Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 113 Yi Zhonghai Was Standing on the Pyre of Fire

Chapter 113 Yi Zhonghai Was Standing on the Pyre of Fire
Faced with all kinds of pursuits from workers who don't know the inside story.

Yi Zhonghai is a dumb man who eats coptis, he feels pain in his heart but he can't express it.

You can't say that my eighth-level worker is a parallel importer.

He had a hypocritical expression on his face that was completely opposite to what he thought in his heart, and he looked at the workers who were flattering him with a kind smile, and said some insignificant polite words.

Put gold on your face as much as possible.

He would never have imagined that after fooling the workers of Workshop No. [-] with lies, he would face an even bigger situation of death on the spot.

Some neighbors who lived in the courtyard with Yi Zhonghai, because they didn’t know the truth about Yi Zhonghai’s lack of factory quota and extra bill benefits, connected Yi Zhonghai with those masters who were promoted to eighth-level workers with real skills, thinking Can I take advantage of Yi Zhonghai's position as an eighth-level worker? Based on this idea, I organized a group to come to Workshop No. [-] to celebrate Yi Zhonghai.

"Master, are you in the workshop?"

People have not yet entered the workshop.

The flattering voice of sycophancy flew into the ear curtains of everyone present one step ahead.

In order to show the difference between them and other workers.

Did not address Master Yi.

Instead, he called an uncle who had a different meaning.

The grandpa of the courtyard.

You savor carefully.

Others didn't know how they felt, but Yi Zhonghai's expression changed again and again.

Want to say goodbye.

by myself.

want to run.

The workshop is just a gate, and those people walked towards the workshop step by step from the outside.

It's a completely unavoidable situation.

last resort.

Yi Zhonghai could only bite the bullet and forcefully act out the big show. He looked up at those neighbors with his kind face.

"Er Gouzi, Sanshuidan, Fourth Mule, Five Huzi, Liujieba, why are you here?"

"Master, you still ask why we are here? Everyone in the rolling mill knows about your promotion to the eighth-level worker. Can we not know? Before you took the assessment, I told the workers around you, It is said that our Red Star Courtyard will definitely produce an eighth-level worker, and this eighth-level worker is our uncle in charge. Taking advantage of the break in the middle, I will bring a few neighbors from the same courtyard to express our congratulations to you."

"It's really unnecessary." Yi Zhonghai waved his hands, "It's working time now, so you have to hurry up and work, so as not to be seen by your workshop director and criticize you."

"It's okay, we've all asked Duan Zhang for leave."

"Seven confused, eight sloppy, I really don't need to come here to congratulate me."

"My uncle, don't worry, put your heart in your stomach boldly, and Shazhu will come later, and Jiu Baldhead went to the second cafeteria to call Shazhu."

Yi Zhonghai did not expect this group of people.

Even silly pillars are not spared.

"You still called Zhuzi?"

"You are the big man in charge of the courtyard house. If you mention such a big matter as an eighth-level worker, Sha Zhu, as a neighbor of the courtyard house, how could he not come there? He must come."


"Silly, let me tell you a secret."

Liu Lan grabbed Sha Zhu's arm and dragged him out of the second canteen.

It looked like the joints of underground members in the movie, with a cautious look, first looked around, and then looked around worriedly.

She dragged Sha Zhu to an empty corner, and then lowered her voice.

"Yi Zhonghai has been promoted to the eighth rank, you know about that, right?"

Silly Zhu nodded.

Inside the rolling mill.

As long as you're not deaf.

We all know that Yi Zhonghai has been promoted to the eighth rank.

This time, in the employee skills competition, a total of 97 people signed up for the seventh-level and eighth-level assessment, and only two people advanced to the eighth level.

One is Yi Zhonghai.

One is Zhang Xianliang.

The loudspeaker of the publicity department has announced the glorious deeds of Yi Zhonghai and Zhang Xianliang who were promoted to the eighth rank, and called on the workers to learn from Zhang Xianliang and others.

He is not deaf.

Naturally know this.

Slightly raised his head and asked Liu Lan a question.

"Liu Lan, what exactly do you want to tell me?"

"Silly Zhu, this is what Deputy Director Li told me. He didn't let me spread these words. I think you are a reliable person. I will share these secrets with you. Don't spread them to me." .”

I knew that Liu Lan was unreliable.

Didn't expect it to be so unreliable.

Deputy Factory Manager Li urged her thousands of times not to let her tell the truth, followed the instructions on the front foot, and then told the secret to Shazhu, and acted like I trust you, Shazhu.

such trust.

Sha Zhu really didn't want it, he really wanted to express his gratitude to Liu Lan, and say "I thank you."

"Yi Zhonghai's promotion this time is not due to his real ability. The factory leaders see Yi Zhonghai's dedication to the rolling mill for so many years, so he is promoted from the seventh-level worker to the eighth-level worker."

Facing the secret told by Liu Lan.

Silly Zhu has a flat expression from beginning to end.

It has been announced on the bulletin board, and Yi Zhonghai's favor score is extremely high.

of course.

This should not be described by the score of favor, the correct name is comprehensive score.

Yi Zhonghai's comprehensive score is nine points, and one point is added for a full score.Liu Haizhong's comprehensive score was five points. Because of the difference in the comprehensive score, one became an eighth-level worker, and the other continued to struggle on the seventh-level worker!

