Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 248 Jia Zhang really stepped up at the critical moment

Chapter 248 Jia Zhang really stepped up at the critical moment
Holding the bill.

Returned to the Second Canteen.

Because Director Yang called Silly Zhu away, Qin Huairu was always on tenterhooks and worried, fearing that something would happen and she would be inexplicably affected.

Yi Zhonghai spent money to buy quotas so that Qin Huairu could work in the steel rolling mill, which inadvertently fueled Qin Huairu's vanity.

As the first girl from Qinjia Village to marry into the city and eat the city's commercial food, Qin Huairu, although her life in Jia's family was not good, she looked very proud in front of the folks in Qinjia Village.

some time ago.

After receiving a letter from their parents, those in Qinjia Village heard that Qin Huairu was now a worker holding the country's iron rice bowl, and they were in the limelight for a while.

The entire Qinjia Village is calling for learning from Qin Huairu, and many people are close to Qin Huairu's parents.

She was afraid that because of this incident, she would be beaten back to her original shape.

Seeing Sha Zhu coming back, he hurriedly chased after Sha Zhu.

"Master He, are you okay?"

Months in the rolling mill.

Qin Huairu learned a lot of knowledge.

Put on a show.

He was obviously worried about himself, but he still had to put on an expression of worry about Silly Zhu.

Male unmarried.

The woman is not married.


Silly Zhu was married, and Qin Huairu was a widow, so her concern showed some extra meaning.

Glancing at Qin Huairu, Shazhu ignored the scheming bitch and instead greeted Liu Lan and Ma Hua.

"Liu Lan, Ma Hua, Fatty, what Factory Director Yang wants is for the workers to eat well and have dinner at night. You all should work harder for me. Don't give me the pick. Don't let the people who work the night shift say that our No. [-] canteen is mistreating us." them."

Qin Huairu didn't feel embarrassed after asking for help from a boring person. He ran to Liu Lan and started washing vegetables for a living.

I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but she pointed her big butt at Silly Pillar.

Silly Zhu bit his lower lip.

Qin Huairu was transferred to work in the No. [-] Canteen. It was said that Yi Zhonghai was behind it and took the path of Deputy Director Li.

There are ten canteens, but they are assigned to the second canteen.

If there is nothing fishy here.

Even if you kill Silly Pillar, you won’t believe it.

The script of "Qin Man" explains that Qin Huairu is not a good person. She doesn't work hard and plots against others. Xu Damao queues up well, but Qin Huairu insists on jumping in front of Xu Damao and claims that she is Xu Damao's. elder sister.

She went to the second cafeteria and asked Sha Zhu to steal stick noodles for her. She could do it herself, but Sha Zhu had to do it.

It was obvious that he was plotting against Sha Zhu. If he was caught, Qin Huairu could blame Sha Zhu on his head and say that Sha Zhu stole the noodles for her.

As for the consequences after Si Zhu was caught, this girl didn't think about it at all and shamelessly asked Si Zhu to steal it.

Sha Zhu, who couldn't bear Qin Huairu's prayers, packed some stick noodles for Qin Huairu, but did not leave quickly. He insisted on staying in the second cafeteria to say various words of gratitude to Sha Zhu. When he wanted to leave after a while, he was discovered by Deputy Director Li. .

Deputy Director Li interrogated Qin Huairu.

Silly Zhu beat Deputy Factory Director Li, and afterwards gave Deputy Director Li's [-] kilograms of white noodles and ten kilograms of pork to Qin Huairu, who still laughed.

It was all a trap. Knowing that Silly Zhu had beaten Deputy Factory Director Li, Qin Huairu not only didn't cry, but also laughed. She thought carefully about whether it was intentional.

A normal person would definitely cry and cry, which would make Deputy Factory Director Li suffer the consequences of being dumb. Qin Huairu tried to laugh when Silly Zhu told her to cry, and finally Silly Zhu was sent to the workshop.

This woman is poisonous.

He entered the second cafeteria with bad intentions, at least that's what Shazhu thought. If he couldn't bring food, Qin Huairu could spread rumors. When he went to work this morning, he had to leave with him.

Silly Zhu suddenly realized that he had to either force Qin Huairu away, or find a new person in the second cafeteria, preferably a resident of the courtyard.

Let her keep an eye on Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu will not die.

As for who this person is.

Silly Zhu didn't think about it for a while.



Neighbors who were sitting at the gate of the courtyard chatting nonsense saw two young men in Chinese tunic suits riding bicycles parked in front of them. A young man who seemed to be the leader got off the bicycle and moved to a few aunts. , asked with a smile.

"Comrades, let me ask you how to get to the Red Star Courtyard?"

Several aunts looked at each other.

Find the Red Star Courtyard.

Look at what the other person is wearing.

Like a leader.

Is it an inspection?
The third aunt at the head put down what she was doing and answered the young man who asked the question.

