Chapter 214 Sensible Sakura

Then Irena followed Kitagawa Yu's suggestion and slightly modified their memories, erasing the hypnosis fragments and changing it to pure force. Then she knocked them unconscious and threw them back into the flower bed on the roadside. inside.

"Tsk tsk, their salary is quite high, actually 900 million! Now not only do we have money to buy Pokémon illustrated books, we can also go directly to the shopping street and buy two initial Pokémon each~"

Soon everyone returned to the Pokémon Center with the money and found Joey.

"Miss Joy, six Pokémon illustrated books, we just went back to get the money."

"OK, just a second."

While Joey took out six Pokémon illustrated books, she couldn't help but be surprised. After all, this was the first time she had sold six Pokémon illustrated books at once.

In appearance, the Pokémon illustrated books sold here are exactly the same as those used by Master Chi in the anime.Kitagawa Yu checked it briefly and confirmed that the functions were roughly the same. He first asked Joey where the Pokémon was for sale, and then left the Pokémon Center with Irena and the others.

Along the way, several people were curiously playing with the Pokémon illustrations in their hands, even Kitagawa Yu, who knew almost all the Pokémon in the Unprinted Chapter, was no exception.

However, everyone else was flipping through the pages at a normal speed. Only Artoria was flipping through the pages as if she was scrolling like crazy on the keyboard while playing a game. This made Qian Shu, who noticed this, very curious.

"Artoria, what are you doing?"

"Ah, I just want to see if there are any lions or Pokémon that look like lions." Arturia raised her head and explained, and then continued to search.

This made Kitagawa Yu, who was also eavesdropping, smile for a while, thinking that Artoria really loved lions as pets.

About half an hour later, six people arrived at a large store that took up half a street.

As soon as they walked into the automatic sliding glass door, a variety of Pokémon playing on rockeries, pools, and branches came into view. Judging from the number, there were probably not as many as two or three hundred.

"Wow! Is this a Pokémon! It really looks magical. Look, the horse's body is actually on fire!"

As soon as they entered the door, several people couldn't help but exclaimed.

Although they saw Kodak as soon as they arrived, they also saw Zhiye's Skin God and the Vulpix.On the way here, I saw a lot of Pokémon that were being held by their owners without putting in their Poké Balls.

But seeing so many Pokémon at once made them feel very novel and shocked.

After all, some Pokémon look really amazing.

"That is a little fire horse. Its flame will not burn its owner, but if someone else touches it, it will be burned just like a real flame."

Kitagawa Yu explained, and then started chatting with the clerk who came over and was dressed in professional attire.

"If these Pokémon move freely like this, won't they get lost?" Irena couldn't help but asked curiously.

The clerk on the side smiled when she heard this and explained: "These Pokémon have been tamed by us, and some of them were bred by our own store. They are all docile and well-behaved, and are very close to humans. They will not appear like you mentioned. situation."

"So that's it!" Irena suddenly realized, and then several people followed the clerk and started shopping in the store with a novel look on her face.

"This is Bulbasaur, a grass-type Pokémon. From the time it is born, there is a plant seed on its back. This seed will gradually grow. Then it evolves into Bulbasaur and Bulbasaur. Chang has the initial The skills are impact, vine whip and flying leaf sharp knife"

"At this time, Squirtle, a water-type Pokémon, evolves into Camille and Blastoise, and its initial skills are water gun and impact. The function of the carapace on their back is not only to protect themselves. Its rounded shape and surface The grooves reduce the resistance of the water, allowing it to swim faster."

"This is Charmander, a fire Pokémon."

"The three Pokémon just now are the Pokémon known as the 'Yu Sanjia'."

After learning that Yu Kitagawa and the others bought Pokémon mainly for fighting, the store clerk, as expected, took the lead in introducing Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle to them.

Although there are too many of these three types of Pokémon, they are indeed the most suitable starting Pokémon for children who aim to become Pokémon trainers.

