Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 194 Yi Zhonghai has a guilty conscience, Sha Zhu wants to leave the capital?

Chapter 194 Yi Zhonghai has a guilty conscience, Sha Zhu wants to leave the capital?

Yi Zhonghai complained a few words towards the back of the deaf old lady.

Just about to go in.

It was stopped by the big mother.

An angry Yi Zhonghai broke out in a cold sweat. In his mind, he was chased away by everyone in the second canteen. Yi Zhonghai was bullied in the rolling mill, and Yi Zhonghai was bullied in the courtyard.

"Look at what?"

Big Mom is more angry than Yi Zhonghai.

I want rice today.

It was also full of anger.

She stuffed a bag of clothes that she had taken out since she didn't know when, and stuffed it into Yi Zhonghai's hands.

"Go to the bathhouse to take a shower, change your clothes, and then soak the clothes in the basin. Boy, I have opened the windows and doors to dry since you went to work. The smell in the house has not dissipated for a whole day."

Yi Zhonghai was so annoyed to hear this.

But it really doesn't work.

He also felt uncomfortable smelling it.

According to the aunt's advice, I took my clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower.

Come back with the changed clothes.

Following the aunt's instructions, soaked the dirty clothes in the basin, drank a few sips of the Baijia porridge that the aunt wanted to come back, saw Qin Huairu came back from the toilet and wanted to go back to Jia's house, hurriedly called Qin Huairu to stop.

"Huairu, I want to talk to you about your work, so I'll waste a few minutes of your time."

Yi Zhonghai deliberately chose to talk to Qin Huairu about work in public during the time when the neighbors finished their meal and squatted at the door in twos and threes, chatting and spanking.

On public affairs, Yi Zhonghai is an eighth-level technician in the ninth workshop, Qin Huairu is an apprentice in the ninth workshop, and the rolling mill has a tradition of eighth-level technicians instructing new apprentices.

The euphemistic name is to pass on the help and lead the way.

In terms of personal interests, Yi Zhonghai is Jia Dongxu's master, and Qin Huairu is Jia Dongxu's daughter-in-law, so the two of them share the feeling of master and apprentice.

Talk about work in the courtyard.

Outsiders really can't find anything wrong with it.

What's more, Yi Zhonghai's banner is for Qin Huairu's consideration.

Qin Huairu stood obediently in front of Yi Zhonghai.

Jia Zhang's family in Jia's house pressed her big face tightly against the glass, always feeling that Yi Zhonghai had an inexplicable concern for Qin Huairu that surpassed that of the neighbors.

Worried that Yi Zhonghai is an extinct family, and seeing that Qin Huairu is a widow who can bear children, she has the idea of ​​borrowing chickens to lay eggs.

This will not work.

It's impossible for Jia Dongxu to wear a cuckold after death.

Seeing that there were many people in the courtyard, he relaxed his mind for a moment, no matter how much Yi Zhonghai wanted to pick up the ashes, he couldn't play hard games with Qin Huairu in front of the neighbors.

Unless he doesn't want to live anymore.

"Hum!" A disdainful cold snort came out of his mouth. Jia Zhang felt that it was not worth the gain to stay in the house and eavesdrop, so he grabbed the half-made cloth shoes, walked to the door of the house, and sat on the threshold. While making shoes, he listened to the conversation between Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu with his ears propped up.

Since Qin Huairu turned his back to Jia Zhang, he didn't know that Jia Zhang had come out, but Yi Zhonghai saw Jia Zhang's actions clearly.

A bit of unhappiness flashed through my heart.

If he didn't think Jia Dongxu was good at the beginning, he would not have married his daughter Qin Huairu to Jia Dongxu.

Hold back the anger in your heart.

Talked to Qin Huairu about the business.

"Huairu, Director Guo of the workshop talked to me today. He talked about your work. He was worried that you would slow down the progress of the Ninth Workshop and wanted to transfer you away. I talked to him and gave you three months. During these three months, I will try my best to teach you some knowledge of first-level fitters so that you can become a full-time worker early. Once you become a full-time worker, your salary will increase, benefits will also increase, and your family will be better off."

Yi Zhonghai originally wanted to tell Qin Huairu something to make Qin Huairu self-reliant, let Qin Huairu suppress the Jia Zhang family, and take over the power of the Jia family.

But see Jia Zhang.

The original plan was immediately canceled.

Think long term.

After all, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

He changed his tone and brought the topic to this job.

Today Guo Dazhui did find Yi Zhonghai, but what he was talking about was not Qin Huairu's problem, but a lecture on Yi Zhonghai, telling Yi Zhonghai to be more honest, and he became a hot topic in the rolling mill.

