Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 164 Sha Zhu and Li Xiuzhi Don't Know Each Other

Chapter 164 Sha Zhu and Li Xiuzhi Don't Know Each Other

The person stopped by Li Xiuzhi.

Not someone else.

It's the stupid column.

He was originally in a good mood, but when he was called an uncle by Li Xiuzhi, he suddenly felt a suffocation in his throat.


God is pitiful.

I'm only 26 years old.

If Li Xiuzhi was a child of seven or eight years old, and he called Sha Zhu uncle, Sha Zhu would definitely not say anything, and would praise the child for being polite in a hurry.

The problem is that Li Xiuzhi will be in her early twenties if she looks at her age.

A girl in her early twenties calls a 26-year-old guy Uncle.

No wonder the smile on Sha Zhu's face froze instantly on the spot.

In my mind, I couldn't help but think of the partner Wang Matchmaker introduced to him a few days ago. She was a pretty good-looking lesbian. Zhu's eyes, because of Sha Zhu's immature and immature cheeks, finally caused the two of them to have no relationship. Even though Sha Zhu took out his household registration book to prove that he was really 26 years old, he still got the same from the mouth of other lesbians. Hearing the reply of goodbye, the roots of his teeth were trembling with anger.

Li Xiuzhi's words.

Touched the sad past in Sha Zhu's heart.

If it weren't for seeing Li Xiuzhi as a good-looking lesbian, and also a person from the countryside who came to the city to visit relatives, Shazhu might really want to have a good talk with her.

Try Xu Damao instead.

The big slap had already slapped him up.

Seeing that the expression on Shazhu's face was not very good-looking, Li Xiuzhi also guessed that the address she called uncle just now made Shazhu unhappy, and she wondered why the people in the city are so troublesome, and they are far less honest than the people in the country, she repeated After repeating the speech just now, I replaced the uncle with a comrade, and used the title of comrade to call Shazhu.

It's not easy for lesbians.

Silly Zhu didn't bother to argue with Li Xiuzhi about this. He took the letter of introduction from Li Xiuzhi, read it, thought about it, and confirmed that there was no one named Li Gousheng among the people he knew.

And he couldn't bear to let Li Xiuzhi down.

He said, "Comrade, I have never heard of the Li Gousheng you mentioned."

When Silly Zhu said that he didn't know a person named Li Gousheng, Li Xiuzhi also became anxious, and a little anxiety flashed across her travel-stained face.

"Comrade, it's not easy for me to come here. If I can't find Li Gousheng here, what can I do?"

"It's really not that I don't help you, it's that I can't help it. Do you know how many people there are in our Red Star Rolling Mill? More than 1 people! Finding a person named Li Gousheng among the more than 1 people is like finding a needle in a haystack."

A factory with tens of thousands of people.

Li Xiuzhi was really surprised.

in her mind.

A commune of 3000 people is already as good as the sky.

As a result, there are [-] people in any factory in the capital.

I also know that what Shazhu said is reasonable.

In a factory of 1 people, not everyone knows each other.

Li Xiuzhi looked a little disappointed.

Silly Zhu was also motivated by the color, and with a heartbeat, he helped out with an idea.

"Comrade, if you believe me, follow me to the personnel department of the factory. They are responsible for the rolling mill from top to bottom, and ask them to help check the roster of employees to see if there is anyone named Li Gou in the rolling mill." the rest."

A dead horse is treated as a live horse doctor.

There is no other way.

Li Xiuzhi can only operate this matter according to Sha Zhu's will.

under the public.

There are so many people.

Don't worry that Shazhu will play hooligans with her.


Li Xiuzhi wasn't afraid either, she kept a pair of scissors hidden in the bundle in her hand, if Sha Zhu dared to use force on her, he would use the scissors directly.

A click.

Make him a eunuch.

Nodding towards Shazhu, Shazhu greeted the security department at the door, and the two walked towards the personnel department of the rolling mill one after the other.

People coming and going, seeing Sha Zhu leading a beautiful country girl, immediately made fun of Sha Zhu, and the voice of gossip flew into Li Xiuzhi's ear curtains.

A little blush flashed across Li Xiuzhi's face, she couldn't help but drooped her head, and couldn't help speeding up her steps, following Sha Zhu closely.

Through the voices of those people.

Li Xiuzhi also understood a general idea.

Co-author of this man in his early thirties who is about to turn 40, his real age is only 26 years old. When he thinks about calling him an uncle just now, he feels a little bit of regret in his heart.

"Comrade, I apologize to you, I shouldn't call you uncle."

"It's nothing, if you call him uncle, you can call him uncle, right as if you have an extra niece."

"You are a good guy!"