While the combat power is good, it is not difficult to cultivate. The most important thing is that the potential is very high. The final evolved forms of Bulbasaur, Blastoise, and Charizard are all regular Pokémon with very high racial values.

"Hey, why are those little fire dragons running over?"

The clerk who was introducing them suddenly exclaimed in a low voice, and then she looked with surprise on her face when she saw that the eight Charmanders who were playing freely in the store suddenly ran towards them for some reason, and then surrounded them. At Arturia's side.

This unusual scene was also noticed by Kitagawa Yu and others.

However, compared to the surprise of the clerk, they were very calm after knowing that Artoria had the dragon factor in her body.

"It seems that these Charmanders are very close to Artoria. How about Artoria buy a Charmander!" Kitagawa Yu said with a smile.

When the clerk heard that the sales were about to be received, she immediately lost her curiosity and the smile on her face became more and more enthusiastic.

"Okay!" Artoria nodded, not rejecting Kitagawa Yu's proposal.

She had just used the Pokémon illustrated book to look up the information on Charmander's evolved forms, Charizard and Charizard, when the clerk introduced them.

Forget about the fire dinosaurs, Charizard is really powerful.

In addition to the fire ability, the close combat ability is also very powerful, and it also has the ability to fly extremely fast. The most important thing is that this is a dragon.Even if it's a tiny bit smaller, it's still a dragon!
Even after reading the introduction of Charizard, she was thinking about buying all these little Charizards, so that when they are all cultivated, they can directly form a Charizard Legion. Even in the era when she was in the Xingyue World, the strength was , and it’s definitely not bad.

It's just that although Yusanjia is a little bit bad, it doesn't mean that they are cheap!The price of such a Charmander in average condition is as high as 36 yuan. The price of a Charmander in better condition, such as the one that has mastered the flame vortex at level 13, is priced at 80 yuan!

Although they had more than 700 million left after they robbed Kojiro, other people also wanted to buy Pokémon, and they definitely couldn't give it to her alone.

Kitagawa Yu looked at the tangled look in her eyes and probably guessed what she was thinking. He stepped forward and took her soft little hand, squeezed it twice, and said with a smile: "Although Charmanders are not particularly common in the wild, as long as they are It's easy to buy if you have money, so as long as we make more money, we can buy as many Charmanders as we want~"

"Yes." Arturia turned her head and glanced at him quickly, and then responded softly. She felt the warmth from her palms, and her originally steady heartbeat suddenly became a little messy.

"Hey, hey, you've had enough. Hurry up and pick a Charmander~!" The shop assistant on the side couldn't help shouting in her heart when she saw the two people spreading dog food in front of the public.

Arturia didn't know if she felt her inner voice. After sensing it for a while, she quickly selected one. Although it was only level 7, it was very strong and the flames on its tail looked the brightest. Fire Dragon, bought it.

Now the shop assistant stopped complaining and happily continued to introduce Kitagawa Yu and the others.

It's just that except for Artoria, who chose Charmander because she values ​​strength and prefers dragons, Bulbasaur and Squirtle, although good in strength, don't fit everyone's taste, so no one is ready to buy these two magical creatures. baby.

However, there are more than 60 types of Pokémon in the store, so after shopping around, they found their favorite Pokémon.

Among them, Artoria chose a small fire horse in addition to the small fire dragon.Although it is all fire-type and its attributes are a bit single, as a knight, you must have a powerful mount, right?
"Speaking of which, does this guy want to equip all the Knights of the Round Table under her with a small fire horse or a flame horse? That would be awesome!" Yu Kitagawa couldn't help but think interestingly.

Both Qian Shu and Irena chose an Eevee that can evolve into different forms. In addition, Qian Shu also chose an electric Pokémon that looked like a squirrel imported from other regions, and Irena The other Pokémon I chose was Larurus, the most expensive and only one in the store.

"It is said that the personalities of Pokémon will be affected by their owners. It would be interesting if the originally shy and introverted La Luras grows into the shape of Irena."

Kitagawa Yu couldn't help but think of a Larulas or Gardevoir saying "more beautiful than the sun" with a narcissistic look on his face, and goosebumps all over his body.

