Zongman: Starting from adopting the homeless melon god

Chapter 240: Memory restored, a certain divine girl prepares to run away!

Chapter 240: Memory restored, a certain divine girl prepares to run away!

Kitagawa Yu didn't use the swordsmanship that the Yamada family is best at, but just knocked him away with a simple punch. This is really incredible.

However, he still hesitated because he cherished his reputation. After all, his status as the executioner of the Yamada family really made them, the ronin samurai, very shameful.

Even the other samurai families under the shogun also looked down upon the Yamada family.

"I reject!"

Mingu Yan Tiezhai covered his chest and got up, then took the half-cut knife in his hand and rushed towards Kitagawa Yu again.

Even when he was beaten, he did not put down the weapon in his hand. This actually shows the character of Min Gu Yan Tiezhai.

Seeing this, although Kitagawa Yu felt a little pity, he showed no mercy and directly used the Ryuken Ruohuo to slash out a sword. The blazing flames turned into a red sword energy more than ten meters long, and instantly completely engulfed Mingu Yan Tiezhai.

In the aftermath of the flames, the rocks and gravel on the ground were burned into magma. This scene fell into Fu Zhi's eyes, making him look surprised again.

"You are—"

"Want to learn? I will teach you when I become the head of the family~"


"You don't know, right? Sir Wei Shan died at the hands of the giant Lu Langtai as soon as he came to the island. Of course, I have avenged Mr. Wei Shan and killed Lu Langtai."


Fu Zhi was shocked again.

Wei Shan, the recognized heir to the next head of the Yamada family, was actually killed by the prisoners under his care as soon as he landed on the island?

Isn't this too bad? !

"Let's go, this mission is over. Let's go meet Zuoche and the others, and then we can leave here."


Fu Zhi did not refuse.

Although he was quite optimistic about Mingu Yan Tiezhai, Kitagawa Yu was one of his tribesmen, not to mention Min Gu Yan Tiezhai was already dead.

This time, there was no need to worry about poisonous insects and monsters along the way, so everyone moved very quickly and arrived at the agreed meeting point in only half a day.

Without Zhu Jin's hunting, Zuoqie and the others successfully found Shiyuan, Dianzuo, and the prisoner "mountain man" Ruhai supervised by Dianzuo who were still alive.

"Great, you guys are back!"

When Zuo Qie saw Kitagawa Yu returning safely, he let out a long sigh of relief. He stood up and walked towards him. Then he suddenly didn't know what to say next, so he had to lower his head shyly.

"Well, the elixir has been found and the mission has been completed. We can go back." Kitagawa Yu smiled and touched her head.

This made Zuo Che shy for a while.

When Dianzao and the others next to him saw this, they really couldn't help showing weird expressions.

"When did Xiao Zuoqie get together with the Chess Saint? She is the unofficial wife of the head of the family?"

"Idiot, Your Excellency Wei Shan is dead. The chess master can go deep into the depths of the island alone, defeat the immortals, and find the elixir. Who can beat him with such strength?"

"That's right. Master, what should we do about Ruhai? Ruhai is innocent. She should not be a prisoner and be executed by us."


Facing Dianzuo's inquiry, Shiyuan could not help but frown and fell into thought.

That's right, although Shiyuan and Dianzuo both belong to the same sequence, and there is only a six-rank difference between them, but in fact, Shiyuan is Dianzuo's master.

Noriza was just a wanderer at the beginning. He was discovered by Shiyuan when he was fighting with other gangsters, and he was attracted by his talent in martial arts, so he was attracted to join the Yamada family.

And although Noriza is usually a bit careless, he is actually a very chivalrous guy.

If Zuo Qie and others hadn't found him in advance, he would have taken Ru Hai privately and left the Immortal Island by boat, and released Ru Hai.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Shiyuan seemed to be unable to think of a way, Dianzuo, who was a little impatient, simply went to Beichuan and explained that he wanted Ruhai to get the only pardon coupon.

Kitagawa Yu's answer was naturally no.

"Even if I agree, I guess Sentai and Genji won't agree, right?"

Kitagawa Yu smiled and turned to look at Sentai and Genji.

Xiantai adjusted his glasses, and there was a hint of embarrassment on his fat, round face, but he still nodded.

