Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 272 Yi Zhonghai was forced to pay

Although Yi Zhonghai was surprised that Jia Zhang was going against him, he still took the overall situation into consideration and agreed to Jia Zhang's proposal not to accept aid, and then began to formally announce the contents of the aid.

That is, who has the ability to do this.

The neighbors seemed to understand clearly.

There are two people in the courtyard who meet the conditions.

One is a silly column.

One is Xu Damao.

Silly Zhu is a chef, has a lot of talk, has a daughter-in-law at home, and can take on private work, so he must be rich in material terms.

Xu Damao was a movie projectionist, and the neighbors didn't know whether he had any money or not, but every time he came back from the countryside, he would bring something with him, such as wild mushrooms, fungus and other vegetables, and sometimes some fish, chicken, duck and the like.

Not envious is false.

Today is also strange.

Shazhu is not there.

Xu Damao is not here either.

During the meeting just now, they didn't pay attention. Now when Yi Zhonghai mentioned their names, someone realized that the two gods were not there.

He reminded Yi Zhonghai.

"Master, Shazhu and his wife are not here, and neither is Xu Damao."

Yi Zhonghai frowned and cast a vicious gaze on the person who spoke.

He doesn't like to be interrupted.

But he still looked around.

Sure enough, Silly Zhu and his wife were not seen in the crowd at the meeting, and Xu Damao was not seen either. He turned to look at Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui next to him.

When the conference was held in the courtyard, Yi Zhonghai told Yan Fugui and Liu Haizhong that they should send door-to-door notices.

He tried his best to give a lot of high-sounding reasons, and the neighbors were mobilized. As a result, the two people he targeted were not at the scene.

Yi Zhonghai suddenly felt like he was hitting the cotton with all his strength.

Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui both saw the displeasure in Yi Zhonghai's eyes.

Everyone has their own thoughts.

Yan Fugui doesn't care about today's courtyard meeting.

As the third man in charge, he just had one idea: In front of the neighbors in the hospital, he made it clear that the Yan family had run out of food. From now on, Yi Zhonghai would force Yan Fugui to donate money and materials under the pretext of helping.

Yi Zhonghai had just mentioned the matter of Yan Fugui's family being out of food.

Yan Fugui's purpose of convening the courtyard meeting has been achieved. His complaints against Yi Zhonghai are purely meaning that I don't care.

Liu Haizhong serves as Yi Zhonghai's rival.

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai was in such a big mess.

My heart is naturally happy.


You deserve Yi Zhonghai's misfortune.

With Si Zhu's absence and Xu Damao's absence, the compound meeting organized by Yi Zhonghai had no effect, and it naturally cost Yi Zhonghai's face.

Yi Zhonghai is embarrassed, his bangs are equal to Yi Zhonghai's head.

He was deliberately angry with Yi Zhonghai.

"Lao Yi, I listened to your wishes and asked Guang Tian and Vice Guang to go door to door to inform the neighbors that General Tie is guarding the door of Silly Zhu's house. There is no one in Xu Damao's house. These two bastards have failed. I will go back and educate them in a while. Educate them.”

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu's faces instantly turned pale.

have to.

Another beating.

I felt an inexplicable hatred for Yi Zhonghai.

If Yi Zhonghai had called out other people's names, they wouldn't have been beaten.

Who is not there.

Whose face do you want to save?

"Where did Silly Zhu and his wife go? Where did Xu Damao go?"

Yi Zhonghai's voice.

Not very nice.

How could he not know that he was being plotted.

"Xu Damao, I know. He has been playing movies down there these days and hasn't come back for several days. As for Silly Zhu, I don't know very well. After sending He Yuyu away at noon, the couple went out."

Yi Zhonghai's back teeth were almost broken.

Zhang Luo invites guests.

Everyone is here.

As a result, there was no food.

All that's left is embarrassment.

However, among the crowd, there were still people who continued to ask questions without knowing whether to live or die.

"Master, Silly Zhu is not here, and Xu Damao is not here. Do we still need to continue holding the general meeting in our compound?"

Open an eggplant.

The rightful owner is not here.

Who provides the supplies?

The starting point of Yi Zhonghai's Zhang Luo Courtyard Conference was, on the one hand, to establish a personality for himself, and on the other hand, he wanted to take the opportunity to make some fools of himself.

Who made Silly Zhu escape so happily during this period?

Chirped for a while.

The adjournment was announced.

But the neighbors disagreed.

Daddy Goudan and Mama Goudan in the backyard, because Li Xiuzhi took her to dig wild vegetables several times, they were conquered by Li Xiuzhi's personality charm. They used to hang out with Li Xiuzhi when they had nothing to do. The longer they stayed with Li Xiuzhi, the more they felt that Li Xiuzhi Yes, she learned skills in every aspect.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai naming Shazhu and Xu Damao at the courtyard meeting, but because they were not there, he announced the adjournment of the meeting. Hearing Yi Zhonghai's eloquent talk in front of him, he was instantly relieved of Yi Zhonghai's tricks and knew that Yi Zhonghai could not get married. Si Zhu, who is married to Li Xiuzhi, wants to use the courtyard meeting to take advantage of Si Zhu and embarrass Li Xiuzhi.

