Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 133 The Truth About Yi Zhonghai's Not Adopting a Child

Chapter 133 The Truth About Yi Zhonghai's Not Adopting a Child (Subscribe)
When I thought about introducing someone to Sha Zhu.

Liu Haizhong's whole person became bright instantly, he gave Guiziliu an instruction, said to the workshop director at the side, stepped out of the workshop door, and rushed to the second canteen.

on the way.

He met Yi Zhonghai who looked ashamed.

His face immediately turned into disgust.

But the body walked towards Yi Zhonghai very honestly. When he came to him, he looked at Yi Zhonghai. Seeing that Yi Zhonghai's spirit was very sluggish, he felt a little happy in his heart, and poked Yi Zhonghai's heart fiercely with special words. son.

"Old Yi, I heard the voice from the loudspeaker just now. They said that you are going to wipe out Shazhu, that you are not a good person, that you are a beast in human skin, and that you are a wicked old lady who opened the door for wickedness. When I got home, I said that you are not worthy of being the steward of a courtyard house, that you are an eighth-grade worker, that you are a shit, and that you messed up the foolish blind date."

Pointing at Sang and scolding Huai.

Let Liu Haizhong excited.

He became more and more unscrupulous.

"It's not that I'm close to you in Liu Haizhong. I don't believe a word of these words. Who are you, Lao Yi? The uncle who everyone in the courtyard admires and admires, the only eighth-level worker in the rolling mill, no matter how vile, he can't believe it." It is impossible to do such a wicked thing, by the way, have you seen Sha Zhu?"

See the mention of silly pillars in Liu Hai.

In Yi Zhonghai's numb eyes.

Finally, there was a little change, with a little bit of doubt, not knowing why Liu Haizhong was looking for Sha Zhu, and instinctively raised a little vigilance in his heart, he knew the contradiction between Liu Haizhong and himself, and was eager to see his own jokes.

"I have an apprentice named Guizi Liu, and his aunt is a matchmaker, because Shazhu has always had a good relationship with you, Lao Yi, and he didn't worry about Shazhu's affairs. I just heard the big speaker say that we have delayed Shazhu. The matter of marrying a daughter-in-law.

The old man once said that children are the future of the motherland. Shazhu is 26 years old and will be 27 next year. His father ran away with the widow and his mother died.

I am going to secure a matchmaker for Shazhu. The girl lives in Shitouling Commune. She is 19 years old and looks good. I believe Shazhu will definitely agree. Of course, I have to talk to Shazhu about this matter. Don't bring someone here. , Sha Zhu was not happy. "

Liu Haizhong stated the other party's conditions very naturally, and added to the words "good-looking", he also emphasized his tone, using excuses to ridicule Yi Zhonghai for using Liu Yufeng's tricks as a fool.

Killing hearts.

Knowing that Yi Zhonghai saw Sha Zhu, it might cause Sha Zhu to beat Yi Zhonghai, but he still hypocritically invited Yi Zhonghai to go with him.

Yi Zhonghai, who had seen through Liu Haizhong's tricks, naturally would not make the mistake of rushing to look for Shazhu just now, and gave himself an excuse to be busy with other things.

Liu Haizhong realized that the heat was almost ready, and waved goodbye to Yi Zhonghai contentedly, and with his hands behind his back, he moved towards the second canteen step by step.

Yi Zhonghai looked at his back as he left calmly, and a deep sense of helplessness welled up in his heart.

For some reason, he suddenly wanted to smash the jar.

A broadcast accident.

Let Yi Zhonghai's reputation in the rolling mill be discredited.

Only those women in the courtyard who didn't know the inside story would think that Yi Zhonghai was still a person, sighed, turned their heads and walked towards the direction of the Ninth Workshop.

Just walked more than ten steps.

Seeing a young security guard walking towards him quickly, when he came to Yi Zhonghai, he said a harsh word coldly.

"Yi Zhonghai, your daughter-in-law is looking for you at the gate of the rolling mill, saying that there is something urgent!"

I was in a bad mood.

It's getting more and more uncomfortable.

When they came in the morning, the security department saw Yi Zhonghai and called out to Master Yi one by one, with a flattering smile on his face.Now he called him by his first name, his tone became cold, and the expression on his face became even more disgusting, as if speaking with Yi Zhonghai lowered his level.