As for Genji, who looked serious, but was actually a well-known LSP, he didn't have that much estimate. He crossed his arms and nodded vigorously.

Even if it was a democratic vote, Gang, with the three votes of Kitagawa Yu, Sentai and Genji, would definitely win over Ru Hai.

"Hey, Norizuo-kun, don't bother, just die. Anyway, I deserve to die for causing the whole village to die." Ruhai said nonchalantly when he saw this.

Her experience was actually quite tragic.

The so-called "mountain people" are actually ordinary people who do not belong to the shogunate, but are not like mountain bandits who rob their homes and homes.

They just hide in the mountains and live.

As a result, one time, Ru Hai was kind-hearted and rescued a group of injured wandering warriors. However, after the wandering warriors recovered from their injuries, they led the government officials to find their hiding place.

Under the massacre by the government, she was the only one left alive in their entire village.

However, she was sentenced to death for refusing to submit to the shogunate.

So Noriza took pity on her and wanted to secretly let her go, which was indeed okay.

"Although I can't give you a pardon coupon, I can let you go." Kitagawa Yu said with a smile.


Zuo Che and others couldn't help being stunned when they heard this.

You Qi Fu Zhi frowned and said, "You violate the rules and let the prisoners go privately. If the general discovers it, the family will be implicated!"

However, Kitagawa Yu looked unconcerned and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the general won't find out~"

Everyone looked at each other in shock after hearing this, always feeling that Kitagawa Yuu was planning to do something terrible.

But looking at Zhu Jin and others next to him, they didn't ask in the end.

In fact, Kitagawa Yu is indeed going to make a big move.

He planned to take the opportunity to offer the elixir immediately when he returned this time, poison the general, and use the erysipelas developed by Lian to control the general.

Then, with the help of the general's influence, he would take control of the Yamada family first, then expand step by step, and quickly replace them.

Although the neons in this world still have ninja forces such as the "Shi Yin Zhong", but with Lian, Zhu Jin and others, even if he doesn't take action, it is enough to overthrow the entire neon.

In fact, if Lian hadn't chosen to commit suicide because she couldn't resurrect Xu Fu, her strength alone would have been enough to kill the protagonist group and then slaughter the entire Neon.After correcting the time for more than an hour, with a loud rumbling sound, hundreds of door gods with a height of more than ten meters and possessing elementary wisdom followed Lian to the agreed meeting point with various packed supplies. point.


"So many monsters?!"

Zuoqie and the others couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, quickly grasped the handle of the knife and stood up.

Even though Kitagawa Yu had warned them before, they were still deeply shocked when they saw such a 'giant army' with their own eyes.

At this time, they also realized again that if Kitagawa Yu hadn't defeated and subdued the immortals on the island first, what a terrible crisis they would have encountered if they continued to go deeper without knowing the inside story.

There is no doubt that Kitagawa Yu saved them.

"Don't be nervous, they have been conquered by me." Kitagawa Yu said again, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Previously, he was indeed a little worried about whether Lian would escape with Xu Fu's body and the results of his research over the years.

In addition to the Kitchen God and Door God who can move on land, she also cultivated a 300-meter giant sea monster based on an octopus.

So if she wants to sneak away, Kitagawa Yuu may not be able to find her with the help of this vast sea.

In fact, Lian's strength is not a threat to him, and he just wants to resurrect Xu Fu and find a place to live in seclusion with Xu Fu, and will not become his enemy. Therefore, if Lian chooses to escape, Kitagawa Yu has no intention of chasing him. she.

But Lian was more committed than he thought.

"But it won't necessarily happen if old guy Xu Fu is resurrected."

No matter which world Xu Fu is in, the setting is indispensable that he is an old liar who deceived the First Emperor, so he is not very interested in Xu Fu.

"But according to the original plot, even if the protagonist group doesn't stop it, Lian's plan to resurrect Xu Fu will end in failure, so I don't need to worry too much about this. As long as Xu Fu fails to resurrect and Lian chooses to commit suicide before reuniting with Xu Fu, Maybe we can just use Lian’s strength.”

Bei Chuan You thought secretly in his heart.

At the same time, Zuo Qie and others were also secretly observing Kitagawa Yu, and their thoughts could not help but surge in their hearts.

