Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 285 Yi Zhonghai is hated by Deputy Director Li

The absenteeism incident has not yet been settled, and Yi Zhonghai provokes the Jia Zhang family to cause trouble in the steel rolling mill.

Especially the latter.

It caused the steel rolling mill to experience a collapse.

Don't talk about him, Deputy Director Li.

Even the factory director and secretary were caught off guard. If they were timid people, they would probably be scared to death.

I don’t think Yi Zhonghai is a good guy.

Unlucky ghost.

Talk about honor.


stir up trouble.

One-on-one masters.

You are an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill, and you ordered Quegenxian from the second cafeteria to run back to the courtyard and call Mrs. Jia Zhang. Don’t you fucking know how you were rated as an eighth-level worker?

Thanks to favors, Yi Zhonghai was promoted from the seventh-level worker to the eighth-level worker.

Why are all the other eighth-level workers going out to provide support, leaving Yi Zhonghai alone?

The root problem is that Yi Zhonghai's technology is not good enough.

The factory leaders felt that if Yi Zhonghai left, it would bring shame to the steel rolling mill, so they simply used the excuse that the steel rolling mill needed eighth-level workers to stay and did not let Yi Zhonghai leave.

Even if Yi Zhonghai applied many times to go out for support, he would not be allowed to leave.

Deputy Director Li worriedly believed that Yi Zhonghai asked him to transfer Qin Huairu to work in the No. [-] Canteen because he was plotting against Deputy Director Li and wanted to make Deputy Director Li unlucky.

With the filter on, everything is fine.

The filter is broken and everything is bad.

I think that behind Yi Zhonghai's kind face, there is a lot of evil.

He roared towards Yi Zhonghai.

"Yi Zhonghai, you must give me a satisfactory explanation for this matter. Qin Huairu is obviously fine, why did you say she was dead and still let Que Genxian run to the courtyard to call Jia Zhang to see Qin Huairu for the last time? You What are you worried about? Do you know that the steel rolling mill will be messed up by you? Let me tell you, if the solution is not solved, I will propose to the steel rolling mill to fire you! Because the steel rolling mill does not need you to make the steel rolling mill crazy every now and then. host."

Everyone in Yi Zhonghai was numb.


The reason why he has such great prestige in the courtyard.

It relies on Yi Zhonghai’s technology.

Even though Liu Haizhong became an eighth-level blacksmith by relying on favors and bonuses, he is still the only one in existence. However, Liu Haizhong did not pass the eighth-level blacksmith examination this year.

was fired.

How can you be a steward?

A house in a courtyard is a house in a steel rolling mill. If you leave the steel rolling mill, you will be kicked out and you will have the reputation of being expelled.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't find a job either.

Some places would rather leave work unfinished than give it to those who make mistakes.

Therefore, Yi Zhonghai could only return to his hometown in the countryside. He had no children and was waiting to be wiped out.

Thinking of such a result, Yi Zhonghai was determined to kill Jia Zhang. He asked you to come to see Qin Huairu for the last time. You came to the hospital honestly. Instead of coming to the hospital, you went directly to the factory gate to cause trouble, and threatened to Killed by a head-on collision, you are really my own mother, I have never seen such a deceptive person like you.

He smiled flatteringly at Deputy Director Li.

He began to work on Jia Zhang's ideological work.

"Grandma Banggeng, get up quickly and go home honestly. Let me tell you, Qin Huairu is fine. She just fainted and was sent to the hospital. The doctor said she would just rest for a few days. You took the child and cried again. It’s noisy again, and I don’t want to think about how Qin Huairu will work in the steel rolling mill in the future.”

Mrs. Jia Zhang was furious when she saw Yi Zhonghai being scolded.

Originally wanted to leave.

On second thought.

But he didn't want to leave.

He repeated what he had just said to Yi Zhonghai, and the content inside changed slightly, from Qin Huairu's death to Qin Huairu's fainting.

Worried that Yi Zhonghai would see his flaws and cause trouble for him afterwards.

Bite the bullet and interpret the badass character.

Those present understood what Jia Zhang meant. My daughter-in-law was fine before going to work today. Nothing happened. She fainted in the factory. It must have been your steel rolling mill that gave Qin Huairu small shoes. , deliberately assigned Qin Huairu heavy physical labor, and exhausted Qin Huairu to death. You are wrong, and you have to give me an explanation.

Now we don't want to say that Qin Huairu died, but that Qin Huairu fainted from exhaustion.

outside the crowd.

Silly column watching the show.

Before Deputy Director Li called him, he took the initiative to squeeze in front of Jia Zhang and explained Qin Huairu's work arrangements in the second canteen.

