Chapter 227 Building a Paradise

There was nothing to say all night. Tomiko came to the hotel early the next morning and called them out. By the time a few people came out of the hotel after breakfast, the street was already crowded with tourists and it became a huge crowd.

It seems that this celebration among the Latin Americans is quite popular.

"Hey, Master Zhi. Oh no, are Xiaozhi and the others also going to participate in the celebration contest?" Yu Kitagawa couldn't help showing a surprised expression when he learned that the three of them were going to participate in the celebration contest.

There's nothing wrong with participating in the competition, but the problem is, among Zhi Ye's Pokémon, none of them can be ridden, right?
Skin God can ride Squirtle in the competition, but Master Zhi can't do the same, right?
Thinking of Master Zhi riding Squirtle wildly, Kitagawa Yu just wanted to laugh.

However, he still underestimated Mr. Zhi's tricks. Squirtle was ridden away by Skin God, so he came up with the idea of ​​​​a giant claw crab and asked Dr. Oak to exchange his giant claw crab overnight.

Although the overflow speed of the giant claw crab was quite good, the problem was that he had no place to ride on such a big and smooth shell. In the end, he had no choice but to let the giant claw crab clamp him with its two pincers. He ran with his waist raised, making Kitagawa Yu and the others burst into laughter.

"This means that the Pokmon in this world cannot kill humans without the intention to kill. Otherwise, Master Zhi would have been chopped in half by a giant crab by accident, right?"

Kitagawa Yu couldn't help but secretly complained.

In addition to Zhiye and Pi Shen, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia also sent their own Pokémon to compete, following Pikachu's example, riding Pokémon on them.

On Xiaogang's side, he directly rode the big rock snake with six tails, while on Xiaoxia's side, she let Gem Starfish carry Mo Haima on its back, and everyone smiled again.

On Kitagawa Yu's side, Chishu, Irena and Illya, who like to join in the fun, also participate in the competition, but unlike Chishu and Illya who just ride on little fire horses normally.

Irena, a guy with no martial ethics, directly asked him to borrow the dragon, which made the host and referee on the high platform look stupid.

In this special obstacle race, you want to let a dragon with the highest combat power and speed under the legendary level, with an average flight speed of more than twice the speed of sound, and a high-speed movement that can reach three times the speed of sound, to participate?
So what's the point of this game?
Unfortunately, the rules do not prohibit flying Pokémon from participating. After all, there are very few flying Pokémon that can carry people. The most important thing is that the Latin Americans did not expect anyone to be so shameless.

Faced with this situation, the organizer, Tomiko's father, had to step forward.

After some bargaining between the two parties, Irena gave up riding a dragon and changed to Gardevoir.

Generally speaking, the human form of Gardevoir doesn't look like it can be used as a mount, but if you just let your imagination run wild, a giant claw crab can be used as a mount, right?

As soon as the starting gun was fired, Gardevoir, who was carrying Irena on his back, immediately teleported and appeared a hundred meters away in an instant, directly leaving behind the other contestants who were crowded into a ball, and even all the spectators. I was dumbfounded.

"This girl is obviously so beautiful, why is she like this?"

Everyone couldn't help but come up with such an idea, but there were no restrictions in the rules, and the organizers were helpless.

In fact, they should be lucky that Irena did not let Gardevoir teleport directly to the finish line. She would only teleport when encountering obstacles. Otherwise, this competition would have ended early.

Soon the three little fire horses and the Duduli also caught up and separated themselves from the other contestants, forming the first group.

But if there are no surprises, the championship will definitely belong to Irena. The most they can do is compete for second or third place.

"I wonder if that Dulifu hired Team Rocket to sabotage other contestants' games again. If so, wouldn't that pair of bombs have been found?"

Kitagawa Yu's heart moved, he picked up Sakura, rode on the dragon with Artoria, and began to observe from a high altitude.

Fortunately, the plot inertia of this world is still quite strong. Even though Tomiko's injury has healed, the possibility of Dulifu winning is no longer high, but he still hired Team Rocket to destroy other contestants including Tomiko. The game is about winning the championship.

