Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 270 The inside story of He Daqing’s departure from the capital

He Daqing’s revelations.

It broke Silly Zhu's defense and also surprised Li Xiuzhi.

As for the real culprit who ruined Silly Zhu's blind date, the couple always believed that Yi Zhonghai was behind it and wanted to make their pension foolproof.

But he didn't expect He Daqing to say that it was the deaf old lady who was responsible.

Doubtful eyes.

It fell on He Daqing.

Seeing Sha Zhu and his wife looking at him like this, He Daqing also understood what they were thinking, and patiently spoke out his speculation.

Another commonplace topic.

Yi Zhonghai plotted against Silly Zhu to provide for his old age, so the deaf old lady plotted against Silly Zhu to satisfy her appetite.

Rushing to eat.

"You all know that the deaf old lady likes to eat and all kinds of delicacies, but I'm afraid you don't know that the deaf old lady wipes her mouth with pancakes after eating. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the deaf old lady lived with her tail between her legs, but she Reluctant to part with her gluttonous hobby, she set her sights on Zhu Zhu."

He Daqing looked self-critical.

"I'm also blamed for this. I taught Sha Zhu the Tan family cuisine that is passed down from our family. Considering the characteristics of Tan family cuisine, I sent Zhu Zhu to Emei Hotel to learn the art. I remember Sichuan cuisine and Shandong cuisine very clearly. I praised Zhu Zhu's cooking skills several times in front of the deaf old lady, but the old lady said I was bragging and didn't believe in Zhu Zhu's cooking skills..."

"Just that time I cooked for the deaf old lady?"

"Yes, it was that time. Just because the deaf old lady knew that Zhu Zhu was a great cook, she came up with the idea of ​​letting Zhu Zhu be her personal chef. She planned to force me to leave. Zhu Zhu was 16 years old and Yu Yu was six years old. They were at the right age to handle. In order to get Zhu Zhu to cook for her wholeheartedly, she started to use her brains to sabotage Zhu Zhu's blind date. When Zhu Zhu felt that he couldn't find a partner, the deaf old lady was helping Zhu Zhu find a wife who was good in all aspects. Is Zhu Zhu interested in Deaf? Is the old lady grateful? The deaf old lady asked Zhuzi to cook for her, can Zhuzi refuse?"

Accompanied by He Daqing's narration.

Only then did Silly Zhu and Li Xiuzhi understand who the real culprit was behind the sabotage of the blind date, and they became somewhat wary of the deaf old lady.

I thought they had seen through the deaf old lady.

But I didn’t expect that the deaf old lady was unfathomable.

You must treat the deaf old lady with care, and you understand the reason why He Daqing came to the capital to warn the couple.

Don't make the mistake of losing a big deal for a small amount of money.

Facing the scheming deaf old lady, if you fail to make a move, you will die.

Don't be careless.

Don't be careless either.

Silly Zhu said thank you to He Daqing with his head twitching.

This made He Daqing furious and stared at Si Zhu.

He felt like tearing Silu Zhu apart.

"I am your father, and I am still waiting to have a grandson. Thank you so much. If I really thank you, you two will give me a big fat granddaughter."

Silly Zhu and Li Xiuzhi were frightened again.

It wasn't because of He Daqing's words asking them to have a child, but because He Daqing actually begged Li Xiuzhi to give her a granddaughter.

The couple looked at each other.

Li Xiuzhi spoke.

The topic turned to why He Daqing was forced to leave the capital by the deaf old lady.

"Dad, can you tell us what leverage you have that Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady caught in their hands, causing you to leave the pillars and the rain and go to another place."

Tiger poison does not eat children.

Silly Zhu is 16 years old and Yuyu is six years old.

The age where adult education is really needed.

He Daqing left his brother and sister alone for more than ten years. Even when Shazhu took Yuyu to Baocheng to find him, it was the White Widow who came forward.

Now it is confirmed that the incident was planned by Yi Zhonghai and White Widow, but Shazhu can't let go of He Daqing abandoning their brother and sister and running away.

What big thing happened.

Not even his son and daughter.

Even if he runs away, he can still take Shazhu and Yuyu with him.

But he just left the two children in the beast's den.

Let the two children fend for themselves.

Thinking about it now, Silhu was a little scared. He really didn't know how he managed to pull Da He Yuyu's sister.

I don’t understand He Daqing’s behavior.

Li Xiuzhi was very shrewd. Under the guise of preventing the deaf old lady, she used a temptation to question He Daqing.

"Dad, I don't mean to press. You just said that the deaf old lady is cunning and scheming. If she threatens us with your affairs, we learned the truth from your mouth, so we can take precautions to prevent us from getting hurt." If we fall into the deaf old lady’s scheme again, we’ll be fine, we’re just worried about our children.”