Yi Zhonghai knew that people looked down on him, and he didn't have the nerve to compete with them. Who made him become a mouse crossing the street now, and would be beaten by countless people.

Worried about big mom.

Sweeping away the previous abjection, he took a step and walked very quickly towards the gate of the rolling mill.

He guessed that something big happened in the courtyard, otherwise the big mother wouldn't come to the rolling mill to look for him during working hours.

While sprinting.

While thinking wildly in his heart.

Could it be that the deaf old lady died?
If so.

For Yi Zhonghai, this is a rare piece of good news. The invisible mountain that weighs on him is equivalent to missing one. Thinking about the death of the deaf old lady, what should I do, how can I show my benevolence and morality Come out, and use this to clean up the stinky character design.

I ran for more than ten minutes.

Come to the door.

From a distance, I saw the big mother standing at the door in desolation, holding on to the iron fence of the door, stretching her neck and looking at the factory, with a worried look, her clothes were covered with traces of the fall.

It was an accidental fall on the way here.

A bit of complaint flashed in my heart.

Why so careless.

"Why are you here? Did something big happen in the courtyard?"

finished asking.

Didn't wait for the big mom to answer.

Yi Zhonghai raised his doubts.

"Is the old lady gone?"

A couple who have been together for many years, how can the first mother not know what Yi Zhonghai is thinking at this time, thinking that the death of the deaf old lady is a beautiful thing for the couple.

It's just that the deaf old lady didn't die, and they couldn't kill people to silence them, so they met Yi Zhongguan's anxious eyes and told the truth.

"It's not the old lady who is in charge, it's something big happened in the courtyard."

The big thing other than the death of the deaf old lady can only be the matter of the cafeteria in the compound. When Yi Zhonghai left the second cafeteria, he yelled at Sha Zhu and asked Sha Zhu to return the bicycle to Yan Fu Gui, thought to himself: Could it be that silly Zhu returned the bicycle and just quit?
Think of the consequences.

Yi Zhonghai's liver trembled, his body was slightly crooked, he quickly grabbed the iron fence with his hands, and barely stabilized his figure. At this time, he couldn't lose his identity in front of the big mother.

"Is it something about the cafeteria in the compound?"

"The head of the house is the matter of the cafeteria in the compound, and the pillar puts the bicycle...!"

Sha Zhu returned the car and paid the bicycle rental fee, and the neighbors were worried that the canteen in the compound would not open for fights, etc., were truthfully relayed to Yi Zhonghai by the aunt.

Yi Zhonghai wanted to die already.

Especially when he heard the neighbors fighting, he beat up the deaf old lady and sent someone to notify the street.

In an instant, there was a feeling of impending disaster.

Inside the rolling mill.

Reputation shattered.


Everyone hates it.

He was still the old man in charge who was admired by countless people, with a mouthful of depression in his chest that he couldn't swallow, and his face became ugly.

With 120 points of resentment towards Shazhu, didn't I just let you run back to cook for the neighbors in the courtyard, and then run back to work in the rolling mill?

As for not doing it directly!This is for the sake of your stupid body!

Thinking of the selfish virtue of every household in the courtyard, plus the fact that Liu Haizhong said just now that he would introduce a partner to Sha Zhu.

Yi Zhonghai felt that his pension would be precarious, and if things went wrong in the future, it would be the end of watching others wink and eating. They would give him whatever they wanted to eat, and if they didn't let him eat, he could only be obediently hungry. The old-age care is simply worse than death.

Irritable emotions filled Yi Zhonghai's whole body.

Fortunately, the deaf old lady was not in front of Yi Zhonghai, otherwise Yi Zhonghai would have slapped the deaf old lady regardless.

I regret it, I regret that I shouldn't listen to the deaf old lady's nonsense, and follow the deaf old lady's wishes to calculate others to help him provide for the elderly, regret not listening to the advice of the aunt to adopt a child, and pinning the hope of providing for the elderly on outsiders.

It is better to ask for yourself than for others.

He adopted a child back then, and now he is at the age of marrying a wife. Yi Zhonghai would not have calculated this or that for the sake of his pension, and ended up ruined in the end.

The rolling mill with tens of thousands of people knew that Yi Zhonghai was a hypocrite.

Feeling dizzy.

I found Yi Zhonghai.

Unable to hold on any longer, Yi Zhonghai lay softly on the ground, and then his eyelids sank, and he passed out.