Soon, Kitagawa Yu found a hidden buff in a bush in the middle section of the track. They were digging holes and setting up snagging ropes on the road, but the organizer was surprised that the three Kojiro didn't notice.

"Great! Now the little fire ponies can go to fight the coconut egg tree army!" Artoria couldn't help but said excitedly when she saw this. She and Kitagawa Yu immediately controlled the dragon to swoop down.

"Huh? Did you hear anything, meow?"

"Have it?"

"I seem to have a bad feeling."

"Hey, why is it getting dark today?"

Before he finished speaking, there were three soft bangs, and before Kojiro and the other three could even figure out what was going on, Kitagawa Yuu knocked him unconscious.

However, because Kuailong could not take so many people, they only took Kojiro away, while Musashi and Miaomiao were left behind.

"What are those idiots on Team Rocket doing? Are they going to fight with their bodies?!"

I don’t know if the buff was gone after he fell into coma, but Dulifu saw Musashi and Meow Meow falling in the middle of the track from a distance, and he was speechless.

"If I had known better, I shouldn't have pinned my hopes on these idiots!"

Dulifu complained angrily, then controlled Duduli and jumped over the Musashi-brand humanoid roadblock.

However, the large troops behind were not so lucky.Because it was too crowded, they did not have such a good view, and the consequences could be imagined.

"As expected of Team Rocket, they can kill half of the contestants even when they are unconscious~"

In mid-air, Kitagawa Yu and Artoria looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Musashi and Meowth below woke up from the pain of being stepped on, and then screamed and were suppressed by a bunch of Pokémon and contestants.

As expected, the champions of the final competition were won by Irena and Gardevoir, who were both strong and unscrupulous.

In fact, even if teleportation is not used, with Gardevoir's huge mental power, even with Irena, he can burst into a movement speed faster than a dragon in a short period of time. This is something that any land creature can do. No Pokémon can compare to it.

And No. 2 was unexpectedly won by Tomiko who was not injured.

On the other hand, No.3, in terms of strength, should have been Dulifu. After all, his Duduli speed is really fast, and he has been developing a very tacit understanding since he was a child. At least in theory, he should be able to defeat him. Others got No.3.

But he absolutely shouldn't go to Illya when he was young.Just kidding, although Kitagawa Yuu is not as cold and indifferent to killing as Hayid taught Illya, he also told her that she must not back down when bullied and must return it.

When Dulifu, the controller, Duduli, pecked her little fire horse on the head, Illya, who followed Yu Kitagawa's teachings, fired a magic spell and knocked the man and the bird away.

Even though Illya didn't use a lot of strength, nor did she want to kill Dulifu, she almost killed this guy. After all, this time it was not the Pokémon that took action, but her own action, and there was no death protection.

The car rolled over at such a fast speed, and it was a long time for Dulifu to survive.

However, although the audience was surprised to see this, they did not think there was anything wrong with it. First of all, the competition rules did not prohibit "reasonable collisions" between contestants. Furthermore, Dulifu, an adult, attacked Ilia first. A little girl took the shot, and in terms of fouls, it was Dulifu who committed the first foul.

If you can't beat Illya, you can only say that you deserve it.

After the celebration, Kitagawa Yu first made an agreement with Tomiko to purchase a batch of small fire horses and small fire dragons in a few days, and then took Kojiro, who was hypnotized by Irena, to the valley where the Coconut Egg Tree Army was located.

Although they were shocked by the Harker Dragon at the beginning, relying on the dual super recovery abilities of super-powered Pokémon and grass-type Pokémon, the Coconut Egg Tree Legion had already recovered to health.

And maybe because this valley is relatively quiet and has sufficient light and rain, they have not moved away from here, which saves Kitagawa Yu and others a lot of trouble.

The next step is to form a team and start a group.

This time it was the Charming Voice that took the lead. Now that the evolved Gardevoir's race value and level have exceeded those of these coconut trees, the power of the Charming Voice has more than doubled, even though its super power is not weak. The coconut palm trees couldn't resist, and all of them fell into a coma.

Of course, if you use flame spray and flame vortex directly at this time, you still can't defeat so many coconut palm trees.

