Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 145 Jia Zhang's Conspiracy

Chapter 145 Jia Zhang's Conspiracy
Think of the excitement.

Liu Haizhong took off his belt casually.

In a good mood.

Celebrate anyway.

After a while, the familiar sound of beating his son came from Liu's house, which added a bit of excitement to the noisy courtyard out of thin air. They simply took advantage of the rhythm of beating their son in the bangs and started talking among themselves.

Yi Zhonghai's reputation, through his own man, has an understanding that everyone in the rolling mill will end up screaming and beating.

Really something they didn't expect.

It was Shazhu who exposed the hypocrisy of the deaf old lady and the big mother through the big courtyard meeting.

From beginning to end, Da Ma gave the neighbors the perception that Yi Zhonghai had the final say on changing the family.

many things.

The neighbors will subconsciously put aside the responsibility of the big mother.

It's been a long day.

It was Yi Zhonghai and his wife who were working together.

Deaf old ladies are no joke either.

With the fact that Shazhu's blind date was destroyed, the neighbors will really not be afraid of the deaf old lady selling them off.

It's a blessing in disguise.

There is a magic weapon to break the ancestors of the deaf old lady.


With full of thoughts, the aunt helped Yi Zhonghai back to her home, helped Yi Zhonghai sit on the stool, and stretched out her hand to grab a towel.

Stained with water.

Wipe it up for Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai didn't know what to think, he just sat on the bench motionless, his mind was wandering, if it wasn't for the fact that the towel in the hand of the aunt touched the wound on his face, it made Yi Zhonghai gasp slightly, I really thought that Yi Zhonghai Zhong Hai turned into a wooden man.

Looking at Yi Zhonghai who was swollen into a pig's head in front of him.

Mom really doesn't know what to say.


Really can not resent!

If you want to complain, you can only blame the aunt for not giving birth to a boy and a girl for Yi Zhonghai. After having a child, she wouldn't plan this and that, and because the plan failed, she was beaten up by silly Zhu.

After cleaning up the scars on Yi Zhonghai's face.

Wash the towels.

He poured another cup of hot water for Yi Zhonghai.

As soon as the big tea mug was placed in front of Yi Zhonghai, the first mother realized something was wrong, she stretched out her hand and shook it in front of Yi Zhonghai, seeing that Yi Zhonghai's eyes didn't move, she hurriedly shouted.

"Old man, are you okay? Don't scare me, why don't we go to the hospital? What should I do if something happens to you?"

With a worried crying voice, the first mother finally called Yi Zhonghai's soul back to her body. Yi Zhonghai, who gradually came back to his senses, stared at the first mother with two dazed eyes. He said stiffly: "It's okay, I'm fine, I'm fine, I just feel a little pain in my body, and my face is a little numb!"

Pure nonsense.

He was severely beaten by a fool.

No wonder it doesn't hurt.

"It's fine. I blame me for not giving birth to you." The aunt who was doing self-criticism suddenly thought of something terrible, her eyes widened, and the expression on her face changed. Feeling nervous, she looked outside vigilantly, then lowered her voice, and said to Yi Zhonghai, "Old man, why don't you give back to Sha Zhu the money that we have secretly withheld all these years, don't you?" Feel free to send it, I will show up."

"It's late! We're not in a hurry!" Yi Zhonghai said in despair, "What excuse do you use?"

Big Mom was speechless for a while.

this thing.

Really want a perfect excuse.

"If I knew today, why did I do it at the beginning!"

After thinking about it, I can't think of a suitable reason for the big mother.

Sigh faintly.

At the beginning, I had persuaded Yi Zhonghai many times not to withhold the money, saying that there were some things that could be done and some things that could not be done, but Yi Zhonghai didn't listen, and she had no choice.

The violent beating incident tonight did not happen.

Big Mom isn't worried either.

The problem is that Shazhu has already become suspicious of Yi Zhonghai and his wife. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. If there is an emergency, Shazhu will go to Baocheng or send a letter to Baocheng. There is nothing to do with money matters. hide.

Although she didn't know anything, she also knew that once Shazhu told about Yi Zhonghai's withholding of money, Yi Zhonghai reckoned that it would be light to squat.


To eat peanuts.

long silence.

The first mother settled down, and said a suggestion to Yi Zhonghai that even she herself thought was funny.

"Just in the name of keeping it for Sha Zhu, tell me that we should return the money withheld to Sha Zhu, and then talk to him, will he forgive us? Will he continue to provide us with pensions?"

