Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 108 Silly Zhu, lightly ride a bike

Chapter 108 Silly Zhu, lightly ride a bike

Bicycles cannot take people.

Pure bullshit.

But the thought of the owner of the bicycle.

It was Yan Fugui.

Silly Zhu was relieved.

He absent-mindedly said a few perfunctory words, and pushed the bicycle into the house.

He Yushui jumped over like a bunny, circled the bicycle several times, touched the back seat of the bicycle for a while, touched the handlebar of the bicycle for a while, and pressed the bell on the handlebar with his hand.

Accompanied by the force of He Yushui's fingers.

The sound of jingling bells resounded in the house immediately.

As if frightened, the little girl took another step back and laughed heartlessly towards Sha Zhu.

A mouthful of white teeth, revealed in the air.

Silly mood.

It also became more enjoyable.

As long as there is something he likes, he is not afraid that He Yushui has something he likes, but he is afraid that He Yushui doesn't like anything. This kind of He Yushui is truly hopeless.

Shazhu is going to stimulate He Yushui with a bicycle. Outsiders look down on you, but you have to look down on yourself.

"Yu Shui, as long as you are admitted to university, I'll buy you a bicycle immediately, and let you go to university on a bicycle, how about it?"

He Yushui rolled his eyes and looked at Shazhu.

A scumbag with an unlovely face.

The silly stigma is getting bigger.

Excited will not eat.

If you are not excited, you will not eat.

The matter of co-authoring the college entrance examination and Everbright He's family can only be entrusted to Shazhu's next generation.

It's not easy.

Yi Zhonghai, who is diagonally opposite, is still unwilling to give up, and is still thinking about bringing Qin Huairu to him. The mother of three children, even if Sha Zhu thinks with his heels, he can also think that after Qin Huairu remarried, it would be difficult for him to have children. what attitude.

To Yi Zhonghai.

Still have to work harder.

Rather than passively waiting, it is better to take the initiative.

Silly Zhu understood the situation, and if he didn't beat Yi Zhonghai down completely, this bastard would definitely ruin his affairs. Who stipulated that Yi Zhonghai couldn't brainwash Silly Zhu's daughter-in-law behind her back. Abandoning the child and running with others, threatening to kill him in the cradle.

dog day.

It's hard.

Silly Zhu can throw Jia Zhang on the bed of Yi Zhonghai.

Check the time.

He issued a eviction order towards He Yushui.

"Go back to sleep."

"I'm looking at bicycles."

"Yu Shui, look again, this bicycle belongs to someone else's family. I still say the same thing. As long as you are admitted to university, brother will buy you a bicycle. It's better to look at your own bicycle than someone else's bicycle."

"Other people's bicycles are worthless, but your own bicycles have to be bought with money."

This reason.

It sounds more Yan Fugui than Yan Fugui.

"Brother, you are so powerful." He Yushui looked at Shazhu with admiration, and his words were full of admiration, "This bicycle used to be at the third master's house. Yan Jiedi wanted to touch the bicycle. Third master They didn’t let it go, saying that Yan Jiedi’s fingernails could scratch the paint leather of the bicycle.”

Sha Zhu didn't believe it at first.

But he looked at Yushui's serious expression.

Immediately believed [-]%.

His eyes fell on the bicycle in front of him.

Yan Fugui bought this bicycle in 56, and this year is 61. For five or six years, Yan Fugui used it to commute to get off work or go fishing, and sometimes lent it to those who are planning to get married.

Life is not ordinary.

Whether it was the paint leather of the bicycle, the bell of the bicycle, or the frame and tires of the bicycle, they were all cleaned spotlessly by Yan Fugui.

The bicycle as a whole looks [-]% to [-]% new.

No wonder Yan Fugui would tell Sha Zhu again and again, telling him to ride carefully no matter what, and try to carry the bicycle on his shoulders when he can not ride.

What a good thing!
A person who rides a bicycle must become a person who rides a bicycle.

No loss.

Silly Zhu decided that he would ignore Yan Fugui's messy instructions and ride as he should, and Yan Fugui would have to pay a heavy price.


Yan Fugui returned to his home from Shazhu's house in a restless mood.

Although Silly Zhu kept his promise, saying that he would love Yan Fugui's bicycle as much as his own daughter-in-law.

Beautiful words.

But Yan Fugui still felt uncomfortable, and then panicked for a while, wondering if Shazhu would ride a bicycle around the house at night without even sleeping.

Don't talk about riding all night.

It was silly Zhu sitting on the car seat all night.

Bicycles can't stand it either.

After entering.

