Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 105 Old Yan, let Shazhu ride your bicycle for free for a few days

Chapter 105 Old Yan, let Shazhu ride your bicycle for free for a few days (please subscribe)
Facing Shazhu's proposal to ask Yi Zhonghai to help solve the bicycle problem, Yi Zhonghai felt like he was shooting himself in the foot with a stone.

He felt as if he was thinking too much about Shazhu.

Proposal for the canteen in the compound.

It is entirely based on the assumption that Sha Zhu will obey him.

The problem is that the current silly Zhu is no longer with Yi Zhonghai, and is a little hostile to Yi Zhonghai.

Think before and after.

Yi Zhonghai still told the truth.

"Zhu Zhu, the matter of the bicycle is not because the uncle refuses to agree to you, but this matter, it is really not ordinary difficult."

Yi Zhonghai finally understood Sha Zhu's trick. This bastard wanted to use the canteen of the compound to solve his problem of three turns and one sound. With the bicycle, the wife came back with him.

By the time.

How did Yi Zhonghai match Qin Huairu to Shazhu?

Unless he makes Qin Huairu become a fool for Shazhu!

Still unbelievably small.

"Grandpa, who will believe what you say? You are a seventh-level worker in our rolling mill, and you will soon be an eighth-level worker. When the time comes, the heads of the rolling mill will support you. You ask them for a bicycle Can they not give you the ticket? What’s more, they handed over the bicycle ticket to you without you opening your mouth. Ask the neighbors if this is the case.”

Silly Zhu encouraged the surrounding neighbors for a while.

The scene where Yi Zhonghai encouraged everyone to plot against Sha Zhu just now.

Instantly reappeared in front of Yi Zhonghai.

The only difference between the two is that the person who calculated has changed from Shazhu to Yi Zhonghai, and the person who encouraged him has changed from Yi Zhonghai to Shazhu.

"Grandpa, what Shazhu said is right, you are already an eighth-level worker, can the leaders not express it?"

"Grandpa, just agree to the request of Shazhu. Whoever let Shazhu say it is reasonable, he can't run back and forth between the rolling mill and the courtyard, right? It's mainly a waste of time!"

Some people used the treatment of the eighth-level engineering gods a few years ago as examples to support their arguments.

"Gong Yang, Li Gong, Ding Gong, and Zhao Gong who went out to support construction were promoted to eighth-level workers in the front foot, and the rolling mill gave them bicycle tickets and radio tickets as rewards."

"There is also meat, pork, beef, chicken, duck and fish, there are a lot of them, sir, you are being modest, and being modest is a crime."

"There's also white noodles."

Seeing that the neighbors were trying to persuade Yi Zhonghai.

Silly Zhu is like eating iced watermelon in the dog days.

It's a comfortable feeling all over the body.

He believed that the neighbors would join him in targeting Yi Zhonghai, not asking for things from the neighbors, but also doing things that were beneficial to the neighbors.

All fools know how to go along with fools.

What's more, the group of people in the courtyard are fine.

If it is covered with fur, it is a monkey.

"Grandpa, listen, listen carefully, this is the voice of the neighbors, and I didn't ask you to get me a bicycle. In front of the neighbors, you promised that you would get me a bicycle after you were promoted to the eighth level of work." A bicycle ticket is enough, and I buy the bicycle with my own money, which means that I use my bicycle to contribute to the neighbors!"

Yi Zhonghai's stomach was full of bitterness.

I use my bike to help the neighbors.

This said.

It makes you foolish to save face.

I take out the bicycle ticket and exchange it for money, and I can exchange it for 80 yuan.

Give you?

Pure bullshit.

The key point is that Yi Zhonghai found that he had no reason to reject Sha Zhu.

He was put on the fire.

After hesitating for more than [-] seconds, he had to agree to Sha Zhu's proposal, promising that as long as he was upgraded to an eighth-level worker, he would give Sha Zhu a bicycle ticket.

"Then I thank the old man." The silly Zhu who got the bicycle ticket for nothing said his heartfelt gratitude to Yi Zhonghai, "Neighbors, this is the old man in charge of our courtyard house!"

"You're welcome, this is what a grandpa should do. As long as I can help the neighbors, I, Yi Zhonghai, can do anything."

Yi Zhonghai, who was worried that Sha Zhu would play tricks again, decisively interrupted Sha Zhu's words, and put some gold on his face in every detail.

He still underestimated Shazhu's shamelessness.

It also heightened his status in Sha Zhu's heart.

Just when Yi Zhonghai's words had just landed, Sha Zhu put forward his own new suggestion.

In fact, it is a requirement.

