Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 258 Interrogation of Yi Zhonghai,

Judging from Yi Zhonghai's appearance.

He really doesn't look like a bad-tempered guy.

However, the information obtained by Huang Jinbiao, Jia Gui and others revealed Yi Zhonghai's evil in every aspect.

Wen Zhengming suddenly thought of an idiom.

Human face beast heart.

He is probably talking about people like Yi Zhonghai.

Behind his kindness is a belly full of tricks, calculations and plots. The materials placed on the table in front of him are all evidence to prove Yi Zhonghai's evil deeds.

Just because Jia Dongxu is Yi Zhonghai's apprentice, in order to get Jia Dongxu to give him unconditional pension, Jia Dongxu used all kinds of tricks to brainwash Jia Dongxu mentally and make Jia Dongxu obey his words.

Only in this way can retirement care be foolproof.

Yi Zhonghai also blatantly favored the Jia family in the courtyard, and organized donations and donations for the Jia family. Some people had conflicts with the Jia family, and helped the Jia family escape guilt by making peace.

The mantra is to set aside the facts.

It seems that Yi Zhonghai is doing these things mindlessly.

In fact, Yi Zhonghai's brilliance is reflected in every aspect.

The steward of the courtyard house and the eighth-level technician of the steel rolling mill are Yi Zhonghai's support and the source of fear among the neighbors.

Compared with Yi Zhonghai.

What does the Jia family have?
Just a careless old widow, an unlucky guy stuck on a third-level job.

Just because the neighbors are afraid of Yi Zhonghai does not mean that they will be afraid of the Jia family.

In order to deal with these people, the Jia family knew that Yi Zhonghai was plotting against them, but they could only hug Yi Zhonghai tightly, otherwise they would be targeted by the whole hospital.

Use the whole hospital to plot against the Jia family.

Really high.

There was also the deaf old lady in the backyard, an old lady with small feet, who said that she had made shoes for the team, but those in the courtyard believed her.

A small thing.

I saw the depth of the water in the courtyard.

With a sigh, Wen Zhengming suddenly sat up straight, put the information on the table, and spoke to Yi Zhonghai.

"Yi Zhonghai."

"I am Yi Zhonghai."


"I don't mean anything else. You also sent people to the courtyard to inquire about the situation of the old lady in our compound. The old lady has always had a good relationship with Yuyu and the others. She treats Zhuzi as her own grandson. Zhuzi is a filial person and often helps the old lady. The old lady keeps praising him if he improves his life."

Yi Zhonghai hurriedly complained to himself about his grievances.

Who knows these days.

How is he doing.

There was dry grass under him, the food he ate was just a small amount of corn, the water was cold, and Yi Zhonghai was not allowed to go out all day long.

There are three 10-minute breaks in each dormitory.

He goes to the toilet inside the house.

These people did not regard Yi Zhonghai as a human being at all.

This was also the reason why Yi Zhonghai was eager to express his intention and get out of this hellish place as soon as possible. He really didn't want to stay in this hellish place.

There must also be an explanation on the other end of the steel rolling mill.

all things.

"Now is another year of shortage of supplies. Yu Yu is the first person in our compound to be admitted to college, which is the honor of our compound. As the steward of the courtyard, the old lady entrusts this matter to me. Give it to me, let me ask Rainwater to see if she is lacking anything. Even if we don’t eat, we still have to ensure the supply of rainwater.”

To make your case more convincing.

Yi Zhonghai also talked about how he planned Silu Zhu's blind date in the past, just to express his intention of easing the relationship between the two families.

As such.

As the enemy of Shazhu and Yuyu, Yi Zhonghai came to the University of Posts and Telecommunications to look for Yuyu, so he also had the logic to explain it, and it could be explained rationally.

"I understand you. You are considering the safety of the rainwater. There is nothing you can do. Who made me do things that were sorry for the rainwater and the pillars? No matter what I do now, people think I have no good intentions and blame me for being confused. I did some wrong things, but unfortunately, there is no medicine for regrets, hey."

One last sigh.

Full of intense regret and self-blame.

There was also endless regret on his face, and his brows were all about trying to make amends.

When people who don't know the inside story see this, they will inevitably think that Yi Zhonghai sincerely wants to ease the relationship with Si Zhu by condolences to He Yuyu.

If it had been anyone else, they might have believed Yi Zhonghai's lies and thought that Yi Zhonghai was really worried about the rain. Not only would he have to pay out of his own pocket, but he would also have to bear the misunderstanding and complaints from the world.