"Comrade, this is the Red Star Courtyard."

"The Red Star Courtyard in the steel rolling mill?"

"Comrade, you are absolutely right, it is the Red Star Courtyard of the steel rolling mill."

"Look at my mouth. I even asked the real person. Hello, I am the security officer of the Security Department of the University of Posts and Telecommunications. My name is Huang Jinbiao." Pointing to another young man next to him, "This is my colleague. His name is Jia Gui."

"Golden Standard, Jia Gui, hello, do you have any business coming to our courtyard? There is a college student in our courtyard who is studying at your university."

"Are you talking about classmate He Yuyu?"

"Yes, yes, it's He Yuyu."

The third aunt's tone.

With a bit of sour taste.

The aunts around me almost think the same way.

The He family is really one person who has attained the Tao, chickens and dogs can ascend to heaven.

He Yuyu was admitted to college, and he and Shazhu became role models in the street. On the day Yuyu started school, the street sent him a pound of pork. He heard that there would be financial subsidies every month, and he would become a cadre after he graduated.Think back to the beginning.

After He Daqing ran away, Sha Zhu lived a life without a meal with Yu Yu. People in the courtyard were worried that Sha Zhu would entangle them, so they all ignored him.

If it weren't for Yi Zhonghai's help and a few dollars, I think Silly Zhu and Yu Yu would have died long ago.

Who would have thought that Yi Zhonghai's help would eventually become a plot, and the relationship with the He family would break down. Many people in the courtyard were secretly laughing at Yi Zhonghai. They all wanted to ease their relationship with the Silly Zhu family. , no matter how good the rain is in the future, it has been unable to ease the relationship between the two parties.

"Comrade, since you came here because of the rain, you are late. Silly Zhu works in the steel rolling mill."

"Stupid column?"

Jin Biao looked at Jia Gui doubtfully.

He seemed to have a somewhat different take on the title.

"Si Zhu is He Yuyu's brother. The neighbors in our courtyard habitually call him Si Zhu. Si Zhu is not in the courtyard. Si Zhu's wife Li Xiuzhi has gone to the street. She has been gone for half an hour. I don't know when she will be back. Or Come back tomorrow, and when you come back in the evening, I will tell Shazhu and Li Xiuzhi to wait for you in the courtyard tomorrow, or let them go directly to the University of Posts and Telecommunications to find you."

"No, I'll just ask you to find out the situation."

The words came out.

Old ladies present.

Then everyone had their own little thoughts.

He Yuyu was studying at the University of Posts and Telecommunications. He was in the Security Department of the University of Posts and Telecommunications. He went to the courtyard to find out about He Yuyu's situation. He didn't want to know the situation from the mouths of Shazhu and Li Xiuzhi, but to find out something from the mouths of their neighbors. Bad thoughts are formed in the minds of the neighbors.

Could it be that He Yuyu made a mistake at the University of Posts and Telecommunications, and the security department came to investigate?

vaguely remember.

Whatever happens in the courtyard, as long as it is not dealt with internally by Yi Zhonghai, it will definitely be reported to the Security Department.

The Security Section represents the law enforcement department, and their dispatch means someone has made a mistake.

He Yuyu is going to be unlucky.

The He family is in trouble.

Neighbors who did not want their neighbors to be kind began to make random guesses. When asked, since there were other neighbors around, the neighbor being questioned was embarrassed to talk nonsense, fearing that someone's talkative words would reach the ears of Shazhu and Li Xiuzhi. Then he told some of the past events of the He family based on the truth.

Some neighbors hiding in their homes, taking advantage of the fact that there were no neighbors around, tried their best to slander He Yuyu and Silly Zhu, why Silly Zhu was not a good person, he was a cook, but he ignored the life and death of the neighbors in the courtyard, and why He Yuyu had no love, he himself I got a reward from the street, but I didn’t share it with them.

When asked about Jia Zhang, Jia Zhang was worried that Silly Zhu would be involved because of this incident and ruin her family's affairs.

By now.

Mrs. Jia Zhang has not given up the idea of ​​sucking the vampire fool yet.

She was so evil that she said a few words about Sha Zhu, and also about He Yuyu. She said that He Yuyu had poor academic performance, and she felt sleepy when she read a book. It was Sha Zhu who forced him to do it. He forced He Yueyue to study, forced He Yueyue to become a college student, and said that he wanted to learn from Silly Zhu and learn from Silly Zhu's method of forcing his own sister to become a college student. He followed the instructions of a cat and a tiger and made Banggeng go to school. University.

Jin Biao and Jia Gui looked at each other.

Jia Gui asked.

"Ms. Jia Zhang, let me ask if He Yuzhu, who you call Silly Zhu, and He Yuzhu have any conflicts with some people in your courtyard. When some people mentioned this just now, they hesitated. not so good."

