Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 292 The hot yuan remittance order

Chapter 292 The hot thousand-yuan remittance order
I learned that I had caused a huge disaster.

Auntie no longer had the pleasure of seeing the Jia family in misfortune, let alone the excitement of Yi Zhonghai's death. She felt as if she had seen an evil ghost, trembling all over.

If she hadn't known that she had to find the postman before Yang Jiguang delivered the remittance order and telegram to the courtyard, she would have collapsed on the ground and howled a few times.

The anxious aunt, who was desperate to survive, ran out of the post office after asking about the situation, preparing to search street by street as she did last time.

Huang Tian deserves a caring person.

Finally, he caught up with Yang Jiguang at the entrance of the Red Star Courtyard.

Seeing Yang Jiguang stop the bicycle and look for something from the green satchel on the back seat of the bicycle, the aunt's heart suddenly rose to her throat.

Such a fatal moment.

As if God didn't think it was chaotic enough, he actually arranged for the third aunt to appear in front of Yang Jiguang, and the two of them whispered something.

long distance.

The aunt didn't hear very clearly.

Although I don't know what the two said, it still frightened the eldest mother so much that if her heart hadn't been blocked in her throat, she might have been frightened out of her chest.

He was afraid that Yang Jiguang would give the remittance slip and telegram to the third aunt.

She was even more afraid that the third aunt would tell this matter.

Can't help speeding up the pace.

He rushed to Yang Jiguang.

In order not to reveal her secrets, the aunt who was obviously out of breath had to pretend that she didn't care. However, the large beads of sweat on her head and the need to breathe heavily to calm down her breath had already given her away.

Yang Jiguang, who had a clear view of the aunt's expression and reaction, thought to himself, Zhang Shihao really got it right, and he couldn't shirk the telegram and remittance order.

Worrying about alerting others, I followed the steps explained by Zhang Shihao and handed a few old newspapers to Auntie.

The newspaper is a prop to tease the third aunt.

It was Yi Zhonghai's idea.

Worried that Auntie would go to Yang Jiguang for a long time to inquire about the remittance slip, Yang Jiguang would make Yang Jiguang suspicious of Auntie's motives, so he thought of a way for Auntie to get close to Yang Jiguang by asking for remittance slips. He asked Yang Jiguang to discard the newspaper and used The reason for the old newspapers to stick to the wastebasket.

the first few times.

Yang Jiguang kept pushing back.

Today I have fulfilled my promise.

When the third aunt saw the first aunt taking the old newspaper, she was a little surprised and asked why.

Yang Jiguang relied on the facts and told the truth, saying that his aunt asked him for the old newspaper, and that he was going to stick a paper basket with it. He couldn't find it a few days ago, but today he found the old newspaper and simply gave it to her.

As soon as he said this.

The aunt suddenly felt enlightened.

I felt like there was an explanation for my out of breath.

Following Yang Jiguang's words, he said a few words.

"A few days ago, Lao Yi's pants were torn. I sewed them up, but I forgot the needle on the bed. When Lao Yi came back, he was pricked in the buttocks by a needle. Later, I thought about it and asked Comrade Yang to ask for some old newspapers. Paper plate for sewing.”

Listening to the first aunt's explanation, the third aunt felt a little uncomfortable.

As Yan Fugui's daughter-in-law, she learned how to care about everything, so she felt that Yang Jiguang had suffered a loss by giving old newspapers to his aunt, but not to himself. I don't know how to describe the depression in my heart.

We have been neighbors with Yan Fugui for so many years.

We know very well the character of Yan Fugui and his wife.

When they saw others taking advantage, they couldn't take advantage, and they were so angry that they couldn't even eat.

Before the third aunt could speak, the first aunt thrust the old newspaper into the third aunt's hand.

The third aunt, who couldn't figure out for a while what kind of medicine was sold in the first aunt's gourd, was dumbfounded and stared at the first aunt. It wasn't until the first aunt gave the reason that the third aunt was relieved.

"Didn't you say you were going to make a few sets of shoe samples a few days ago? When you do it, make more, and I will make more if you save."

"I just mentioned it casually, why do you still remember it in your mind? No problem. When I make shoe samples, I will make a few more pairs. Anyway, our old man's shoes are the same size as your old Yi's shoes."

The third aunt was holding an old newspaper.

He left happily.

Yang Jiguang and Auntie were the only two people left at the entrance of the courtyard.

Looking at the three aunts entering the courtyard, Yang Jiguang couldn't help but glance at the aunt beside him. No wonder Zhang Shihao was so cautious in detecting the interception of money.

What a formidable enemy.

