Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 115 Yan Fugui Who Wants All the Good Things

Chapter 115 Yan Fugui Who Wants All the Good Things
Yi Zhonghai sighed inwardly.

What to be afraid of.

But what happened.

I thought I had been hiding outside for several hours and didn't even eat dinner at night, but I didn't expect to be found by Yan Fugui.

He also knew.

This matter must be resolved.

During this period of time, Yan Fugui was really distressed. In the morning, the infatuated little widow watched Shazhu ride away on his bicycle, and at night, he stood by the door like a watchman and waited for Shazhu to return by bicycle. There is really no way to deal with the bicycle. If there is any further delay, even if Yan Fugui doesn't give up on the pick, Shazhu will have to turn the table for him.

very puzzled.

In Yi Zhonghai's mind, the cafeteria in the compound should not last for a few days, but it miraculously opened for seven or eight days, and all the neighbors agreed.

Shazhu's food is cooked well.

Yan Fugui's unified distribution was implemented well.

The small accounts of each household are well calculated.

It was a good thing for everyone, but Yi Zhonghai felt bad about it.

He resisted the depression in his heart and gave a three-day deadline.

Let Yan Fugui persist for another three days.

That is, let Sha Zhu ride Yan Fugui's bicycle for another three days.

The reason why it is three days instead of one day or seven days is because this number is the one that Yi Zhonghai thinks is the most appropriate and most suitable for his identity after careful consideration.

to be honest.

Yi Zhonghai wants to find a way to get a bicycle ticket from the black market within these three days, and openly hand over the bicycle ticket to Sha Zhu in front of the neighbors, so that he can use his own money to do things for the neighbors. To maintain the illusory face of Yi Zhonghai's ridiculous eighth-level worker.

After all, none of the neighbors knew that Yi Zhonghai's reputation was in vain, and mistakenly thought that Yi Zhonghai was a real eighth-level master, including Yan Fugui.

Faced with Yi Zhonghai's suggestion of lending his bicycle to Shazhu for another three days, Yan Fugui briefly thought about it, and left contentedly.

He didn't go back to the house.

Instead, he turned around and came to Sha Zhu's house.

Just opened the door and came in.

Then there was a familiar ridicule.

"Hey, third master, you are so unshakable."

It refers to the fact that Yan Fugui went to the Shazhu House every day to clean his bicycles in the past few days, and the neighbors were no strangers to it, and even thought it was a little funny in private.

Silly Zhu was surprised to see that Yan Fugui didn't have a rag in his hand.

There was a hum in my heart.

Yi Zhonghai hadn't given him his bicycle ticket yet. If Yan Fugui really pushed the bicycle away, the canteen of the Red Star Courtyard, which caused a sensation in the streets, might have to close down.

Anyway, it was Yi Zhonghai's face that was lost.

For Yan Fugui's visit.

Nothing more than two meanings.

Push the bike away, or don't push the bike away.

Shazhu believed it should be the former, he didn't see the rag for cleaning the car in Yan Fugui's hands.

The classic Siheyuan drama of Yan Fugui running to the silly column house to clean the car seems to be impossible to continue.

Wave your hand.

"Before you push the bicycle away, you have to take a good look at it to see if the wheels are crooked, to see if the tires are good or bad, to check the paint leather of the bicycle, to see if there are any bumps, and to say that you are not afraid of the third master." If you are angry, if there is an accident with this car or in my house, I will be responsible for it, and I will not be responsible for pushing it out of the house."

In fact, it means that you are not responsible for leaving the cabinet.

to be frank.

Yan Fugui really had such an idea, but when he heard Shazhu's tone, he saw some noises out of the corner of his eye, or squatted at the door of his house, listening to the sound with his ears propped up, or lying on the glass, staring at the sound. Observing the development of the situation with a pair of eyes, the figures of the neighbors immediately felt a sense of responsibility, feeling that they should justify Yi Zhonghai's name.

The main reason is to take advantage of this incident to slap Yi Zhonghai's flattery, Yan Jiecheng's work, Yan Jiefang's work, and maybe Yi Zhonghai's personal relationship has to be taken away.

The opportunity to catch up with the relationship.

to catch.

He raised his voice, and said in a way that he seemed to be answering the silly question, but in fact he was telling the thoughts of all the neighbors, "Silly, what you said is not very pleasant to the third master. The third master came to your house to push a bicycle. of."

"I heard from the third master that you are here to clean the bicycle? The key point is that you don't have a rag in your hand." Silly Zhu deliberately joked, "Third master, they say that you are an abacus alive. I didn't believe it at first, but now I don't believe it." Believe me, you are planning to grab a rag from our house."

With the original socks on his feet, he threw them in front of Yan Fugui.

"No rags, do you want socks?"

In Yan Fugui's eyes.

There was a flash of emotion.

He suddenly remembered his pair of socks. If he had brought some toilet paper with him back then, he probably wouldn't have used socks to solve the problem. It shows how important it is to wear a pair of socks on his feet.

"Third Master, why are you staring at the socks, you should do it."

"Silly Zhu, you don't need to say anything about your socks. The smell is really strong. The bicycle, the uncle said, I will lend it to you for three days. During these three days, please take good care of the bicycle."

Trivial content.

Sha Zhu could hear the cocoon in his ears.

Just don't ride too fast, when encountering potholes, changing from a person riding a bicycle to a bicycle riding a person, etc., the third master has to tell Silly Zhu almost every day.

