Chapter 250 Takina’s Prayer

It's much faster to go back than when we came.

Under Gardevoir's teleportation, the three of them returned to LycoReco Coffee House in just ten seconds.

But this way of appearing shocked Hutao and Ruixi, who were staying in the coffee shop and were controlling the drone on their tablet to rush to the battlefield.

"Ah? Sensu? Takina?"

The two of them rubbed their eyes in unison.

Especially Walnut, because the hoodie she wears is too loose and the sleeves are too long, she looks really cute.

However, didn't Chibe and Takina go to the two Skytrees to deal with the villain Majima and his dozens of armed terrorists?
Why are you back now?

Their remote support is on the way!Is the battle over?
The most important thing is, what's going on with the boy next to Chishu and Takina and that um... strange creature?
"Yes, we are back~The battle is over~~~"

Qian Shu put her hands on her hips proudly, as if she had taken care of Majima and the dozens of armed terrorists.

Takina on the side couldn't help but move to the side with a look of disgust.

Ruixi and Hutao, who were familiar with them, immediately knew that Qian Shu was bragging again as soon as they noticed this scene.

But what they are more concerned about now is the identities of Kitagawa Yu and Gardevoir.

"Then who is this?" Ruixi looked at Kitagawa Yu and asked.

"he is the one--"

Just as Qian Shu was about to introduce her, she suddenly rolled her eyes and remembered the character of Ruixi who hated marrying so much, so she quickly changed her words, hugged Kitagawa Yu's arm with a smile and said: "He is the god I mentioned, and he is also my boyfriend~ "

Qian Shu deliberately increased the volume on 'boyfriend'.

This made Ruixi's eyes widen, he leaned back tactically, and took a breath of cold air.

"Damn! I'm 27 and haven't had a boyfriend yet. How come you can have such a handsome boyfriend at the age of 17? My sister is pretty, isn't she cool?" Ruixi complained crazily in her heart.

I immediately believed in Kitagawa Yu's identity as a 'god'.

Although Kitagawa Yu looks like an ordinary high school student, and the big word 'otaku' on the fat T-shirt looks a bit funny, they just saw with their own eyes how Kitagawa Yu and the others appeared out of thin air.

Chishu and Takina don't have such magical teleportation ability, so the only one who has this ability is Kitagawa Yu, or that kind of magical creature.

Walnut has a similar idea.

However, although she longed for friends, she had no idea of ​​finding a partner. Hearing this, she looked at Gardevoir curiously and said, "What about her?"

"Her name is Gardevoir, and she is one of the Pokémon I told you about last time. She is very powerful~" Qian Shu introduced.

"Hello, my name is Gardevoir, and I am the Pokémon of Lord Yu's girlfriend Irena." Gardevoir also greeted a few people at this time.

It's just that, I don't know if she did it on purpose, but she actually mentioned Irena, and specifically mentioned that Irena is Kitagawa Yu's girlfriend. This made several people stunned, and then looked at her with suspicious expressions. Thousands of bunches.

Obviously, Qian Shu didn't expect this slap in the face to come so quickly. He couldn't help but be stunned, and then explained with a smile: "Okay, okay, I'm still pursuing Yuzhong~ Well~ Irena too~ !”


As expected of you, Qian Shu!You can say it so confidently~!

This time, let alone Takina and the others, even Kitagawa Yu and Gardevoir felt like laughing.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this anymore, let's make Takina's special shaved ice~!" Qian Shu quickly changed the topic and pulled Takina to the bar.

Ruixi and Hutao looked at each other. Although they still had many questions and curiosity in their hearts, they hesitated for a moment and still did not speak.

"I want to eat too!" Walnut raised her arms high, swinging her overly long sleeves vigorously, and turned to shout to Qian Shu and Takina.

This is Takina’s special shaved ice!Even they rarely have the chance to eat it.

The corner of Takina's mouth twitched. Although her face was full of reluctance, she thought that Hu Tao, who helped hack the surveillance cameras when solving Majima and the group of terrorists today, had indeed made a great contribution, so she still agreed.

Soon five extra large portions of Takina’s special shaved ice were served.