Yi Zhonghai shook his head.

The name of custody is somewhat interpretive.

But it is really not a wise time to send the money over now, it is tantamount to handing over the handle.

Silly column is angry.

It is still unknown whether he will accept it or not. If he gets annoyed and finds the rolling mill, with Yi Zhonghai's current reputation, the rolling mill is unlikely to be ruthless in protecting him, and it is very likely that he will end up going in.

A few years before He Daqing left, in order to take care of the rainwater, he suffered a lot and starved every two days.

Yi Zhonghai remembered these things.

Shazhu will not forget either.

At the beginning, in order to gain a good reputation, Yi Zhonghai deliberately withheld the money sent by He Daqing every month. When Shazhu and Yushui were too hungry, he would show up as an enthusiastic neighbor and give Shazhu food, Drinks, clothes, harvesting the gratitude of the silly brothers and sisters to him, at the same time, they also brainwashed the silly brothers, saying that the unjust crimes suffered by the silly brothers were all because He Daqing ran away with the widow, saying He Daqing is not worthy to be their father, he only cares about himself, not his children.

In a word.

The deeper the calculation at the beginning, the greater the backlash he faces now.

initiative in matters.

It was no longer with Yi Zhonghai and his wife, but the deaf old lady was smashed by a silly pillar at this time, the golden body of her ancestor in the courtyard.

In the past, when Yi Zhonghai couldn't solve the problem and asked the deaf old lady to come forward, there was no possibility of showing it.

"Jia Dongxu is paralyzed, and Shazhu doesn't associate with us anymore, so he blames the immortal old lady. If she didn't agree with our family to adopt a child, we wouldn't be in this situation."

Not to mention Big Mom.

Yi Zhonghai was also worried.

It's all for the elderly.

"Don't worry, Sha Zhu beat me up. He should have vented his anger. If he is not satisfied, just let him beat me up again."

Big Mom looked at Yi Zhonghai.

It's good to have a beating to solve the problem.

I was worried that a hundred tons would not solve the problem.

Neither of them spoke.

Each of them used their own brains, even if they racked their brains, they had to come up with a way to get the best of both worlds.


Jia family.

Jia Zhang is also thinking of a way.

Things changed unexpectedly for Jia Zhang.

For the Jia family.

Jia Zhang must change his strategy.

She glanced at Qin Huairu who was beside her, and said something.

"Huairu, go to the old man's room to find the old man, and tell him that my wife has something to discuss with him. It's a very urgent matter."

Qin Huairu wanted to refuse.

But seeing Jia Zhang's cheeks that look good for you, Qin Huairu.

He swallowed the words of rejection back into his stomach.

What Jia Zhang said was right, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang are now on the broken boat of the Jia family, if they want to do well, they have to do certain things according to Jia Zhang's wishes.

She steps to the door.

Haven't opened the door yet.

Jia Zhang added a word worriedly.

"Your aunt was choked up by Shazhu today, and she must be unhappy. You go to spend time with your aunt, chat with your aunt, and forgive your aunt's heart."

No matter how stupid Qin Huairu is.

He also knew that it was Jia Zhang who sent himself out, and wanted to talk to Yi Zhonghai alone.

He nodded in agreement.

Stepping forward, under the concerned and playful eyes of the neighbors, he entered Yi's house, and briefly explained the purpose of coming to Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

Yi Zhonghai and his wife booed each other, not knowing what Jia and Zhang were asking Yi Zhonghai for at this juncture.

He hesitated for more than ten seconds.

Yi Zhonghai, who couldn't figure out what kind of medicine Jia Zhang's gourd was selling, felt that he should go to Jia's house to have a look. With his pig-headed appearance, he didn't worry about Jia Zhang's playing tricks with him, wearing a pig's head , came out of Yi's house, and entered Jia's house in three steps.

Qin Huairu, on the other hand, followed Jia Zhang's instructions and used the excuse of comforting Da Ma to delay Da Ma at Yi's house.

It is said that she delayed the aunt, but it is better to say that the aunt tied Qin Huairu to Yi's house. The two started chatting without saying a word, talking about Qin Huairu's plans in the future, and whether she is really like Jia Zhang. As Shi said, he wants to go back to his hometown in the countryside to farm.

this question.

It was like asking Qin Huairu's heart.