When Yi Zhonghai told this story, he was betting that Jia Zhang or Qin Huairu would not go to confront Mr. Guo in person.

"Grandma Banggen, logically speaking, there are some things I shouldn't say, but I can't do it if I don't say anything. Leaving aside her status as an eighth-level technician in the rolling mill, just talk about the identity of the steward and how Qin Huairu got her job. It doesn't matter. The important thing is that she is now a member of the rolling mill. Huairu is a country girl with limited cultural knowledge. She only went to literacy classes for a few days, and she was a monk halfway to work in the rolling mill. It is very difficult in itself."

Yi Zhonghai's voice.

Gradually increase.

He's going to settle down on one thing today.

Let Jia Zhang take charge of Jia's family affairs, take care of Sophora japonica, housework, laundry and cooking, all to Jia Zhang.

Qin Huairu devoted herself to researching technology.

Unlike Jia Dongxu, Jia Dongxu is an apprentice. Yi Zhonghai was worried that Jia Dongxu would leave him as a master if he had the skills, so he deliberately took advantage of Jia Dongxu during the third promotion and fourth promotion.

Qin Huairu is his daughter, the better the skills, the more confidence she has in the rolling mill.

"In front of the neighbors, I'll be the villain, Grandma Banggen, can you manage the affairs of your Jia family so that Huairu can have time to concentrate on her work, so she can't be busy at the rolling mill during the day, and then come back at night and have to serve you and Banggen to eat, wash clothes, and sew a lot of money to earn a living."

Seeing Yi Zhonghai burn himself on fire.

Jia Zhang quit on the spot.

I am also angry.

Yesterday, Yi Zhonghai fell into the toilet and clearly negotiated a good deal, saying how much money he would give her, but Yi Zhonghai turned his face and refused to recognize anyone, and told Jia Zhang whether he wanted money or not.

"Huairu is my daughter-in-law, she is filial, what does it have to do with you? Don't you just say that my old lady is lazy, why am I lazy?" Jia Zhang raised the cloth shoes in her hand, "I make cloth shoes."

"Make ten pairs of cloth shoes all year round, one pair a month together, Grandma Stick, if you continue to do this, I, Yi Zhonghai, will show my old face, and I have to go to the streets. Don't forget, your household registration seems to be still in your hometown."

Jia Zhangshi was on the spot.

I really dare not say the following words.

Yi Zhonghai's reputation is bad.

But Haolai still bears the name of a courtyard house steward.

What does she Jia Zhang have.

Nothing at all.

Moreover, the neighbors in the surrounding courtyards all know the fact that she is a lazy eater. If she really makes trouble in the street, she will definitely not have the good fruit of Jia Zhang's family.

"Huairu became a full-time worker, can your Jia family make more money? She has been paid as an apprentice's salary all her life, and now she has nothing to do. After a few years, Banggeng has grown up, and Xiaodang and Huaihua have grown up. Marrying a daughter-in-law requires money, and marrying a girl requires money. How do you get this money? Grandma Banggen, think about it, Huairu, think about it too."

Put down harsh words.

He also ignored what Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu would think.

Yi Zhonghai turned his head and went into his own house.

I took the cool white tea from the hand of the aunt, raised my head and drank it all in one breath, and then sat on the bench without moving.

Qin Huairu can no longer stay at Jia's house.

Just like Jia Zhang's attitude.

Thinking with your toes, you can guess roughly.

It is obvious that Qin Huairu will be the Jia family's cattle and horses for the rest of his life.

This is Yi Zhonghai's daughter.

The aunt who knew it well deliberately pretended to be confused, stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Yi Zhonghai, and said, "Old man, what are you thinking?"

Hearing Da Ma's voice, Yi Zhonghai gradually came back to his senses, looked at Da Ma, and replied, "I'm thinking about the Jia family."

"Didn't you explain everything to Jia Zhang just now?"

"It's not like you don't know who Jia Zhang is. When Dongxu was here, seeing Huai Rusheng's beauty, he was worried that Huai Ru would not obey women's morals. He followed the little devil all day long and followed Huai Ru. After Dong Xu died, he was worried that Huai Ru would remarry, so he became more and more lazy."

"Then what do you want to do?" The aunt deliberately suppressed her anger, "You are just Jia Dongxu's master, and Jia Zhang's mother-in-law is also Huai Ru's mother-in-law. You can't let Huai Ru ignore Jia Zhang, right? This already reflects your friendship as a master."

Look at Big Mom.

After all, Yi Zhonghai didn't say that she was my daughter.

But my heart is ruthless.

He hesitated whether to send Jia Zhang to his hometown in the countryside.