What a perfect example of a good old man!

Yi Zhonghai, an old guy who changed his mind, used a few understatements to explain away those immoral things.

Only in this way can Yi Zhonghai justify his trip to the University of Posts and Telecommunications in the name of why the rain is good.

Otherwise, this reason is really hard to stand.

Wen Zhengming is not a fool, nor is he the neighbor in the courtyard who dare not resist Yi Zhonghai. He is a security expert who has arrested many bad guys.

Not so easily deceived.

Yi Zhonghai's words clearly had another meaning in Wen Zhengming's ears.


It has been thirty hours since he was arrested. He was locked up in a hut at night, given a meal and was not allowed to leave the hut even to use the toilet.

On the way from the hut to the big house, Yi Zhonghai was given another powerful earth-plane treatment.

Even the faintest street kid would be scared to death.

But nothing happened to Yi Zhonghai.

It’s not that there wasn’t any, but the panic was very short.

Wen Zhengming could see with his naked eyes that it took less than 3 minutes for Yi Zhonghai to go from panic to calmness to talking calmly after taking off his hood.

I thought of the old lady with small feet making shoes for the team.

Combined with Yi Zhonghai's reaction at this time, it was an act of treating the courtyard as a single statement.

It's hard not to make Wen Zhengming suspicious.

Yi Zhonghai is so abnormal.

He was now [-]% convinced that Yi Zhonghai had received professional training, otherwise the scene before him would have been impossible to explain.

He put his hand on his chin, sniffed, and smiled.

"Comrade, don't laugh, what I said is the truth."

"I didn't say it was a lie. You just said that the old lady asked you to come, but our people were inspecting the courtyard, and the old lady didn't say anything. How to prove that what you said is the truth? Let me believe you. I think you came to He Yuyu just to ease the relationship with He Yuyu. But you have no evidence, no evidence, how can I believe you? On the contrary, I now have strong evidence that you have been plotting against He Yuyu."

He tapped the table with his hand.

He also grabbed the information in his hand and raised it vigorously.

"I heard that because He Yuzhu gave He Yuzhu good food, you actually teamed up with the old lady in your backyard to drive away He Yuzhu, and even held a courtyard meeting to say that younger people should respect older people. Do you know that you almost destroyed a talented person who built the motherland because of your own selfish interests, and you still have the nerve to say that you want to ease the relationship with He Yuyu?"

"Comrade, do you listen to my explanation?" Yi Zhonghai became angry when he saw the other party.

I am also in a hurry.

No matter whether you have a good draft in mind or not.

But he still had to forcefully explain.

Unfortunately, Wen Zhengming didn't give him a chance.

He slapped the table hard with such force that all the materials on the table were lifted seven or eight centimeters high. The sound also gave Yi Zhonghai maximum pressure.

"Explain what? Is there anything to explain? It's already this time, and you still have to explain? What explanation? Making up lies? Telling lies? Do you think I am a three-year-old child?"


"Don't say that He Yuzhu needs nutrition to go to college. Even if he doesn't go to college, you can't force He Yuzhu not to give He Yuzhu good food. They are brothers and sisters. Don't fool me with the excuse of respecting the old and caring for the young. Yi Zhonghai promised the street , support the old lady, you have a good reputation, but you let He Yuzhu take care of the old lady, you must be lucky that you are not one of my men, otherwise I would kill you with one shot, you are a bitch, you are more hateful than their little devils. "

"Comrade, I know that I did some wrong things, and I was punished accordingly. Zhuzi beat me several times because of this."

"It's not too much to kill you."

"Things have happened, and I have realized my mistakes, so I have to try my best to make up for my previous mistakes. I am over 50 years old this year, and I will probably be gone in 30 to [-] years. I don't want to take it with me. I want to die with regrets. I want to take advantage of the fact that I can walk, move, and earn money now to get Rainwater's forgiveness. The old man said this, it doesn't matter if you make a mistake. The important thing is that people should correct their mistakes when they know they are wrong, but they can't make the same mistake again and again. wrong."

Yi Zhonghai's face.

An expression full of regret.

His tone also became a lot more regretful.

Looking at Wen Zhengming, his eyes were full of expectation.

"Give me a chance to make corrections. I want to try my best to make up for the mistakes I made in the past in the coming years."

Yi Zhonghai sitting on the stool.

Suddenly he knelt in front of Wen Zhengming.

His head also hit the ground hard.

When Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui forcibly lifted Yi Zhonghai up from the ground, there was already a bump on Yi Zhonghai's forehead.