"Yes, there is a grandson named Xu Damao in our backyard. He is a movie projectionist at the steel rolling mill. He and Silly Zhu have not dealt with each other since they were young. When they meet, they will either beat or pinch them. As long as there is a meeting in the compound, With both of them here, there’s bound to be a fight.”

"Besides Xu Damao, are there any other neighbors with whom we have bad relations?"

"Yes, who said no."

Jia Zhang lowered her voice.

There was a heroic spirit on his face.

It's just a matter of imagination.

When I thought about the identity of the Security Department of the other university, I just showed my work permit to Jia Zhang. Although Jia Zhang didn't recognize the words on it, I saw the red seal on it and heard Huang Jinbiao say that he was the security department officer. , since he is an officer, he is a leader. He thinks that he will leave a good impression on Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui. In the future, Banggeng will be admitted to university, and he will be able to follow other people's paths and bring glory to the Jia family.

Then he told them the rights and wrongs of Yi Zhonghai and Shazhu.

Before the lecture begins.

First, he established a high-profile persona of his own righteousness.

"Yi Zhonghai is the steward of our courtyard, an eighth-level technician at the steel rolling mill, and the master of my son Jia Dongxu. Logically speaking, our two families have this kind of relationship, and our hearts are full of flesh. I shouldn't be behind the scenes. I say bad things about Yi Zhonghai, but as a person like me, I don’t want to see other people’s grievances, I can’t hide things in my heart, and I like to tell the truth. One is one, and two is two. If you ask me if Silly Zhu has any grudges with Yi Zhonghai, I have to To be honest with you, there is!"

The stone in Jinbiao's heart fell to the ground.

Jia Gui also breathed a sigh of relief.

Before coming to the courtyard to inquire about the situation, their section chief Shi Qingshan concluded that Yi Zhonghai had a grudge against Sha Zhu.

as predicted.

Shi Qingshan really got it right. Some people in the courtyard were adding insult to injury.

Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui finally understood that the people living in this courtyard were all top-notch people.

"You say."

"Yi Zhonghai has no children and is sanctimonious all day long. He accepted my son as his apprentice because he wanted my son to provide for him in old age, but he was worried that I, a mother, would not provide for him in old age or let his Life in his later years was not easy, so he took up the idea of ​​​​Si Zhu. Yi Zhonghai likes to be foolproof when doing things and always talks about being prepared. On the surface, he is good with Si Zhu and cares about Si Zhu and the rain, but secretly, he is full of jealousy. Conspiracy, you go out and find out, Yi Zhonghai’s unscrupulous nature sabotaged Si Zhu’s blind date, if Si Zhu hadn’t met Matchmaker Wang, no one would have known about it.”

I heard this from the neighbors just now.

Jin Biao and Jia Gui thought they were used to seeing wicked people.

However, Yi Zhonghai still broke their cognitive bottom line.

I would rather demolish ten temples than destroy one family member.

He destroyed Silly Pillar dozens of blind dates in a row.

Really lacking in virtue.

"Later, Silly Zhu didn't know what happened, but he suddenly stopped interacting with Yi Zhonghai, and he didn't listen to Yi Zhonghai's advice to eat and drink well to honor the deaf old lady. Yi Zhonghai also held a courtyard meeting to denounce Silly Zhu, saying he was stupid Zhu is selfish and does not respect the elderly. He said that Yu Yu should not compete with the elderly for meat. Silly Zhu said that her sister wanted to go to college and be a pillar of the country and contribute to the country. She asked Yi Zhonghai whether it was more important for the deaf old lady to eat meat or to eat meat. Rainwater’s university matters.”

"How did Yi Zhonghai answer?"

"How could such a shrewd person as Yi Zhonghai make such a stupid mistake? He said that it was important for Yu Yu to get into college, but it was also important to be filial to the deaf old lady. He said that filial piety should come first, and asked Silly Zhu to establish good habits for the juniors in the courtyard. "

Jia Zhang's voice.

Press down again.

"Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady discussed to drive He Yuyu out of the courtyard. They said that Silly Zhu didn't listen to Yi Zhonghai and didn't buy meat for the deaf old lady. It was all the result of He Yuyu's instigation behind his back. I heard it. , Later Yuyu moved to live in the school until he was admitted to college. Our family is a great boy, a good boy, but he is very smart. I guarantee that he will also be a college student in the future."

"This is the best. Our country has another pillar of construction."

"When you go to Yi Zhonghai's house to inquire about the situation later, please be careful. Yi Zhonghai is not a good person, and his wife is also an asshole. She obviously ruined Si Zhu's blind date, but because Si Zhu's current wife is very virtuous, she shamelessly said that she is The deaf old lady in the backyard who introduced the marriage between Silly Zhu and Li Xiuzhi also said the same thing. I suspect that they are not good people. By the way, your words cannot be spread, otherwise I will not be able to stay in the courtyard. Yi Zhonghai is in the courtyard, forget it, let’s not talk about it.”

(End of this chapter)

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