A shrill scream sounded like a broken gong, starting from the gate of the rolling mill, and spread rapidly towards the surroundings. Those who heard Da Ma's shout quickly ran towards the gate.

Those who were close saw Yi Zhonghai slumped at the door with a terrified expression. In front of her was Yi Zhonghai who had fainted on the ground. come over.

The security department in the concierge, on the one hand, was worried that Yi Zhonghai would die at the door and cause trouble, and he would be unlucky to follow; Fame, rushed out of the house with two people, endured strong nausea, and sent Yi Zhonghai to the hospital.


There has never been an eternal secret in the world.

Yi Zhonghai is also the leader of the topic.

The scream of the big mother has attracted some people's attention.

in a very short time.

It caused countless people in the rolling mill to discuss it, and in the end, under the circumstance of echoing what others said, gradually deviated from the original established topic, from Yi Zhonghai fainted at the gate of the rolling mill to Yi Zhonghai died of anger in the factory area.

When Shazhu learned about this, he still learned it from Liu Lan's mouth. Maybe he didn't believe Liu Lan's mouth, or he thought Yi Zhonghai shouldn't just die like this, so he repeated the question just now.

"Liu Lan, don't panic, speak slowly, what are you talking about?"

"Silly Zhu, I didn't panic. What does it have to do with me? Why should I panic? That's the thing. I was in workshop 28 just now."

The second canteen is about 28 meters away from workshop 1000.

The reincarnation of a pure street trickster.

In order to spread rumors, she can run herself 1000 meters away, or to spread news, or to inquire about information, and to work in the cafeteria, which is a waste of Liu Lan's talent.

"What happened to you in workshop 28?"

"On the way back from workshop 28, I heard people say that Yi Zhonghai died!" Fearing that the fool would not believe it, Liu Lan immediately showed the expression on his face that I was telling the truth, "He died at the gate of the rolling mill! Many people I've seen it all!"

The voice just fell.

It raised a question.


shouting person.

It's bangs.

In order to win over Shazhu and let him act as his bodyguard just like Yi Zhonghai's thug, Liu Haizhong found him and made it clear that he wanted to introduce a country woman as his wife. I have seen what that woman looks like, but I heard from his apprentice Guizi Liu that the woman is very beautiful, so I asked Sha Zhu if he had any ideas. We had dinner at home, and we had a blind date by the way.

Just at the moment when Sha Zhu was about to give an answer of agreement or disagreement.

When Liu Lan arrived, he told the people in the Second Canteen what he heard about Yi Zhonghai's death on the way, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the Second Canteen.

Faced with the shocking news of Yi Zhonghai's death and Daoxiao, the news of Liu Haizhong introducing his wife to Sha Zhu naturally became a pediatric issue.

Seeing that Liu Lan ruined his affairs, Liu Haizhong choked Liu Lan with a bit of anger.

"Liu Lan, Yi Zhonghai can't die!"

"Master Liu, why don't you believe in the truth? When did I tell a lie? Yi Zhonghai is really dead, and everyone has been dragged to the morgue."

Liu Lanyue said in a discretional tone that Yi Zhonghai was dead.

Liu Haizhong became more and more disbelieving.

In the courtyard back then, because of the lack of root strings and the way of pulling Yi Zhonghai, he also made a joke that he thought Yi Zhonghai would die. How to occupy Yi Zhonghai's job and so on, and finally made a mess.

In a word.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't possibly die.

Before seeing Yi Zhonghai's body, Liu Haizhong would not believe any news about Yi Zhonghai's death.

"How did Yi Zhonghai die?"

"How can you die? I'm so angry. Yesterday, I was an eighth-level worker admired by everyone, and I was rushing to please. Today, I have become a shitty bastard. Everyone hates it. The front foot is still the honor of the rolling mill, and the back foot is the honor of the rolling mill. Seeing the scum in people's eyes, he was full of anger, and wanted to find a place to vent, but he couldn't find it. No matter where he went, it was the voice of people scolding him. Master Liu, what do you think you will do?"

Liu Haizhong thought about it seriously.

It is estimated that he was really pissed off.

Let Yi Zhonghai die.

After calming down, he said to Shazhu: "Silly Zhu, what did you think about what I just said? The second uncle can be regarded as someone who watched you grow up and knows what you think in your heart. He won't be like Yi Like Zhong Hai, I will introduce you to a woman that you don't like at all as your wife, this woman has no other problems except her status as a country girl, she looks so good-looking, like a fairy in a painting."

