Chapter 220 Evolving Again
"No! Stop! Stop it -"

Junsha, who was originally relieved because Qian Shu and Artoria suddenly appeared to stop Kojiro and the others, suddenly changed her face. She couldn't help but madly complained about whose naughty kid this was, and he actually used fire Pokémon to deal with it. Don’t you know that gas Pokémon will cause a big explosion?
If it was just a normal one-on-one battle, there would be hundreds of gas-shrouded marsupials in the pit!

If this whirlpool of flames continues, will all the Marsupialosaurs spiral into the sky on the spot? !

It's a pity that she opened her mouth to stop him now and it was too late.

After all, there is a delay in shouting, and the fire dinosaur will not listen to her orders from an outsider.

Flame vortex!

A rotating pillar of fire erupted from the open mouth of the fire dinosaur. As it shot towards the double bomb gas, it also became thicker and thicker. Finally, the diameter reached an astonishing five meters, and the double bomb gas along with the Arbor snake was ejected. Together, they were all included in the attack range.

This made Junsha petrified on the spot and made her whole body feel bad.

Obviously, the fire dinosaur did not stay behind at all in this attack, and directly used all its strength!
"It's over!"

As if to confirm her thoughts, the moment the orange-red fire pillar came into contact with the gray-black gas, a dazzling light suddenly exploded, which was even more dazzling than the sun in the sky.

Needless to say, Shuangbang Gas, Arbo Snake, and Wu Z, Kojiro, and Meow Meow on the opposite side of the pit were instantly engulfed in white light.

What's even more terrible is that the gas that filled the pit was instantly ignited. The huge explosion was almost as deadly as a small mushroom bomb, and a mushroom cloud 60 meters high rose directly above the pit.

This picture is really spectacular!

Junsha couldn't help but have this idea pop up in her head.

Of course, because neither the fire dinosaur nor the double-bomb gas had any killing intent on the other party or the group of marsupials, under the protection of the world's rules, even such an amazing explosion only injured those marsupials. , not even one was seriously injured or on the verge of death.

This actually made Junsha breathe a long sigh of relief when she came back to her senses.

As for the fire dinosaur who was the initiator, just as Irena expected, a series of '+1+1+1' seemed to appear on its head, and then white lights emerged from its body.

"Great! The fire dinosaur is going to evolve!"

When Artoria saw this, she couldn't help but clenched her fists in excitement.

After all, the evolved Charizard's combat power is a huge leap forward compared to Fire Dinosaur and Charmander, and it is very balanced in all aspects, and it is not inferior to any Pokémon.

In the end, there were more than 100 marsupial dragons in this wave!

In the case of exclusive experience, the evolved Charizard not only just reached level 36 of the evolutionary threshold, but directly soared to level 42.

However, the only skills that Charizard can automatically learn through upgrading are Flame Abyss and Flash Charge.

So it didn't learn any new skills this time.

In addition, if Charizard wants to improve its strength next, in addition to improving its basic attributes through upgrading, it also needs to master other skills through learning.

Then, Kitagawa Yu stepped forward and chopped up the big net that still tied Junsha with a knife.

Junsha, who struggled to stand up, originally had a dark face and wanted to scold them, but at this time Irena and Ilia had already activated the healing magic, and a large ball of light green light exploded above the pit. , turned into a rain of light, falling on the injured marsupials.

Immediately afterwards, the injuries on these marsupials began to recover visibly with the naked eye. When the light rain ran out, the more serious burns had disappeared. Except for the dark ash on their bodies, no trace of them could be seen. It looked like it had been bombed.

"Oh my god! What kind of skill is this?" Junsha couldn't help but exclaimed, her mouth opening into an O shape.

"This. This is the healing ability given to us by Suicune, one of the three holy beasts in the C city~" Kitagawa Yuu made up a lie casually, and then took Qian Shu and the others on the little fire horse and fled without waiting for Junsha to ask further questions. .

"Well, Miss Junsha, let's leave first. I'll leave these Marsupials to you~"


Seeing several people running wildly into the wilderness area, Junsha's previous anger was swept away. She put her hands on her hips and shook her head in confusion.

