Chapter 126 The Neighbors Besiege Big Mom
Silly Zhu riding a bicycle.

Back to the courtyard.

From a distance, I saw Da Ma, Jia Zhang and a group of old women sitting at the gate of the courtyard chatting and farting. The cafeteria proposed by Yi Zhonghai liberated these old ladies in the courtyard. They even did the most basic cooking. I don't even bother to worry about it. Anyway, when it's time for meal, wait for more than ten minutes, take a bowl and go to the middle courtyard to scoop up rice and eat ready-made rice.

Shazhu's cooking skills are really good.

An ordinary home-cooked dish made the neighbors taste like delicacies from mountains and seas.

The neighbors in the surrounding courtyards, apart from being envious, are eager to move. It is said that they also want to join the big dining hall of the courtyard and get a share of the pie.

The old women in the courtyard house who sat together did not agree with each other's proposal to join the cafeteria of the courtyard. After finally enjoying the envy of the neighbors in the outer courtyard, why do you want to make you equal to me.

With such thoughts, they were all thinking about their own calculations, and spoke to the big mother with certainty. In their hearts, Sha Zhu was always the stunned young man who obeyed Yi Zhonghai's words.

Just chatting.

See silly Zhu come back.

My heart skipped a beat.

Misunderstood what happened.

I vaguely remember that when Jia Dongxu had an accident, someone came back to inform Jia Zhang at this point. He didn’t think about other things in his heart, but thought about bad things. Mentioned throat.

"Silly Zhu, why are you back? Nothing happened, right?"

Silly Zhu stopped his bicycle, looked at the woman who was interrogating, she was the daughter-in-law of Lao Yang's family in the backyard, and his son worked in the same workshop as Liu Haizhong.


Showing a pair of white teeth.

Appearance is a bit unattractive, but Shazhu's teeth are really good, neat and white.

"Aunt Yang, it's okay."

"Why are you back? Don't go to work today? Are you going to show off to the neighbors at noon? Silly Zhu, according to aunt, you should show your unique skills to the neighbors."

Three questions.

It's all about eating.

Looking at the excited expressions of the remaining old ladies.

Silly Zhu knew they were thinking shit.

He also showed them that he came back this time to quit his job.

He greeted the three mothers.

"Third Mom, this is your bicycle. I returned it. You check it, look at the bell and the wheels. After today, if there is a problem, I will not admit it."

The three mothers paused for a moment, and then happily walked to the bicycle. As Yan Fugui's daughter-in-law, she really complied with the saying that no family should stay in the house. She has her own way of inspection, surrounding the bicycle, I took a good look at my own bicycle. The wheels are in good condition, the bell is fine, the paint is sound, and there are no other problems except for some dust and mud spots on the bicycle body.

Looking at Sha Zhu, thinking about how to ask Sha Zhu for a cleaning fee, he saw Sha Zhu took out a fifty-cent dime note from his pocket, and handed it to himself.

Although happy in my heart.

But still pretended to be ignorant.

Asked back.

"Silly, what are you doing?"

"Three mothers, I have ridden your bicycle for five or six days. I can't ride it for nothing. It is not easy to buy a bicycle these days. I treat it as a treasure. I will pay you a total of [-] cents if I leave it for the rest day Take the money for bicycle wear and tear, I don’t bother to clean the car, it’s all included here.”

The three mothers smiled and took the money from Sha Zhu.

Almost a dime a day.

I am not afraid that someone will report them, saying that they are buying and selling.

It is reasonable and reasonable for Shazhu to pay for bicycle wear and tear, and in the name of cleaning the bicycle, it is considered labor payment, which is in line with the policy of more work, more work, less work and less pay.

The three mothers were satisfied, the bicycle came back, and they made a fortune.

The big mom next to her.

But anxious.

The money given by Sha Zhu.


Faced with the rumors that Yi Zhonghai went to the black market to sell bills, the aunt gave Yi Zhonghai an idea, that is, to do ideological work through Shazhu and ask Shazhu to return the bicycle to Yan Fugui first.

As for the cafeteria in the compound, it is still running, and I will say a few nice words to Shazhu, so that Shazhu will run back and forth between the rolling mill and the courtyard every day, come back to cook for them, and run to work in the rolling mill, but the result is not good. After an hour, Shazhu returned the bicycle.

This shows that the idea that the aunt came up with didn't work at all, otherwise it should be the result of Shazhu returning on his bicycle at twelve o'clock at noon.

The cafeteria in the compound has been open for several days. Silly Zhu doesn’t eat the food in the cafeteria, and he doesn’t drink the water in the cafeteria. Originally, there was a name for bicycles that people in the courtyard could make a fuss about. The rental fee, the only loophole, was also made up by Shazhu.

Once the silly Zhu puts on the pick and doesn't do it.

The canteen in the courtyard of the courtyard can no longer be operated.

During the chatting process just now, several families have already revealed their family background. They have finished eating all the food at home, and they are waiting for the cafeteria in the compound to continue their lives.