To be honest, although the appearance is a bit strange, the taste is indeed very good. No wonder it attracts so many customers to come here to taste it.

"What is the God Realm like?" Hu Tao took the lead in asking, relying on his cuteness.

"God Realm?" Kitagawa Yuu was stunned for a moment, and seemed to have a thousand eyes, and said calmly: "Actually, it can be regarded as a parallel world almost like this one, except that there are extraordinary powers in our world, and there are many gods and monsters."

A few people chatted while eating, and soon Hutao, Ruixi and the others learned more about the main world.

Originally, they wanted to visit the main world, but after learning that the main world was actually no different from their world, and that they had to fully believe in Kitagawa Yu and become a believer in Kitagawa Yu before they could go to the main world, they immediately lost interest.

But Takina had different ideas from them.

"Thank you for the hospitality, then Gardevoir and I will go back first." After finishing the shaved ice, Kitagawa Yu stood up and prepared to leave with Gardevoir.

As for Qian Shu, she obviously still has some things to deal with here.

But just when he was about to start the teleportation with Gardevoir, Takina suddenly stopped him.

"Please, please wait."

Everyone was startled and turned to look at her.

However, Takina ignored their looks and continued: "Can you please come with me?"

Kitagawa Yu seemed to have no reason to refuse.

After a while, the two walked out of the coffee house and came to a deserted corner.

Qian Shu, Mizuki, and Kurumi looked at each other in confusion. They probably guessed what Takina was thinking, so after hesitating for a moment, they did not follow and eavesdrop.

"Please tell me how I can become your believer!"


Kitagawa Yu looked curiously at the girl in front of him who had a serious face and a little nervousness in her eyes.

"Although Qian Shu didn't say it, I know that she will stay in your world most of the time in the future, right? So, please!"

Takina said and bowed vigorously at [-] degrees, which made Kitagawa Yuu smile.

"Don't you want to separate from Qian Shu? This is something Takina can do." Kitagawa Yu secretly thought in his heart.

In fact, Takina had another little idea.

She had just learned that time flows at different speeds in the two worlds.If Qian Shu stays in the main world for one day, several days will pass in Licolis world.

In addition to preventing her from seeing Qian Shu often, wouldn't she become older than Qian Shu as time goes by?

Even though she had some three-no character, she couldn't accept Qian Shu when she was still in her twenties.

Then when Qian Shu is in her twenties, won't she become Obasan?

Even after Qian Shu and Kitagawa Yuu get together, they might be able to live forever and remain young forever!She also wants to be by Qian Shu's side all the time, even if it's just to be a good friend!
Kitagawa Yu didn't have Aniya's mind-reading skills, so he didn't know her true thoughts, but he still introduced: "It's not difficult to become my believer, but it's not easy to say it's easy. You need to use all other small thoughts. , just sincerely pray to me, ask to become my believer and let me feel it.”

Takina frowned slightly when she heard this and murmured: "Are you praying sincerely?"

Praying is not difficult, the key is to be 'sincere', and Takina naturally understands the key point.

“Then does prayer require any awareness?”

"No, you just need to be by my side."

"I know!" Takina took a deep breath, looked at Kitagawa Yuu firmly, and then slowly closed her eyes.

As a killer who has been trained and cultivated since childhood, it is not difficult to send out distracting thoughts and make your mind clear.

As for the intensity of the desire, it goes without saying that she and Qian Shu would have been a couple if it weren't for Kitagawa Yu, the 'hateful third party'!
So the only thing that affects Takina is whether she is 'pure' enough.

Two seconds later, a system prompt sounded in Kitagawa Yu's mind as expected.

Obviously, in the system's judgment, Takina is the 'male protagonist' of this Licoris world, which meets the standards.

"Okay, that's all. I got your wish!"

Kitagawa Yu glanced at the system prompts, then smiled and said: "From now on, you are my believer, give me your hand."

"Eh? Is this okay?" Takina opened her eyes suddenly, with a look of surprise on her face, and at the same time put her hand on Kitagawa Yu's outstretched palm as Kitagawa Yu said.

