Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 265 The deaf old lady’s idea of ​​eating meat was ruined

In the room, Yi Zhonghai and his wife, who were discussing and following Li Xiuzhi, inadvertently spotted the figure of an old deaf lady walking by the window of their home.

The couple didn't think much and mistakenly thought that the deaf old lady was going to the toilet.

I don't know.

The deaf old lady went straight to Shazhu's house.

Inside the house just now.

I heard that Shazhu bought half a catty of pork and several catties of white noodles.

I guess Silly Zhu wants to improve the food today. As a greedy person, the deaf old lady will not let go of such an opportunity casually.

There is no need to be warned.

on crutches.

He walked tremblingly from the backyard to the middle courtyard, and entered Silly Zhu's home in a flash.

Seeing the deaf old lady who came uninvited, Silly Zhu didn't know how to deal with it for a while. On the contrary, Li Xiuzhi next to him woke up in the shortest time, walked towards the deaf old lady with a smile, and grabbed the deaf old lady. With his arms, he helped her sit down on the stool, poured a glass of boiling water for the deaf old lady, and chatted with the deaf old lady without a word, talking about some non-nutritious nonsense.

Silly Zhu turned around and went into the kitchen to work.

Watching Shazhu's action of cutting meat.

The deaf old lady suddenly thought about it. Silly Zhu's movements were not cutting meat, so it couldn't be making dumplings for her. Do you want to make braised pork for my old lady?

If my heart wasn't blocked in my throat.

It can probably fly out.

Do your best to think about good things.

I heard that that person likes to eat braised pork, and my old lady also likes to eat braised pork, which means that my old lady and that person are on the same level.

The main course is braised pork. What is the staple food?
Steamed bun?


Whether it's steamed buns or pancakes, these are my old lady's favorite foods. Recently, I always feel sore in my throat after eating steamed buns, and it's inconvenient to go to the toilet and I can't poop.

With this meal, I want to be as comfortable as possible.

If it's steamed buns, remove the steamed buns, put braised pork inside, and eat it as a steamed bun with meat.If it's pancakes, wrap the braised pork in pancakes and eat it as a burrito.

The deaf old lady, who was thinking about how to eat, had already started thinking about what to eat in the evening before lunch. Silly Zhu and Li Xiuzhi are both young people, and the days of eating are still to come. I, the deaf old lady, are older. One meal, one meal less, this pork and white noodles deserve to be mine all to myself.

How can we make Silly Zhu and Li Xiuzhi not eat at noon or eat as little as possible, and leave the braised pork, pancakes and steamed buns for the deaf old lady to eat hot in the evening.

Find a way.

The deaf old lady cleared her throat. As a member of Yi Zhonghai's retirement group, she was also good at moral kidnapping.

"Silly Zhuzhu, stupid Zhuzhu's wife."

Just as he called out the names of Silly Zhu and his wife, Yi Zhonghai came in from outside and interrupted the deaf old lady's words.

The aunt just went to the courtyard to fetch water, and accidentally glanced at Shazhu's house, and saw the deaf old lady and Li Xiuzhi sitting together and chatting.

I was almost scared to death.

No worry at all.

I don’t know what my identity is and whether there is shit under my butt.

If Yi Zhonghai helps to cover up, you come to the door of your own initiative. Could it be that Yi Zhonghai and your deaf old lady have made peace with each other, and you, the deaf old lady, will be satisfied.

He didn't even bother to get water, so he ran home quickly and told Yi Zhonghai the truth.

As soon as Yi Zhonghai heard that the deaf old lady was now at Shazhu's house and was chatting happily with Li Xiuzhi, he suddenly remembered what Li Xiuzhi had just said to him about promoting the deaf old lady's glorious shoe-making deeds.

Can't care too much.

He turned around and came to Shazhu's house.

When he walked in, he wiped away the livid look on his face and replaced it with a kind fake smile.

He said to the deaf old lady in a friendly manner: "Old lady, I went to the backyard to look for you just now. You were not there, so I thought you had gone outside. I didn't expect you to come to Zhuzi's house. Old lady, I have something to talk to you about. You have to come with me."

The deaf old lady was very unhappy.

You bastard didn't buy meat for me to eat. Silly Zhu bought the meat. My old lady shamelessly came to eat the meat, but you bastard asked me to go back.

I deliberately want to pretend not to know.

But he saw the look in Yi Zhonghai's eyes.

He shuddered involuntarily, said a few words, and was helped by Yi Zhonghai to leave Shazhu's house and return to his own home in the backyard.

After entering.

The deaf old lady stopped pretending.

His cloudy eyes burst out with light, looking at Yi Zhonghai eagerly.

Yi Zhonghai also knew that the deaf old lady was dissatisfied with him for disturbing her opportunity to eat meat.

I sighed inwardly.