In this case.

The cafeteria in the compound was closed, and those who had run out of food couldn't hang their mouths and starve.

He must find trouble with Yi Zhonghai.

Aid is not.

Not helping.

When I wanted to say something, I saw Sha Zhu returning the bicycle to the third mother, and then entered the courtyard in a hurry. After a pause of five or six minutes, he came back from the courtyard in a hurry, and said to the neighbors, "Because the rain The matter, the cafeteria in the compound has nothing to do with me' words, and ran towards the rolling mill in a nonchalant manner.

One simple sentence.

The neighbors were instantly in an uproar.

Well stuff.

From today onwards, the cafeteria in the compound has no relationship with Sha Zhu.

Analyze from another angle.

Isn't it just that every household has returned to the situation before the canteen in the compound opened.

There are still some neighbors who store food at home, so they are not afraid at all, and they will live by themselves at worst.

But those neighbors who had run out of food at home quit. The cafeteria in the compound opened for a few days and finished eating our family’s food. Silly Zhu said that they would not cook for them.

What is this for.

They knew that they had no reason or excuse to trouble Sha Zhu.

After all this time.

It has always been Shazhu who has given without complaint or regret.

I can't find trouble with Shazhu, I can find trouble with Three Moms.

Guessing that it was because Yan Fugui asked Shazhu for a bicycle, the trouble made Shazhu stop cooking for them, so he said a few words about the three mothers.

As Yan Fugui's daughter-in-law, the third mother is naturally not stupid, so she immediately fought back with Yi Zhonghai's matter of collecting bicycle tickets for Sha Zhu.

In the end, the shit bowl fell on the heads of Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

"Lao Yi's daughter-in-law, I found that you two are really good at calculating. Before being promoted to the eighth-level worker, in order to get more points for the overall score, I proposed to open a canteen in the courtyard. After Lao Yi was promoted to the eighth-level worker, I think the neighbors are useless. I want to shut down the canteen of the compound, share the entire courtyard, and everyone will hang around you and the Yi family!"


It's the second aunt.

Same as bangs.

The reason why Liu Haizhong couldn't be promoted was also attributed to favor.

Seeing the face of Yi Zhonghai's eighth-level worker, other neighbors dare not say something too much, but the second aunt is not afraid, wishing to make this matter big.

Let people see the face of Yi Zhonghai crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

"You two are too calculating. This is playing the neighbors in our courtyard as fools."

"Could it be that silly Zhu has something to do, so he won't cook for us at noon today?"

"Lao sixth daughter-in-law, do you believe what you said? If Shazhu really didn't cook for us at noon, he wouldn't say that the cafeteria in the courtyard has nothing to do with me. On the day he proposed to open the cafeteria in the courtyard, his uncle In front of the neighbors, I said to get a bicycle ticket for Shazhu, but I went to the black market alone last night behind the backs of the neighbors."

The second aunt took the first mother as a target to vent her anger in Liu Haizhong.

He kept talking with one mouthful.

"What is the black market for? Rubbish things! It must be his uncle who wants to sell all the bills and benefits that the rolling mill rewarded him, because Sha Zhu didn't know the inside story, inserted the latch of the gate, and his uncle The door was locked, but he insisted on making up lies, saying that he was going to the hospital to see Jia Dongxu."

The second aunt said very bluntly.

Bringing up the matter of Yi Zhonghai going to the black market again, he taunted Big Mom fiercely.

He almost pointed at the noses of the couple and said that they are not human anymore.

"Today, Director Wang brought comrades from the joint defense team to give his uncle a work permit. He was arrested on the spot, and he found an excuse for himself to go to the black market to buy nutrition for Jia Dongxu. Now Sha Zhu won't cook for us. Are you two going to make up a shit pot for Sha Zhu to turn his face and deny anyone after taking a bicycle ticket?"

"His aunt and second aunt are right. The canteen in the compound can't be run by your Yi family. If you don't want to do it, you can't do it. Our family has eaten up all the food. At this time, if you say you don't want to open the canteen in the compound, How will our family live?"

"His aunt, when his uncle comes back, you two have to discuss it, and you have to do what you promised Sha Zhu. The cafeteria in this compound can't stop."

"Several large courtyards around are envious of our courtyard having its own canteen. If this is stopped, won't it make the surrounding neighbors laugh at it?"

"Anyway, our family has no food, and the canteen in the compound is open. Our family eats in the canteen. If the canteen in the compound is not open, we will go to Da Ma's to eat. Others are afraid of your old and easy eighth-level worker, but our family is not afraid, we are all him. M can't survive, why care about those false names!"

The words of the neighbors.

The big mother heard every word in her ears.

In the face of Sha Zhu's resignation, any calculations suddenly became useless.

Think of the ugly faces of these people.

Big Mom wanted to cry.

The deaf old lady, the neighbors, and the Jia family are all a big mountain weighing on the Yi family.

(End of this chapter)

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