Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 101 Yi Zhonghai Doesn't Like Silly Promoting a Level 7 Cook

Chapter 101 Yi Zhonghai Doesn't Like Silly Promoting a Level [-] Cook
Inside the canteen.

The idiot who didn't know that he had taken the blame for Xu Damao's grandson Xu Damao looked at the people in front of him with a depressed mood.

All of them are masters who eat people's food and don't do human affairs.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have made such a decision that seemed to come out of his ass.

The steel rolling mill workers skill competition was originally scheduled to take place seven days later.

It was actually advanced by them.

Also start with the canteen.

Call it a good name.

warm up!

The excuse given is that these people in the cafeteria cook every day, and the materials are ready-made, far from skilled jobs such as fitters, blacksmiths, riveters, and turners, who need to prepare materials in advance, select examiners, and so on.

roughly the same meaning.

As long as it is personal.

not stupid.

If you can chop the vegetables, pour them into the pot and fry them until they are cooked, you can pass the chef assessment.

The arms cannot twist the thighs.

No one has a high position.

There are still some fallacies in what people say.

Silly Zhu could only passively accept this kindness.

There are about 1 employees in the rolling mill. In order to solve the problem of eating for the workers, ten canteens have been set up. One canteen is responsible for eating and drinking for [-] employees. The numbers are divided into the first canteen, the second canteen, and the third canteen.

Shazhu is the master chef of the second canteen. Due to his superb cooking skills, he has been in the factory for ten years and has been in charge of the hospitality task in the rolling mill.

Chef's job.

I have always relied on my ability to eat.


You are the father.

No ability, you are the grandson.

As the most famous cook in the rolling mill, Shazhu is still an eighth-level cook so far. It has to be said that this is a miracle.

Those people who entered the factory before and after Shazhu, no matter how stupid they are, they are also seventh-level cooks, and very few of them have reached the sixth level.

Silly Zhu has not mentioned the reason so far.

It was he who provoked the rolling mills with his broken mouth, and he couldn't speak his head.

It was obviously a good intention, but when it came out of Shazhu's mouth, it was as if he was greeting his eighth generation ancestors.It is also reasonable to not be liked by the leaders of the rolling mill.If it weren't for his excellent cooking skills, he would have been sent to the workshop long ago to carry the finished castings.

For Shazhu, this employee skills competition is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He wants to use his own skills to tell Yi Zhonghai that his grandfather, Shazhu, has been promoted.

Shazhu is the master chef of the main spoon, and the content of his assessment for upgrading the level is mainly fine dishes.

Ma Hua and Fatty are currently apprentices, and the condition for becoming a full-time employee is to be able to cook big pot dishes. During this period of time, thanks to Shazhu's laziness, Fatty, Ma Hua and the others can barely pass the test.

In order not to delay the future of Fatty and Ma Hua, Sha Zhu, who originally wanted to show off his skills by frying big pot dishes, had no choice but to extinguish the idea of ​​cooking.

I also complain that the workers in the second canteen have no good food.

After a few words of advice to Mahua and the others, Shazhu put his mind on Xiaochao.

He saw ready-made large intestines in the cafeteria.

I wanted to make a wonderful and famous dish.

Nine turns of the large intestine.

Find clean water and wash the large intestine for eight minutes.

A bit of the original taste is intentionally preserved.

With Sha Zhu's dazzling knife skills and skillful cooking techniques, two steaming nine-turn large intestines were freshly baked in a very short period of time.

A plate was placed in front of several leaders.

A plate was placed in front of several employee representatives.

He believed that the delicacies he cooked carefully with a hint of the original flavor of the intestines would conquer the tongues of the heads present.

Having served meals for more than ten years, Shazhu is very clear about the eating habits of these heads and minds, and he likes this kind of stinky and stinky dishes.

The leaders gave thumbs up.

Presumably, the remaining few employee representatives will not raise objections.

The title of the seventh-level cook.

He's set.


in the workshop.

A man named Wang Haomin walked up to Yi Zhonghai quickly, and took out a pack of filter-tip Daqianmen cigarettes from his pocket as if flattering him.

"Master Yi, you smoke!"

Yi Zhonghai looked at the cigarettes handed over to him, and he seemed to understand Wang Haomin's original intention for handing him the cigarettes.

One must have come for the Qijinba seven days later.

There is an unwritten rule in the rolling mill, as long as you are promoted to the eighth-level worker, you will automatically have a quota for entering the factory, regardless of whether it is male or female, old or young, as long as the new eighth-level worker will bring you to the rolling mill. In the department, the rolling mill will handle the relevant entry procedures for you.

What exactly do you do?
If the eighth-level worker appoints you as his apprentice, you will follow the eighth-level worker as an apprentice. If the eighth-level worker does not appoint you, the rolling mill will arrange you for casting and processing according to your culture, gender, physical health and other conditions. , frosting and other workshops, the workshop director will designate a master for you.

In the eyes of many people.

Yi Zhonghai represented the peak level of the seventh-level workers.

To Yi Zhonghai, such things as the seventh promotion and eighth grade are trivial matters, and Yi Zhonghai's name is destined to be included in the list of eighth-level workers.

Jia Dongxu is his apprentice.


He was expelled from the factory for making mistakes.

If today's incident hadn't happened, no one would have thought about Yi Zhonghai's quota for entering the factory, and they all guessed that he gave the quota to Jia Dongxu's wife.