How do you, an old lady pretending to make shoes, have the right to be compared with Si Zhu's college-age sister?

Did not hide.

Tell the truth directly.

"I told Sha Zhu at that time, saying that you are an old martyr who makes shoes, the Dinghai Shenzhen in the hospital. I said that you are old and don't see many good days passing by. Let Sha Zhu do what he can. , help you more, saying that you are just a greedy person."

"What did Silly Zhu say?"

"It's not what Shazhu said now, it's what Shazhu's wife said."

"What's wrong with Li Xiuzhi?"

"I told you about making shoes, and Li Xiuzhi believed me."

"Isn't that nice?"

"I don't think so. Guess what Li Xiuzhi said? She said that the street will carry out an activity to remember the past in a few days. She said she was worried that there were no glorious deeds in our hospital. She said she wanted to report your shoe-making to the street. "

The heart of the deaf old lady.

Mentioned throat.

I no longer have the thought of eating Shazhu Braised Pork.

All that's left is panic and fear.

Really can't be fake.

False can't be true.

As soon as Li Xiuzhi reported her shoe-making incident, the street sent people to the courtyard to check. This was a charge of counterfeiting. The deaf old lady had seen people eat peanuts because of this incident.

She was afraid of death, and her body began to tremble.

Yi Zhonghai saw the deaf old lady's reaction in his eyes and complained in his heart.

Co-authored by You Are Afraid of Death.

"Li Xiuzhi also said that this activity should be carried out together with the school and organize students to listen to the examples of the martyrs. Think about it, there will be good fruits to eat when the time comes. I finally found you and your companions sacrificed. You The excuse of swearing not to talk about this matter for the rest of my life, what if Li Xiuzhi has another idea during the chat?"

Take a breath.

His tone became more serious.

"I know you are greedy for other people's meat. To be honest, I am too, but there is nothing you can do about it. What time of year it is, you also know that Shazhu's meat and white noodles are prepared for the rain."

The deaf old lady was completely speechless.

Can't say anything.

On the one hand, he lamented that he couldn't eat the food cooked by Sha Zhu, and on the other hand, he felt that he had underestimated He Yuyu. If he had known that He Yuyu could go to college, he should have been nicer to others.

It's too late to regret.

There is no regret medicine in the world.

Otherwise, He Yuyu's qualifications as a cadre after graduating from university can also make the deaf old lady have no worries about food and clothing.

Eyelids are too shallow.

Unexpectedly, Silly Zhu Leng trained He Yuyu to become a college student.


at noon.

He Yuyu pushed the bicycle back to the central courtyard. Before she could push the bicycle to the door of her house, a strong smell of meat hit her nostrils along with the breeze.

smell good.

A busy morning's work.Rain has long been so hungry that my chest is touching my back.

This taste.

It was like directly drawing out all the greedy insects in her body.

He parked his bicycle at the door and shouted into the house.

"Sister-in-law, I'm back!"

Park your bike and get moving.

He ran into the big house quickly.

The Silly Zhu couple, who had just finished their busy work in the house and were preparing to put the food in lunch boxes for the rain, immediately turned into big-eyed and small-eyed.

you look at me.

I look at you.

They are all a little confused.

Why is this unfortunate girl back?

"You're back?"

"I'm back. I miss my sister-in-law. Come back to see my sister-in-law."

This is absolutely true.

Silly pillar letter.

Li Xiuzhi also believed it.

The question was asked by Sha Zhu, but He Yuyu answered Li Xiuzhi. In this scene, Sha Zhu was really helpless. It was typical for him to have a sister-in-law and forget about his brother.

"Little white-eyed wolf."

Silly Zhu's complaining tone was full of doting.

The year He Daqing ran to Baocheng, Shazhu was only 16 years old, and Yuyu, who was born in [-], was only six years old. Although he was called an elder brother, he was actually almost the same as his father.

Sometimes Shazhu also wonders why the six-year-old Rain suddenly became so big in the first place.

It seems like it was yesterday.

"I originally wanted to see you today and bring you something to eat. It's good that you are back. It will save me a trip. Wash your hands and eat quickly. After eating, go back to school. Your studies are important, but you can't. Because I went to college, I relaxed my requirements for myself, studied hard, and strived to be a great pillar in building the motherland."


In the courtyard.

Seeing He Yuyu coming back, Yi Zhonghai, who was wondering if he could plan some braised pork, immediately gave up this unrealistic idea.

Shazhu's studies are important one by one, and he can build the motherland one by one.

He also explained in advance that the meat was bought for Rainwater.

In this case, Si Zhu dared to give it, but Yi Zhonghai didn't dare to ask for it.

Once a neighbor came to the street or the steel rolling mill and reported that Yi Zhonghai had taken meat from the bowl of He Yuyu, a college student, Yi Zhonghai would have to peel off his skin even if he didn't die.

