Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 294 Yi Zhonghai bowing to bangs and the deaf old lady

After listening to Liu Haizhong's logical words.

The melon-eating crowd at the scene.

Subconsciously, their eyes focused on Yan Fugui.

This includes Shazhu and his wife.

Yan Fugui is the second most educated person in the courtyard.

The first educated person was He Yuyu, who is now a college student.

The neighbors all thought that Liu Haizhong had asked Yan Fugui to help write the opening statement in order to make a big splash tonight. Considering Yan Fugui's stingy character, how much money would he charge Liu Haizhong for this job.

Seeing that the neighbors are looking at him, they still have the same look that Yan Fugui actually earns such money.

Yan Fugui complained repeatedly in his heart.

He likes money.

But it also has its own bottom line.

If Liu Haizhong had begged him to write it, he would have written it. The problem was that Yan Fugui was also puzzled, secretly wondering who Liu Haizhong had spent the money on.

A little complaint, knowing that Yan Fugui was educated and a neighbor of the courtyard, he went out of his way to find others for help.

It was obvious that he looked down upon Yan Fugui.

He subconsciously pinched his trouser pocket, and inside there was a dollar given to him by Liu Haizhong. For the sake of the money, he finally admitted the blame with gritted teeth, and then looked at Yi Zhonghai being used by Liu Haizhong with confused eyes. He left the throne of the First Master choked with words.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai’s understanding.

Liu Haizhong felt a little unhappy in his heart.

There is another argument that has not been said, and I wonder if it will be used on the deaf old lady. After all, driving Yi Zhonghai from the position of the manager is tantamount to touching the interests of the Siheyuan Elderly Care Alliance.

Without the support of the title of "Master Steward", it would be difficult for the deaf old lady to establish her identity as the ancestor of the compound.

Just as the person who passed the message to Liu Haizhong in the afternoon said, the relationship between the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai is the kind of relationship where a man cannot leave the wolf, and the wolf cannot be without the wolf.

Attacking Yi Zhonghai was equivalent to breaking an arm of the deaf old lady.

It may make the bangs irritating, and the deaf old lady may not like it.

Liu Haizhong couldn't care about so much anymore. He finally waited for the opportunity to overthrow Yi Zhonghai. If he didn't seize it, he would not forgive himself.

With a long sigh, he sat down directly on Yi Zhonghai's seat.

Yan Fugui didn't move.

He had little interest in the compound meeting.

This is also the reason why neither Yi Zhonghai nor Liu Haizhong regard Yan Fugui as their enemy.

Seeing that Yan Fugui did not compete with him for the seat, Liu Haizhong was very happy. After trying to sit on the stool, he stood up again.

The new official took office three fires.

Although he is not the official steward yet, in Liu Hai Center, he has already determined that he will become the steward of the courtyard. When Yi Zhonghai committed a crime, Yan Fugui was a profit-seeking owner and never bothered to do things that were not profitable. Participate, can anyone else take the throne of the boss besides Liu Haizhong?
Looking around at the people present, Liu Haizhong's eyes unnaturally showed a bit of contempt when he glanced at Yi Zhonghai.


You have today too.

I bother.

Liu Haizhong's eyes suddenly showed a solemn look, and he saw an aunt supporting a deaf old lady walking from behind.

I said something in my heart.

Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai, you are really unwilling to give up. You mistakenly think that if the deaf old lady comes forward, you can keep your throne as the chief executive.

It's a bit too simple to think of my bangs.

He subconsciously pinched his trouser pocket, which contained a handwritten note. It was written by someone whom Liu Haizhong didn't know. He said that as long as Liu Haizhong read what was written on it, he would get his wish. Remove Yi Zhonghai from his title of great master.

For the deaf old lady.

It must be because of the note.

Liu Haizhong felt a little confident.He didn't speak in a hurry, but waited for the deaf old lady to sit down on the seat, then slowly took a breath. Just as he was about to speak, he heard the deaf old lady asking Yi Zhonghai to pick up which pot she was not opening. , secretly stepping on the bangs.

"Zhong Hai, you are the steward elected by the street. You usually sit on a stool when holding compound meetings. Why are you sitting here?"

"What are you talking about? I was kicked down by Old Liu just now, saying that I had done something sorry for the Siheyuan. He asked me to come down and listen. I should just be an ordinary neighbor. I will not seek political advice if I am not in my position." Save yourself the trouble."