The wild wilderness area is beyond her patrol range.

Afterwards, Junsha took out a walkie-talkie from the off-road vehicle nearby and started calling for support.

There was no way, each of these marsupials weighed a ton, and there was no way she could get so many marsupials out of the pit by herself and a wind speed dog.

On the other side, Kitagawa Yuu and the others slowed down after entering the wild wilderness area.

Because they didn't go through the main entrance, they didn't meet the super ticklish guard here, and they didn't get the green Poké Ball that's special to the wilderness area.

But they don't care. It's still just outside the wilderness area, and there are no rare and powerful Pokémon worth catching. They still focus on leveling.

"Hey, I seem to hear something."

"It seems like a giant needle wasp!"

"That's great! Let my Larulas take action this time!"

When they heard that it was the Queen Bee, everyone showed happy expressions.

Because giant stingrays in the wild appear in nests, the number ranges from a few hundred to thousands.

Although the level and experience that a single one can provide is not very high, and the three of them together may not be as good as one Kentero, but there are so many of them, if they can be taken away in one litter, it will be a huge deal. It’s quite an experience.

Of course, when an average trainer encounters a swarm of Needle Bees in the wild, their expressions will change drastically and they will immediately run for their lives.

Unlike Kentero and Marsupialosaurus, the Giant Needle Wasp is very aggressive and has the intention to kill humans and Pokémon raised by humans.

Therefore, once you are entangled and defeated by a swarm of giant needle bees, there is a real risk of death.

Pokmon are usually not good at long-term battles. When they can only carry six battle-ready Pokmon with them, ordinary trainers really can't defeat the giant swarm.

But Kitagawa Yu and others are obviously different.

If it weren't for the purpose of leveling up their Pokémon, except for Qianzhu, everyone else would have the ability to easily wipe out a large needle swarm of thousands, so there would be no need to worry about safety issues at all. "Then Irena's Larulas will go into battle and take the lead, and Artoria's Charizard will lead the battle." Kitagawa Yu said.

Everyone has no opinion.

Except for Arturia and Irena, no one else is actually very interested in upgrading Pokémon, especially Illya. Even if she is asked to upgrade, she is a bit reluctant to part with such cute foam chinchillas and lily root dolls. Woolen cloth.

"Go! Larulus! It's you!"

With a soft bang, the elf ball that fell on the ground opened and emitted a red light. After the red light dissipated, Lalula bit her hand and her eyes were completely covered by green hair. She looked a little shy. Si appeared in front of Irena and faced the group of giant needle bees that rushed over after discovering them.

"Larulas, use the voice of enchantment!"

Following Irena's order, although Larulas was a little scared, he still opened his mouth and activated the skill Charming Sound.

The Charming Voice is a skill that comes with Larulus when he is born. Its power depends on the user's own abilities.

For example, the talented Jigglypuff in the anime is too powerful. He can't help but activate his charming voice when he sings. As a result, even powerful Pokémon such as Charizard and Blastoise are completely unable to resist. , you can fall asleep in just a few seconds.

Larulus's charming voice was certainly not as powerful as that of Jigglypuff, but as her singing sounded, the originally menacing group of giant needle bees became dizzy one by one as if they were drunk. The speed dropped suddenly, and some even bumped into their companions, causing chaos in the originally orderly attack formation.

However, this level of control is obviously not enough to defeat the giant needle bee swarm.

So while activating the sound of charm, Irena asked Larulas to activate hypnosis, and at the same time activated her telekinesis to control the stones and branches and shoot them towards the giant needle bee.

For a time, the giant needle wasps that were only affected by the control were unable to dodge, and were shot down from the air by the stone branches driven by these thoughts. Dozens of them were eliminated in the blink of an eye.

Larulas also gained a lot of experience because of this, his level jumped directly from the original level 13 to level 15, and he automatically mastered the powerful skill of teleportation.

However, activating three skills at the same time, even if they are only low-level skills, is still a bit too expensive for Larulas, who has a low racial value.

