Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 111 Three fires when the new official took office

Chapter 111

It's about your own future.

Guo Dashuo didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

He tried to keep his tone as gentle as possible.

If Yi Zhonghai was promoted to the eighth rank.

technical aspect.

Honor parents.

Also rely on Yi Zhonghai.

Even if he can't be promoted, the seventh-level worker is also a reliance that Guo Dashuo dare not provoke.

"When I was the deputy director of Workshop 23, I heard Master Yi's name. It was said that Master Yi's skills belonged to the ceiling level among the seventh-level workers. Thanks to the superiors, I was transferred to Workshop No. [-] as the acting workshop director. , the thought of being able to work with Master Yi in the same workshop, I was so excited that I didn’t sleep for several days. Master Yi, someone who knows me well, call me Guo Dabozi, you can call me Guo Dabozi, you can also call me Xiao Guo."

Yi Zhonghai would not be so stupid as to really take what Guo Dazi said on the scene as the truth and put it into practice, yelling Guo Dazi one by one.

Both are thousand-year-old foxes.

You still want to play a Liaozhai routine!

He smiled.

"Director Guo, they all serve the rolling mill, so there is nothing to rely on."

"Master Yi, you are humble. I think about your work these few days. After six days, it will be the seventh promotion and eighth assessment that countless workers in our rolling mill will pay attention to. As the old saying goes, three points will be achieved by sharpening your guns before the battle. God, your job is to specialize in technology as much as possible. Me and our hundreds of workers in the ninth workshop are all counting on Master Yi to be promoted to the eighth-level worker. I am really proud of you. Master Yi, what do you think of my arrangement? Is it feasible or not? If there is anything wrong, just point it out, and I promise to follow your wishes."

The two thought of a piece.

They all want to make a good article on the matter of Qijinba.

There is no such objection at all.

Yi Zhonghai readily agreed with Guo Dashuzi's suggestion, and decided to focus on upgrading in the next few days.

"Director Guo, your arrangements are quite comprehensive, so I will follow Director Guo's wishes and focus on the technology, and strive to bring back an honor for our No. [-] Workshop."

Someone in the workshop was promoted to the eighth grade worker.

the whole workshop.

All feel honored.

The rolling mill will hold a special celebration meeting, and those who have been promoted to the eighth grade will wear big red flowers on the stage to accept the worship of all the workers.

Guo Dajizi said so.

Logically explained.

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai didn't object to him, he put his heart in his abdominal cavity, turned his head to the remaining workers in Workshop No. [-], and gave a few words of advice.

"You all heard Master Yi's words, right? It's nothing important, don't disturb Master Yi, and you can't relax your vigilance. You should also improve your skills as much as possible, and strive to advance as soon as possible."

Guo Dashuzi suddenly pointed to a skinny young man in the crowd who had just joined the job for seven or eight days and was still an apprentice, and sent him a task.

"Jia Gui, starting from today, you will help Master Yi go to the cafeteria to cook meals, so that Master Yi has more time to think about the promotion. When Master Yi is promoted to the eighth-level worker, just give you a few pointers, and you will be more than enough to become a regular."

A young man named Jia Gui.

He happily agreed to Guo Dajizi's proposal.

Ma Liu promised to help Yi Zhonghai cook.


Sixteen workshops.

Liu Haizhong was also doing the same thing as Yi Zhonghai.

difference between the two.

Guo Dashuzi offered to ask Yi Zhonghai to prepare for the seventh and eighth competitions, while Liu Haizhong took the initiative to tell the workshop director that he wanted to prepare as much as possible for the exam in a few days.

The workshop director thought briefly.

Agreed to Liu Haizhong's suggestion.

If there are dates or not, there are three poles.

If he was really lucky and won the seventh-level and eighth-level assessment, it would be considered that he, the workshop director, has a good leadership and has added a new eighth-level boss to the rolling mill.

When leaving.

He said a few words of encouragement to Liu Haizhong.

Change to Yi Zhonghai.

He must have heard the other party's perfunctory intentions.

Who let Liu Haizhong's education level not be high, but he is still a master who is keen on career, he is a bit stingy, and mistakenly took the false words of the workshop director as the truth, but he patted his chest vigorously, and made a gesture towards the workshop director After fulfilling the promise to be promoted to the eighth-level worker, he came to his job with a chubby body.

Yi Zhonghai is a fitter and has extremely high requirements for the dexterity of his fingers.

Liu Haizhong is a blacksmith and needs a lot of physical strength. This is why Liu Haizhong eats eggs every day. He needs to supplement nutrition.

It's just that outsiders don't understand it very well.