Yi Zhonghai's tone.

Doesn't sound good.

It doesn't sound bad either.

There is a vague sense that I don't care.

In Liu Haizhong, he saw the deaf old lady looking at him. He remembered that person's advice to him, so he shut his mouth and said nothing, and stared at the deaf old lady with his eyes.

The deaf old lady originally wanted to wait for Liu Haizhong to speak, pretend to be deaf and dumb, and make fun of her, so that the matter would be settled. However, she did not expect that Liu Haizhong would turn into a clay statue and become mute.

no way.

Can only speak.

"Liu Haizhong, what do you mean? The position of first steward is established by the street. As the second steward and you are not an employee of the street, what qualifications do you have to not let Lao Yi sit among you? My old lady is on top. I'm old, but my eyesight is not blurred. I can see clearly. When Lao Yi was the steward, he did a lot of things for the neighbors. Who gave you the right to kill a steward casually? The title of uncle? The uncle in charge is elected by the streets to serve the neighbors, not for you to show off your power in your bangs. "

"What did Yi Zhonghai do? Did he ruin Silly Zhu's blind date? Or did he favor the Jia family? Or did he do everything for your deaf old lady? Besides these families, which other family did you help? Tell me. , let me Liu Haizhong listen, and let the neighbors listen too? The steward is indeed not a place for my Liu Haizhong to show off his authority, but it is also not a place for Yi Zhonghai to have a talk! It is not a place for your old lady to run rampant. This is A place for the neighbors of the Siheyuan!”

The eyes of the deaf old lady.

Shrink suddenly.

Her bangs taught her a lesson.

These are not words that Liu Haizhong can say.

Someone behind the scenes was teaching Liu Haizhong.

This was the idea of ​​the deaf old lady. Apart from the outsiders watching the excitement who didn't know the inside story, the deaf old lady wanted to know whether this matter was for Yi Zhonghai or for her, the ancestor of the compound.


The deaf old lady could still remain calm.

If the latter.

The deaf old lady panicked.

Her current identity really cannot be seen in the light. When the capital changed, the only insider was silenced by the deaf old lady.

After guessing that there was someone behind Liu Haizhong, the deaf old lady shrewdly chose to shut up. She was in the open and the enemy was in the dark, so it was better to be careful.

The trick was summoned by her.

"What are you talking about? Please speak louder. My old lady has bad ears and can't hear very clearly. You said Zhonghai told you to preside over tonight's compound meeting. Then you can preside over it properly."

People who are familiar with the deaf old lady will know that the deaf old lady has given up and become a little curious when they hear what the deaf old lady says.

After not seeing each other for three days, I was really impressed.

Liu Haizhong, who was uneducated, became literate.

This rhetoric.neat.

Yi Zhonghai, on the other hand, was completely dumbfounded. He didn't expect that her killer weapon, the deaf old lady, would be destroyed by Liu Haizhong just after she came on stage.

He also realized that there was someone behind the bangs.

I felt very panicked.

In the steel rolling mill, Yi Zhonghai became synonymous with stinking shit. He thought he could use the courtyard to stage a whitewashing drama, but the courtyard also collapsed.

How can this be good!
The anxious Yi Zhonghai glanced at the deaf old lady and frowned when he found that the deaf old lady had her head lowered and looked drowsy.

What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of the deaf old lady?

Admit it so soon?

Or is there another way?

While Yi Zhonghai was thinking about it, Shazhu was also thinking about these issues. He and Yi Zhonghai had the same idea, and they were both wondering what was behind the drowsy old deaf lady. A man who could cross the braids, The old lady with a bald head, a brat, and a strong attitude to this day is not an ordinary person.

His hand subconsciously touched Li Xiuzhi.

"what happened?"

Li Xiuzhi's voice was very small.

Small ones are almost negligible.

"Don't you think today's compound meeting is a little strange?"

Silly Zhu's voice was also very small.

Only Li Xiuzhi could hear it.

"Old lady and Liu Haizhong?"

"And Yi Zhonghai and Aunta."

"By the way, it seems that my aunt followed the postman all day long today."

Silly eyes.

It fell on Li Xiuzhi.

Catering to Silly Zhu's gaze, Li Xiuzhi nodded.

"It was Goudanniang who told me that when she saw Auntie being so anxious, she would ask everyone if they saw the postman."



Just two words.

This is what Shazhu and his wife think about this matter.

They seem to have guessed something.