Even if Kitagawa Yu subdued these powerful ancient Qi practitioners who mastered the art of immortality, now he is returning with hundreds of powerful door gods. What on earth does he want to do?
One-on-one, it is not difficult for sword masters like them to kill the door god.But when the number reaches several hundred and a legion is formed, the effect is completely different.

Even if the Yamada family concentrated all their strength, facing such an army of door gods, they would only end up being annihilated.

And they also thought of a problem, that is, Lian, Zhu Jin and others can continue to create door gods after arriving in Neon.

These door gods don't need to eat or drink at all on weekdays. They just need to bask in the sun like plants. There is no need to worry about not being able to feed them.

So as long as they are given time and there are enough people who can transform the original body, Lian and Zhu Jin can continue to create more door gods.

Kitagawa Yu controls such a terrifying army, and he can definitely go to war with the shogunate!

At this time, they still don't know Kitagawa Yu's true strength.

If they knew, they would probably be even more worried and choose to lie down.

Without the same level of power restraint, Kitagawa Yu's Ryuken Wakahu has been upgraded to Level 5, and his strength is no less than that of Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni. In this world, he can do whatever he wants, and he can do whatever he wants?
What's the use of worrying?
"Okay, let's get on board!"

Under Kitagawa Yu's greeting, Zuo Qie and others boarded the return ship one by one with great worries.

As for the hundreds of door gods, because the genes of sea fish were integrated into them during the manufacturing process, they can just swim over and there is no need to worry about drowning in the sea.

It's just that the ship has just sailed more than 100 nautical miles, and he is standing on the bow of the ship with his hands behind his hands, thinking about the next plan.

A sudden voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

【Wish come true】

[Power of Wish +30]


"The wish comes true? There is also the power of a wish. What is this?"

Kitagawa Yu couldn't help but was stunned for a moment. Just when he was about to call out the blazing panel in his mind, a large group of dust-covered memories suddenly appeared from his mind, leaving him stunned for a long time, and then his face changed. Incredibly complex.


"I just said how could I have the breath of thunder? It turns out this is not my first time traveling through time!"

"There are also Ai, Ayako, Artoria, etc. No wonder they always appear at such times."

"But... what happened to the headbutt from that idiot Yumyougami last time?"

"and many more!"

"Does the God of Destiny really exist?!"

Kitagawa Yu suddenly widened his eyes, thinking of this.

At the same time, in the main hall of the shrine in the main world, a certain divine girl who was still silently eating melon suddenly jumped three feet high with a loud sound, and hit the altar table with a bang.


"It was discovered by him!"

"This, this, this."

A certain divine girl looked down at the red thread wrapped around her little finger, and her fair little face suddenly turned red.

"How to do how to do!"

"As a god, he is bound to a human being."

"Why don't we just run away?"

The godly girl clasped her fingers in confusion, really not knowing how to face this guy who had robbed her shrine and got married to her. Finally, she felt heartbroken and took out the mini shrine where she had lived for hundreds of years. Pack your bags and run away.

On the other side, Kitagawa Yuko didn't know this. After reawakening his memory, he quickly thought about the most important question for him at the moment, which was: "How should Lian and Zhu Jin be arranged next?"

He has awakened his memory and knows that he can return to the main world at any time, and there are still a lot of people waiting for him in the main world. He will definitely not stay in this world and rule it anymore.

But if he just leaves now, will Lian, Zhu Jin and others without his suppression do evil again?

Kitagawa Yuu lowered his head and looked at Mei, who was hugging his waist. Just like Sakura, she inexplicably liked to cling to him, and couldn't help but smile secretly in his heart.

There were already enough girls around him, but because of his amnesia, he provoked another one.

To be honest, whether Lian does evil or not doesn't have much to do with him, but he doesn't want Saki and Mei to be harmed.

After pondering for a moment, Kitagawa Yu directly summoned everyone on the ship, and then announced to everyone that his strength had broken through again after practicing Qi Lian, and he had reached the standard for ascension, and was ready to ascend to the upper world and become a true immortal.

As soon as these words came out, even everyone who was used to seeing strange things couldn't help but be shocked again.

(End of this chapter)

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