He Daqing's face.

A look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

He looked at Shazhu for a while, and then looked at Li Xiuzhi for a while, looking unspeakably ashamed.

Seeing He Daqing's expression.

No matter how confused Silly Zhu and Li Xiuzhi were, they knew that the matter was a bit bloody and the content was too much to watch.

He hesitated for a moment.

It was Li Xiuzhi who spoke.

"Dad, if it's not convenient for you to say, forget it. After we return to the courtyard, just be careful about the deaf old lady. Just be nice. Don't worry about us."


He Daqing let out a heavy sigh.

Silly Zhu and his wife felt as if they had suddenly aged more than ten years.

Looked up.

He looked at Silly Zhu and his wife intently.

gritted his teeth.

"It's not that I can't say it. Although it's a bit embarrassing, it can help you and make you wary of the deaf old lady. It's okay for me to be embarrassed. Anyway, this person lost it to his son and daughter-in-law. It's not like the wealth will go to outsiders. , I did something wrong, and the deaf old lady found out, and she threatened me that if I didn’t do what she wanted, she would send me to the management meeting.”

Silly couple.

Know the year and month it happened.

When the army entered the city, there was no peace and chaos, so a management committee was established to take charge of the daily management of the entire city.

Later it transitioned to streets and neighborhood committees.

"Seeing my hesitation, the deaf old lady talked about Zhuzi and Yuyu, saying that if I died because of this incident, Zhuzi and Yuyu would be the descendants of the prisoners, and they would be unable to hold their heads up for the rest of their lives. They would go to school, work, get a job, marry a wife, and marry into the husband's family. They will all be faced with difficulties from all sides.”

"So you ran away?"

"Yes, I ran away. As for me keeping you two brothers and sisters, it was the deaf old lady's wish. I dare not object to the deaf old lady. I'm afraid that even the little devils will not be able to take advantage of the deaf old lady. All the little devils will kill the deaf old lady. The old lady respects you as an ancestor. I am just a cook who makes a living by cooking. I am afraid, so I keep you, but I have agreed with Aiguo that you can continue to learn skills at the Emei Hotel until you succeed. So far, Emei Hotel will give you a position, you have money..."

He Daqing looked at Silhu and his expression was wrong.

He quickly spoke up to defend himself.

He just wanted to show that he did not ignore Sha Zhu, but made targeted arrangements for Li Aiguo to tie Sha Zhu to Emei Hotel.It's a counterattack against the deaf old lady.

But I didn't expect that the deaf old lady was so bad that she sent Yi Zhonghai to find Si Zhu and do all aspects of Si Zhu's ideological work. What is the most glorious thing about workers now? You are so young that you have to be a cook for the big brother of workers. , Shazhu was brainwashed, and he had to work in the steel rolling mill and become a glorious working class.

But it was because of Yi Zhonghai's mischief.

This is also what the deaf old lady means.

After entering the factory, Shazhu lost the regular job he had promised and became an apprentice with no wages. He struggled to make ends meet with rain and hunger. During the worst period, he made a living by picking up garbage.

"What does this have to do with you leaving the capital?"

"Who says it doesn't matter? It does!" He Daqing continued, "That incident was a bit embarrassing. I have always been embarrassed to tell others..."

The inside story of He Daqing's departure from the capital.

In other words, the deaf old lady had something to do with He Daqing.

It's even more ridiculous.

It has something to do with color.

She is not an outsider, she is an acquaintance of both Shazhu and Li Xiuzhi, a big acquaintance, Yi Zhonghai's wife.

No wonder He Daqing's face turned red when he talked about this matter.

So magical.

Yi Zhonghai has no children and is homeless. He is worried that he will be deprived of his family and thinks about how to solve his pension problem all day long.

At that time, Jia Dongxu had not been accepted as his apprentice.

In order to show the importance to workers.

The steel rolling mill once organized the workers to watch a movie, and Yi Zhonghai was also present. One of the clips suddenly caught Yi Zhonghai's attention.

The content can be summarized into four words.

Borrow the chicken to lay the egg.

Yi Zhonghai was moved, and after thinking for a while, he determined the goals and implementation plan.

The target was He Daqing, and he was going to let He Daqing have this indescribable entanglement with Auntie on his behalf, but because he failed to convince Auntie, the matter fell apart.

But he didn't expect that Yi Zhonghai would not give up. A few days later, in the name of entertaining He Daqing, he invited He Daqing to dinner. He was poured as much wine as possible on the wine table.

He Daqing also knew something about it.

All comers are welcome.

I was half drunk and then pretended to be drunk.