"Grandpa, I believe you will definitely be promoted to an eighth-level worker, and I believe that the rolling mill will reward you with a bicycle ticket, but what should I do during this time?"

Yi Zhonghai's heart.

If it weren't for the blocking of the throat.

Maybe they all flew out in fright.

The silly pillar of the dog day.

You're still here.

Killed him.

Even if Silly Zhu didn't say what happened next, Yi Zhonghai guessed that this bastard must have had the idea of ​​Yan Fugui's bicycle.

Eyelids trembled unnaturally a few times.

Don't talk about him.

Even Yan Fugui, who was thinking about how to eat more and get more money in the canteen of the compound, was also approached by a very bad feeling at this time.

Eyelids fluttered violently.

I said badly in my heart.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to say something, he heard Sha Zhu making the same excuse again.

"Grandpa, it will take seven or eight days for you to be commissioned as an eighth-level worker. Tomorrow is the day when the cafeteria in our courtyard will be established. People in our country pay attention to a good start. We can't be the first day of the cafeteria in the courtyard. It also delayed the eating and drinking of the neighbors in the courtyard. I can't even forgive myself for doing this."

Shazhu deliberately spoke ironically.

Take the opportunity to provoke Yi Zhonghai.

"In the past few days, the factory has held a staff skill competition. The leaders have put forward several requirements for our canteen. Let us fully guarantee the food and drink of the workers, and then let the workers have sufficient time and energy to sprint to the staff skill competition. Why don't we wait a few days for the cafeteria in our compound?"

Before Yi Zhonghai could answer.

The deaf old lady, who had been pretending to be deaf and dumb, spoke out first.

"Silly Zhuzi, what are you talking about?"

He looked at the deaf old lady who was playing in front of him.

Silly Zhu snorted coldly in his heart.

Just now he learned about the deaf old lady's interruption from Yushuikou, so he knew that the person in the compound who most hoped that the cafeteria would open was this old lady who pretended to be deaf and dumb.

It is related to the vital interests of whether you can have enough to eat.

Under the pretense of pretending to be deaf and dumb, he was doing things that Yi Zhonghai had to agree to open the compound cafeteria tomorrow.

On the matter of calculating Yi Zhonghai.

The deaf old lady and Sha Zhu were considered allies, and he cooperated with the deaf old lady with his words.

"Old lady, how can your ears be good and bad, sometimes you can hear clearly, and sometimes you can't hear clearly, well, let me tell you the truth, listen carefully, the uncle, considering the situation of the neighbors in the courtyard, wants to Hold a compound cafeteria, so that the neighbors can gather together to eat."

"This is a good thing." The fine deaf old lady crazily set up a good person for Yi Zhonghai, "It's still your uncle who thinks comprehensively, silly Zhuzi, other people, we don't care whether they cooperate with your uncle, you I can't dismantle your grandpa's table, you are a cook, help if you can."

"Old lady, what you said is reasonable. I really think so, but because things in the factory are more important, I am worried that I will delay the meals of the neighbors in the courtyard. I will discuss with the uncle whether to close the cafeteria in the courtyard first. In a few days, after finishing the work in the factory, we will set up the cafeteria in the compound."

things in the factory.

When can it be finished?

The factory is open.

There are all kinds of things.

The deaf old lady was worried that Shazhu would use various excuses again and again to make the canteen of the compound completely unavailable, so she directly focused on Yan Fugui's bicycle.

Who let the courtyard have two families with bicycles.

Yan Fugui has one.

I bought it myself.

Xu Damao one.

The one issued by the rolling mill is regarded as public property, and since the movie is going to the countryside, this bicycle really cannot be lent to Shazhu.

By exclusion.

It can only be Yan Fugui's bicycle.

Anyway, he was the ancestor of the compound, and Yan Fugui didn't dare to do anything to her as he stepped into the coffin.

The deaf old lady took this as a reliance, and shouted: "Silly Zhuzi, don't be so loud, I heard everything you said, Yan Fugui donated his bicycle for the happiness of the neighbors in the courtyard." , let you commute to work by bicycle every day, which is a good thing.”

Silly heart.

completely landed.

There is the phrase deaf old lady.

Yan Fugui's bicycle can't be borrowed.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Yan Fugui who was like an ant on a hot pot, and thought to himself, Yan Laokou, do you really think I can take advantage of my stupidity?
I'll fuck you to death.

He deliberately said something to heighten the atmosphere.

"Old lady, why are your ears so confused again?"

"I'm not confused, isn't it because Yan Fugui let you ride his bicycle? I know. Yan Fugui used to look like a stingy person, but I didn't expect that at critical moments, he was unambiguous and worthy of him as the steward of the courtyard house. The reputation of the third master."