Silly Zhu originally had the idea of ​​going to the countryside to marry a wife.

Regardless of whether Liu Haizhong is sincere or calculating, at least he put the topic in the clear.It's not like Yi Zhonghai, who secretly plotted against you with all sorts of tricks, knowing that Sha Zhu likes beautiful lesbians, but he insisted on introducing him to Sha Zhu, who looks like Zhu Bajie and his second aunt. Then pretending to be a benefactor, saying that Shazhu despised him, he really carried out this double standard to the end.

Silly Zhu moved his lips, just about to come up with a clear idea.

He was spared Qingmeng by the voice from the loudspeaker of the Propaganda University.

Because what Xu Damao and the others discussed was even more exciting than the revelation that Yi Zhonghai was playing tricks behind his back to prevent Shazhu from getting married. They talked about why Yi Zhonghai didn't adopt a child.

Silly Zhu was lost in thought.

Liu Lan fell into a daze.

The others are staring at each other.

Only Liu Haizhong was sulking in the dark. Is it so difficult for me to introduce someone to Sha Zhu?
did not speak.

Listening to Xu Damao's complaints, Liu Haizhong was also very curious about why Yi Zhonghai didn't adopt a child.


Propaganda Section.

Yu Haitang stared at her pretty big eyes, looked straight at Xu Damao, and repeated the question just now.

"Comrade Xu Damao, since Yi Zhonghai knows that he has no children and is worried that he will be wiped out, why doesn't he adopt a child himself? Instead, he plots this person to help him take care of him, and plots that person to die for him. Wicked things come!"'

Many people are asking themselves.

Put yourself in that shoes and think about it.

The problem of normal people dealing with extinct households must be solved by adopting a child, holding an ignorant child who has no memory, raising him since childhood, taking his own surname, and over time, becoming his own child.

Those who have relatives will adopt a doll under the name of relatives.

Those who have no relatives help adopt a few children through the street.

Don't fool people with the excuse that there are no orphans.

In the past few years, everything was lacking, except this orphan without parents!

It's an unsolvable puzzle.

Why didn't Yi Zhonghai adopt a child?

If there was no Yu Haitang, Xu Damao probably wouldn't have said it, but the lesbian who asked the question was Xu Damao who wanted to sell Yu Haitang well.

Feeling a bit unbearable, he felt that he could deceive anyone but Yu Haitang, he gritted his back molars and said something.

"I do know a little bit about this matter, but it's not real evidence. It's just gossip that people whispered in private. Let me tell you, you must promise, listen to that, and don't give me these words Spread the word to the outside, otherwise I, Xu Damao, would not be able to continue living in our courtyard. By the way, especially I can’t tell Liu Lan in the second canteen. As for Liu Lan’s broken mouth, it will definitely spread and cause a lot of trouble in the rolling mill. Everyone up and down knows it."


At this time, Liu Lan, who was in the second canteen, was so angry that her teeth were itchy.

Fortunately, Xu Damao was not in front of her.

Otherwise, Yizhun pointed to Xu Damao's nose and questioned him.

What do you Xu Damao mean when you say that about me, Liu Lan? Since when has my mouth become loose!
Turn around and look.

It was found that Sha Zhu, Liu Haizhong, and Ma Hua were all nodding in agreement.

This anger.

Not to mention one place.

I said something cruel that I will not tell you when I have news, and left the second cafeteria with a pat on the buttocks. I don’t know which workshop I went to to spread rumors, and it might be Xu Damao’s back.

Silly Zhu paused, and asked Liu Haizhong.

"Second uncle, do you know something about Yi Zhonghai not adopting a child?"

Liu Haizhong hesitated for a moment, and replied: "I don't know the specific inside information, but I heard people say that Yi Zhonghai's not adopting a child has something to do with the deaf old lady in the backyard. If you want to know , After listening to Xu Damao's words, I will find time to go back to ask the old lady at night, and I will know everything!"

Silly Zhu nodded.

He guessed that this matter had something to do with the deaf old lady.

Co-authoring is really the case.

And Xu Damao, you can't tell the story one by one, but you don't think that what he said is known by everyone in the rolling mill.

I am very curious how Xu Damao will face these neighbors in the future, especially how he will face Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

Will Yi Zhonghai and his wife seek Xu Damao's backstory?