"Grandma Banggen, I, He Yuzhu, am the monitor of the Second Canteen. Qin Huairu works in the Second Canteen. Her work is all arranged by me. I don't understand. What do you mean by the easy livelihood in your words? Everyone present They are all workers in the steel rolling mill, and they all eat in the steel rolling mill at noon! You can't blame us in the second canteen. As for Qin Huairu's fainting, the steel rolling mill needs to give you an explanation. I don't know why you think the steel rolling mill wants to Let me tell you, what are you doing without danger? If you feel uneasy, you can ask Qin Huairu to go home. "

Silly column's place.

Someone actually responded.

But Silly Zhu waved his hand to stop the booing of the workers.

"Let me give you an example. When frying cabbage with potato slices, you have to remove the potato skins, and the cabbage must be cut into small pieces. You can't put unpeeled potatoes and whole cabbage into the pot and fry them. I can fry them, workers. Do you want to eat? The work in the canteen is divided into the main spoon chef, the cook, the kitchen assistant, and the handyman. The job Qin Huairu is doing now is the handyman. The handyman is responsible for tasks such as peeling potatoes. "

"Our Huairu can cook."

"If you don't use me, a seventh-level cook, and use Qin Huairu, who has no rank, will the workers agree?"

Silly Zhu's meal.

good to eat.

This is a fact recognized by workers.

He is also proud that he can eat Silly Zhu's food.

Jia Zhang's proposal was tantamount to violating the interests of the workers present. They all denounced Jia Zhang, saying that Jia Zhang was just farting. Qin Huairu couldn't even bear to cut her hair, so what qualifications did she have to cook for the workers.

The old godmother shrewdly chose to keep her mouth shut.

Look at her ugly cheeks.

Shazhu thought carefully and told the reason why Qin Huairu fainted.

Qin Huairu is Jia Dongxu's widowed daughter-in-law, and Yi Zhonghai is Jia Dongxu's master. At the courtyard meeting, he said that he would take care of the Jia family.

As a result, Qin Huairu fainted due to lack of nutrition and was taken care of.

It means that Yi Zhonghai failed to fulfill his promise to the big guy.

Wait a while.

The incident of Yi Zhonghai intercepting money sent by He Daqing broke out.

The workers will definitely not speak for Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai could only die.

This can be regarded as a prelude to sending Yi Zhonghai off.

"As the monitor of the Second Canteen, Qin Huairu was an employee of the Second Canteen, and she fainted again in the Second Canteen. I followed Master Yi to the hospital to see Qin Huairu. The doctor said that Qin Huairu was not caused by fatigue at work, but because Qin Huairu It's because of the long-term lack of nutrition in the body, Grandma Banggen, Qin Huairu fainted from hunger."

The last sentence.

Silly Zhu increased his tone.

With a sudden change of tone, he began to flatter the leaders.He remembered that in a few years, Deputy Director Li would stick to his word.

"Although the steel rolling mill is also short of supplies, with the hard work of the leaders, it has tried its best to meet the material needs of tens of thousands of employees. Qin Huairu, an employee in the second canteen of the steel rolling mill, fainted from hunger. Look at you again and say nothing. Now, you’re not blind, you all know what’s going on.”

This statement came out.

those people around.

There was an instant uproar.

The workers present could clearly see Jia Zhang's chubby body, and they were all a little surprised. In this age, how could anyone be so chubby?

There is no shortage of words at first glance.

I thought my family was strong.

But he didn't expect that Qin Huairu's fainting was caused by Jia Zhang's blood-sucking.

I heard Jia Zhang's crying just now. The Jia family is orphaned and widowed. Qin Huairu is supporting the Jia family.

These Jia Zhang's words, combined with Sha Zhu's revelations, immediately caused the neighbors to link Qin Huairu's fainting with Jia Zhang's inaction.

Someone who knew the affairs of the Jia family murmured, Why is it that Jia and Zhang are so lazy, do nothing all day long, and are just pure excrement-making machines? Why do Qin Huairu still have to pay for Jia and Zhang when they return home after working hard in the factory? He cooked, cleaned the house, and mended clothes for the children.

Waiting for such revelations.

She was immediately forced to the level of a vampire daughter-in-law and an evil mother-in-law.

Jia Zhang wanted to say something.

Haven't spoken yet.

Then came the verbal attack. I don't know who it was, but I was really angry and spat on Jia Zhang's cheek. The rest of the people, seeing someone taking the lead, imitated the same.

By the time Deputy Factory Director Li spoke out to stop the workers' behavior, Jia Zhang was already vomited to the point of death, and her white and fat face was covered with dust.

Seeing Deputy Director Li, he hurriedly cried towards Deputy Director Li and said, "Boss, you have to let me make the decision. It's not easy for my Jia family to be an orphan and a widowed mother."

"This is not because you are too lazy to work. Qin Huairu fainted because you sucked too much blood." Deputy Director Li said harsh words. Under the leadership of the security department, he pulled his legs out of Jia Zhang's arms. After breaking free, seeing Yi Zhonghai in a daze, he greeted Yi Zhonghai, "Yi Zhonghai, come here."