Hearing the voices of talking and laughing, he looked at the closed door of the He family.

Yi Zhonghai sighed.

He turned around and returned to his home, carrying two steamed buns and walking towards the backyard.

Not to mention that the deaf old lady wanted to eat the braised pork made by Sha Zhu, Yi Zhonghai also wanted to eat it.

So delicious.

The moment the wind blew open the door of Shazhu's house, the smell of meat filled the entire courtyard.

Everyone has their own way of living.

Yan Fugui in the front yard.

He told several children that smelling the braised pork made by Shazhu was equivalent to eating braised pork. He said that in ancient times, Cao Cao looked at the plum blossoms to quench his thirst, and now Yan Fugui smells the meat and eats it.


inside the house.

He Yuyu responded to Silly Zhu's complaint with a smile.

His eyes fell on Li Xiuzhi, who was standing next to Silly Zhu with a face filled with happiness. The expression on his face was deliberately slightly startled, and he said a word of surprise.

"Silly brother, is this my sister-in-law? She is so beautiful? We haven't seen her for a month, and she is even more beautiful. I suddenly thought of a sentence, flowers on cow dung."

"Yu Yu, I think you have become an enemy, right?"

Silly Zhu kept his face as straight as possible.

Only ten seconds.

Break the defense.

There is a smile on the face.

Li Xiuzhi's appearance was such that even Qin Huairu before giving birth could not compare with her. There was no one in the entire Red Star Courtyard who could compare to Li Xiuzhi.

Good looking.

good character.

Good in every way.

Also virtuous.

Qin Huairu can't do it, and neither can Qin Jingru. As Si Zhu's biological sister, He Yuu Yu should not belittle He Yu Yu. To be honest, He Yu Yu can't compare to Li Xiuzhi.

Why do you know Qin Jingru?

That's what the book says.

Silly Zhu took the opportunity to read the book for a while last night. I don’t know who wrote the following chapters, but they actually wrote about He Yuyu and Brother Keng.

After graduating from high school, I didn't go to work in the steel rolling mill, but went directly to the textile factory.

Because of the chicken-stealing incident, He Yuyu almost fell through with the person he had agreed to marry. It was He Yuyu who worked all day long that allowed the marriage to continue.

When she got married, she didn't notify Shazhu and married herself.

Silly Zhu didn't buy any dowry either.

He Yuyu later started to bring Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu together, and they became friends with Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang as if they were a family. After Qin Jingru was cut off by Xu Damao, He Yuyu didn't care at all, and even talked to Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang. Shi said that she had found someone to show Shazhu, but Shazhu had no chance of getting married within five years.

At that time, Shazhu was already in his early thirties.

She said she cared about Sha Zhu, and told Sha Zhu all day long that Qin Huairu was good, let Sha Zhu marry Qin Huairu, and said that she supported Sha Zhu marrying Qin Huairu.

He said he didn't care about Sha Zhu. After Sha Zhu married Qin Huairu, he talked to Qin Huairu several times in private and asked Qin Huairu why he hadn't given birth to Sha Zhu's child yet.

Qin Huairu made an excuse by saying that she had taken Shazhu to check her body and that Shazhu was fine.

Sha Zhu guessed that He Yuyu guessed that Qin Huairu was ringed, so he deliberately beat Qin Huairu to let Qin Huairu take the ring and give birth to a child for Shazhu.

Read the script in advance.

Naturally you won't make those mistakes.

Shazhu thought so about what was said in the book about He Yuyu's pit brother. Because he helped Qin Huairu, he didn't care much about Yu Yu and even borrowed Yu Yu's eggs to eat.

Rain resentment.

To take revenge on Silly Zhu, since you like to support widows, then marry widows.

The later concern about Qin Huairu giving birth to a child for Shazhu was probably because of the kindness of Shazhu in raising him. He Yuyu was only six or seven years old when He Daqing ran away. If Shazhu had not taken the responsibility, he would not have left her. Raised.

Silly Zhu's current idea is to follow the instructions in the book as much as possible and avoid the old paths given in the book.

Don't help Qin Huairu.

Don't associate with Yi Zhonghai or the deaf old lady.

We also need to ease our relationship with rain.

He said something to the rain.

"Can you stop mad at me?"

"Master, what are you talking about? Why are you so angry with the rain? Are you right, are the flowers just placed on cow dung?"

"My sister-in-law has already said that you can have fun marrying my sister-in-law."

"Stinky girl, it's not over, is it? What happened to the cow dung? Cow dung is nutritious. If it weren't for me, your sister-in-law would be so radiant."

"You're talking nonsense again, Yu Yu is still a child." Li Xiuzhi pinched Silly Zhu secretly, looked at He Yu Yu, and greeted enthusiastically: "Yu Yu, stop standing and eat quickly. Your brother made it specially for you. Special Fragrant." (End of chapter)

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