He mistakenly thought that Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were not his own sons.


Two canteens.

Shazhu officially exercised the right of the seven-level cooking squad leader.

Morning meeting.

For the first time, as the monitor of the canteen, he stood in front of Liu Lan and other helpers, as well as Ma Hua and his apprentices, with a dignified expression on his face as much as possible.

He looked around at everyone for more than thirty seconds.

Silly Zhu opened his mouth.

"Just to say a few words, from now on, I will be the canteen monitor of our second canteen. As the old saying goes, I don't care what happened before when a new official takes office. That is the responsibility of the previous monitor! What will happen in the future, as long as I If you are still the squad leader of the second cafeteria, you have to take the lead."

Silly Zhu said above.

Liu Lan and the others were thinking about it below.

The most unruly person in the canteen.

no one else.

It was the silly Zhu who stood in front of them at this time and talked about the rules, not to mention shaking the spoon, but the leftovers from the reception in the second cafeteria were slipped back to his home by the silly Zhu.

I also blame Shazhu for not knowing how to be a human being, and I am used to eating alone.

Can they have no complaints?
It's just that I dare not say it.

Who made Shazhu's cooking skills be a business card of the rolling mill, and those who came and went who had eaten Shazhu's meals praised Shazhu's good cooking skills.

Some things that can't be discussed, are often negotiated miraculously after eating the meal cooked by Sha Zhu.

This is what Sha Zhu relied on, and he never put the canteen monitor and director in his eyes.

The leaders have nothing to do with silly pillars.

Not to mention the helpers and handymen in the cafeteria. Facing Shazhu's arrogance and domineering, they often had to bow their heads and admit defeat. Liu Lan dared to ridicule Shazhu because of his good relationship with Deputy Factory Manager Li.

It's just sarcasm.

Leftovers or something.

It was still after Shazhu finished taking it, they took the rest.If Sha Zhu finished taking all of them, they could only look at the leftovers in Sha Zhu's hands and sigh.

Who let Shazhu keep telling them the old rules of the chef's business, and these people who made trouble believed it.

Faced with Shazhu's well-behaved remarks at this time, many people didn't take it seriously. They guessed that Shazhu would rely on his status as the monitor of the second cafeteria to become more unscrupulous in the future, and the leftovers he served would be even more irrelevant to them. relation.

Just when they feel down.

But Shazhu gave them a huge surprise.

"Today I set a rule here. If the lunch meal is good and there is some leftovers, if you don't want to go home to cook at night, you can bring the vegetables or steamed buns back in a lunch box and heat them up before eating."'

Hear this.

Everyone was overjoyed immediately.

Leftover dishes.

Isn't it just a dish for nothing?

save money.

But the second half of Silly Zhu's words, like a basin of cold water, directly poured them a heart-warming chill.

"If the leftover meal at noon is taken home to eat, you must pay the meal ticket. Liu Lan will be responsible for the statistics, and the person who bought the meal will sign and approve it later, so as to avoid accidents. A hat for canteen leftovers is not worth the candle."

Silly Zhu changed his tone.

Speaking of leftovers.

The things that the people in the second canteen care about are the oily dishes.

"There is also the leftovers from the hospitality meal. I was wrong before. I didn't consider the feelings of the comrades, so that the comrades hated me for so many years. I suddenly realized that there is no reason to eat alone in the world. The leftovers from the hospitality meal, Let's add it up and see if it's a rotation, or if the big guys share it together."

Liu Lan and the others were all dumbfounded.

The reception is Shazhu's private space.

Suddenly hand over the private land to their big guys.

I couldn't figure it out for a while.

Staring with confused eyes, he sized up Shazhu a few times, and found that Shazhu was still the same Shazhu, still an old-fashioned and not very pleasing Shazhu.

But Sha Zhu's eyes were different from before.

The silly Zhu before, his eyes were full of arrogance, with the aura of being the master in the kitchen, but now the silly Zhu's eyes are full of a trace of clarity of unknown meaning.

Could it be that he became generous because he felt a burden on his shoulders as the monitor of the cafeteria?

It seems that only this reason can explain clearly.

"One last point, we are cooks, cooks who cook, among other things, at least this hygiene, you have to respect yourself, cut your fingernails diligently, and wash your hands and face as soon as you come back from the toilet. , you have to change and wash it more often, do you understand?"

"I understand."


The crowd dispersed with a clatter, and gathered together in twos and threes, talking in low voices.

Sha Zhu guessed that they should discuss the matter of entertaining meals again.

Divide leftovers from the treat.