Before Li Xiuzhi came to Siheyuan, Goudan's parents were tied together and they didn't dare to question Yi Zhonghai. After getting along with Li Xiuzhi for a while, she gradually thought that Yi Zhonghai was a hypocrite. The so-called high profile meant either helping the Jia family or taking advantage of her. The deaf old lady talked, feeling disgusted with Yi Zhonghai's character.

Yi Zhonghai, who co-wrote you, is just a bastard who uses other people's things to sell his character for himself.

The couple looked at each other.

Made a speech.

"Master, if He Yuzhu and his wife are not here, and Xu Damao is not here, you will announce the adjournment of the meeting. It turns out that the root cause of helping the needy households in the courtyard you mentioned earlier is to let He Yuzhu and his wife provide things, and to let Xu Damao provide things. Since it is He Yuzhu and Xu Damao, The two of them went out to help the needy households in the courtyard, and you were asked to organize the neighbors to gather in the middle courtyard for a meeting? In front of the neighbors, you helped the neighbors and took care of them. It turned out to be generosity to others. "

Yi Zhonghai's eyes began to burn.

He now had to pay attention to an issue.

Since Li Xiuzhi married into Siheyuan, many things in Siheyuan have gone beyond Yi Zhonghai's expectations. For example, Jia Zhang's refusal to support him today and his parents questioning Yi Zhonghai in public.

It's equivalent to slapping Yi Zhonghai in the face.

He is the steward of the courtyard and an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill.

Think back to the past.

Even if he lent ten dogs' courage to Goudan's father and mother, Goudan's father and mother would not dare to talk flatteringly to Yi Zhonghai.

Goudanniang hangs out with Li Xiuzhi when she has nothing to do.

It is clear.

This was influenced by Li Xiuzhi.

Yi Zhong Hague Root Itches.

It was Li Xiuzhi again.

If it weren't for her, Shazhu might have married Qin Huairu now, and Qin Huairu would also have help, so he wouldn't have to make Yi Zhonghai so sad and worrying about Qin Huairu's future happy life all day long.

Eyes widened.

"Goudan daddy, Goudan mother, what did you say? Say it to me again?"

"Old Yi, what are you doing!" Liu Haizhong tried to persuade Yi Zhonghai, but he was actually adding insult to injury. "Now let's hold a courtyard meeting. Goudan Daddy and Goudan Niang are members of the courtyard, and they have the right to do so. Express yourself.”

"Old Liu, I didn't stop people from talking." Yi Zhonghai cursed in his heart.

He won't be fooled by bangs.

If word spreads about this, Yi Zhonghai will probably gain the reputation of a local emperor.

It is estimated that they will not survive.

He quickly slapped his hat on Goudan’s parents.

"I say this because Goudan's parents are throwing dirty water on me, Yizhonghai, saying that I am just trying to gain fame and reputation. Am I, Yi Zhonghai, that kind of person?"

"Yi Zhonghai, you know whether you are that kind of person. Don't blame us as a couple, and don't think about driving us out of the courtyard. If you don't believe me, let's give it a try. You were intimidated by you before, and now I will lend you Yi Zhonghai." Zhonghai is a coward, and you, Yi Zhonghai, don’t dare to do anything to us and my wife. I, a third-generation poor peasant, am afraid of you, a rich family!"

Yi Zhonghai was speechless for a moment.

I don't dare to take it seriously anymore.

Goudan’s parents are really from three generations of poor peasants.

As for Yi Zhonghai, because when he was first determined, he wore a watch on his wrist, a pair of leather shoes on his feet, and a top hat on his head, so he came from a wealthy family.

so many years.

He has been keeping a high profile in the courtyard, just to make the neighbors forget that he is a wealthy household.

Now Yi Zhonghai's mask of hypocrisy has been torn apart by Goudan's parents.

The poorer the more glorious.

You fucking touch me.

This is what Goudan’s parents rely on.

The two of them were secretly cursing themselves for being confused. With such a good background, Yi Zhonghai was taken advantage of. If they hadn't gotten along with Li Xiuzhi, they would have been taken advantage of.

"Yi Zhonghai, the neighbors have heard what you said. It was you who said that as the chief steward, you wanted to serve the neighbors in the courtyard. You said that the third uncle's family had run out of food, and you wanted to help the families in the courtyard who had run out of food. But He Yuzhu was not there. , if Xu Damao is not here, you announce the dissolution of the meeting, what are you talking about?"

Goudan Niang and Goudan Daddy took turns firing.

You finish.

I went on.

"If He Yuzhu and Xu Damao were here today, and they followed your instructions and sent out supplies, would the neighbors be grateful to you, Yi Zhonghai, or to He Yuzhu and Xu Damao? If I guessed correctly, thank you That person should be you, Yi Zhonghai!"