This trickster's ability to manipulate his neighbors is truly extraordinary. No wonder he has been withholding money for ten years without revealing the truth.

Too cautious.

"Comrade Yang, I have to ask you to help me find some old newspapers."

The aunt didn't ask for the remittance order openly.

A gentle reminder.

Yang Jiguang also knew the meaning of Aunt Ma's words, nodded and said that he would definitely help, and then pushed the bicycle towards the front.

Behind him is a stunned aunt.

She was surprised why Yang Jiguang left. Shouldn't he give her the remittance slip and telegram?

Just over ten seconds.

Yang Jiguang, who was pushing the bicycle for a few steps, suddenly stopped the bicycle as if he thought of something. After parking the bicycle, he turned around and walked towards the aunt.

When he arrived, he had a wry smile on his face.

"You asked me to help you find some old newspapers. I was just thinking about where to find old newspapers for you, and I almost forgot about your important event."

Take out the hard leather clip from your shoulder bag.

Remittance orders and telegrams are considered important documents and have certain delivery conditions.

In front of the aunt, I opened the folder, took out the remittance slip and the telegram, and handed them to the aunt. After confirming that they were correct, I asked the aunt to sign the receipt.



Yi Zhonghai returned home dejectedly.

He disgraced the Yi family in the steel rolling mill and became a street rat in the steel rolling mill, with everyone shouting to beat him.

Even the apprentices who had just joined the factory had no respect for Yi Zhonghai and called Yi Zhonghai a bastard in front of him.

Change to the old days.

Yi Zhonghai had to put on a show no matter what.


He set up a score to try.

Do you really think those people didn't dare to hit him?

Yi Zhonghai couldn't bear the label of having a bad idea and walked away.

Guo Dabo, the director of the Ninth Workshop, also tried his best to persuade Yi Zhonghai to let Yi Zhonghai calm down for a few days. He said that if Yi Zhonghai didn't calm down, he would let Yi Zhonghai leave. He said that the Ninth Workshop was a small temple and could not accommodate Yi Zhonghai. This giant Buddha in Zhonghai.

What makes Yi Zhonghai even more angry is that among the more than 100 workshops, none of them are willing to hire Yi Zhonghai. Except for the cleaning team, they are the ones who clean the toilets. Even if they ask Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai will not go.

The day in the factory passed like a year.

Return home with worries.

When he's in a bad mood, he doesn't have a good look on his face. He looks like someone owes him hundreds of dollars.

Auntie didn't know that Yi Zhonghai was responsible for Jia Zhang's riot in the steel rolling mill. She mistakenly thought that Yi Zhonghai was worried about Jia's family. After comforting Yi Zhonghai for a few words, she poured a glass of cold water for Yi Zhonghai and handed it over.

Yi Zhonghai took the cold drink from Aunt Ma's hand, raised his neck, drank it all, and then sat on the stool motionless in a daze.

The look of wandering in heaven.The aunt didn’t know what to say.

He stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Yi Zhonghai.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai, his eyes didn't even wait to move.

He patted Yi Zhonghai's shoulder with his hand, a very strong patting method.

Yi Zhonghai woke up after being photographed, looked up at his aunt, and let out a heavy sigh. He didn't know how to face the predicament in front of him. The real result of being in the steel rolling mill for thousands of years, when he went to the toilet After a while, I heard slogans to cherish life and stay away from Yi Zhonghai.

"Master, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell? How about I call a doctor to take a look at you?"

Yi Zhonghai, who gradually came back to his senses, cast his blank eyes on the aunt, revealing a smile that was uglier than crying. He was so stubborn.


"Can you look like you're okay? Even a blind man could see that something was wrong with you. At that time, I heard someone say that Qin Huairu was okay, and that you sent Que Genxian to call Jia Zhang and asked Jia Zhang to Ms. Zhang went to the steel rolling mill to see Qin Huairu for the last time, but Mr. Jia and Zhang didn’t listen to you and made a scene at the gate of the steel rolling mill. I heard that the leaders were not happy. "

Yi Zhonghai lowered his head.

I knew that the neighbors in the courtyard would make a fuss about this matter.

There are no impervious walls in the world.

"If I had known this today, why would I have done it in the first place!" The eldest mother sighed quietly, "I told you before, don't listen to the old lady in the backyard. We will take care of a child by ourselves. You have to find someone to help with the old age. Look, help with the old age will help. If there is an accident, the Jia family will not remember you Yi Zhonghai. Why did they go to the door to make trouble? Isn't it because they want to extort more money? The Jia family is fine and they have included you Yi Zhonghai. Just these people in the hospital, Whoever convinces you, just wait, there will definitely be trouble in the backyard with bangs.”

this matter.