"It doesn't write the word "good person" on the head of a good person, and the word "bad person" is not written on the face of a bad guy." Silly Zhu explained a few words casually, and tapped the office of the personnel department lightly with his hand, "Sister Li, Sister Zhang, Sister Wang, are you busy?"

"Hey, the sun must have risen from the west today, I have to see."

"Sister Li, you are going too far."

"It's not too much at all. It's really a rare thing for you to appear in our personnel department."

"Sister Li, Sister Zhang, Sister Wang, what you mean is that you dislike me for not coming here often. Well, from now on, I will definitely come to our Human Resources Department on time and on time."

"I haven't seen you for a few days, Sha Zhu's mouth has become sweeter."

"It's not that Sha Zhu's mouth has become sweeter, but that Sha Zhu has something to ask us for.

Li Xiuzhi who was following Sha Zhu's ass.

My mind was a little dazed.

Silly column!

As long as the name is used, this person can't be wrong.

In this day and age, no matter what you are called Sha Zhu, Sha Chun, or Sha Mao, I really don't mean to despise or look down on you.

It is equivalent to a compliment.

It means that you are an honest and reliable person, you are honest, you are not extravagant, you are down-to-earth in doing things, and you are the kind of master who makes people feel at ease.

"Sister Li, Sister Zhang, and Sister Wang, you three sisters really guessed right." Silly Zhu moved his body to the side, and revealed Li Xiuzhi who had been following behind him all the time. Pointing at Li Xiuzhi, "I came because of her."

The mother who misunderstood her opened the door for the misunderstanding, and the real misunderstanding reached home.

Mistakenly thought that Sha Zhu had a partner.

Bring it over and let them have a look.

They gathered around one by one, while sizing up Li Xiuzhi, they joked towards Shazhu in the tone of someone who came here.

"Silly Zhu, you just let us sisters play a thunderstorm quietly. You originally wanted to introduce a little sister to you, but you ended up talking about one yourself. Not bad, not bad."

"Girl, what's your name? My sister told you that Sha Zhu is a nice guy. Don't look at us calling him Sha Zhu. He is not stupid at all. His family's culinary skills are really perfect. There are tens of thousands of people in the rolling mill. You go out and ask casually, ask them if the food cooked by Sha Zhu is good, and make sure everyone gives a thumbs up."

After making a silly joke.

He began to praise Shazhu's conditions again.




They were placed in front of Li Xiuzhi one by one.

"Silly Zhu's name is He Yuzhu, the seven-level cooking squad leader in the rolling mill, with a monthly salary of 47 yuan, and there are two ancestral houses in the courtyard. My father is away, my mother left early, and the only sister is about to go to college. You marry For silly Zhu, you can be the master of the house directly, and you don’t need to be angry with your mother-in-law. If he dares to make you angry, you can tell your sisters, and they will support you.”

Shazhu has a good relationship with the senior sisters in the personnel department and machining.

Everyone wants something.

When people ask him to cook, he should scoop up some good dishes.

Silly Zhutu and these old women are not ambiguous at critical moments, so they really dare to pick Xu Damao's pants.

"Three sisters, you made a mistake. Things are not what you imagined. I have nothing to do with this lesbian."

Silly Zhu looked at Li Xiuzhi, who was blushing, and quickly said the serious thing. These old women really can say anything without knowing the door.

As expected of a married woman.

No admiration.

"She came to visit relatives in the city. Her relative, Li Gousheng, stopped me at the gate of the rolling mill and asked me if I knew a man named Li Gousheng. It's not easy to come here from afar, so I wanted to help, please three sisters, help me to see if there is a person named Li Gousheng in our rolling mill."

"Isn't she your partner?"

"No!" Silly Zhu looked at Li Xiuzhi whose face was hot, and made a joke, "People call me uncle."

"That's a pity, she has no good food, and she can't eat the family delicacies made by your silly Zhu."

"Little girl, don't you think about Shazhu? It's really good to marry him!"

"Three sisters, please help me find Li Gousheng, thank you very much." Shazhu said goodbye to Li Xiuzhi: "Comrade, if there is Li Gousheng in the rolling mill, my three sisters know, if there is, then let me know." Yes, if not, then there is no, you stay here, I went to the cafeteria."

Shazhu greeted the three old women from the personnel department again, and left the office in a hurry. As soon as he entered the second canteen, he saw Liu Lan and Que Genxian leading the crowd, surrounding Shazhu in the middle.

One moved a stool.

One pressed Silly Zhu hard on the stool.

Just when Sha Zhu was puzzled.

Liu Lan asked.

"Silly Zhu, is that country girl your wife?"

Hearing what Liu Lan said.

Sha Zhu knew that some talkative workers were spreading rumors indiscriminately, so he hurriedly told the ins and outs of the matter to these people in the second canteen.