The frequent thunderstorms of Liu Lan and Que Genxian let the workers know Yi Zhonghai's intention of accepting Jia Dongxu as his apprentice.

Don't you just want to find someone to support yourself?


I have many sons.

I will give you a son.

With such thoughts in mind, Wang Haomin came to Yi Zhonghai, and handed to Yi Zhonghai the filter-tipped cigarettes that he had never parted with in the past as a gift.

Yi Zhonghai didn't answer.

He got into a dead end and didn't turn this corner for a while.

After Wang Haomin's behavior that was tantamount to making it clear, Yi Zhonghai felt a little bit of hope for retirement.

The whole person had an epiphany.

Jia Zhang kept saying that he wanted to take Qin Huairu back to the countryside to find his in-laws. If he could find a job for Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu would have to stay.

Qin Huairu is here.

There is also hope for Shazhu to marry her.

As for how to persuade Jia Zhang to keep Qin Huairu, Yi Zhonghai is going to use the stick as an excuse.

This year.

There may be practices such as top shift or top post.

Your job, after you retire or die, will be handed over to your immediate family members or someone you designate, which is equivalent to hereditary succession.

Yi Zhonghai could see how Jia Zhang was treating the stick, and he used the stick as an excuse. Even if Jia Zhang didn't think about her, he had to think about the stick.

Naturally, the quota for entering the factory cannot be given to unrelated outsiders.

"I have a bad throat, so I can't smoke."

"Master Yi, keep it. When you feel comfortable, let's smoke it again."

"Such a good cigarette, you'd better keep it for yourself." Yi Zhonghai stuffed the cigarette into Wang Haomin's hand, "Don't think about my quota for entering the factory, someone already wants it."

Wang Haomin didn't believe Yi Zhonghai's nonsense.

Rebutted one sentence.

"Master Yi, don't fool me, I know you didn't actually give out this quota."

The conversation turned.

Talk about your own conditions.

That is why Yi Zhonghai entrusted this job to himself.

"I have several sons, as long as you give me the quota for entering the factory, your pension is covered by my sons. You are optimistic about that one, and let that one give you a pension. Even if you let them call you father, I will pay for it No objection, Master Yi, you think about it, you gave the job to Jia Dongxu’s wife, it’s also for the elderly, and my son, it’s still for the elderly, I can adopt him to you, change the surname to Yi, you have a son surnamed Yi, Isn't it good? Master Yi..."

Suddenly a loud horn sounded.

Wang Haomin's persuasion was interrupted.

It also gave Yi Zhonghai a chance to get rid of it, and the hypocrite took advantage of Wang Haomin's stupefied time to trot out from the side.

The person just arrived at the door of the workshop.

The voice announcing that Sha Zhu had been promoted to the seventh-level cook broke through the void and flew into Yi Zhonghai's ear cavity.

"Attention all the workers in the rolling mill. I am Wang Xianghong, the announcer of the Propaganda Department. I will announce the list of people who have been promoted this time. A certain person from the canteen has become a full-time apprentice. A certain person has been promoted to the ninth level cook. Wang Xiaopang and Ma Hua in the cafeteria have been converted from apprentices to full-time employees, and Master Spoon Master He Yuzhu has been promoted from the current eighth-level cook to the seventh-level cook..."

The name of the person behind.

Yi Zhonghai had no intention of listening at all.

Just one thought.

Shazhu, the boss of the second canteen, was promoted today and became a seventh-level cook in the rolling mill, and his monthly salary was also promoted from the original 37 yuan to the current 45 yuan.

My heart became unbalanced.

If Silly Zhu is still the same silly Zhu who obeys his advice, a higher salary will be a good thing for Yi Zhonghai, and it means that Qin Huairu and Xiao Dang from the Jia family opposite will have more money for their mothers. Both consumption.

Don't know what went wrong.

Silly Zhu kept Yi Zhonghai at arm's length.

They even started to plot against Yi Zhonghai.

Today, it was exposed again about the calculation of old age.

Even if Yi Zhonghai thought about Tian Ling Gai, he could also think of Sha Zhu's attitude towards giving him a pension.

Shazhu's salary increase became a very bad thing in Yi Zhonghai's eyes.


Two canteens.

There were voices congratulating Shazhu for his promotion everywhere.

This also includes Liu Lan.

The two had just chatted a few words.

Silly Zhu brought the topic to Deputy Director Li.

For Deputy Director Li, who has always liked to eat his mouth, it is definitely a beautiful enjoyment to be able to eat Shazhu's food. Feeling a little strange, he asked Liu Lan.

Liu Lan, who didn't think too much, explained why Deputy Factory Director Li was not at the assessment site.

The property rights of Jia’s house belonged to the steel rolling mill. There are many workers in the factory whose housing conditions are still in short supply. According to Jia Dongxu’s dismissal, the Jia family has to vacate the house.

But because of Jia Dongxu's special situation.

The factory was worried that something would happen that would kill paralyzed workers.

Let deputy factory director Li bring two of his subordinates to come to do the ideological work of Jia's family and see when Jia's family can move out. home for two months.

A total of three months.

Three months later.

Presumably Jia Dongxu's body is almost cultivated.

They can safely and boldly force Jia's family to leave.

to be frank.

This news is really not good news for Shazhu. The Jia family has two more months, which means Yi Zhonghai has another [-] days to plot against Shazhu.

 I, who was on the street, asked for a chapter push from an author who wrote courtyard houses

(End of this chapter)

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