The hatred that destroys people's reputation is not a small thing.

Loud speakers outside the window.

Continue to convey the voice of Xu Damao breaking the news.

"Yi Zhonghai doesn't adopt children. There are roughly three versions. I'm talking about the first version. Yi Zhonghai has always been unwilling to go bankrupt and has always wanted a child of his own. We all know that if you don't have a son these days, You are in Niucha, and you can't hold your head up in front of your colleagues. Yi Zhonghai has been working hard, but he has been unable to produce concrete results. When he knows that he can't have a son, time and energy will not allow him to adopt a child. We can only count on others to give him his retirement.”


Yu Haitang and the others in the publicity department were all listening to Xu Damao's explanation attentively, with curious and gossip expressions on their faces.

At this time, they are all people who eat melons.

Meet the eyes of everyone looking forward to.

Xu Damao was full of glory and pride, and the color appeared on his face.

"In the second version, Yi Zhonghai is born to be calculating, just like calculating a fool. Because of his face, many people regard him as a good person. In fact, he has a full stomach, adopts children, and worries about children. His parents will come to him and make Yi Zhonghai's efforts go to waste, and he feels that adopting a child will take a lot of energy and energy to raise him, so he is too lazy to do these things, so he wants to find someone who knows the basics and let this person take care of him in the old age."

The conversation turned.

The paralyzed Jia Dongxu was mentioned again by Xu Damao.

"It was under such circumstances that Jia Dongxu was accepted as an apprentice by Yi Zhonghai. At the time when he was apprenticed to the teacher, it was very grand. Three sacrifices were placed in our courtyard. In front of Zhong Hai, he kowtowed his head three times and called Master three times. Think about it, think about it carefully, why did Yi Zhonghai accept Jia Dongxu as his apprentice all these years? He just wanted Jia Dongxu to take care of him for the elderly! raised!"

"Didn't you say that Jia Dongxu is Yi Zhonghai's son?"

"Impossible. Jia Dongxu and Yi Zhonghai have different looks. One has straight hair and the other has curly hair. People are talking nonsense!"

Xu Damao who gave the reason.

I was dumbfounded first.

He remembered that Jia Dongxu seemed to have curly hair.

A stick is a head of straight hair.

Immediately, his momentum weakened a little, and he secretly said, Yi Zhonghai's partiality for the Jia family has reached the point of becoming obsessed, especially after Jia Dongxu was paralyzed, he wanted to treat the Jia family's affairs as the Yi family's affairs. These things are all carried out around Qin Huairu.

Xu Damao couldn't be more confused.

It can also be seen that Yi Zhonghai has a different affection for Qin Huairu, and the degree of concern is not at all the normal relationship between a master and his apprentice's wife.

Always thinking about Qin Huairu, worried that Qin Huairu went to the countryside with Jia Zhang's family, and wanted to match Qin Huairu and Shazhu regardless of morality!
Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu gave birth to a sweetheart!

Xu Damao was taken aback by his guess, and subconsciously let out a slight cold snort.

Wait until he comes back to his senses.

Seeing Yu Haitang, they were all staring at him.


Changed the subject.

"The third version says that the reason Yi Zhonghai and his wife didn't adopt their child was because the deaf old lady in the backyard disagreed."

"Yi Zhonghai's mother?"

"I don't have a dime relationship with Yi Zhonghai, but an old lady who has no children. Yi Zhonghai and his wife have been taking care of the old lady's daily life and three meals a day for more than ten years."

"That's not right, I heard that the deaf old lady's three meals a day are all taken care of by silly Zhu."

"Either to say that Yi Zhonghai is immoral, he wants face, and Lizi also wants it. Originally, he used the matter of taking care of the deaf old lady to set up a good person to help the widowed old lady, but he fooled the fool and gave the deaf lady every Sunday. The old lady improved the food, there are meat dishes, roast duck and other things, and big white flour steamed buns!"

"Xu Damao, don't talk about anything else. This deaf old lady is neither Yi Zhonghai's mother nor Yi Zhonghai's relatives. Why don't you agree with Yi Zhonghai and his wife to adopt their child?"

Anyone who heard Yu Haitang's questioning.

There was a big question mark in my mind.

Follow the train of thought to find your own brain and make up for it.

In the end came a surprising answer.