There was a kind of uneasiness on his face.

The three mothers who have shared the bed with Yan Fugui for decades, seeing Yan Fugui's expression, can tell that Yan Fugui is worried about that precious bicycle.

Could not help complaining.

"Father, since you are worried about the bicycle, why did you push the bicycle over to him in the middle of the night? When he was going out tomorrow morning, he passed by our house and remembered it. We lent him the bicycle and forgot , Our bicycles are saved."

Yan Fugui was already in great pain.

Under the persuasion of the three mothers who poked their hearts out.

Feeling more and more uncomfortable.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have done something wrong, and he should have lent the bicycle to Shazhu tomorrow as the three mothers said.

One wrong step.

Step by step.

Shazhu is a bachelor, and he has never held the hand of a lesbian. How can he love Yan Fugui's bicycle like he loves his daughter-in-law?
Mingming regretted it to death.

But because there are several children in front of him.

Yan Fugui gritted his teeth.

His swollen face made him fat.

Make things right for yourself.

"This matter was decided by Lao Yi. If it weren't for Lao Yi's face, this bicycle can't be lent to Sha Zhu."

"Father, you precious bicycle, we used to ride it, but you always pushed us back and forth, and refused to let us ride it, but you can ride it with the silly pillar. Those who know us are your sons, but those who don't know think you are in charge of the silly pillar." call daddy."

Yan Jiekuang complained.

In exchange for Yan Fugui's sharp white eyes.

"You know what a fart, dad didn't lend his bicycle to Shazhu, but Yi Zhonghai."

"Didn't Sha Zhu push our bicycle into their house? What does it have to do with Yi Zhonghai?"

"Boy, you have only eaten for a few years, and your father has crossed more bridges than you have traveled. If Yi Zhonghai asked, our family would not borrow our bicycle at all. It was for Yi Zhonghai's sake that he lent the bicycle to Yi Zhonghai. If Shazhu is killed, Yi Zhonghai will have to accept this favor from his father."

Yan Fugui analyzed the interests involved.

"In a few days, Yi Zhonghai will be an eighth-level worker. There are no more than four levels of eighth-level workers in a rolling mill with tens of thousands of people. Dad sells a favor to Yi Zhonghai. When you look for a job, he will ignore Yi Zhonghai." Question? Tell me, is it better to work as a worker in a rolling mill, or to do odd jobs on the street?"

"Father, it goes without saying that it must be the rolling mill."

"Tomorrow at noon, the cafeteria in our compound will be set up. Don't eat breakfast, save your stomach and eat at noon."


the next day.

Silly got up early in the morning.

finish dressing.

After washing up, seeing that it was time to go, I hurriedly searched for it.

Since Yi Zhonghai asked him to take good care of Yushui, Shazhu, as Yushui's elder brother, naturally had to do his best to take care of his younger sister.

In the noodle tank, he found a small cloth bag tied with a hemp rope. He didn't know whether it was stick flour or white flour. Sha Zhu weighed it casually. The contents of the noodle bag were estimated to weigh seven or eight catties.

Untiing the knots on the top of the cloth bag and looking inside, a smile appeared on Sha Zhu's face.

It turned out to be flour.

There are more than ten eggs in the small basket next to it.

When did the flour and eggs come back? Silly Zhu really has no specific impression in his mind, but the surprise in his heart cannot be described in words, as if he has encountered the best good thing in the world, and the whole person is filled with inner feelings. On the outside, there is a sense of cheerfulness from the heart.

Flour and eggs, eat sparingly, enough rainwater for a few days.

It can be considered that the little girl has a good taste, and he is going to make a bowl of delicious egg noodles for the little girl.

and face.

make a fire.

Make egg soup, put the noodles in the pot, and a bowl of fragrant egg noodles is freshly baked.

The only thing I feel a little sorry about.

It's one less tomato.

Otherwise, Shazhu would make tomato and egg noodles for Yushui. Eating egg noodles without some tomatoes is like drinking without fried peanuts. I always feel that there is a lack of authentic taste.

He left the house with the noodles and came to He Yushui's hut.

Knocked on the door.

After hearing the call to come in, Sha Zhu opened the door and walked in.

The reason why he didn't ask Yushui to eat in his house was because Shazhu was worried that Yi Zhonghai or the deaf old lady would come to him shamelessly, and those who relied on the old to sell the old would insist on eating it.

Rather than being in the mood to eat noodles due to the troubled rain, Sha Zhu's mood is also not very good. It is better to eliminate the danger in advance and let the rain eat in her house, which is safer.

19 year old big girl.