At the beginning, because I didn't want to stay in the village to farm, I felt that as a famous beautiful girl with flowers in ten miles and eight towns, I should go to the city to enjoy the blessings, otherwise I would be blind to Qin Huairu's beauty.

It happened that Yi Zhonghai came to Qinjia Village with a work team to help, so he set his mind on Yi Zhonghai. Finally, after a lot of hard work, Yi Zhonghai introduced her to Jia Dongxu and realized that Qin Huairu went to the city to eat. The long-cherished wish of commodity grain.

Married to the city.

Naturally, he didn't want to marry back.

Qin Huairu was still young, and the aunt told the truth in a few words, and she said what she thought in her heart.

"Auntie, to tell you the truth, I really don't want to go back." Qin Huairu didn't use himself as an example, but borrowed an excuse from a child, "Bang Geng is in primary school now, and Xiao Dang is going to preschool soon. If I go back , the grades of the sticks will definitely drop. They want to stay in the city, but there is no way. I kindly extended the time for a month, I guess we have returned to the countryside long ago, to be honest, I am also reluctant to part with your mother."

The big mother sneered inwardly.

She by the dim light.

Looked at Qin Huairu.

His eyes suddenly widened, and he didn't know if it was due to an illusion, but he always felt that Qin Huairu's appearance was somewhat similar to Yi Zhonghai's!

An extremely bold idea came to mind.

Qin Huairu must not be Yi Zhonghai's daughter!
Thinking about Yi Zhonghai's eccentricity that worried Qin Huairu, the more he thought about it, the more likely he felt.

In the mind of the aunt, the fact that Qin Huairu is Yi Zhonghai's daughter is far easier for her to accept than the fact that Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai have a child after fooling around.

The former is an ethical relationship.

The latter is a moral issue.

She looked thoughtfully at Jia's house across the glass, wondering whether Jia Zhang's family was also suspecting that Qin Huairu was Yi Zhonghai's daughter, and was using this matter to blackmail Yi Zhonghai.

The aunt would never have thought that what Jia Zhang talked about with Yi Zhonghai was a fact that neither the aunt nor Qin Huairu liked or wanted to see.


After Yi Zhonghai came to Jia's house.

Seeing his head being beaten into a pig's head by Sha Zhu, Jia Zhang snorted coldly in his heart, secretly thinking that he deserved it.

If Yi Zhonghai hadn't introduced Qin Huairu to Jia Dongxu, Jia Dongxu would have married a girl from the city, and even if something happened, his parents-in-law would be there to help.

Not like now.

Something went wrong.

I can only roll back to the countryside in despair.

This is Yi Zhonghai's responsibility.

Instead of asking Yi Zhonghai for money, he became more confident and straight to the point, expressing his own theme.

"Master Dongxu, if my old lady's guess is correct, you, an eighth-level worker, are still honored by our Jia family. If it weren't for our Jia family, you wouldn't have won the title of the monthly moral advanced individual. I listen to Liu Hai It was mentioned in the book that the leaders of the rolling mill promoted you to the eighth rank because of your honor."

Yi Zhonghai's heart hurts a little.

He was looked down upon by Jia Zhang.

Great joke.

"The rolling mill didn't give you those messy benefits, that's why you told Sha Zhu to let him run back to cook for the neighbors. I don't know if I'm right?"

Jia Zhang's eyes.

It fell on Yi Zhonghai.

The hypocrite thought about it for more than ten seconds, and then nodded emphatically to Jia Zhang's concerned eyes.

Maybe it's because of telling the truth.

Yi Zhonghai felt an inexplicable sense of relief.

"The entry quota of the rolling mill that you promised to our Jia family before is gone, right?"

"I want to buy you an indicator for money."

"With your current reputation, do you think anyone will charge you this money?"

Yi Zhonghai thought about it seriously.

It was found that what Jia Zhang said was true.

He is now equivalent to a bad luck god, and everyone wants to stay away from him. Anything, even small, as long as it has something to do with Yi Zhonghai, will be magnified infinitely. Under such circumstances, who dares to risk the disgrace of the world? He would sell the job indicators to Yi Zhonghai, unless he also didn't want to live a life.