Next, Illya chose a foam chinchilla and a lily root doll.Both Pokémon are imported from other regions.

Among them, the foam chinchilla is similar in appearance to a squirrel, except that its ears are particularly large, its body is gray, and there are dense tufts of hair on its head, ears and neck. It looks like it makes people want to reach out and lick it.As for combat effectiveness, well, let’s not mention it~
Lily Root Doll's body is mostly green.The round head and stripes make it look like the bulb of an onion or other plant. There are three oval leaves on the head, which looks like a doll and is very cute.

However, the combat power is not that good, and it is probably a little weaker than Walking Grass and Trumpet Bud.

Until it evolves into Miss Skirt, its racial value and combat power will be greatly improved, but it is mainly kept as a pet.

It is worth mentioning that the evolved Miss Quer can emit many kinds of aromatic scents with different effects, which is very good in treatment and assistance.

The Chino chinchilla, the evolution of the foam chinchilla, not only looks cuter, but also secretes a fragrant, moisturizing and whitening oil.

This oil works so well that it is very expensive at the high end of the market.

This also makes these two Pokémon very expensive, although their combat effectiveness is not very good, with the price of each one exceeding 100 million.

After knowing the price, Illya originally wanted to buy only one, but Kitagawa Yu saw her confused face and didn't know which one to choose, so he smiled and touched her head and bought both of them. Bought it.

Anyway, he already has a very powerful Pokmon. At worst, he will buy one less Pokémon later and just buy one Pokémon.

However, Matou Sakura seemed to see what he was thinking, so she only chose a Meowth whose price was similar to that of an ordinary Charmander, and wanted to give up the remaining purchase quota to Kitagawa Yu.

Of course, although Miaomiao is average in strength, she is still quite cute.It has thick gray hair, and its eyes have beautiful pink whites and purple pupils.

Moreover, Miao Miao's strength will be greatly improved after evolving into super Miao Miao.

The male Super Meow Meow is good at defense, and the female Super Meow Meow is good at attack.After the female Meowth she chose evolved into a Super Meowth, as long as the training was not too bad, she could even tear apart a 80-meter-long cruise ship with her mental power in one full blow. This is true in Super Pokémon It was considered very powerful in the dream.

Kitagawa Yu couldn't help feeling warm after knowing her thoughts.

Originally, he didn't want Matou Sakura to give in, but seeing her stubborn look, he had no choice but to accept her kindness.

After some thought, Kitagawa Yu chose a Kati dog, which was very common and popular, but cheaper than Charmander. He planned to dye it after returning home and give it to Ania as a pet.

Then he chose another one. Magikarp.

That's right, looking at the remaining three 10,000+, and deducting the food and accommodation expenses for six people on the road, Kitagawa Yu thought that he might as well give it a try. What if the bicycle turned into a motorcycle?
Although King Magikarp is only a body of copper and iron, he can only flop around. He is obviously a water type and a fish, but in places with relatively fast currents, he can only let himself be washed away by the water.It is almost the weakest and most pitiful Pokémon in the world.

But its evolved form, Gyarados, is really strong.

Charizard's racial value is only 534, but Gyarados is higher than it, with a full 540.

Moreover, although Gyarados has no wings, it can still fly, and its flying speed is not slow. In addition, it is a water-type Pokémon. It is a very rare Pokémon that can exert its full combat power in three environments: sea, land and air. .

In addition, Gyarados's skills are also very powerful. Once it evolves, it can master a very powerful tornado. With a little training, the tornado can evolve into a storm, which can affect the celestial phenomena within a dozen kilometers.

At the same time, he can also automatically learn the destructive beam, one of the strongest attack skills of the special system, which is much more powerful than the Charizard's ultimate skill, the Flame Abyss.

The most important thing is that Magikarp has a high chance of evolving into Gyarados as long as his anger level reaches the limit. He doesn't need to reach level 20 to evolve into Gyarados, which is much faster than normal leveling!
(End of this chapter)

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