The meaning behind the words.

I am a good person and a good deed.

Li Xiuzhi is not my daughter-in-law, and has nothing to do with me. Let the workers stop spreading rumors. As a man, I don't care whether my reputation is good or bad. Li Xiuzhi is a lesbian. If her reputation is bad, her life will be ruined.

The statement given by Shazhu was not believed by the workers in the second canteen. From Liu Lan to Quegenxian, everyone had that expression of disbelief on their faces.

A blind man gives advice.

Purely fooling people.

If Li Xiuzhi is ugly, or if Li Xiuzhi is a man, Sha Zhu can rush to help others find out who is Li Gousheng and who is not.

There must be ideas.

"Silly Zhu, don't explain." Liu Lan said with a veiled expression that I understand your silly Zhu, "Sister is someone who has been here before, so I know what you think."

"I'm telling the truth." Sha Zhu said solemnly: "Why don't you believe it?"

"It's not that I don't believe you, but we can't believe this matter. You really have nothing to do with that lesbian?"


"Is that lesbian really your wife?"

"It's really not my daughter-in-law, how can you believe what I'm telling is the truth?"

"Unless you swear."

"Swear to swear."

Silly Zhu, who was forced to do nothing, pointed at the light bulb on the roof in front of everyone in the second dining hall, and made a so-called poisonous oath, saying that Li Xiuzhi was not his wife, otherwise Silly Zhu would go to the toilet and squat in a big room without toilet paper. There is no umbrella on a rainy day, nothing can be picked up when walking, no one eats the food I cook, etc.

Under such a poisonous oath.

The people in the second cafeteria also believed Sha Zhu's words, thinking that Sha Zhu and Li Xiuzhi were really nothing, they were just trying to be good people and do good deeds.

Silly heart.

Barely landed.

Just when he thought things were settled.

Que Genxian suddenly brought the topic to Jia Dongxu, saying that Jia Dongxu ended himself at home.

The aunt forgot that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu went to the small affiliated factory to be the representatives of the factory. In a state of anxiety, she ran to the rolling mill alone and told the people in the security department about Jia Dongxu's death. Let the people from the security department go to the ninth workshop to call out Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu, and then go home to take care of Jia Dongxu's funeral. Because Que Genxian is not far from the security department, he heard it by accident. Tell Sha Zhu about this matter.

Silly column mind.

The first thought that popped up was not the regret of Jia Dongxu's death, but a kind of creepy panic, according to the description in the script of "Bird Man".

The whole story begins with Jia Dongxu's death and Daoxiao. It tells the story of Yi Zhonghai plotting against Shazhu for his retirement, and deliberately letting Shazhu help Qin Huairu, who has become a widow. He knows that Qin Huairu is the widow of three children. After getting into the ring, he still wanted to bring the two of them together, not caring about Sha Zhu's feelings at all.

Sha Zhu's tragic fate.

It also started with the death of Jia Dongxu.

In other words.

People like Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu, Jia Zhangshi, Sha Zhu, etc. have all stepped into the trajectory of fate set by the script of "Qi Man".

Silly Zhu was very puzzled, he and Yi Zhonghai had never been in touch with each other, and they had hit Yi Zhonghai several times, could Yi Zhonghai continue to plot against him shamelessly?

The more I think about it, the more frightened I feel.

He found himself underestimating one thing.

human nature!
Put your heart in another place and think about it. I have worked so hard to design something for decades, but in the end, I must have some unconvinced stubbornness in my heart.

Under the influence of this kind of stubborn human nature, people will unnaturally get into the horns and do something that is meaningless to outsiders, and even commit a heinous disaster!

Yi Zhonghai is not a person who admits defeat easily.

Even if he exposes Yi Zhonghai's sabotage of his blind date in public, the hypocrite not only apologizes to Sha Zhu in public, but also finds a reason for Sha Zhu's consideration and wants him to marry a better wife. Ruined Shazhu's blind date, from the beginning to the end, he was calm about thinking about Shazhu.

An obvious reason.

Jia Dongxu died.

Qin Huairu became a widow.

Jia Zhang's routine and Qin Huairu's excuses for not being able to divorce are all useless.

The streets have relevant measures to promote the remarriage of widows.

If Qin Huairu really remarried, Yi Zhonghai would do the work in a timely manner, Jia Zhang really couldn't prevent Qin Huairu from remarrying.

Silly Zhu suddenly felt that he had become a threat.

dog day.

Jia Dongxu's death disrupted Shazhu's steps. He thought that Jia Dongxu could persist for a while, so he took advantage of Jia Zhang's and Yi Zhonghai's dispute over whether Qin Huairu should get a divorce and ended his single life. As a result, Jia Dongxu died and Qin Huairu became a widow.

(End of this chapter)

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