Yi Zhonghai ran to Deputy Director Li.

He nodded and bowed to please.

"I know the ins and outs of the matter. It was all caused by you, Yi Zhonghai. If it weren't for you, I would have asked Jia Zhang to come and see Qin Huairu for the last time. How could such a big mess have been caused? Who caused the trouble? Who is responsible? Please solve this matter for me. I will report to Director Yang and Secretary Zhao now. Especially the fact that Qin Huairu fainted was caused by the evil mother-in-law Jia Zhang's blood-sucking. The leaders must know. "

Yi Zhonghai nodded helplessly.

Watching Deputy Director Li leave, he wanted to drag Shazhu into the water, but he was choked by Shazhu's words and didn't know what to say.

"Master Yi, Deputy Factory Director Li is right. Forget it, I'm going back to the No. [-] canteen. The workers are still waiting to eat. I don't know what to do every day."

Pat ass.

Walking towards the second cafeteria.

Yi Zhonghai, who was behind him, weakly retracted his outstretched hand.

With a sigh in his mouth.

He turned around and looked at the embarrassed Jia Zhang.

I really want to give Jia Zhang a few big mouths.

Things that are not enough for success and more than failure.

The opportunity to use a good trick to fool Zhu, but because of Jia Zhang's interference, Yi Zhonghai ended up taking the blame.

Thinking of the leader's rage when he learned about this, Yi Zhonghai wanted to die.

Maybe Shazhu is right.

Every day, I do nothing but shit.

Seeing Mrs. Jia Zhang still sitting on the ground stupidly, she shouted angrily at Mrs. Jia Zhang.

"Mr. Jia Zhang, why are you still sitting there? It's not like you didn't hear what Deputy Director Li said just now. Qin Huairu fainted because of your inaction. Why haven't you returned to the courtyard yet? Do you have to wait until the steel is rolled? Are you satisfied until Qin Huairu is fired from the factory?"

Jia Zhang received a scolding.

Wiped the saliva on his face with his sleeve.

Full of sadness, he pulled Xiaodang and Sophora japonica and walked towards the courtyard.

along the way.

The heart is ashamed.

Just for the incident just now, Jia Zhang would not have a good time.



Deputy Director Li came to the conference room.

He reported the detailed process of the incident to those present, such as why Qin Huairu fainted and why Jia Zhang came to cause trouble.

It was explained clearly.

The leaders present heard that Qin Huairu's fainting was caused by Jia Zhang's excessive blood-sucking, and they all felt sad in their brows.

Upright officials can hardly break housework.

Jia's family affairs.

The steel rolling mill really has no way to take action.

In a difficult situation.

The head of the security department suddenly made a suggestion.

"Several leaders, we really can't do anything about the Jia family. Although Jia and Zhang went too far, there are some things that we can't do about. Something happened to one of their sons. There are three more children in the family. We are worried that Qin Huairu will abandon them if he remarries. I wanted to take action against her. What I mean is that we can notify the street and let their street come forward to resolve the matter, which is more convincing than our steel rolling mill coming forward to resolve it."

"No one is bothering you. Deputy Director Li, you go and talk to the street."

"no problem."

"Let's talk about Qin Huairu next. What Deputy Factory Director Li just said is that Qin Huairu is not suitable to stay in the cafeteria. If she goes to the workshop, her hair will be affected."

leaders present.

They were all helpless.

You can't hold Qin Huairu down and cut off Qin Huairu's hair, right?
Even if it was for Qin Huairu's sake, they wouldn't feel comfortable if someone made a big fuss about this matter.

"The Publicity Department, Finance Office, and Human Resources Department have requirements for majors. Qin Huairu's diploma is not very good."

"How about letting her try out on the cleaning team?"

Deputy Director Li has no idea about Qin Huairu.

I was disgusted by Jia Zhang just now.

Then he took revenge on Qin Huairu.

"On the one hand, it shows the attitude of our steel rolling mill. After all, it is Qin Huairu's mother-in-law who affects the normal production of the steel rolling mill. It also reflects our humanistic work. At most, Qin Huairu will be given a new department in a while. I think there will be After knowing the experience of the cleaning team, Qin Huairu should give up something."

The words are very cryptic.

But everyone present is an old fox.

He was immediately relieved by the meaning of Deputy Director Li's words.

Take it.

"If no one objects, we will settle this matter. Just now, Deputy Director Li said that Yi Zhonghai sent someone to call Jia Zhang to come to the steel rolling mill to see Qin Huairu for the last time."

"This is a fact. As an eighth-level worker, he forced Que Genxian from the second cafeteria to go to the courtyard to call for help. He also forced He Yuzhu to go with him to the hospital to visit Qin Huairu." (End of Chapter)

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