Zongman: Starting from adopting the homeless melon god

Chapter 278 I, Irena, can’t possibly lose!

Chapter 278 I, Irena, can’t possibly lose!

On Irena's side, because she can only try her luck, she has only caught six killers so far.

Of the remaining two teams, Ayako and her team still have 0, let alone Artoria's team, which lacks the means to torture, so they have only confirmed three of them so far.

There are a lot less killers on this cruise ship, but if there are too many, there are only about 20 left.

The most important thing is that with the efficiency of Qian Shu and Takina, if she doesn't help Irena cheat, Irena's chance of winning is really low.

"Do you want to help the master cheat?"

Ask Irena directly. With Irena's proud temperament, she will definitely refuse.

But Pokémon are not puppets.As a qualified Pokémon, she must not only listen to her master's words, but also take the initiative to share her master's worries.

Thinking of this, Gardevoir couldn't help but make a decision.

"How can I help Master?"

"Master, she only relies on her eyesight to identify the killer. She has already missed two people before."


Gardevoir's beautiful eyes flashed, and he quickly thought of a solution.

A few minutes later, a few people arrived outside a small steel ball shop that is commonly seen in Japanese animation.

"Is this some kind of small steel ball shop?"

"This machine doesn't look interesting, so why do so many people like it?"

"Sister Irena, do we want to go in and take a look?"

Illya, whose little hand was held by Irisviel, looked towards the store, with curiosity and confusion on her face.

Because the sign at the door of this store directly says that minors are not allowed to enter.

Among them, Irisviel seems to be the only adult.

But at a glance, there were at least 30 people sitting in this store. What if there was a killer inside?

And she is a child after all, so she is really curious about places like this that she has never been to before.

"Then go in and see!"

Irena didn't hesitate much.

She doesn't care whether she's an adult or not, as long as it's not a place that's not suitable for children, she's like a gray witch who ran away from home and traveled around the world at the age of 16. Is there anything she can't go to?

But just as she finished speaking, the middle-aged man who looked to be in his 30s and was sitting in front of the small steel ball machine closest to the entrance suddenly straightened up and stood up excitedly.

"What? Did you find it? In the children's shopping area on the third floor? Damn it, so many of us are chasing her, and she still dares to go shopping safely? Wait, we two will go there right now!"

The middle-aged man held the black headset on his ear with one hand and said.

Then, regardless of the dissatisfied looks of others after the interruption, he shouted loudly to a yellow-haired young man in the store who was playing with other machines: "Hey, hurry up, I found it!"

"Wait a minute, this game will be over soon!" Although Huang Mao stood up from the stool after hearing this, his hands still did not leave the machine, and he did not even turn his head to take a look.

This made the middle-aged man run over angrily and cursed: "Idiot, at your level, you can't even earn a single gram until you get off the boat! Why don't you hurry up! We might be late if we get there I can’t even drink the soup!”

Although that last sentence, the middle-aged man carefully lowered his voice.

But that's enough.

The black headset and the conversation just made Irena's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Gardevoir! Clear the place!"

"Okay, master."

With a thought in Gardevoir's mind, the tyrannical mental power turned into invisible ripples, instantly imprisoning the thoughts of everyone in the store, making them all freeze at this moment as if they were under a time-stopping spell.

Next, Irena turned her head and looked at Illya with a smile.

"Go, Illya."

"Eh? Okay!"

Illya was stunned for a moment, then immediately let go of Irisviel's hand and jumped into the store. As she walked, she turned around and looked at the machines neatly placed on both sides, muttering curiously. Said: "So these are just small steel balls. They don't seem to be as interesting as the video games Aniya and I play."

Afterwards, the identity is confirmed and the sheep is transformed into a dragon.

Illya's sheep-changing spell is not as smooth as Irena's, but that's why she needs to practice more.

"Great, we caught two more! Now we have eight killers in our hands! Gardevoir, please just lock them up."

"Good host."

Gardevoir directly used his telekinesis to receive the two palm-sized puppets into his palms, and then activated the teleportation to send the two of them into the room that was temporarily used as a prison cell.

No way, space pockets can't hold living things.

As for the pockets, even if the doll is only as big as a palm, it can't hold many.

"By the way, how are the other teams doing? We should be the ones with the most, right?" Irena asked Gardevoir curiously.

Well, inquiring about other teams shouldn't be considered cheating.

But Gardevoir's answer was a little beyond her expectations.

"I'm sorry, Master. The team that has caught the most killers so far is Chishu and Takina's team. They have caught 9 killers."

"What?" Irena was stunned, and a big greeting popped up in her head.

"Which team of Chishu and Takina has the most? And they also caught nine killers? This, how is this possible?!"

Irena was really puzzled.

If Sakura and Murasame's team caught 9 killers, more than her team, she wouldn't be surprised. After all, both Sakura and Murasame have magical powers, and the team's rewards this time are no better than hers. Inferior desire.

But there are only two people, Sensu and Takina.

Not only do they not have any special extraordinary abilities, but their desire for victory is not as strong as some of them. Why can they catch so many?

"By the way, Qian Shu and Takina seemed to be loyal to an official spy organization that was proficient in assassinations in their world. Could it be that they are very experienced in watching killers?"

This guess couldn't help but pop up in Irena's head.

However, Gardevoir's answer once again proved her guess wrong.

"No, Master, it's because of that dusk."

"Dusk? That spy? Isn't he an ordinary person?" Irena asked doubtfully.

"It's true that he is an ordinary person, but his eyesight is really powerful. Even if the killer looks ordinary and no matter how well-disguised he is, he can always find the opponent's flaws at a glance. So far, he has always found one by one. allow.""."

Irena was stunned for two or three seconds before she came back to her senses.