For Sha Zhu.

It doesn't matter how Yi Zhonghai rated the eighth-level worker, the important thing is the benefits after Yi Zhonghai became the eighth-level worker.

Entry quota.

Silly Zhu guessed that Yi Zhonghai would get Qin Huairu into the rolling mill. With Yi Zhonghai's help, even if Qin Huairu had no background as a fitter, he would definitely become a regular in a very short time. By then, Qin Huairu's salary would be able to support Jia's family. With the name of a steel rolling mill worker as his reliance, even if Qin Huairu is the mother of three children, she must be able to remarry a good man.

The second is the welfare of the eighth grade workers.

Tickets, bicycle tickets, radio tickets, etc. that some fools can't get.

These days.

Silly Zhu rode Yan Fugui's bicycle back and forth.

Doesn't the picture show a bicycle ticket from Yi Zhonghai's hand?

As long as he can get these things, Sha Zhu doesn't bother to care whether Yi Zhonghai's promotion is real or fake.

There was a little disbelief on his face.

Just when he was thinking about whether to go to Yi Zhonghai's house to ask for a bicycle ticket at night, Liu Lan's next words were like a basin of icy cold water, which directly poured a chill on Silly Zhu.

"Silly Zhu, if things were as simple as you imagined, the factory canceled Yi Zhonghai's eighth-level benefits."

Cancellation of eight-level benefits.

What do you mean?
Silly Zhu became a wooden man, staring questioningly at Liu Lan who broke the news.

"The number of places that the eighth-level workers bring to the factory is gone, and the rewards and benefits for the eighth-level workers are also gone."

there is none left?
All gone!

These things are all related to silly pillars.

Just gone?

"Liu Lan, don't lie to me, you can't spread some nonsense."

"Why am I lying to you? Deputy Factory Manager Li told me himself, can it be fake?"

"It's all gone? Or is Yi Zhonghai's gone?"

"Zhang Xianliang has it, but Yi Zhonghai doesn't!"

Silly Zhu stepped back a few steps, and his body barely stabilized his figure until he leaned against the pillar.

The eighth-level worker who co-authored Yi Zhonghai has a false name for nothing.

No wonder Yi Zhonghai's name was deliberately not mentioned on the loudspeaker when he called on the workers to learn from the eighth-grade workers, but ignored himself by using a word like "Yi Zhonghai".

On second thought.

This is a good thing again.

Silly Zhu could understand that Jia Zhang didn't quarrel with Yi Zhonghai because of the entry quota for Yi Zhonghai after he was promoted to the eighth-level worker. Judging by Jia Zhang's character, it must be the fate of the frying pan, and it is estimated that Jia Zhang can make Yi Zhonghai's face dirty.

In the courtyard.

The people who are staring at the benefits of Yi Zhonghai's eighth-level workers are not only Jia Zhang, but also Yan Fugui and the others.

Shazhu rides Yan Fugui's bicycle to and from work every day, and the distressed Yan Fugui doesn't know how to face Shazhu. When he comes back from work, he sees that Shazhu is too lazy to wipe the bicycle, so Yan Fugui runs to the window of Shazhu with a rag Next, wipe the bicycle meticulously.

As long as Yi Zhonghai came back, he would ask Yi Zhonghai when he would be promoted and if he had been promoted.

No assessment.

There are excuses for procrastination.

After the assessment, he has been promoted to the eighth grade worker. What excuse is there for Shazhu to continue riding Yan Fugui's bicycle?
Return the bicycle to Yan Fugui.

Silly Zhu wants to put down the pick and give up.

Is the cafeteria in this courtyard still open?

Unless Shazhu agrees to come back every day to cook for the beasts, and then run back after cooking, one does not eat your food, and the other does not drink your water, why should he serve you?

So this incident was like setting Yi Zhonghai on fire.

Have to sigh.

Still can play with brains and brains!


Six p.m.

Riding a bicycle back to Shazhu in the courtyard, the first time he saw Yan Fugui guarding the door like a door god, looking at him like a watchman.

My heart was instantly relieved.

Yesterday Yi Zhonghai told Lao Hao that today the steel rolling mill will conduct the seven promotions and eight assessments.

If Shazhu didn't guess wrong.

At this moment.

Yan Fugui, who was guarding the door, should want to know from Sha Zhu the answer to whether Yi Zhonghai was promoted or not.

He hurriedly got off the bicycle, and told Yan Fugui about Yi Zhonghai's promotion to the eighth-level worker before Yan Fugui asked.

Said a little selectively.

Sha Zhu shrewdly concealed such secrets as Yi Zhonghai's promotion to the eighth-level worker's own factory quota and reward receipts were cancelled.

He wanted to see how Yi Zhonghai would deal with this situation.

With the mind of provocation.

Let your voice be heard by the neighbors in the yard as much as possible.

In the end, with Sha Zhu's efforts, all the neighbors in the courtyard learned of Yi Zhonghai's promotion to the eighth-level worker.

There was a smile on the big mother's face.

Yi Zhonghai became an eighth-level worker, and as a mother-in-law, her status also increased.

The second aunt had a look of resentment.

He grumbled in his heart, how could Yi Zhonghai get promoted to an eighth-level worker, but her man Liu Haizhong was still working on a seventh-level worker, and his heart was very unbalanced.

(End of this chapter)

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