The pain of the burning fire will break the control effect of the charming voice. At that time, Coconut Egg Tree will be able to use super powers to dispel the flames and then fight back or escape.

So next it was the turn of the double bomb gas to appear.

"Go! Double up on the gas, go all out and use the gas jet."

Following Kojiro's order, the double-bomb gas flew over the valley and started spitting gas while moving back and forth.

For people, gas is indeed an unpleasant and dangerous gas, but for the coconut egg tree, which has plant characteristics, it is not that unbearable, so even if they are wrapped in gas, they do not wake up from their bodies. come over.

By the time the power of the double bomb gas was exhausted, the entire valley was almost completely covered in black gas.

Then it's time to witness the miracle.

"Go! Fire Pony!! Use Flamethrower!"

As six fire pillars spurted out, a violent explosion suddenly occurred in the entire valley. A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky from the dazzling firelight, reaching a height of [-] meters. I am afraid that it can be seen clearly from more than ten kilometers away. Chu.

"I'm going! This movement is too big! It's almost as big as a small tactical nuclear bomb!" Qian Shu couldn't help but exclaimed, Kitagawa Yu and others were also shocked.

Who would have thought that a double bomb gas and a few small fire horses could actually produce such terrifying power?
Fortunately, with the protection of the world's rules, not only Kitagawa Yuu and the others were not harmed, but the coconut egg trees in the valley were only seriously injured.

Although they looked black and charred, and seemed to be hopeless, in fact, based on their recovery ability, it was estimated that they would be able to recover in less than two days.

"I'll take Illya to the foot of the mountain to set up a barrier to drive away idlers!"

After saying that, Irena took Illya and flew down the mountain, and the six selected little fire ponies all glowed with white light, and under Artoria's delighted eyes, they all successfully evolved into Flame horse.

In this way, including her own, there are seven flaming horses!

"It will take about two or three days for the Coconut Egg Tree Legion to recover. Once Irena and Illya have set up the barrier, let's go and settle the ranch affairs first!"

About half an hour later, Irena and Illya teamed up to place a barrier to disperse idlers around the entire hill, to prevent anyone from coming over to arrest or scare away the coconut egg tree army out of curiosity about the explosion just now. .

Then everyone rode their flaming horses towards Xiaocui's Pokmon Hometown at a speed that was [-]% happier than when they arrived.

It is worth mentioning that the location was found out when they met Mr. Zhi in the Latin American tribe, and the circus at the foot of the mountain had already moved to other towns under Irena's hypnosis.

I think even if Mr. Zhi and the others come here, they won't cause a big riot by the Coconut Egg Tree Legion like in the plot.

One day later, Kitagawa Yu and his friends found Xiaocui in Pokémon Township.

But this time Kitagawa Yu changed his words.

"I was very moved after hearing Xiaozhi and Xiaogang tell your story, so we want to build a private Pokémon park here similar to a Pokémon sanctuary, and we want to ask you to be the director of the park, responsible for taking care of those who are Contained Pokémon.”

The caring Xiaocui is already doing the same thing, so she naturally has no objection to this, but it will cost a lot of money to expand the scale.

With her income from collecting and selling medicines, raising the twenty or thirty Pokémon here is already very difficult, and she has no money to continue to expand the scale.

After hearing her concerns, Kitagawa Yu smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about money. We will pay for both the construction site and daily operating expenses."

This time Xiaocui no longer had any worries and readily agreed immediately.

Then Kitagawa Yu and others struck while the iron was hot, and he took Illya to a nearby city to 'buy' land.

Irena and the others stayed and started building the paradise directly.

With the help of magic and Pokémon, the construction speed of the park was beyond imagination. When Kitagawa Yu and Illya returned with the land deed, the first batch of ten tons of Pokémon rations, and the breeder Xiaoxue, a park was built. A paradise with complete infrastructure and a scale comparable to a large ranch has been built.

That's right, while "buying" the land, Kitagawa Yu found Xiaoxue again, and successfully persuaded Xiaoxue, who was also very kind and caring, to join for the same reason.

In this way, there is no need to worry that Xiaocui will be too busy by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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