Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 268 He Daqing tells the background of the deaf old lady

As a victim, He Daqing knew the power of the deaf old lady, which was a huge net, and it was completely inevitable.

Otherwise, they would not have abandoned 16-year-old Shazhu and six-year-old Yuyu to go to Baocheng.

The last time Shazhu took his wife to protect the city to find his father.

The two sides meet.

We talked about some past events.

Shazhu and his wife asked He Daqing several times about the inside story of their departure, and also asked He Daqing if he had mailed the money. He Daqing didn't think much about it at the time, and just said what he had to say, and mailed the money to Yi Zhonghai. The matter of entrusting Yi Zhonghai to be handed over to Sha Zhu was told to Sha Zhu and his wife.

He said that although he ran to Baocheng, he kept paying attention to Sha Zhu and Yu Yu. He mailed the money to Yi Zhonghai and asked Yi Zhonghai to transfer it to Sha Zhu.

Silly Zhu asked He Daqing why he didn't mail the money directly to him, but asked Yi Zhonghai to take off his pants and fart.

The excuse He Daqing gave was that Si Zhu was young and had no self-control, and he was worried that Si Zhu would be a bad learner.

In fact, it was He Daqing who lied.

Asking Yi Zhonghai to transfer the money was more of a sign of submission.

By asking Yi Zhonghai to hand over this method, he showed his admiration for the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai, asking them to spare the lives of Si Zhu and Yu Yu, and stop being like Si Zhu and Yu Yu.

That incident at the beginning.

He Daqing has only now thought about the taste.

He was jumped by an immortal.

But because there is no evidence, he can only bite the bullet and take the blame for others.

Leave Baocheng.

There is simply no way.

After Sha Zhu and his wife left Baocheng, He Daqing thought about it for two more days. Suddenly he came to his senses and knew that Sha Zhu and his wife wanted to deal with Yi Zhonghai.

Clean up Yi Zhonghai.

He Daqing agreed.

But just dealing with Yi Zhonghai is not enough. The biggest boss in the courtyard is the deaf old lady, and Yi Zhonghai is at best a pawn of the deaf old lady.

If you don't kill the snake, you will be injured by the snake.

Such things abound.

Yi Zhonghai is dead, but the deaf old lady is fine. The stupid couple will always be in danger of their lives.

This is the reason why He Daqing ran to the capital.

I suddenly regretted it.

I feel that I shouldn't let the Silly Zhu couple act nonsense.

Compared with the liquidation of Yi Zhonghai, at least Shazhu and Yuyu are still alive.

There is nothing better than being alive.

Worried about something happening to Sha Zhu and Yu Yu, He Daqing, who was a little worried, came to the capital and found his junior brother, Li Aiguo. He didn't say anything to Li Aiguo, but begged Li Aiguo to call Sha Zhu over. He had some words he wanted to tell him. Silly column.

Unexpectedly, Li Aiguo met Sha Zhu and his wife on the way, and called Li Xiuzhi and Sha Zhu to He Daqing.

For He Daqing.

What a pleasant surprise.

After looking at Shazhu, his eyes fell on Li Xiuzhi.

"Daughter-in-law, I think you also know what kind of character Zhu Zhu is. He has no scheming intentions, and his hobbies all depend on his mood. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been tricked into marrying now. I just met you. I said these words to Zhu Zhu. , In fact, I am also telling you that I, the father, can rest assured when I hand over the pillar to you."

"Dad, why don't I have any plans?"

Silly Zhu is still not happy.

He retorted.

However, Li Xiuzhi rolled her eyes and immediately stopped following her.

A scene of strict wife control.

He Daqing felt great satisfaction.

When Sha Zhu met Li Xiuzhi, he was really convinced by the previous generation of the He family. With Li Xiuzhi in charge of Sha Zhu, Sha Zhu would not cause trouble.

He continued to tell.

"I came to the capital this time for nothing else. I just feel that what you told me last time is not safe. Now we can't do it as you imagined. There will be big trouble."

"Dad is he worried about the old lady in the backyard?"

Li Xiuzhi finished speaking.

His eyes fell on He Daqing.

The last time he talked to He Daqing about the people in the courtyard in Baocheng, He Daqing was very afraid of the deaf old lady, as if he was extremely afraid.

Based on this analysis, the root that made He Daqing panic was also the deaf old lady.

Seeing Li Xiuzhi reveals everything.

A look of satisfaction flashed across He Daqing's face.

It's rare to find Silly Pillar pleasing to the eye.

He raised his sister to become a college student and found himself such a smart and capable wife.

Shazhu's greatest achievement may not be that he trained Yuyu to become a college student, but that he married a good wife, a daughter-in-law who was of great help to the He family.