"I don't know what your relationship is with Qin Huairu, and I don't bother to care about it. I only know that my son divorced Qin Huairu, and Qin Huairu would have a bad reputation of abandoning her husband and son, not to mention our Dongxu It's a paralysis, will Qin Huairu be scolded to death? Just like you did when you spread rumors about Shazhu, guess if someone spread rumors about Qin Huairu, saying that she is ungrateful for profit, that she is not a woman. Inside the rolling mill Without a job, the Jia family's current house must be returned to the rolling mill, and Qin Huairu will have to follow our Jia family back to the countryside to farm in despair."

Yi Zhonghai did not deny Jia Zhang's statement.

some things.

Think about it.

Can't stand up to any scrutiny at all.

He admitted that Jia Zhang was right.

"I have a way. I can let our Jia family stay in the city, or let Qin Huairu go to work in the rolling mill, and let the leaders of the rolling mill remember Yi Zhonghai as a favor."

Jia Zhang said words that shook Yi Zhonghai's heart word by word.

Yi Zhonghai's gaze.

It fell on Jia Zhang's body.

I don't believe it.

Put yourself in your shoes.

How can an old woman from the countryside solve the problems that Yi Zhonghai can't even settle?

It's just a big joke!

"Don't you believe it?"

"Should I believe it?"

"That's right, if I were in your position, I wouldn't believe it." Jia Zhang's tone changed, "But I can tell you the plan first."


"You want to match Qin Huairu to Shazhu, you probably think that Shazhu is honest, and Qin Huairu will not suffer if he marries Shazhu!"

"Silly Zhu has no intention of marrying a young daughter-in-law with children, he wants to marry a big girl with yellow flowers."

"But what if Qin Huairu sleeps in the same room with him?" Jia Zhang looked ruthlessly, looked at Yi Zhonghai and said, "You, Yi Zhonghai, were not a good person back then. Others don't know, but my wife does. That kind of thing, find a chance, throw it in Shazhu's house, Qin Huairu will go there, under the fire, what will happen? At that time, he will have to marry if he wants to, and he will have to marry if he doesn't want to."

Yi Zhonghai was turned into a pig's head because of being beaten.

The look of fear on his face.

It was not seen by Jia Zhang.

The movement of his body moving back still betrayed the most true thoughts in Yi Zhonghai's heart.

How did Jia Zhang know about such a cryptic matter!
"let me see."

"Do you still have a way to retreat?" Jia Zhang stimulated Yi Zhonghai, "What happened tonight, Sha Zhu must be at odds with you two, and the deaf old lady in the backyard can't be counted on, you, Yi Zhonghai, just want Are you looking for someone to take care of? My son Jia Dongxu is paralyzed and has lost the value of taking care of the elderly, but Shazhu is doing well, and he is also a cook. You have been kind to Shazhu all these years, isn't that just treating him as a backup for the elderly? "

"When will Jia Dongxu and Huairu divorce?"

Jia Zhang's heart skipped a beat.

Jia Dongxu.

Huai Ru.

The two titles have shown that Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai have a relationship that outsiders do not know.

"Qin Huairu didn't work in the rolling mill, how did she get divorced?"

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"Tomorrow I will take my child and daughter-in-law to the steel rolling mill to make trouble. The leaders will come forward. When I come back at night, I will hang myself with sticks, Huairu and them. Guess what happened, those people in your rolling mill What will happen to the head? They will get a bad reputation for killing the employees and their families."

For the first time, Yi Zhonghai looked at Jia Zhangshi squarely.

to be frank.

He was shocked by the content of Jia Zhang's words.

If something like this happened, the heads of the rolling mill would be held accountable.

What a ruthless move to force the palace!

For the heads and brains of the rolling mill, giving a work target is purely a matter of their words!
"Before the incident broke out, you found the leaders of the rolling mill. Are they going to give you Yi Zhonghai a favor? My Jia family got a job, and you, Yi Zhonghai, got face. Afterwards, they arranged for Qin Huairu to marry silly Zhu, and the old man Things will be all right.”

"what do you want?"

There is no free lunch in the world.

Jia Zhang asked Qin Huairu to call him Yi Zhonghai to Jia's house, and painstakingly explained such a big plan, and there must be some conspiracy.

What exactly.

Yi Zhonghai made a vague guess.

People die for money.

Birds die for food.

Except for money.

There is nothing else that can make Jia Zhang's output so crazy.

It can be considered knowingly asking.

He wanted to control the initiative of the matter in his own hands, and then give Jia Zhang a part of the money. Otherwise, Jia Zhang would have to open his mouth and force Yi Zhonghai to agree.

"This number!"

Jia Zhang raised two fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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