The next second, a red word "Fate" appeared on the back of her hand, and at the same time a group of information appeared in her mind out of thin air, letting her know that with the word "Fate", she could return to her own world and the main world. , and the Pokémon world currently set as a public world by Kitagawa Yu can freely shuttle between the worlds.

"Can it even be in the Pokémon world?" Takina's black gem-clad pupils flashed with interest.

During this time, she had often heard Qian Shu say how interesting the Pokémon world was.

After Kitagawa Yu announced that Takina was his disciple, he was prompted by the system again.

【Wish come true】

[Power of Wish +100]

Kitagawa Yu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he saw the full hundred points of wish power.

The power of so many wishes was obviously beyond his expectation. Originally, he thought it would be good to have more than ten points.

"Compared with Takina, Sensu is really inferior. Isn't it possible that the male protagonist of Ricolis' world is really Takina?"

Kitagawa Yu couldn't help but have this weird idea flash through his mind.

On the other side, after receiving the message, Takina saw that her hand was still held by Kitagawa Yu. A feeling she had never felt before made her blush slightly, and she quickly took her hand back.

At the same time, an idea couldn't help but emerge in my mind.

"So this is a boy's hand?"

"Then I'll take Gardevoir back first. If you want to go to the main world, go with Qian Shu. She can help you arrange a room." Kitagawa Yu also retracted his hand at this time and said.

"Well, I see, thank you!"

Takina thanked her sincerely, with a sweet smile on her delicate face.

Afterwards, Takina couldn't wait to run back to the coffee shop, found Qian Shu, and told her the good news.

Kitagawa Yu also called Gardevoir and returned to the main world first.

"Trouble you, Xanadu."

"You're welcome, Master Yu. I'll go find the master first."

Gardevoir folded his hands in front of him and bowed like a little lady.

As Kitagawa Yu looked at Gardevoir in front of him, he couldn't help but think of Irena becoming more and more lazy and careless after getting to know Qian Shu, and he almost couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"I just had a huge portion of chocolate fruit shaved ice. Do I want to brush my teeth again?"

After struggling for a while, Yu Kitagawa, who was suffering from laziness and cancer, opened a can of Fat House Happy Water for himself, then returned to the room and started working overtime to draw comics.

There was no way, tomorrow afternoon was the time to hand in the manuscript. In order to help Yunai take on more of the workload, he had to try his best to finish this week's episode tonight.

"Well, it can definitely be done in six hours!"

Kitagawa Yu glanced at the time, then picked up the brush and started painting seriously.

However, less than an hour had passed when there was a sudden knock on the door behind him from outside.

"Yu, are you asleep?"

"Thousand beams?"

Kitagawa Yu was startled when Qian Shu's voice came from outside the door, and then he stood up and walked over to open the door.

He didn't think much about it at first, thinking that Qian Shu had arranged the room for Takina and came over to talk to him.

However, after he opened the door, Qian Shu quickly glanced inside the room, then lowered his head and whispered, "Can I go in?"

"Uh sure."

Kitagawa Yu was stunned for a moment again, and after regaining consciousness, he stepped aside and allowed Qian Shu to enter the room.

"Are you drawing manga?"

"Oh, yes."

"If Shinobu saw you painting Kanae to death, he would probably be so angry that he would chop you with the knife, right?"


"By the way, thank you for letting Takina live in."

"It's nothing, Takina herself fulfilled the request."

"Well, actually, I also hope that Takina can stay in this world forever, so that I don't have to accept DA's orders to kill people. Although this world has gods and monsters with extraordinary power, I just feel that it is safer and more relaxed here. Already."

After a brief conversation, Qian Shu gradually fell into silence.

Obviously, these are not what Qian Shu really wants to say.

The room became quiet for a while.

Kitagawa Yu didn't get impatient, so he just walked beside her. After a moment of hesitation, he took the initiative to take her into his arms.

Qian Shu in his arms trembled slightly, and seemed to have made up his mind, and finally said: "I met Shinji Yoshimatsu before, in the previous Skytree. Majima used him to lure me there."

"I actually had a glimmer of hope before, but it turned out to be my own wishful thinking."

(End of this chapter)

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