Can you tell if it's a killer at a glance?This is too awesome!
No wonder Senshu and Takina were able to catch so many killers.

According to this efficiency, we only need to walk back and forth on the cruise ship.

But then she clenched her fists, and two fires full of fighting spirit ignited in her eyes.So what if Senshu and Takina hired powerful foreign aid?She won’t lose anyway!

She, the Gray Witch, has never been weaker than anyone else in her life!
No matter what exams or competitions, I have never gotten No. 2!
It will definitely be the same this time!
Irena secretly cheered herself up. In fact, she didn't say it, but she was still a little frustrated in her heart. After all, when she first went to Demon Slayer World, she actually had a chance to capture Kitagawa Yu.

As a result, because she was a little reserved, and because there was Chishu next to her, she was a little embarrassed, and now she was lagging behind Chishu and Ayako.

I don’t feel comfortable thinking about it.

Next, Irena couldn't help but speed up.

Because all I think about is, 'This guy looks so fierce, he should be a killer, right?' ', 'Does this person need to be hypnotized to ask if he is sneaky? ', "This." and so on, so she didn't notice it, and then she seemed to be cheating. She was very lucky.

There are always people who are talking about where to search for targets next, or simply walking with a pistol exposed under the corner of their clothes.

Originally, it would take seven or eight people to catch a killer, but before you know it, you can catch one killer every two or three people.

With such high efficiency, in just over half an hour, the number of killers captured by Irena's team nearly doubled from the original eight, and they had already captured fifteen killers.

As for the team of Chishu and Takina, who were originally number one, even with the help of the world's number one male protagonist Dusk, because the number of killers themselves was getting smaller and smaller, and they were scattered and constantly moving on such a large cruise ship, so it took such a long time. As time passed, only two more were added, and a total of eleven killers were caught.

Considering the number of remaining killers, Irena only needs to catch three more killers to seal the victory in advance.

"Three. It should be easy to catch, right?"

Gardevoir thought and put away his magical powers.

No, it's mental manipulation.

With her current strength, she activated it quietly, and even Irena didn't feel anything unusual.

However, it turns out that although Irena is the protagonist in the world of Witch Journey, she is not very lucky compared to other protagonists, such as Qian Shu, Artoria, and Xiaoxun.

Not to mention compared to Dusk, the protagonist of this world.

Within 10 minutes after Gardevoir put away his mental control, Team Qianzhu found another killer, and Team Artoria was extremely lucky to find three killers gathered together at once.

But Irena's team couldn't find a new killer.

"Ah, that's strange. Have all the killers been caught?" Irena couldn't help scratching her head.

Of course, she also knew that the killer must not be caught yet, otherwise Gardevoir would inform everyone that the game is over.

So it could only be that she was unlucky and didn't find it.

"Maybe all the killers in this area have been caught." Irisviel speculated.

Gardevoir, on the other hand, looked at the two smart-looking people, and then at the middle-aged man who was standing in front of a dessert shop three meters away in a straight line, licking the cone crazily, with a look of unbearable expression on his face. Zhu showed a speechless expression.

That's right, this uncle with a harmless look on his face and all his thoughts on the double-ball chocolate cone in his hand is also a killer.

"Hey, Gardevoir, what's wrong with you?"


Gardevoir sighed silently in his heart, thinking that his master had been so unreliable at times.

But she didn't dislike Irena like this, instead she felt even cuter.

And the stupid master needs her help more, right?

"It seems that I still need to take action."

So, just when the three of them were about to pass by the uncle licking the ice cream, the uncle's ears suddenly heard a sizzling sound of electricity, and then
"Hey, Fat Tiger, can you hear me?"

"There seems to be something wrong on this ship. Many of our killers have lost contact, and they did not send any distress signals before losing contact."

"What's going on over there? Have you noticed anything unusual?"


The killer is not a spy or an agent. The headsets and other communication equipment used are obviously inferior to the professional equipment used by those spies and agents. What's more, the technological level of this world is only the level of the 20s and 90s.

In addition, this is the interior of a cruise ship made entirely of metal, so it is normal for the headset to make an electric sound, and then the sound becomes a little louder, right?


"Is this guy also a killer?"

Irena, who almost passed by him, couldn't help but be stunned. Looking at the assassin who was also stunned, her face showed an expression of shock at first, and then the expression of shock turned into joy and relief.

"I'm just telling you, how could my luck be so bad? It turns out there is a fish that slipped through the net!"


A fish that slipped through the net?Are you talking about him?

Although the killer uncle looks unreliable, he is not an idiot.

After listening to Irena's words and recalling the call from the intelligence agent that came through the earphones, I immediately realized something was wrong.

Without any hesitation, the assassin uncle didn't care that Irena was a young and beautiful girl. He directly put his hand into his arms as quickly as possible and held the pistol.

However, the next second, he, along with other passers-by and tourists around him, were pressed by Gardevoir's mental pause button.

"Great, sister Irena, we have caught another killer!"

"Well, yes, it seems we are quite lucky~"

No interrogation is needed to know that this person is 100% a killer.

So Irena, who was in a good mood, deliberately bought a few cones and planned to reward herself after turning the killer into a puppet and imprisoning her.

Of course, everyone also has a share in Illya and Gardevoir.

It’s just, well.
"This cone is quite delicious!"

Gardevoir looked at his master's triumphant look and thought silently in his heart.

Then she continued to mobilize her mental power while eating a vanilla and mango double-ball cone, and gave mental hints to the two closest killers.

Since intelligence agents have discovered that a large number of people are missing and have informed the killers to be careful, it makes sense for these two killers to get together to prevent accidents from happening, right?
"Hey, these two people have their hands in their arms all the time, and their eyes are darting around warily. I think they must be killers!"

(End of this chapter)

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