Yi Zhonghai did not suspect that He Daqing was fake. He thought He Daqing had really drunk too much, so he moved He Daqing and Aima together, and he hid out.

Come back later to clean up the mess.

Originally it was something that you knew and I knew, but because Yi Zhonghai was worried that it wouldn't work once, he wanted to try it a few more times.

If one bullet cannot kill the enemy, then fire [-] bullets. There will always be one bullet that will act like a blind cat encountering a dead mouse.

It doesn't matter once, outsiders can't find it.

It's okay twice, and outsiders don't take it seriously.

But the more times, the more threats of exposure.

Walk along the river for a long time.

There is no reason not to get your shoes wet.

When Yi Zhonghai directed He Daqing to do things for the 20th time, he was discovered by the deaf old lady. He said nothing at the time, but the deaf old lady called He Daqing to her hut the next day and made He Daqing do it with his aunt. All the shameful things he said were told out loud.

He Daqing was stunned for a moment.

How did the deaf old lady know this?

Damn Yi Zhonghai, he lied to me and said that everything was fine, but something happened.


He Daqing knelt in front of the deaf old lady, kowtowed to the deaf old lady, and begged the deaf old lady to spare his life. He said that he was innocent, and finally offered the support of helping the deaf old lady to support her in her old age.

I thought the deaf old lady would give me some face.

The world has the greatest pension.

Unexpectedly, the deaf old lady didn't pay any attention to He Daqing's problem. She said categorically that she already had a candidate for her pension, and this person was Yi Zhonghai. She said that she regarded Yi Zhonghai as her own son and treated Yi Zhonghai as her own. Auntie treated her as her own daughter-in-law. He Daqing and Auntia were fooling around, cuckolding Yi Zhonghai's head and cuckolding the deaf old lady.

Which is tolerable or unbearable.

She said she was going to find the leader and let He Daqing take the bullet.

He Daqing saw that the deaf old lady was talking about sending him to be shot, but she did not take any actual actions. She was still sitting on a stool and questioning him. He guessed that the deaf old lady should let him go with conditions, so he asked the deaf old lady. What does the old lady want to do?

The deaf old lady said she didn't want to do anything, she just wanted He Daqing to leave and not appear in the courtyard.

In order to hide her true thoughts, the deaf old lady put up a banner, saying that since she asked Yi Zhonghai to help with the elderly care, she would support Yi Zhonghai in all aspects. I heard that the Siheyuan was going to elect a steward to be responsible for the daily affairs of the Siheyuan. He Daqing stayed in the Siheyuan. The position of the steward is destined to fall on He Daqing. In order for Yi Zhonghai to become the steward, He Daqing must leave the courtyard.

Of course.

He Daqing can also choose not to leave.

It's just that the deaf old lady will tell the truth about He Daqing's use of methods against the woman's will, and then He Daqing will only die.

He Daqing said that he was also a victim and had been deceived by Yi Zhonghai. If he really wanted to resent this, he could only resent Yi Zhonghai, saying that Yi Zhonghai would testify for him and prove his innocence.

The deaf old lady said that Yi Zhonghai, who had a good reputation, would not admit in public that he arranged for He Daqing to do that with Auntia, let alone that he gave Auntie medicine.

Frankly speaking, Yi Zhonghai could only blame He Daqing, saying that He Daqing used unconventional means against Aima.

When the time comes, He Daqing will die, and Aunt Ma will not be able to live either.

Ask He Daqing whether he chose to lose two lives or save two lives.

If He Daqing is dead, Silhu and Yuyu will be poked in the back for the rest of their lives.

He Daqing had no choice but to agree to the deaf old lady's suggestion, saying that he chose to leave, and he would take Shazhu with him, and he would also take Yuyu with him.

The deaf old lady said that He Daqing could only leave alone. She said that since He Daqing was worried about the comfort of his two children, he could mail the money back to Yi Zhonghai and ask Yi Zhonghai to help deliver it.

By now.

Only then did Silhu and Li Xiuzhi know why He Daqing ran away.

It turns out that He Daqing slept with his aunt.

The key to this matter was arranged by Yi Zhonghai.

If He Daqing hadn't said it, who would have known about this?
"Dad, does anyone else in the courtyard know about this?"

"The deaf old lady should be the only one who knows about this. After I left the capital, I heard someone say that Yi Zhonghai accepted Jia Dongxu as his apprentice six months later."

He Daqing gave the answer and said a few more words with a particularly regretful tone.

Silly Zhu even suspected that the root of He Daqing's regret was that his aunt had not given birth to a child.

Almost multiple brothers or sisters.

"I see, I understand." Silly Zhu slapped his forehead with his hand and lowered his voice towards He Daqing, "Dad, I have an idea to capture both the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai. ." (End of chapter)

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