She was helpless. She had tried to persuade Yi Zhonghai many times in her early years not to eat ready-made food. There was no ready-made food in the world, but Yi Zhonghai just refused to listen.

it's good now.


All the efforts Yi Zhonghai made for character design some time ago were all ruined.

deserve it!

Stupid home.

Listen to Li Xiuzhi's explanation of Silly Pillar.

My mind is dumbfounded.

what the hell.

Remarry Jia Zhang!
And it wasn’t Li Xiuzhi’s idea, it was Director Jia’s idea.

How others feel.

Silly Zhu didn't know, but he was quite happy anyway.

Jia Zhang, a widow in her early fifties, was forced to remarry, which sounded bloody.

None of the people around the key point would accuse Director Jia, saying that Director Jia was bullying others and wanted to remarry Mrs. Jia and Zhang. They could only say that Mrs. Jia and Zhang deserved it.

As evidenced by the fact that Qin Huairu, Jia Zhang's blood-sucking daughter-in-law caused her to faint in the second cafeteria and almost die, it can only be said that Jia Zhang suffered it herself.

If she remarries honestly, Jia and Zhang can still live a good life.

Being dishonest or not remarrying is an act of reversing the course of history, and you are anxious to speak underground.Even if you don't die, you will still suffer the consequences.

Silly Zhu thought for a moment and persuaded Li Xiuzhi a few words, telling Li Xiuzhi not to get involved in this matter and just do her essential job well.

Li Xiuzhi's words just now revealed her intention to ask Ying to help the widow Jia Zhang remarry.

It's not that Silly Zhu is afraid.

But in the eyes of Silly Zhu, Mrs. Jia Zhang was like a toad resting on her feet, a purely disgusting thing.

After hearing what Sha Zhu said, Li Xiuzhi said nothing or nodded.

She hesitated for more than ten seconds, then got up and went to cook for Silly Zhu.



The mood in the bangs was heightened to the extreme.

Today is a good day.

Yi Zhonghai was completely defeated at the steel rolling mill.

The eggs spread in front of him gave Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu a rare chance to each take a bite, and they were much more pleased with the sight of the two children.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, who were confused, asked about the reason.

Liu Haizhong did not speak.

The second aunt proudly gave the answer.

"Guangtian, Guangfu, your father, he will soon become the steward of the courtyard."


"Ah what? Something happened to Yi Zhonghai, but your father is fine. It means that your father is more capable than Yi Zhonghai. Such a capable person has been aggrieved to be the second uncle in charge for so many years."

"When did it happen? How come we didn't know that dad became the steward."

"It hasn't been announced yet, but it will be soon."

Liu Haizhong did not deny the second aunt's words.

That's what he thought.

On the way back, I had already planned to hold a compound meeting, at which I would severely criticize Yi Zhonghai for damaging the honor of the steel rolling mill, call on the neighbors to say no to Yi Zhonghai, and force Yi Zhonghai to self-criticize in public.

He raised his neck.

Empty the glass of white wine.

Then he called Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu and asked them to go out and inform the neighbors that the meeting would be held on time at eight o'clock.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu ran out honestly to inform the neighbors.

Liu Haizhong stood up from the stool and walked out of the house. He went to inform Yan Fugui that he had to talk to Yan Fugui about matters that were in charge.


Easy home.

After comforting Yi Zhonghai’s aunt for a while.

He reached out and handed the remittance slip and telegram in his pocket to Yi Zhonghai.

Let Yi Zhonghai make up his mind.

After all, it is a huge amount of money, 1000 or [-] yuan.

Yi Zhonghai didn't take it seriously at first. He took the remittance form, but he didn't look at the numbers on it carefully. Instead, he asked absently.

"Why are you here at this time?"

"I don't know the reason. Maybe, as Comrade Yang said, He Daqing didn't have the money, so he delayed the mailing for a few days. You see what to do, send it to Silly Zhu, or send it as before."

"More than ten yuan, what should I give as a gift? If I give it away, what will happen to the previous money? It will easily arouse Si Zhu's suspicion."

"Take a good look and see clearly, it's not ten yuan, it's one thousand or two hundred yuan."

Yi Zhonghai was frightened.

Head down.

Take a closer look at the numbers above.

It’s really 1000 or two hundred yuan.

"Why so many?"

"You ask me, who should I ask? Make an idea. If it is for Shazhu, I will send it to Shazhu tomorrow. No, I will send it to Shazhu tonight. As for the reason, just say that I met him at the door. Postman, Yan Fu’s wife can vouch for me about the newspaper matter. If it’s still like before, I’ll go exchange the money tomorrow.”

(End of this chapter)

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