Silly Zhu imitated Yan Fugui's tone, repeated these instructions, and then looked at Yan Fugui intently.

"Third Master, please tell me if I am wrong, but if there is a word that is wrong, I will invite you to Donglaishun to have a meal of boiled mutton."

"Silly Zhu, the third master won't eat the boiled mutton. At worst, the third master will suffer a little loss and exchange my bicycle for your bicycle."

Good guy.

Really nice guy.

There is never a loss in doing things.

It's also really impressive.

The idea of ​​using the bicycle he has ridden for seven or eight years for the bicycle that Sha Zhu just bought is too expensive.

Silly Zhu smiled.

He asked Yan Fugui back.

"Third Master, do you think that my name is Sha Zhu, and I'm just stupid?"

"Silly Zhu, the third master is joking with you, I will lend you the bicycle for another three days."

Yan Fugui patted his ass and left. Seeing that Shazhu did not agree to exchange his old bicycle with his new bicycle, a slight sense of disappointment flashed across his face.

Behind him was a silly Zhu who was lost in thought.

Yan Fugui should have advanced to Yi Zhonghai's house, learned some promises from Yi Zhonghai, and then came to look for Sha Zhu, and said a few meaningful words to Sha Zhu.

Borrowing bicycles for another three days means a lot.

The second meaning is that Shazhu will have a bicycle.

Because Yan Fugui made a proposal to replace the old car with a new car in a joking tone, if Yi Zhonghai didn't tell him the truth, it would be impossible for Yan Fugui to say such shameless words.

Liu Lan said that Yi Zhonghai, an eighth-level worker, had been canceled a series of benefits.

Bike tickets can only be purchased.

where to buy?
Naturally, it is a black market!
With a sound of silly Zhu Teng, he sat up straight, his face full of shock.As for Yi Zhonghai, he suddenly felt that the other party wanted to save face and suffer. He had to buy things from the black market for the sake of the so-called personality.

He pondered for a moment.

I found myself as if I had never been to the black market.

The idea of ​​going there was because Yi Zhonghai told him that the black market was not very safe, and the troubled Shazhu never realized his dream of going for a walk around the black market.

Picking a day is worse than hitting the day.

How about going to the black market for a stroll.

Check the time.

Before nine o'clock, Sha Zhu forcibly suppressed the impulse in his heart, and lay on the bed with all his clothes on, closed his eyes and recuperated, recharging his energy for the evening trip to the black market.


The Jia family in the middle school.

Jia Zhang, who had been lying on the glass to observe the situation of Yi's house diagonally opposite, saw Yan Fugui leaving Yi's house, and then came out from the Shazhu house that Yan Fugui followed Yi Zhonghai's intention and lent his bicycle to Yi Zhonghai. Silly words for three days.

An idea popped up in my heart instantly.

That was Yi Zhonghai's bicycle ticket that Sha Zhu needed within three days.

Wei Wei hesitated for a moment.

He turned around and gave Qin Huairu a word of advice, and then under Qin Huairu's watchful eyes, holding a plate of peanuts that seemed to be bottoming out, he pushed the door out of Jia's house, jumped across the middle courtyard, and came to the door of Yi's house .

Reached out and knocked on the door.

The sound of "papapapapapapapapa" made by the palm of the hand hitting the door was extremely harsh in the silent night, and because of Yi Zhonghai's appointment as an eighth-level worker, it instantly attracted everyone's attention. Focusing their eyes on the person who knocked on the door, seeing that it was Mrs. Jia Zhang, they were immediately relieved of Mrs. Jia's behavior, and thought to themselves, the old widow of Jia's family is so impatient.

Easy Zhonghai Home.

Soon there was a question of "who is it?"

It was Yi Zhonghai's voice.

"Dongxu's master, I'm Dongxu's mother. I heard from Shazhu that you have been promoted to the eighth grade worker today. Dongxu will be sincerely happy for you as a master when he hears this good news. Unfortunately, he is currently in the hospital. Lying inside, there is no way to congratulate you, who is a master, for being promoted to the eighth rank, but Huai Ru wants to come over, because Sophora japonica is inseparable for a moment of turmoil, there is no other way, only me, Dong Xu's mother, can come to congratulate Dong Xu His master is a first-class worker, and there is nothing else at home, just a plate of peanuts, I hope Dongxu and his master will not dislike him."

They are all fucking fine.

Deliberately in front of the neighbors of Yiyuan.

Speak so thoroughly.

Under the banner of condolences for Jia Dongxu, he also named his family's difficult conditions.

Can this door be opened?

Open the door, can you pick up the peanuts in Mrs. Jia Zhang's hand?

Quite an unsolvable situation.

"Squeak" sound.

The door of Yi Zhonghai's house was opened.

The person who opened the door.

It's a big mom.

With the help of the faint light, she could clearly see Jia Zhang's face and the so-called gift of peanuts in Jia Zhang's hand.

Feeling as if being stepped on by someone, the pain is in vain.

Inside a small porcelain plate the size of an adult man's palm, there was a thin layer of peanuts laid out gently. The amount was so small that it didn't even cover the bottom of the most basic porcelain plate.

I snorted in my heart.

This is Jia Zhang.

The calculation was really high, and I rushed to their house to cry poor by borrowing a plate of peanuts that was dispensable.

(End of this chapter)

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