Chapter 181
In the courtyard.

Shining the flashlight to illuminate Li Xiuzhi, Shazhu, who was outside with his wife washing the dishes, hurriedly handed the flashlight in his hand to Li Xiuzhi.

"Daughter-in-law, take this, this pot of bowls and chopsticks is a bit heavy, I'll serve them."

Not waiting for Li Xiuzhi to agree.

Silly Zhu stuffed the flashlight into Li Xiuzhi's hand, bent over and picked up a large stack of dishes in the iron basin in front of him, and happily walked towards his home.

With a daughter-in-law.

This day is really different.

At least there is some hope.

"Master, walk slowly." Li Xiuzhi followed behind Sha Zhu, and while illuminating it with a flashlight, she also reminded Sha Zhu with words, "Don't fall, watch the way."

Whether the voice is loud or not, it is not small.

It can barely be heard by all the neighbors in the middle courtyard.

Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu, who were in Jia's house, gave the title of a dog and a man.

Yi Zhonghai, who was in Yi's family, sighed heavily, and said to himself, if this idiot marries Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu will enjoy the blessings!
The silly Zhu and his wife, who ignored the thoughts of the beasts, entered their house with both feet.

Accompanied by Li Xiuzhi's backhand to insert the door bolt.

The atmosphere in the house began to be a little delicate.

Putting down the silly Zhu who was holding the dishes in his hand, he looked at Li Xiuzhi in a daze, not knowing what to say or what to do.

In the past, he used his iron fists to strike many protagonists across the courtyard, but now he was trembling with anxiety.

The heart also raised the throat.

The scalp also becomes numb.

The hairs on his body also stood up one by one.

He looked at Li Xiuzhi cautiously, grinned, then stretched out his hand to scratch his hair, then stood there stupidly.

One of the four happiest events in life is the bridal chamber wedding.

Dazed was turned into an embarrassing drama by Sha Zhu.

He is embarrassed.

Li Xiuzhi was even more embarrassed.

After all, it is a woman.

There are some things she can't save face.

Seeing Shazhu standing obliquely across from her in a daze, Li Xiuzhi's already perturbed heart became more and more uneasy. Facing Shazhu, the husband she recognized both nominally and legally, she suddenly became intimidated. Feet, and his head drooped slightly.

The guilty look was in stark contrast to the refinement and competence when facing the crowd of birds in the courtyard. It looked like two people.

The atmosphere in the house.

It's so weird.

I don't know how long it took.

It may be 10 minutes, or it may be an hour. Anyway, both parties have a kind of self-anxiety that lives like a year.

Perhaps it was because he felt that going on like this was not the same thing, thinking that he would always take the initiative, Sha Zhu decided to speak, and when he raised his head, he found that Li Xiuzhi was also looking at him.

Minds think alike.

The two said the word "you" to each other at the same time, and after their words collided, they both thought of letting the other party speak first.

in this way.

It's another "you say first" rhetoric of the same heart.

Shy mood.

When both parties were anxious, they found them respectively.

Sha Zhu took a step towards Li Xiuzhi, and Li Xiuzhi also took a step closer to Sha Zhu.

some things.

must be done.

Under the dim light, Silly Zhu began to look at Li Xiuzhi, the more beautiful she really looked, the more she felt that Li Xiuzhi was beautiful, the more Shazhu was ecstatic.

A small straight nose, curved willow-leaf eyebrows, a pair of big black eyes that can speak, a pair of double eyelids that make the finishing touch, a red face, a small mouth, and Li Xiuzhi's jet-black hair is nothing The big shiny braid stimulated Shazhu's senses to the maximum.

This is my daughter-in-law.

The daughter-in-law who will live with me for the rest of my life and bear children for me.

At this moment.

Li Xiuzhi stood quietly about two meters away from Shazhu, her head drooping slightly, and her small hands clasped her abdomen in contradiction.

Perhaps feeling the fiery eyes of Sha Zhu looking at her, Li Xiuzhi seemed calm on the surface, but she was extremely nervous.

Don't look at her being in a hurry to find the capital from the mountainous area thousands of miles away. Facing the beasts in the courtyard, she put on an air of not being provoked.

into the bridal chamber.

It was the first time for a big girl to get on a sedan chair.

"Daughter-in-law, do you drink water?"

"I'm not thirsty."

"Then sit down, your legs hurt when you stand up."

"Sit down too, you must be tired after a busy day."

After some irrelevant nonsense.

Li Xiuzhi suddenly brought up the topic of washing feet.

"Master, I'll wash your feet with water."

vaguely remember.

The kind old lady said this to Li Xiuzhi.

Women should be virtuous, and washing men's feet with water on the wedding night is a woman's virtuous performance.