Neighbors should avoid suspicion.

"Rainwater, do you see what this is?"

Silly Zhu put the noodle bowl in front of He Yushui as if offering a treasure.

Looking at the fragrant egg noodles in front of me.

The rain couldn't help sniffing, and a look of surprise flashed across his face.

"Noodles? Where did they come from? I remember that our rice noodles were eaten a while ago!"

"Didn't they want to open the cafeteria in the courtyard last night? When I got up today, I felt a little restless. I turned over the vat and found a bag containing seven or eight catties of white flour and a dozen eggs. It's fun, if it wasn't for the blockage in the throat, I guess my heart would be happy."

Silly Zhu did not tell lies.

When he saw these white noodles, he was really ecstatically happy.

"Don't hold back, eat it. I've never seen eggs in noodles. If you don't eat it, the noodles will be so delicious."

"Brother, you can eat the noodles, and I will just eat the steamed bread."

Inside the courtyard.

He Yushui should be the most insecure person.

The father ran away with the widow.

In addition, this patriarchal thought is at work.

He Yushui thought that He Daqing saw her as a girl and didn't want her anymore.

Facing Shazhu, as a younger sister, she is very sensitive, and she tries to eliminate that kind of self-cognition like oil bottle as much as possible.

"Yu Shui, I was nicknamed Silly Zhu by our dad, you don't want to have more nicknames of Silly Yu, do you? If you don't eat noodles, why don't you eat corn bread?"

The conversation turned.

Silly Zhu's tone became a lot harsher.

"Or are you worried that you won't be admitted to university, and you won't be able to explain it when the time comes, so you simply don't eat noodles for now, and three months later, on the grounds that I didn't eat noodles, you will be blamed for not being able to enter university on me, my brother on the head."

"Why are you talking about taking college entrance exams again?"

"Yu Shui, it's the best if you can get into college. It doesn't matter if you don't get into college. At least we have to have a clear conscience. I want to have a clear conscience for you, because I have fulfilled my responsibility as an older brother, and you should also have a clear conscience." , you have to fulfill your duty as a younger sister and as a student, even if you fail the exam, we can face the result calmly."

Silly Zhu was stunned.

I recalled his words in my mind.

So philosophical.

"After eating, go to school quickly. You will have a bite at school at noon, and brother will make it for you when I come back in the evening."

Silly Zhu exhorted a few words.

Turned around and left the rain house.

Behind him was He Yushui, who was eating noodles with tears in his eyes. He didn't know whether he was moved by Silly Zhu's behavior, or sighed at his fate of going to college.

She must be really hungry, her small mouth was full of noodles, and she looked like the hamster that prepared winter food for herself in autumn, bulging.


In the courtyard.

The fool who sent the noodles to the rain.

Sure enough, I met the deaf old lady who was looking for it by smelling it.

There was a thrill in my heart.

Thanks to his superior skills.

Bring the noodles to Yushui House.

A false smile was squeezed out on his face, he said hello, and then he gestured to the deaf old lady with his eyes, and the deaf old lady turned into Yi Zhonghai's house knowingly.

I scolded Sha Zhu's eight generations of ancestors in my heart.

The deaf old lady who was starving twice yesterday found her by herself this morning. As soon as she left the house, the dog sniffed out the smell of noodles and smelled that they were noodles with egg marinade.

In a good mood.

Walking a few steps quickly in the direction, seeing the figure of Silly Zhu entering He Yushui's room carrying noodles, he felt a little unbalanced.

Thinking that it is impossible for Shazhu to make a bowl of noodles.

Just waited at the door.

When Sha Zhu came out of Yushui's house, she followed Sha Zhu's buttocks into the room, pretending to be deaf and dumb, and shouted to let Sha Zhu make noodles for her.

As a result, Sha Zhu directly gave her a two to zero.

He didn't intend to invite the deaf old lady into the house at all, and drove the deaf old lady to Yi Zhonghai's house like a plague god.

The mood of the deaf old lady can be imagined.

Get angry.

Worried that Sha Zhu would tell her about reselling food and food coupons.

In the end, he could only swallow this resentment back into his stomach.

Looking forward to the opening of the canteen in the compound as soon as possible.

At that time, there will be no need to look at the faces of Yi Zhonghai and his wife to make a living.

Say silly column again.

After he drove the deaf old lady to Yi Zhonghai's house, he walked back to his own house, hid the flour bag and eggs, carried his green satchel for lunch box, pushed Yan Fugui's bicycle, left the house, and jumped over the middle courtyard , walked through the front yard and came to the gate of the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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