Not really.

It's okay to tell Qin Huairu a queen man.

Mention this matter.

Yi Zhonghai felt distressed. When Jia Dongxu was there, he looked down on Shazhu in every way. Unexpectedly, Jia Dongxu's death made Shazhu's weight rise in Yi Zhonghai's heart. Virtuous and capable conquered the neighbors of the courtyard house.

A sigh flew out of Yi Zhonghai's mouth.

"Old lady, how about we introduce a man to Huai Ru? You can understand the situation of Jia's family. It's really impossible without a man to help you."

"Zhuzi is married!" said the aunt, "Xiuzhi is a nice person. If you have nothing to do these few days, go chat with the old lady."

In Yi Zhonghai's eyes.

A glimmer of hope burst out.

Couple for many years.

How could Big Mom not know what Yi Zhonghai was up to, she just wanted to use the mouth of the deaf old lady to do Li Xiuzhi's ideological work.

to be honest.

It is wicked to break up Li Xiuzhi and Shazhu, and let Shazhu marry Qin Huairu.

"You, don't think about it, it's useless. Li Xiuzhi is a country girl. In order to marry into the city, what can't a country girl do? Silly Zhu's conditions are so good." The aunt's tone became unnaturally aggravated. "Compared to Li Xiuzhi, Qin Huairu is not even qualified to carry Li Xiuzhi's shoes. One is a widow with three children, and there is an evil mother-in-law behind her, and the other is a big girl with yellow flowers. Zhu Zi is not stupid."

The first mother was also stimulated by Li Xiuzhi.

She figured it out.

Li Xiuzhi is a shrewd person who can fool the deaf old lady into selling, and the deaf old lady also said that Li Xiuzhi is good.


It seems that I chat with the deaf old lady every day.

In fact, it's just talking and talking nonsense to the deaf old lady, and it's really at the juncture of delivering meals to the deaf old lady.

Li Xiuzhi immediately retreated.

Said it was a big mother's business, it was a manifestation of the big mother helping the widowed elderly, said that he had to learn from the big mother, and when he was done, he would bring a bowl of plain water to the deaf old lady at no cost or cost.

The euphemistic name is that the deaf old lady is getting old and cannot drink cold water, but boiled water.

For such a shrewd woman, the deaf old lady would never believe what she said, and whether the deaf old lady was happy or not was something to be discussed later.

Yi Zhonghai really wanted to find Qin Huairu a future man.

Silly column is impossible.

Others are about the same.

After the first mother explained her meaning to Yi Zhonghai, she suddenly thought of the thing that the deaf old lady told her the day before yesterday.

"Old man, silly Zhu will leave the capital for a while."

One simple sentence.

Immediately, Yi Zhonghai's head exploded.

Don't do anything bad in your life, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door in the middle of the night.

Yi Zhonghai is just the opposite.

I don't know if it's because of a guilty conscience, but I always feel that Shazhu and his wife are going to Baocheng to find He Daqing.

Withholding of money.

If it was exposed.

Yi Zhonghai must have been shot.

Do not go to Baocheng.

Things can still be restored.

Go to Baocheng.

If He Daqing and Sha Zhu confront each other, some ulterior motives of Yi Zhonghai will be revealed to the world.

"Shazhu is leaving? Where is he going?"

Yi Zhonghai was really scared.

His voice trembled slightly.

Even the title of the pillar has become a silly pillar.

"Hey!" The aunt who knew why Yi Zhonghai was terrified sighed softly, "I didn't go to Baocheng, but Li Xiuzhi brought Zhuzi back to Li Xiuzhi's hometown! I came to the capital to visit relatives, but I didn't find any relatives, but I got married. I have to let my parents meet."

Withholding the money.

The big mother is really helpless, she has persuaded Yi Zhonghai many times in the early years, don't be too absolute in doing things, leave a way out for yourself, and leave a way out for others.

Who told Yi Zhonghai to refuse to listen.

The key point is that He Daqing is doing well, even if Shazhu doesn't go to Baocheng, if one day He Daqing suddenly returns to the courtyard, the two of them will chat about homely things when they meet.

There is no way to hide things like postage money.

The aunt also regretted it. When she first got the money from He Daqing by post, she shouldn't have told Yi Zhonghai that she should have given the money directly to Sha Zhu.

It was because of Yi Zhonghai's nonsense that the two Shazhu brothers and sisters hated He Daqing extremely, saying that this was He Daqing's money for the Shazhu brothers and sisters, and that Shazhu and Yushui probably didn't want it.

hold on.

This class has been dragged from 51 to 61 years.

(End of this chapter)

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