This is the way Sha Zhu came up with looking at Yan Fugui's bicycle last night, to give those people in the second canteen some sweets.

The main reason is that their identities are different.

He was a cook before, so he didn't care about anything else, as long as the rice was cooked and the leader's meal was ready.

Now he is the squad leader of the cafeteria responsible for eating and drinking for 1000 people. If something goes wrong, he will be the first to be held accountable.

I can't be the squad leader on the front foot.

The back foot will be kicked off.

If something like this really happened, it would be easy for others to say, Xu Damao would definitely laugh at him to death.

Xu Damao!
Shazhu's enemy for more than ten years.

He suddenly wanted to talk to Xu Damao.

"Liu Lan, Ma Hua, Lao Wang, don't forget to go to the warehouse to get your things later. I'll go to the propaganda department, and it will take more than [-] minutes if I die."

Ten canteens.

Each canteen is responsible for feeding 1000 people.

These things have to be pulled to the warehouse with a cart on the same day.

Its name is anti-theft.

As for whether it can be prevented.

Sha Zhu didn't know, anyway, he knew that some people lived on the mountain and depended on the water.

When it was time to leave the cafeteria.

Suddenly thought of something.

Added a sentence to everyone.

"I remembered one more thing. The canteen is related to the place where the workers eat and drink. We all know the truth that diseases come from the mouth. Let's make another rule. We don't care about other canteens, but the second canteen is the back kitchen, not the second canteen. None of those people can come in."

dog day.

Last time.

It's because there are no such rules.

The stupid Zhu was dragged away from the back kitchen by Yi Zhonghai.


Shazhu didn't set up such a rule for Yi Zhonghai.

The main reason is to exclude Qin Huairu in advance.

Does he know that the eighth-level worker comes with a quota to enter the factory, and Yi Zhonghai is the one with the best skills among the seventh-level workers. The entire rolling mill is waiting and waiting for the moment when Yi Zhonghai will be promoted to the eighth-level worker.

Yi Zhonghai became an eighth-level worker, and the entry quota that he brought with the eighth-level worker must be given to Qin Huairu.

Jia's family is a mountain attached to Yi Zhonghai. Jia Dongxu is paralyzed, so the rolling mill doesn't want it. Jia Zhang's is a fat old godly woman who eats too much and doesn't work, so the rolling mill can want it.

There were three adults in total, except for Jia Dongxu and Jia Zhang, only Qin Huairu remained.

According to He Yushui's analysis to Shazhu last night, Yi Zhonghai used all kinds of means to force Shazhu to provide for him in the old age.

Both light and dark come.

I can't rule out the worry of using Qin Huairu to put a pot of shit on Shazhu's head. Suddenly at night, he got under the bed of Shazhu, Jia's family was yelling for rape, Qin Huairu bit Shazhu to moleste her, Shazhu really wanted to go underground stroll.

Sleep at night.

The deadbolt has to be wiped.

As for the means of breaking up, it is the same as not using it. Yi Zhonghai and his wife, the deaf old lady and others have thicker skins than him.

How to break up?

Unless you move out of the courtyard!
The problem is that there are no extra houses on the street for Shazhu to rent.

Silly Zhu was not very satisfied with the replacement house.

Yi Zhonghai's threat of bringing Qin Huairu together with him can only be solved fundamentally, that is, foolish marriage!

Yu Shui told him last night that since the matchmakers around him didn't come to his door, he might as well find a matchmaker in another place. If the one in the city doesn't work, he should go to the countryside to find one. He can always find a matchmaker who is willing to matchmaking for Sha Zhu. I don't believe it. Yi Zhonghai covered the sky with his hands so that all the matchmakers in the capital would not tell Sha Zhu their daughter-in-law.

Silly Zhu felt that He Yushui's suggestion was reasonable.

Thinking about the busy time, after getting Yi Zhonghai's bicycle ticket in vain, he had a good talk with the street director.

He left the second canteen.

Strolled all the way to the Propaganda Section.

Identify themselves.

I want to talk to Xu Damao.

But I didn't expect those people in the publicity department to say that Xu Damao took the machine to the countryside to show a movie yesterday afternoon. As for when he will come back, it will take four or five days.

Silly Zhu really helpless.

After finally making up his mind, he had to have a good talk with Xu Damao, and try to resolve the conflict between the two of them as much as possible. If it was impossible, he would cook a few special dishes in the house and prove his repentance with actual actions.


If a problem cannot be solved with one drink, drink two.

I didn't expect Xu Damao to be so hungry.

not at home.

The idea of ​​asking Xu Damao to drink to resolve the conflict between the two has disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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