A good wife blessed three generations.

Li Xiuzhi alone is completely worth the combination of He Daqing and Shazhu.

Facing Li Xiuzhi's gaze, He Daqing nodded.

"Yes, it's the old lady. Yi Zhonghai can be involved in the matter of withholding the money. This is a fact. But the problem before us is that the deaf old lady is fine. People in the courtyard are too talkative. We have to think about it. A stable life, unless the deaf old lady can be implicated in this matter, the question is, is it possible?"

Li Xiuzhi fell into deep thought.

Silly Zhu was also confused.

The matter of withholding the money was a matter of Yi Zhonghai and his wife, and had nothing to do with the deaf old lady in the backyard. It couldn't be said that all the money Yi Zhonghai had withheld was used by the deaf old lady to squander it.

The deaf old lady refused to admit it, and there was no way to pursue the matter.

Those who do not know are innocent.

This is what people rely on.

Unless Yi Zhonghai insisted that the withholding of the money was under the instigation of the deaf old lady, all the money was spent by the old lady.

As far as the relationship between the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai is concerned, Yi Zhonghai would not be so stupid as to bite the deaf old lady out.

He Daqing just said that the deaf old lady has a very good background. Yi Zhonghai must also know this. If Si Zhu were in Yi Zhonghai's position, he would not bite the deaf old lady. He even expected the deaf old lady to be able to Save his dog's life.

Things are a little tricky.

A great sadness appeared on the foreheads of the three of them.

"Is there no way?"

Silly Zhu looked at He Daqing, looking like he was asking for advice.

He Daqing shook his head. He really had no choice at the moment, otherwise he wouldn't have gone to the capital to warn Silly Zhu and his wife.

On the contrary, Li Xiuzhi on the side gave him a suggestion that was not a suggestion.

"Dad, head of the family, when I went to the street yesterday, I accidentally saw something that I thought would be helpful to our plan."

"whats the matter?"

"There is a comrade named Zhang Shihao from the police station. I found that he was inquiring about the situation in our courtyard house. He seemed to have asked Director Wang to get a lot of information about the courtyard house, some after the founding of the People's Republic of China and some before the founding of the People's Republic of China. He learned that I was the wife of the He family. , showed great enthusiasm and asked me some questions.”

"what is the problem?"

"Actually, it's not a question. It's just asking me whether I'm happy after marriage, and asking whether the things that happened before the head of the family were like what people rumored. He made a living by picking up rags. When we parted, he said, "A tiger's poison cannot eat its seeds." If you say it, when Yu Yu was six years old, his father went to Baocheng and said that there should be child support."

The speaker has no intention.The listener is interested.

Or maybe Li Xiuzhi said it deliberately.

Anyway, both Silly Zhu and He Daqing were moved.

The police comrades asked about their situation.

This is obviously a good thing.

"Zhuzi, as long as Zhang Shihao takes the lead in this matter, we will be firmly on the Diaoyutai."

He Daqing had a rare interest.

He told Shazhu and his wife the plan in his mind in detail.

Strictly speaking.

This is killing someone with a borrowed knife.

Borrow Zhang Shihao's knife to kill the hypocrite Yi Zhonghai.

He Daqing and the others made a plan and mailed 1000 and two hundred yuan to Yi Zhonghai, asking Yi Zhonghai to hand it over to Sha Zhu and Yu Yu, saying it was the betrothal gift and dowry for Sha Zhu and Yu Yu.

Let the news out at the appropriate time and let Zhang Shihao take the initiative to investigate the case. As long as it is found that Shazhu never received the money sent by He Daqing from the two brothers and sisters, then due to the characteristics of his profession, Zhang Shihao will continue to investigate and trace the case. Yi Zhonghai embezzled the alimony that He Daqing entrusted him to transfer to the Shazhu brothers and sisters.

Yi Zhonghai died.

The deaf old lady couldn't put her resentment on Silly Zhu's head.

Zhang Shihao discovered the matter, and Zhang Shihao caught Yi Zhonghai. Silly Zhu had been kept in the dark from beginning to end, and when Zhang Shihao came to verify, he chose to tell the truth.

How can you ask me to help you falsely testify about something I don’t know?

I can't even resent the stupid stigma.

This is the safest method at the moment.

As for whether it can be done.

do not know.

But you can try it.

He Daqing guessed that Zhang Shihao was now eyeing the post office. As long as the remittance slip he mailed reached Yi Zhonghai's hands, Yi Zhonghai would be close to death.

He came to the capital for this one thing.

After saying that, he prepared to say goodbye to Sha Zhu and his wife, and rushed back overnight to avoid being discovered by the White Widow and telling Yi Zhonghai that things were not going well.