Li Xiuzhi found the footbath, poured some boiling water from the thermos into it, scooped up some cold water, tested the temperature of the water with his hands, and found that it was almost ready, so he placed the footbath in front of Sha Zhu, and helped him get off the water. Lost shoes, took off socks.

in this process.

Silly Zhu's mind was always in a daze.

If it wasn't for the beautiful man in front of him clearly explaining to Sha Zhu a fact that he had to believe, Sha Zhu would have thought he was dreaming.

Inexplicably married a daughter-in-law.

The daughter-in-law is pretty.

Also very virtuous.

Now I have to pour water to wash my feet again, and I have to wash my feet.

This will not work.

When Li Xiuzhi's delicate hands touched Shazhu's feet, Shazhu shuddered all over, and suddenly woke up, knowing that he was not dreaming, and that he really married Li Xiuzhi, the daughter-in-law that everyone envied and hated.

When I think of my mature appearance.

When I think of Li Xiuzhi's face that is comparable to a painted fairy.

Silly Zhu was happy.

He jumped to the side, crossed Li Xiuzhi to the place where he was originally sitting in that way, and replaced Li Xiuzhi's original position himself.

"Master, what are you doing? My grandma said that on the wedding night, the wife should wash her husband's feet."

"That's an old principle of the past. We are newcomers, new things and new atmosphere. You sit, and I will help you wash your feet."

Li Xiuzhi's face.

It suddenly turned red.

I didn't expect my man to wash his feet.

Bite your head.

When I want to say something, but I don't know where to start.

Because Shazhu had already taken off Li Xiuzhi's shoes and Li Xiuzhi's socks, when the restraints on Li Xiuzhi's feet were removed.

A pair of extremely delicate and beautiful feet clearly caught Shazhu's eyes.

Silly Zhu couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

She racked her brains to think of all the beautiful words she knew to describe and describe Li Xiuzhi's little feet, which were called works of art.

Slender feet, slippery feet, small and exquisite toes, and neatly trimmed toenails.


Also stayed.

Imagined a lot.

The only thing I didn't expect is that Li Xiuzhi's delicate feet are so good-looking. This is purely a kind of beautiful enjoyment, which makes people's minds get the maximum volatilization, and the mood is also extremely happy. All the fine hairs on the whole body are glowing with hearty pleasure .

A slight pleasure came out of his mouth involuntarily.

The smile on his face grew stronger.

This is a pair of feet that can't be described in words at all. It is an unprecedented pair of feet that will make you so beautiful.

Don't look at Li Xiuzhi's face.

Just looking at Li Xiuzhi's beautiful feet, she has already won Shazhu's entire attention.

A guy named Ye Yu August, he said such a sentence, a beautiful woman may not have good-looking feet, but a girl with good-looking feet must not be much different in appearance.

Li Xiuzhi undoubtedly achieved both.

Silly Zhu, whose mind had taken a qualitative leap, let out a sigh of relief, and seriously helped Li Xiuzhi wash her feet, even using soapy water.

Meticulous look.

Let Qin Huairu who was peeking outside the door.

The depression in my heart was suppressed to the extreme.

Silly Zhu actually washed Li Xiuzhi's feet.


How can you help Li Xiuzhi wash her feet?

once Upon a time.

Even Qin Huairu has never enjoyed this kind of treatment.

His teeth were itching with hatred, just when Qin Huairu was hesitating whether to carry out the intimidation plan that Jia Zhang made against Sha Zhu and his wife, there was the sound of Sha Zhu walking towards the door in the room.

Qin Huairu hid under the window at a brisk pace, and joined hands with Jia Zhang, who had just committed himself under the window.

When Jia's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law stared wide-eyed.

The door was opened.

The figure of Silly Zhu holding the footwashing water formed a clear figure against the light, which made the Jia mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who were hiding in the dark see clearly.

Jia Zhang struggled to breathe.

Qin Huairu raised her spirits.

Wherever the eye can see.

It was Silly Zhu who stepped out of the house, and Sha Zhu poured the footwashing water in his hand towards the window sill where Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu were hiding not far away.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Jia family opened their mouths wide to say something, but they felt that there was something salty in their mouths.

Just when Jia Zhang was about to yell, Qin Huairu urgently covered the old godmother's mouth with his hands, so as not to expose the fact that Jia's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law eavesdropped on the base of the silly wall.

spread out.

It must be the end of society's death on the spot.

The old widow Jia Zhang took the young widow Qin Huairu to eavesdrop on the couple's wedding.

Do you want to lose face.

Especially Qin Huairu is Jia Zhang's daughter-in-law.

Mrs. Jia Zhang must have thought of this, so she followed Qin Huairu's intentions and didn't curse angrily. She just watched silly Zhu pour the footwashing water on the Jia family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and didn't wait for any nostalgic reply. to the house.

I also blame Silly Zhu for wanting to do this wedding ceremony in a hurry.

The mind is not on the extra things at all.

