Chapter 285 Three trillion? !

"Damn it!"

"Where did this guy come from?"

"Zou Liuyuan has found such a master without making any noise. I'm afraid Kuroki Xuanzai and Wu Lei'an may not be her opponents."

It's a pity that at this point, even if they want to make any small moves, it's too late.

The competition soon entered the second round. Except for a few duels, the intensity of each match in the second round was much more intense than in the first round.

And Xiao Mo soon ushered in her second round opponent, Kuroki Xuanze.

Although Kuroki Genzai is not a good person and is in the assassin world, he is really strong.

And unlike other combatants, his specialty is that he has refined basic karate moves to the extreme. His killer move is five fingers that have been refined to a point where the power and speed are comparable to bullets.

Kiryu Setsuna's Rakshasa Palm is used to tear the opponent's muscles and bones with the strong rotation force after hitting the enemy, but Kuroki Genzai's five fingers can directly poke into the opponent's bones like a sharp blade. break.

"So just avoid his fingers, right~"

"But to be honest, I really want to see if his attack can break through my defense."

Mordred looked at Kuroki Genzai with great interest. After the host announced his entrance, he jumped directly from the stands and jumped off the field.

"Young man, you are indeed very strong, but the champion of this boxing competition must be me."

Kuroki Genzai put on the karate starting position and said to Mordred in a deep voice.

Mordred raised her eyebrows in surprise when she heard this. She obviously didn't expect that Kuroki Genzai, an old guy in his 50s, would argue before the battle. She also didn't expect that someone would dare to be so arrogant in front of her. This made her Suddenly he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Very well, old guy, for the sake of making me laugh with your humor, I'll let you see my true strength!"

"one move!"

"Let you see the real power and speed!"

Mordred grinned recently, showing a cruel smile, and a strong murderous aura spread out, which immediately made all the combatants present couldn't help but look shocked.


"How can this guy have such amazing murderous intent?!"

"Even if you kill hundreds of people, you won't be able to accumulate such strong murderous intent!"

Mordred suddenly showed disdain when he heard the discussions around him.

Hundreds of people?What a joke!

Although she was not a Knight of the Round Table from the very beginning, she had accompanied Artoria on many years of battles and had personally killed thousands of enemies, if not ten thousand.

Not to mention anything else, just in the battle with Artoria after the rebellion, she killed hundreds of people.

And those are not ordinary people, but elite warriors who can follow Artoria on the expedition. The terrifying murderous aura accumulated in this way is simply stronger than killing a hundred thousand ordinary people with one's own hands in this era.

Even if the magic power was not released, just the murderous intent that leaked out made Kuroki Xuanze, who was already facing a formidable enemy, suddenly change his expression.

He always liked to strike from behind, but he couldn't help but want to take the initiative to attack.

However, as soon as this idea came up, Mordred had already moved.

There's nothing fancy about it, just an ordinary punch with a punch, but its speed is so fast that even Kuroki Genzai's physical instincts, which he's been honing for decades, can't keep up.

Its powerful force made Kuroki Genzai feel as if he was hit head-on by a speeding train. His sternum was almost completely shattered. His whole body was like a cannonball, flying nearly 20 meters until he hit the wall of the arena. Then it stopped with a bang.This scene immediately frightened everyone present. The originally noisy and restless venue instantly became silent, and you could hear a pin drop!
"Strange, monster!"

"Is it really possible for a human being to knock a 20-kilogram man [-] meters away with one punch?"

"Even the Wakatsuki samurai, who has a superhuman physique and a muscle fiber density that is 52 times that of ordinary people, wouldn't have such terrifying power when he uses the ultimate move of core explosion, right?!"

It wasn't until Mordred impatiently signaled to the referee and quickly announced the result of the game that everyone finally came to their senses.

As the medical staff of the competition rushed into the arena and took away the unconscious Kuroki Genzai, Mordred also returned to the spectator seats.

With her current strength, it would be a bit bullying to take action, so rather than taking action in person, she prefers to watch other people's evenly matched battles.

The same goes for Kitagawa Yu.

Watching the boxing contest live is much more exciting than in comics and anime.

At the same time, many places that have been briefly mentioned in the comics can also be presented here one by one.

"It's a pity that it's not easy for campus festivals to be so bloody and cruel. Otherwise, dragging these people over would definitely shock countless eyeballs."

Kitagawa Yu thought with some regret.

There was basically no suspense next. After two rounds of competition, Mordred and the protagonist Ten Ghost Snake Ouma successfully met in the finals.

Then Ten Ghost Snake King Ma, who was still trying to struggle, was defeated by Xiao Mo's serious punch even though he used the defensive trick "Not Bad".

Of course, it was Hideki Nogi who finally won the title of president of the Boxing Club.

He just doubled the benefits that should have been paid to the company "Motorhead Motorcycle" represented by Kuroki Genzai and transferred it to Soryuin Shion.

Convert everything into Japanese yen, which is about
"Three trillion?!"

Kitagawa Yu, who had just learned this number, couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

But when I think about it, even a fighter like Julius Reinhardt, who was defeated by the Wakatsuki Samurai in the first round, has accumulated 51 billion yen in assets with 16277 consecutive wins since his debut.

Three trillion seems like nothing.

It is worth mentioning that Soryuin Shiyin took the initiative to upgrade the conditions originally promised.

This time she plans to buy a few acres of land directly in Yoyogi Park to build the most gorgeous shrine for Kitagawa Yuu in neon, and at the same time upgrade the monthly offering to [-] million yen.

In addition, she also plans to let her sister Zhu Mei serve as the shrine maiden and be responsible for the daily management of the shrine.

After doing this, Kitagawa Yu couldn't help but feel a lot of affection for her even though he knew her purpose.

After thinking about it for a while, Kitagawa Yuya stopped being polite and simply told Soryuin Shion about his plan to use magic potions to increase his 'faith' and asked her to take charge of the work in this world.

Zouyuan Shiyin has witnessed the effects of magic potions with her own eyes. She learned that in addition to potions that can make people eat no matter how much they eat and not gain weight, there are also potions that whiten, slow down aging, even treat diseases and injuries, and extend life. Naturally, he agreed.

After all, this kind of thing will also bring huge benefits to their family.

"Then it's settled, I'll come find you again after the shrine is built."

"Okay, my lord!"

After agreeing on the time, Kitagawa Yu opened the portal and returned to the main world with Artoria and Mordred.

(End of this chapter)

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