To live.

Hard enough.

"Comrade, please give me a chance. The steel rolling mill still needs me. I am an eighth-level worker. Let me live to atone for my sins."

"We let you go and let you continue to threaten the comfort of classmate He Yuyu?"

"I have no intention of harming the rainwater."

"Since we are here to find He Yuyu, why don't we just find He Yuyu openly? Instead, we stop a classmate from our school at the door and ask about He Yuyu's situation from her mouth? Those words are not words of concern for He Yuyu. , what you are asking is whether He Yuyu has answered the phone, and there is something you said about bringing supplies to Yuyu? Is it because you can’t read Chinese characters, or do I not understand Chinese? "

Something unexpected happened.

Yi Zhonghai didn't know whether it was because he was speechless.

Or worried about his own dog's life.

Actually burst into tears.

The tears were streaming down, and it looked like he was peeing.

Jia Gui looked at Jinbiao, and Jinbiao looked at Jia Gui. They all turned their eyes on Wen Zhengming, meaning what to do now.

Wen Zhengming raised his eyebrows.

This method of crying.

Breaking his defense.

About to say something.

Yi Zhonghai choked and expressed his reasons.

"Why did I call? It wasn't because I had done all those evil things. I was worried that Yu Yu would hate me and not see me. I happened to see that there was a phone number in our steel rolling mill, so I thought of an impossible solution. I came to the University of Posts and Telecommunications to check on Yu Yu. Can you answer the phone? As long as I can answer the phone, I will apologize to her on the phone. If she can explain clearly on the phone, I will come with supplies. If she cannot understand on the phone, I will come to Yuyu to apologize in person. I am really not bad. Thoughts, woo woo woo.”

Wen Zhengming narrowed his eyes.

He was somewhat afraid of Yi Zhonghai.

At this juncture.

He could still come back to life. Thinking of the excuse, he now didn't know whether to praise Yi Zhonghai for his skill or lament that Yi Zhonghai was superior.

Said something.

"do not Cry."

"I feel uncomfortable, and my heart is in pain. No one believes what I say now. I can't even get clean if I jump into the Yellow River."

"Yi Zhonghai, I have no control over your affairs. Who makes it impossible for you to prove that you really followed the instructions of the deaf old lady and came to our place to ease the relationship with He Yuyu? I will report this matter and will also send We are going to your courtyard for a second inspection. As long as the deaf old lady says she sent you here, we will let you go, but we hope you won’t do this again in the future. Do you understand?”

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I understand, I am now covered in yellow mud and my pants are falling off. It is not just shit, it is just shit. No one believes anything I say."

After finishing speaking, Yi Zhonghai was taken into the hut by Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui.

Things he doesn't know.

It was Wen Zhengming who was looking at Yi Zhonghai's back, his eyes a little sharper.

During the interrogation just now.

Wen Zhengming tested Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai's reaction to him was very unusual.

The first point.

When Wen Zhengming said that Yi Zhonghai was more hateful than a little devil, he also said that he would shoot him.

Yi Zhonghai's face instantly turned pale, and his body began to tremble.

Although it lasted only a short time.

But Wen Zhengming still got the answer he wanted.

Considering Yi Zhonghai's age, I guessed that Yi Zhonghai must have dealt with the Jaap. After thinking about it more deeply, it may be that he had received training from the Jaap.

Or maybe it has something to do with the bald head.

This also supports the reason why Yi Zhonghai can still be so calm and logical after being imprisoned for thirty hours.

Second point.

Yi Zhonghai is thoughtful.

Even if you reach a dead end, you will not give up easily.

During the conversation just now, Wen Zhengming mentioned more than once the evidence that made Yi Zhonghai dead, and Yi Zhonghai finally found the reasons for them all.

Especially the crying scene.

Even Wen Zhengming wanted to give Yi Zhonghai a thumbs up.

A series of crying and excusing behavior made Yi Zhonghai stage a grand scene of desperate counterattack. With a phone call to apologize, Wen Zhengming really couldn't find any taboo.

Who said Yi Zhonghai was right? I have offended He Yuyu. I want to call and apologize, and then decide whether I should face He Yuyu or directly give He Yuyu supplies according to the situation.

Is a formidable enemy.

The last words Wen Zhengming said to Yi Zhonghai were just nonsense. Wen Zhengming could decide whether Yi Zhonghai should let go or catch. He wanted to take a long-term approach to catch the big fish.

Yi Zhonghai will be released by him tonight. (End of chapter)

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