He Daqing's remittance order arrived, and he was convinced that the remittance order was in the hands of Yi Zhonghai and his wife.

My heart suddenly jumped rapidly.

It was obviously the final stage, and Yi Zhonghai and his wife were about to be sent to work underground. But for some reason, Silly Zhu's heart was very excited, and Li Xiuzhi's heart was also very excited, until Liu Haizhong spoke, Silly The excited hearts of Zhu and his wife calmed down slightly.

"Everyone is here. Let's hold a short courtyard meeting. Most of the neighbors present are employees of the steel rolling mill. Some are affiliated with the steel rolling mill, like Lao Yan. There are some things he doesn't know. I'm here. A few words, before I start, I will announce a new rule for our courtyard."

People's eyes, like radar, suddenly focused on Liu Haizhong.

I am very curious about what kind of decision Liu Haizhong will announce.

As for the uneducated Liu Hai, who can tell what rules are beneficial to them? According to the guesses of the neighbors, it is best to distribute supplies to them.



It is Liu Haizhong's reform of the courtyard assembly.

"For a long time, when we hold compound meetings, we, the stewards, sit there, with tables and sometimes teapots placed in front of them. On the other hand, the neighbors who attend the compound meetings stand standing from beginning to end. I can't move. After a busy day of work, I have to come back to practice stationery in the evening. This is very bad. Before, Yi Zhonghai was the manager. He proposed it. I couldn't help it. Now Yi Zhonghai has made a mistake. Soon He’s no longer the boss in charge.”

Bangs on the face.

With Dese.

The voice suddenly became extremely high-pitched.

"As the second uncle in charge, I, Liu Haizhong, announce something. From now on, whenever there is a compound meeting, even we, the uncles in charge, cannot sit. If you stand and we sit, what will happen to us? Really? The old man said that everyone is equal, so everyone must be equal. Do you understand? We can also sit, but the neighbors must also sit. It means that everyone must sit when they sit, and they must stand when they stand. You must not Doing things where we sit while the neighbors stand makes us appear to be officials and superior."

Silly Zhu mentioned several good guys in his mind.

He was really stunned by the magical operation in bangs.

Even if he tried hard, he never thought that Liu Haizhong would carry out reform of the compound and even burn the first flame on himself.

The last sentence was simply a murderous act, a slap in the face to Yi Zhonghai, because it was Yi Zhonghai who proposed it, and the liquidation would also be liquidated against Yi Zhonghai first, not to mention that Liu Haizhong’s performance tonight was a meritorious performance, Si Lai I want to go, but if things get really big, it will only be bad luck for Yi Zhonghai.

He looked at Yi Zhonghai.

as predicted.

Just as Silly Zhu thought, Yi Zhonghai's face became even more ugly, and his body seemed to be trembling.

Think about it too.

Differential treatment was proposed by Yi Zhonghai. It was also proposed by Yi Zhonghai that the steward should sit on a stool at the courtyard meeting and there must be a table in front of him, saying that it would better help and serve the neighbors.

At the beginning, I was really writing and calculating.


It became a place for Yi Zhonghai and others to show their majesty.

The bangs poked Yi Zhonghai's anus.

The reason he gave, not to mention Yi Zhonghai, was that Yi Zhonghai's father was here and he didn't dare to refute it.

Because in Liu Haizhong's hand, a newspaper was shown. The front page of it was a huge portrait of a kind old man with a cigarette in his mouth, sitting cross-legged on the field with several old farmers, enthusiastically Talking about the harvest in the fields.

You can't just say that you are better than the old man.

With tonight's drama, future courtyard meetings in the courtyard can only be made by the neighbors and the steward.

The reasons Liu Haizhong just said were tantamount to a slap in Yi Zhonghai's face.

During the narration, Liu Haizhong not only deliberately emphasized the word 'Yi Zhonghai', but also glanced at the hypocrite without any trace.

Any fool knows what bangs means.

Yi Zhonghai clenched his back teeth. In the moment just now, he almost lost his composure and told some bad things about Liu Haizhong's past, such as the incident of beating a child.

But because he saw the deaf old lady looking sleepy from beginning to end, he sighed in his heart. If the deaf old lady didn't help, she could only rely on Yi Zhonghai. She really couldn't take the initiative in this matter. .

Hypocrites are not stupid either.

The newspaper was sticking out of bangs, so what could he use to fight with bangs. (End of chapter)

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