As for the rain, He Daqing didn't go to see it accurately. If he stayed in the capital, he would be in more danger.

Only by leaving can we protect Silly Pillar and Rainwater.

Looking at He Daqing packing his things, Shazhu no longer felt any resentment in his heart.

Things can't be explained without talking about them.

They all blame Yi Zhonghai for his wickedness.

After packing her things and He Daqing was about to leave, Li Xiuzhi finally couldn't suppress her curiosity and asked He Daqing a question.

"Dad, the matter has been told. We also know that you had no choice but to leave in the first place. It was Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady who were behind it. I want to know why you were forced to leave. At that time, as long as you found the Military Control Commission, Yi Zhonghai No matter how powerful Zhonghai and the deaf old lady are, they can't help you."

He Daqing stopped.

turn around.

He looked at Li Xiuzhi without saying a word.

Li Xiuzhi did not panic and continued: "I think this is the answer that Zhuzi and Yuyu want to know. We can't let them keep it unclear, right?"

The satchel in He Daqing's hand.

Put it on the table suddenly.

After looking at Li Xiuzhi and Shazhu, his tone suddenly became mixed.

"I didn't want to talk about this originally, but since you asked, I will simply tell you about it. The deaf old lady is not as simple as you seem. She has great abilities, and the little devil is here At that time, I couldn't even drive the deaf old lady out of the backyard, and I even helped kill a few bullies who wanted to take over the courtyard."

Silly Zhu really doesn’t know about this.

There is no relevant explanation in the script of "Qin Man".

According to the script, it started directly from 65. At that time, Jia Dongxu hung on the wall, the courtyard became Yi Zhonghai's one-story house, Silly Zhu also fell into the plot of the Jia family's widow, and Yu Yu's life was miserable. day.

Chengye courtyard house.

Defeat also quadrangle.

After listening to He Daqing's words, I realized that the Red Star Courtyard where I live now is actually the house of the deaf old lady. The deaf old lady has been the owner of this courtyard since she was a child.

Later, due to some events, the deaf old lady sold the courtyard to Lou Xiao'e's father, and she only retained the property rights of the two houses in the backyard.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Lou Xiao'e's father handed over all the steel rolling mill and the ancillary industries of the steel rolling mill, and the Red Star Courtyard became a low-rent housing for steel rolling mill employees. People like Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong, Jia's family, etc., became steel rolling mill employees or They live here as family members of employees.

27 In Neighbor No. [-], the houses of these three families are private property: the deaf old lady in the backyard, Silly Zhu in the middle yard, and Yan Fugui in the front yard.

Strictly speaking.

Liu Haizhong's house, Xu Damao's house, and Yi Zhonghai's house are also private properties.

Smart is mistaken by smart.

I heard some bad rumors, saying that so-and-so is coming, and everyone who owns a house will be liquidated, and they will be treated as landlords and old wealth to settle the scores.

In order to make themselves look like poor people, Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong, and Xu Fugui (Xu Damao's father) sold their houses.

Because of chaos.

The house hasn't sold for a price yet.

He Daqing and Yan Fugui also want to sell their houses.

Because they fell into the trap of Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong, and Xu Fugui, they mistakenly believed that the five of them really wanted to advance and retreat together. When they learned that Yi, Liu, and Xu were selling their houses, He Daqing and Yan Fugui had no chance to sell their houses.

The army entered the city.

If you lose your horse, you will know no blessings.

He didn't sell his house, but he was born as a commoner in the city. He was exactly the same as Yi Zhonghai and others who sold their houses. He Daqing was even said to be a hired worker who sold his physical strength to earn a living because he was a chef.

The three generations of hired workers that Shazhu talked about were born from this.

In fact, he is not a hired worker, but an ordinary urban citizen. He only has two houses in the courtyard.

House thing.

He Daqing warned Shazhu and his wife, and after saying a few words of concern, he was stopped by Li Xiuzhi.

The content of the question was related to the deaf old lady.

From disbelief.

An old lady with small feet, no matter how powerful she is, can't command the little devils.


He Daqing sighed.

What to be afraid of but what to come.

She had been worried that Silly Zhu and his wife would not take the deaf old lady to heart and would suffer a big loss, so they came to warn her. Unexpectedly, after telling some secrets from the past, Li Xiuzhi still didn't believe her.

That's not bad.

He Daqing could only continue to speak, telling Li Xiuzhi something about the deaf old lady.

I hope the couple believes it.

"Daughter-in-law Zhuzi, don't believe it. This is true. There were several times when two little devils came to the courtyard to commit murders. What do you think happened to the two little devils who committed crimes?" (End of Chapter)

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