was opened from the inside, and a big man in a white coat with a still very cold temperament walked out.

"Sister? Are you the only one here? I seemed to hear who you were talking to just now." Xiao Ai walked towards the dining table while talking, but she was still thinking about the experimental data just now.

I remember that in the next second, Miyano Akemi's answer made her stop and stop.

"Yeah, Yu-kun came here just now, but seeing you doing experiments, he went back first~"

Xiao Ai's breath seemed to turn cold several degrees at once, she turned her head, looked at her suspiciously, and then hummed dissatisfiedly: "Even if he really came, he came to see my sister for something. , you’re not here to see me at all, are you?”

Miyano Akemi said with a disapproving smile, "Ah, Xiao Ai, do you care so much about this?"


"But Yu-kun did come here this time because of 'you'~ It's just you in another world." Then Miyano Akemi told her about the parallel world and Loli Ai.

After hearing this, Xiao Ai immediately showed a thoughtful expression: "According to what you said, sister, the timeline of another world seems to be much faster than the timeline of our world. Then the other world in my hand The experimental data should be of great help to my experiment."

"It's a pity that we don't have the ability to travel through parallel worlds, so Xiaoai, if you want to go to the parallel world and find another self to ask for data, please ask You Jun~"


As soon as Kitagawa Yu was mentioned, Xiao Ai's teeth started to itch again.

It has been several months since we last traveled together, and Kitagawa Yu has never visited her once. Even if the time flows are not equal, this is too much!

I have to say that feelings are really the most elusive thing in the world. Some feelings will gradually cool down and fade over time, but some feelings will be like fine wine, which will gradually become more and more mellow as time goes on. Unforgettable.

It's a pity that Beichuan Yu didn't know her change of heart yet, and with her personality, it was difficult for her to continue to take the initiative to attack after knowing that Beichuan Yu had Qianshu and Irena.

"It's strange, O'Neill sauce smells like other girls, and there's also a very fragrant curry smell!"

In the main world, just as Kitagawa Yu came out of the bathroom, he bumped into Matou Sakura who came to look for him, and Ilya who was pulled by Matou Sakura.

I don't know if the artificial human's sense of smell has also been strengthened. Illya's small nose twitched, and she immediately asked that there were several new smells on Kitagawa Yuu's body that she didn't have before.

But the problem is, Illya doesn’t seem to be an artificial human!
"What? The smell of other girls?" Matou Sakura's ears suddenly became twitchy, and her big eyes looked at Kitagawa Yu pitifully, which made Kitagawa Yu feel inexplicably guilty.

"No, I'm so guilty!" Beichuan Yu hurriedly shook off the messy thoughts in his head, then hugged the two little girls one by one, and explained at the same time: "I just received a friend's request for help, so I went to help Take her down."

That's right, Beichuan Yu finally chose to explain, anyway, this is not something shameful, right?

"Are you like me?" Matou Sakura asked softly.

"This. No, it's a big sister." Beichuan Yu thought for a while, and gave an answer that he thought was correct.

But Matou Sakura became even more concerned after hearing this.

"Oni-chan, I will grow up to be a big sister in a few years!"

".What is this all about?"

Kitagawa Yu shook his head dumbfounded, quickly changed the subject, and discussed the game he just played with her.

With his joining, the adventure team of several people became smoother, and soon even Niozi, who was not really interested in this game, started yelling excitedly.

It's just that because of his joining, Ania unexpectedly lost the thrones of 'Team Leader' and 'Great Expert', which made her stare dead fish-eyed and pouted. Hang a piece of salted fish.

"Oni-chan is really disgusting, it's so serious to play games with children!" Ania complained silently in her heart, her big eyes rolled around, trying to think of any way to 'revenge'.

It's a pity that today is different from the past. After practicing Kyogoku Shin's body training technique and the breathing method of ghost killer, Kitagawa Yu is not only full of energy, but her five senses are also far superior to ordinary people. She can't imagine sneaking into Kitagawa Yu's room like before. It's not going to work anymore, and if you get caught, your ass will blossom.

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but feel discouraged again.

But fortunately, the dinner was ready soon, and after dinner, Kitagawa Yu had to take Arturia and the others who had just moved in to buy clothes and daily necessities.

In this way, she can regain her 'top game' throne.

Thinking of this, Ania suddenly beamed and became silly and happy. Kitagawa Yu and Illya were confused for a while.

However, she forgot that Matou Sakura and Illya would go with her at that time, and it was time for Glass and Yuzuru to go home.

Then who should she show off to as the 'No. [-] master'?
"Eat, eat, eat, eat, wow, cool, wow, cool!" Aniya, who was full of joy, immediately dropped the game controller as soon as she heard "dinner is ready" and ran downstairs.


In fact, not to mention her, apart from the young lady Illya, even Kitagawa Yuu and Matou Sakura were a little surprised by tonight's dinner.

"My God! So much?!"

Not to mention ordinary Japanese dishes such as Okonomiyaki, hamburger steak, curry chicken nuggets, and pan-fried salmon. In addition, Kitagawa Yu has successively taught more than a dozen Chinese dishes to Chizu and Ayumi during this period, such as Green pepper shredded pork, Kung Pao chicken, tomato scrambled eggs, fish-flavored eggplant, hot and sour potato shreds, etc., all appeared on the dining table without leaving behind.

Coupled with fried chicken nuggets, fried pork cutlets, fried shrimp, and all kinds of vegetable tempura, just the incomparably rich and attractive aroma made him subconsciously swallow his saliva.