That is, Yi Zhonghai and his wife adopt a child, which is tantamount to violating the vital interests of the deaf old lady who is out of household like them. The deaf old lady persuaded Yi Zhonghai and his wife not to adopt them out of consideration of their own interests. Children, just like myself, go on the road of calculating other people's help for the elderly.

A very simple truth.

More wolves and less meat!

This is the answer.

If Yi Zhonghai and his wife don’t adopt a child, they have to hug the deaf old lady to keep warm. Some supplies and food that are in short supply can be shared with the deaf old lady, and they also have energy to chat with the deaf old lady and treat the deaf old lady as their own relatives Mom will serve you.

After adopting a child, the energy and time of Yi Zhonghai and his wife will definitely be diverted towards the child. If there is no extra energy and time to take care of the deaf old lady, the deaf old lady will be left out in the cold.

Over time, it is the end of each family living their own lives.

More importantly, it is rumored that the deaf old lady in the courtyard is very greedy. After Yi Zhonghai and his wife have a child, do they give priority to delicious food, such as meat dishes, roast duck, and grilled fish? to enjoy?

Yi Zhonghai was not a rich man either, he was just an ordinary worker in a rolling mill, and he didn't have enough money to buy enough food for the deaf old lady and her children.

With limited food, the children should eat more, and the deaf old lady should eat less, or they may not be able to eat at all.

This is a real violation of the interests of the deaf old lady.

That's why the deaf old lady told Yi Zhonghai and his wife not to adopt a child.

People who think about it.

All had a creepy feeling.

Is this old lady human?

If you were a human being, you might not be able to do this kind of immoral thing!

The people in the rolling mill, who were immersed in panic, heard a new question from Yu Haitang.

"Since Yi Zhonghai has been able to pretend to be a good old man for so many years, but still hasn't been discovered, it shows that he has a high IQ and a deep scheming mind. It is impossible for such an unpredictable person not to think of the cruel consequences of not adopting a child. Why would he still Obediently follow the advice of the deaf old lady, instead of adopting a child, put the idea of ​​providing for the elderly on Jia Dongxu!"

Yu Haitang almost said those few words.

The deaf old lady took advantage of Yi Zhonghai's clues, and used this trick to successfully threaten Yi Zhonghai, forcing Yi Zhonghai to bow his head and give up the idea of ​​adopting a child!

Anger became subdued.

Publicity outside the department.

Dead silence.

Propaganda Section.

Silent as silk, as if a needle is dropped on the ground, you can hear the crisp sound of falling.

This eerie silence was not broken until someone broke in from outside.

"Secretary Li, why are you here? Does Director Yang have any publicity manuscripts that we need our publicity department to convey to all the employees of the rolling mill through the radio?"

The person who came was the secretary of Director Yang.

From hearing the sound, I knew that there was a broadcasting accident in the Propaganda Department.

He hurried on, but was still a step late.

This group of people said what they shouldn't say, and said what they should say.I also complained that there was something wrong with the phone at this juncture, and I couldn't get through.

"Do you know that you have caused a catastrophe? After the broadcast was over, the microphone switch was not turned off. You are just talking nonsense. What you said just now, what Yi Zhonghai plotted against Sha Zhu to prevent him from getting married, what Yi Zhonghai There were three versions of the speculation about not adopting children, all heard by the rolling mill workers."

A panic sounded.

Everyone in the Propaganda Department immediately turned their eyes to the control button of the microphone, which was really stuck in the starting position.

Feeling dizzy.

Find everyone present.

"You guys, each of you should first write a [-]-word inspection and apologize to all the employees in the rolling mill. This is what Director Yang meant. As for the follow-up punishment, we will discuss and decide in the meeting between Director Yang and Deputy Director Li. be issued."


Two canteens.

Silly Zhu looked at Liu Haizhong.

asked a mouthful.

"Second uncle, what do you think of what Yu Haitang said?"

"I don't know, I'll go back first, about the blind date, Sha Zhu, you should think about it carefully, and call me back in a few days."

Liu Haizhong hurriedly left the second canteen.

The silly column behind him.

He frowned slightly.

Liu Haizhong seems to be a little different, the impression given to Sha Zhu, as if he knows something, but because of some gains and losses, he dare not tell the truth.

Is it really as Yu Haitang said.

Yi Zhonghai had something to do with being caught by the deaf old lady. Did He Daqing's departure also have something to do with this?

(End of this chapter)

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