In less than a minute, Larulas's physical strength was almost at its lowest point.However, the large needle bee colony has only just been wiped out by about one-tenth.

"Let Larulus stop the hypnosis and telekinesis." Kitagawa Yu reminded him.

Irena nodded and immediately asked Larulas to cancel the hypnosis and telepathy, but continued to maintain the charming voice.

On Artoria's side, she also began to command the little fire horses to join the battle.

"Little Fire Horse Three! Use Flame Vortex!"

"The other little fire horses use charged flame attacks to freely attack the trapped giant needle bees."

Under Artoria's order, the little fire horse, which was relatively talented and had mastered the flame vortex in advance, immediately activated its skills and sprayed out a pillar of fire from its mouth, killing seventy or eighty giant needle wasps in an instant.

The other three little fire horses did not master the flame vortex and had no other long-range attack methods, so they could only open their hooves and launch a charged flame attack on the giant needle bees.

For a moment, the flames on the three little fire horses surged, and they rushed into the swarm like three huge fireballs. Wherever they passed, all the giant needle bees were ignited and fell.

In the blink of an eye, another large area was cleared.

However, there are too many giant needle bees, and their personalities are also extremely irritable and fierce.

Those in the back row who were not affected by the charming sound did not show any fear even when faced with the hot flames on the little fire horses. They waved their two forelimbs that looked like knight's spears and rushed towards the three little fire horses. .

Faced with this situation, although the high-temperature flames on the little fire horses can quickly ignite the rushing giant sting wasps, they will also be stung by the stinging stingers of the giant stinging bees. The final result is that both sides will be injured. .

After all, with their size, no matter how fast they are, they cannot avoid the attack of the giant needle wasps that have the advantage of flying and are extremely flexible.

Seeing this, Artoria immediately gave a decisive order, asking the fire-breathing dragons on the side to launch flame spray at the giant needle bees trying to attack the three little fire horses.

Although the flame jet cannot match the flame vortex in terms of power and coverage, in terms of launch speed and attack speed, the flame jet is faster than the flame vortex.

And with the attributes of the fire-breathing dragon, there is no need to worry about insufficient damage from the flame spray.

The thick orange-red flames arrived first and instantly eliminated the giant needle wasps near the little fire horses. At the same time, the little fire horses quickly retreated under the command of Arturia and returned to the Charm of Larulas. The range covered by the voice.

As a result, the second wave of Sting Bees that caught up behind them once again lost their ability to attack due to the influence of the charming voice.

At this time, the four little fire horses will attack again with flame vortex and charged flame attack. As the cooperation becomes more and more proficient, thousands of giant needle bees are finally eliminated before Larulas's physical strength is completely exhausted. .

"It's a pity that these giant needle bees have so little experience that they can't even evolve a small fire horse." Qian Shu said with some regret.

Then she looked curiously at Larulas, who was held in Irena's arms, and asked: "Larulas's level should have reached the evolutionary standard, right?"

Irena nodded and said: "Yes, although Larulas is only an auxiliary later, but counting the dozens of Stingy Bees killed in the first wave, my Larulas has also been upgraded to level 20. It can be Evolved. But don’t you think this Larulas is cute? I’m not in a hurry anyway, so I’d better wait for the evolution~”


Seeing Larulas who was as shy as a rag doll, Qian Shu was speechless.

She had read the information about Larulas in the Pokmon Manual, and just like Irena said, this kind of Laluras was indeed cuter than the evolved Kirulian and Gardevoir.

"Okay, let's move on!"

Then everyone compared the map of the wilderness area and continued to spawn monsters while walking towards the management office.

About two hours later, they met the administrator and got the green Poké Ball dedicated to the wilderness area from him.

"You must remember that you can only capture thirty Pokémon here!" the administrator said fiercely, not giving Qian Shu and the others a good look just because they were beautiful.

However, Kitagawa Yuu and the others didn't care at all. They were ready to leave the management office after the good energy ball.

But this made the administrator a little curious.

"Don't you want to ask about the legendary mini dragon?"

(End of this chapter)

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