"Old lady, you are so confused. When did I, Yan Fugui, say that I lent my bicycle to Shazhu? What Shazhu said was not about my bicycle. He said that the cafeteria in the courtyard should be closed for a few days."

for your bike.

Yan Fugui was rather indifferent.

at their house.

This bicycle is very precious, Yan Xiecheng and the others even need to make a report when they ride it.

It costs money for my own son to ride, besides, Sha Zhu is an outsider, so why should I let Sha Zhu, an outsider, ride my bicycle.

Feeling very upset.

"Do you understand, the canteen in the compound will be opened in a few days, it's not that I lent my bicycle to Sha Zhu to ride."

Yan Fugui almost yelled this sentence at the deaf old lady.

The old saying goes well.

You can never wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep.

In other words.

You will never wake up a deaf ancestor.

The deaf old lady who understood Yan Fugui's words once again resorted to the magic weapon of pretending to be deaf, and said to Yan Fugui: "Yan Fugui, don't worry, the silly Zhuzi will definitely cherish your bicycle and promise not to hit you bicycle."

"Old lady, you!"

Yan Fugui was about to cry.

He already had a hunch that his bicycle was about to say goodbye to himself.

To know.

Come home from get off work every day.

The first thing Yan Fugui did was to wipe the bicycle with a clean rag. Sometimes it rained or snowed, and Yan Fugui, who was reluctant to ride a bicycle, became a cyclist in people's eyes. He could carry the bicycle all the way. Bike back to the courtyard.

"Old lady, let me tell you what's good about you. This is my bicycle. I don't want to ride it myself. I lent it to Shazhu and it broke it for me. What should I do? Old Yi, you are a uncle, and you and the old lady Get close, explain this to the old lady."

"Old Yan, why don't you lend your bicycle to Zhuzi first? What the old lady said just now is reasonable. Zhuzi will definitely cherish your bicycle."

"Old Yi."

"Old Yan, I won't be able to borrow this bicycle from you for a few days, and it will only take a week if it is exhausted. If something goes wrong, I will be Yi Zhonghai!"

When the words came to his lips, Yi Zhonghai decisively changed his tone and changed his name to Sha Zhu's name. He wanted to use this method to make things difficult for Sha Zhu and make him not take it for granted.

If it can scare the silly column away.

Do not borrow Yan Fugui's bicycle.

That's great!

"The pillars must not let you suffer. What a bicycle should look like is what it looks like. If you don't believe me, can you not believe in the pillars?"

"Old Yi, that's not what I mean, I really love my bicycle."

"No matter how distressed it is, it will only take a few days. At worst, I will eat a few more corn buns, and I will have everything."

Words in bangs.

It touched Yan Fugui's mind.

I thought about it.

Makes sense.

Eating a few more steamed buns and eating more vegetables is equivalent to charging bicycle rental fees.

Think about it this way.

Yan Fugui's mood.

Immediately felt better.

He replied with a constipated face.

"Then I will follow Lao Yi and Lao Liu's thoughts and donate my bicycle first, but we have agreed that the two of you will become eighth-level workers, and you must give the bicycle ticket to Shazhu."

Taking advantage of Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong's nodding.

Yan Fugui turned his head and instructed Sha Zhu.

"Silly Zhu, you are the same, you got the uncle's bicycle ticket, hurry up and buy a bicycle."

In other words.

You hurry up and return the bike to me.

It doesn't matter if you don't pay it back.

Let's change bikes.

Sha Zhu nodded with a smile, and made new suggestions to the three stewards.

He didn't intend to make things difficult for Yi Zhonghai and the others, it was purely to help them solve their problems.

Since it is a cafeteria in the compound, the materials for the cafeteria must come from the hands of the neighbors.

Who pays how much?

What happened?
Is there any flour?
Everything is in place.

Make bricks without straw.

You can't let Silly Zhu cook for them with air and nothingness.

"One, two, three, we've settled the bike issue. I promise to cook this meal for the neighbors on time. We all know that steamed buns need flour, and meat dishes need pork. There's no such thing. Things, just with a few tanks of cold water, it can't be turned into a steaming meal."

"Silly, for your proposal, the three of us have discussed it. How much food is in the house and what food is there? I, Yan Fugui, will keep a unified account. How much we eat and how much we take, we all have account books to look for. How many stick noodles are left in the food book and how much we have received, we also clearly record it in the account book."

Everyone listens.

There is a certain truth.

He didn't even bother to raise objections.

At worst, when they go back at night, they also record a small account.

Unified reconciliation at the end of the month.

There is no corruption of Yan Fugui and others.

(End of this chapter)

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