Therefore, no one was found to eavesdrop on the wall.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Jia family, who had been poured with foot-washing water, listened to the movement in the house with their ears open. Jia Zhang's hand even grabbed a brick.

Do things.

My wife smashed the glass.

The voice of Sha Zhu talking to Li Xiuzhi sounded in the room.

"Daughter-in-law, it's time for us to rest."


With a "snap", the lights in the house were turned off, Li Xiuzhi's clothes were slowly taken off in the darkness, and Silly Zhu also completely liberated himself.

In the dark room, certain sounds soon appeared.

It is human reproduction.


The first day after marriage.

The sky is bright.

Sha Zhu woke up from a deep sleep with a sore back and a sore back. Looking at the happy woman in his arms, a happy smile appeared on his face.

Wife and children are hot on the kang.

Isn't that what the man is trying to figure out.

I don't know if it's because there is a daughter-in-law at home.

Silly Zhu actually had the idea of ​​staying in bed.

Waking up and not wearing clothes.

It wasn't until the morning light came into the room that Silly Zhu reluctantly got up, put on the old overalls, made breakfast for Li Xiuzhi, and walked out cheerfully with a bag of wedding candy.

Get out of the house.

He squinted at the sun in the east.

I stretched lazily.

There was a comfortable cry from his mouth.

Just as he was about to walk towards the front yard, Qin Huairu, who was rushing to Kyushu in a hurry, rushed out of Jia's house diagonally opposite.

"Master He, happy wedding." Qin Huairu is also a person who knows how to behave, and apologized to Shazhu for the fact that Banggun and the others went to Shazhu's house to beg for food yesterday, "What happened last night was our Jia's fault, I also blame our Jia family for being poor, it is not easy for orphans and widows, and it is not nutritious to make troubles."

Silly Zhumian looked at Qin Huairu's affectation expressionlessly.

The scheming bitch really thought he didn't know anything.

The divine book "Qi Man" clearly explained who Qin Huairu was. Under the pretense of crying poor, he was doing blood-sucking stupid things.

She didn't have a good look at Qin Huairu.

It looks almost like an enemy.

This kind of cold violence.

Qin Huairu couldn't accept it for a while, how could Shazhu's reaction be a bit different from Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang's expectations, it wasn't that he just accepted Qin Huairu's apology and said something about the future relationship between the two families.

As a result, Shazhu always had the expression of looking at strangers, and his eyes were still the kind of eyes that reject people thousands of miles away.

How does this make Qin Huairu play?
What's more, Sha Zhu didn't give Qin Huairu a chance to continue explaining, and walked out of the yard directly.

Qin Huairu looked at Yi Zhonghai behind him, then at Jia Zhangshi, stomped his feet, and chased him out quickly.

Last night, because Xu Damao got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, the plan of Jia's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law smashing the glass to frighten Shazhu was not implemented.

first step.

It is to shorten the relationship with Sha Zhu.

At this moment, Qin Huairu is implementing the plan step by step.

"Master He, wait for me."

"Is there anything else? If you continue to talk nonsense that you have nothing to do with the mistakes of the sticks, then stop talking. Why do you think I don't know why the sticks brought Xiaodang to the house? All the neighbors in the hospital are being fooled? Yesterday was my big day, and I don't want to bring bad luck to myself on the big day, and I don't want to make things difficult for my wife Li Xiuzhi, it doesn't mean I have no temper."

Qin Huairu forced a smile on his face, then looked at Silly Zhu with resentment, and muttered softly.

"Master He, do you know? When Dongxu left, he kept telling me that I could not remarry anyone but you, Master He, Master He, to tell you the truth, I think you You are a good person. I can have children, a pair of twins, and let them inherit your cooking skills. The uncle still wants to match the two of us. I never thought that you brought a woman back from the outside before you had time to talk about it. .”

Some of these words were taught to Qin Huairu by Jia Zhang.

Some of them were pondered by Qin Huairu himself.

Regardless of whether the ideas of Jia's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can be realized, they must first be disgusting and stupid.

If someone heard Qin Huairu confessing his love to Sha Zhu.

As long as it reaches Li Xiuzhi's ears.

What would Li Xiuzhi think.

Just married.

You're going to fuck.

Once there is a gap in the heart.

This is the opportunity for Jia's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

"Master He, my mother-in-law is such a difficult person. Speaking of you, she gave you a thumbs up and praised you. She also agreed with me to remarry you, saying that you are a good person. If you marry you, you will not look down on me, Qin Huairu. I will also be good to Banggen and their three children, but unfortunately, it seems that you and I are destined to have no relationship! Now that you are married, it is too late for me, Qin Huairu, to say anything, but we can't be husband and wife, and we can still be in-laws , Shall we recognize a brother-in-law? I am three years older than you, I have a younger brother like you, and you have an older sister like me."

(End of this chapter)

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