"Who said I only let Silly Zhu and Xu Damao come up with things? As for me, those who are capable can help. Those who are incapable should not watch the show and help with ideas. I am an eighth-level worker at Yizhonghai Steel Rolling Plant. My monthly salary is 99 yuan, plus With a subsidy of more than 100 yuan, can I watch my neighbors starve?"

Yi Zhonghai cuts through the mess quickly.

He looked at the aunt not far away.

"I will pay 100 yuan and give this money to Lao Yan. He will exchange all the money into food and distribute it to the neighbors in the courtyard."

"Master, please be clear. We both apologize to you for what we just said. I'm sorry, master. We missed you wrong."

The idiot parents who forced Yi Zhonghai to bleed 100 yuan.

He is also a master of others.

In front of the neighbors, he apologized to Yi Zhonghai.

this move.

Let Yi Zhonghai break the defense again.

In front of more than 100 neighbors, if he doesn't accept the apology from Goudan's parents, he will look petty. He accepts the apology, but he doesn't feel very happy in his heart.

In the end, I had no choice but to accept the apology from Goudan’s parents.

Just about to leave.

Seeing Liu Haizhong sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai without saying anything, he vented his anger towards Liu Haizhong.

"Old Liu, you are the second uncle in charge, a seventh-level worker, one level lower than me, Yi Zhonghai. Do you also want to contribute to the neighbors in the hospital?"

"Lao Yi, the old man said this, you have to be down-to-earth in life. Something happened in my family and I don't have enough money. This time I won't donate from Liu Haizhong. Next time, next time I will make up for it with Liu Haizhong. , I also ask the neighbors to be considerate of my bangs."

Yi Zhonghai looked at Yan Fugui.

Before Yi Zhonghai could speak.

Yan Fugui started crying.

"Lao Yi, I've run out of food, and I don't earn as much as you. My family still has a large population."

words behind.

Yi Zhonghai didn't want to hear it anymore.

I just patted my butt and returned home.

In a courtyard meeting, there was neither a plan nor a lesson for Sha Zhu. Instead, Yi Zhonghai was forced to take out 100 yuan.

100 yuan.

It took Yi Zhonghai several months to get likes.

Because of buying a job for Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai being punished, for four consecutive years since Qin Huairu entered the factory, Yi Zhonghai could only get a pitiful 27 yuan and [-] cents every month. Compared with Qin Huairu, New first-level workers remained the same.

back home.

He grabbed the big teahouse in front of him.

want to smash.

See the words "Monthly Moral Assistance Model Individual" above.

Suddenly I couldn't bear it anymore.

I could only walk to the water tank, scoop out a ladle of cold water, regard the cold water as my enemy, and drink it gurglingly.

Finish drinking water.

Then he sat stupidly on the stool.

Not a word.

Auntie knew that Yi Zhonghai was angry, but she deliberately irritated Yi Zhonghai. She could clearly see what happened today. It was clear that the plot failed and was plotted instead.

100 yuan.

Just give it away.

Yi Zhonghai doesn't feel bad, she does.

"Lao Yi, I'm not telling you, why do you become so impulsive in doing things?"

"Okay, I get it. Do you think I'm happy? Isn't there nothing I can do about it? Who am I doing it for? Not for our family!"

"You should be for Qin Huairu, right?"

"What did you say?"

Yi Zhonghai's eyes fell on Aunt Ma.

With a bit of scrutiny.

"Qin Huairu, didn't you hold the courtyard meeting just to target Silly Zhu? Because Silly Zhu married a daughter-in-law, but his daughter-in-law is not your own daughter Qin Huairu, so you have been holding a breath in your heart and have been trying to destroy Silly Zhu. The marriage between Zhu and his wife made Silly Zhu divorce Li Xiuzhi and marry a widow with three children and a mother-in-law."

"I'm too lazy to care about you."

Yi Zhonghai left the house.

The moment he left the Yi family.

His expression immediately changed from conflicted to sullen.

Outside the courtyard.

Silly Zhu and his wife came back from dinner.

I met the neighbors in the courtyard.

Three mothers.

Before Sha Zhu and his wife could speak, the third aunt told them everything that happened in the courtyard.

Hearing that Yi Zhonghai held a courtyard meeting, he specifically named Shazhu's name at the meeting.

Silly Zhu knew what Yi Zhonghai was going to do.

I'm glad I came back late.

Otherwise, he would have another conflict with Yi Zhonghai.

The most admirable thing is that the parents in the backyard, who have always been looked down upon by Silly Zhu, took a rare stand today and asked Yi Zhonghai face to face if he was just talking, and forced Yi Zhonghai to pay 100 yuan.

There is also the Jia Zhang family. Yi Zhonghai said that the Jia family was in trouble, but Jia Zhang family said that they did not want any help from the neighbors.

Is this still the Jia Zhang family who didn’t take enough advantage of the script? (End of chapter)

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