"Idiot! Today is the first dinner that Artoria and the others have officially moved in. Of course, it should be sumptuous~ Unfortunately, the 'heat' and 'little' of Chinese food are really difficult to master. I don't know how to use that recipe. I only learned one-fifth, otherwise I could have cooked the entire recipe~" Qian Shu came over proudly carrying a large wooden basin of rice and said with a smile.

"But isn't this too hard?" Yu Kitagawa hurried over to help, while saying with some distress.

It's true that so many dishes are delicious to eat, but it's really troublesome to make.

"It's okay." Qian Shu smiled sweetly and said, "Have you forgotten Irena's magic? Medusa has also learned that magic, so we don't have to do things like washing and cutting vegetables by ourselves, just stir-fry the vegetables." I need a chef like me to master the 'heating' and the amount of various seasonings, but Medusa is a fast learner, and it won't take long for her to be able to take care of herself. With their help, even if she cooks so many dishes at one time, it is not necessary. Not tired."

Ayako, who finished the rehearsal soon, also came with Xiao Ai, plus Yuuna, who was invited by Ayumi's call.

Now, except Kaoru, who is going home to celebrate with his parents, and his first contracted miko, Hiyori Ichiki, almost everyone has expired.

"Wait a minute! I have to offer a tribute to the god first!" As she said that, Ayumi picked up a platter of dishes prepared in advance, and ran towards the main hall.

This made a certain divine girl who was still sitting on the altar table in the main hall and kept muttering in her mouth suddenly become happy.

"Not bad! As expected of my faithful witch, don't worry, no matter how much divine power I spend, I will definitely guarantee that the red line between you and that villain will not be broken!"

A girl from a certain god put her hips on her hips, looked at Ayumi who walked into the hall and said.

It's a pity that Ayumi doesn't have extraordinary abilities, and she doesn't have any props for spiritual vision, so I don't know her existence.

In fact, with the ability of 'controlling fate', as long as the seemingly stupid girl in front of her thinks about it, even if Kitagawa Yuu and Irena face to face, they will turn a blind eye to her because of 'missing fate'.

This can be regarded as a super hidden life-saving ability.

Of course, this ability of this stupid god girl is only used on Kitagawa Yu, the reason is mainly because she is too shy.

As for Irena, Medusa and Arturia who just moved in yesterday have actually discovered her existence.

It's just that they thought that Yu Kitagawa, as the priest of the shrine, knew about it a long time ago. In the end, apart from ordinary people like Ayumi and Ayako, only Yu Kitagawa himself didn't know that there were really gods in his shrine.

On the other side, Kitagawa Yu looked at Ayumi who ran out, but suddenly thought of Murasame.

After hesitating for a while, Beichuan Yu still said, "Then I'll make another friend over here."


Most of the people around the table pricked up their ears unconsciously, but it was Matou Sakura who finally asked.

"Is he your disciple?" Qian Shu asked curiously.

"No, my disciple just recovered and was discharged from the hospital today. She will definitely celebrate with her parents, but you and Irena also know my friend."

The two looked at each other, and immediately understood who Bei Chuanyou was talking about.

At the same time, Kitagawa Yuya called Murasame through the spiritual contract under the curious eyes of Ayako and others.

"Have a meal?"

Soon, Murasame's surprised voice sounded in Beichuan Yu's mind.

"Well, since almost all my friends are here, I was wondering if you would like to come too. Of course, if you don't want to, forget it."

"No, I would—"

Before the words were finished, the door of the shop that had been closed for business was pushed open by a small white hand from the outside, and the crisp bell sound immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"This is Murasame, a friend I met recently."

Perhaps because she didn't want to be too different, this time Murasame didn't wear the usual complex-looking snow-white kimono, but changed into a rather fashionable JK. A strange look flashed across all of them.

The others who didn't know her identity were all amazed by her.

And after being amazed, Artoria and Medusa also sensed the powerful power emanating from Murasame's body, which shocked them even more.

"This girl is so strong! And there is an amazing murderous aura hidden in her body!"

"The power in her body is simply stronger than my body!"

The two thought secretly in their hearts.

This made Ania, who overheard their voices, suddenly become curious about Murasame's identity.

"What does Sister Murasame do?"

Ania blinked her cute big eyes and asked curiously.

"This." Murasame was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously turned to look at Beichuan Yu.

"Cun Yu is also a god master." Bei Chuan Yu obviously had already made preparations, and quickly explained.

Of course, Ania, who has mind reading skills, must have heard that Yuu Kitagawa was lying, but this time she was very honest and did not expose him.

"I'll let you win when I play that game again in the future!"


If it was still the temptation of food in the past, Ania would probably not be moved when she looked at the food on the big table in front of her that was enough to burst her belly.

But when it comes to games, it's different.

But the others didn't change their clothes after listening to it, instead they all showed expressions of sudden realization. After all, although Murasame changed into JK, the breath of Yamato Nadeko in his bones really didn't look like an ordinary modern girl. can have.

But it's different if you're a clergyman.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, just sit down and start! Many of the dishes here will become unpalatable once they get cold~"

After hearing the words, everyone quickly sat down.

The two little girls, Matou Sakura and Ilya, seemed to have made a deal, and directly rushed ahead of everyone, occupying the positions on the left and right of Beichuan Yu, which made everyone unable to help but smile.

And then, under the warm orange light, the scene of everyone sitting around the dining table saying "I'm starting" in unison, turned into a thick warmth and happiness, unconsciously in everyone's mind. Heart spread.

At this moment, even Arturia temporarily forgot the obsession in her heart, savoring the beauty of this moment carefully, and carefully kept it in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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