Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 297 Yi Zhonghai hands over the remittance order to Si Zhu

Faced with a script with missing writing.

Silly Zhu, who was extremely frightened, suddenly stood up. The script he placed on his knees fell into the water under the influence of gravity.

Li Xiuzhi's heart.

It suddenly rose to his throat.

There was no time to complain about Silly Zhu's carelessness. She rushed to Silly Zhu immediately, reached out and took out the script from the footbath.

He glared at Silly Zhu, found a towel, and wiped it carefully.

Silly Zhu no longer thought about washing his feet. He didn't wipe his feet. He wore slippers and poured the foot-washing water in the basin into the courtyard.

Go back to the house.

My heart was still stuck in my throat.

This tone has never been able to go down.

It wasn't until he was sure that no one had seen it that Silhu calmed down his anxious heart a little. The Qinman script in his eyes was actually the book written by an old family member in the eyes of outsiders.

Rumors spread that Silly Zhu soaked the old man's books in the foot-washing water.

He can just wait to eat training noodles!
Hope no one sees this.

Silly Zhu begged his grandfather and grandma to pray to the gods and Buddhas in the sky to give him a chance.

I didn't know if Silly Zhu's prayer had any effect until Li Xiuzhi wiped the script clean with a towel and put it on the table to dry naturally.

No one entered Shazhu's home.

Naturally no one knew about this.


The aunt followed the deaf old lady's wishes.

I found Yi Zhonghai in a small alley not far from the courtyard.

Through the dim light, she saw the depressed expression on the hypocrite's face, and mistakenly thought that Yi Zhonghai was resentful of the deaf old lady. The aunt quickly relayed some of the old deaf lady's words to the hypocrite.

What was not intentional, what was the only thing I could do at that time, otherwise there would be no way to end it, and so on, the exact words are quoted truthfully.

I don't know.

Aunt Ma mistakenly understood the expression on Yi Zhonghai's face.

The hypocrite is not angry or resentful because he just received a cane from the deaf old lady.

It was purely because something unexpected happened beyond Yi Zhonghai's plan.

Knowing that Liu Haizhong would use the compound meeting to attack him tonight, he wanted to turn bad things into good things as much as possible.

In Yi Zhonghai's opinion, is there anything that can better demonstrate Yi Zhonghai's noble morals than personally handing over a remittance slip of 1000 or two hundred yuan to Shazhu in front of the neighbors?
1000 two hundred yuan.

This is an astronomical sum.

How many people in the courtyard could save such a huge sum of money in three to four years, or even four to five years.

I want to be as high-profile as possible.

He took the opportunity to ease the embarrassment he felt during the day and let the neighbors feel that Yi Zhonghai was still a human being, not a beast.

Unexpectedly, Liu Haizhong became shrewd. There was nothing he could say to excuse Yi Zhonghai, and he took advantage of Yi Zhonghai's excuse to poke Yi Zhonghai's lungs. There was really no other way, so the deaf old lady beat Yi Zhonghai. Crutch, took the opportunity to end the compound meeting.

When Auntie came to look for Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai was still thinking about how to solve this matter.

After seeing Aunt Ma and listening to Aunt Ma's story, Yi Zhonghai could only accept his fate and followed Aunt Ma towards the courtyard.

Go to the middle courtyard.

He looked at Shazhu's house.

no way.

Silly Zhu's home is located in the sunny area of ​​the courtyard.

It is the house with the best location in the courtyard.

Seeing the lights on at Shazhu's house, Yi Zhonghai suddenly imagined what Shazhu and his wife were doing in the house now, and suddenly felt a little curious in his heart. Under the attention of his aunt, he walked to Shazhu's house. , just when Auntie was worried that Yi Zhonghai would do something stupid and wanted to run to Yi Zhonghai and pull the hypocrite away, Yi Zhonghai knocked on the door of Shazhu's house with his hand.

There was a crisp knock on the door.

In the silent night sky.

Seems extremely harsh.

The Shazhu couple in the room, who were already extremely frightened because of the script falling into the water, instantly felt a creepy feeling.

The couple looked at each other warily.

Silly Zhu lay on the bed without saying a word.

Li Xiuzhi was trying her best to calm down her panic. Li Xiuzhi knew better than Silly Zhu what would happen if the book fell into the water.

Both couples were worried that someone might have accidentally seen the scene.

Ordered them both.

It’s not like neighbors reporting their neighbors has never happened before.

When Silhu and his wife hesitated whether to make a sound or open the door, Yi Zhonghai, who was outside the house, was also confused.

Secretly said something.

Could it be that Silly Zhu is not even willing to open the door for Yi Zhonghai now?
Suddenly I felt like I was remembering the beginning.

At that time, Sha Zhu treated Yi Zhonghai as his biological father and obeyed Yi Zhonghai's words. Sha Zhu would do whatever Yi Zhonghai asked Sha Zhu to do. This was the greatest force output by Yi Zhonghai in ruling the courtyard.

With the help of Silly Zhu's force value, Yi Zhonghai successfully exerted his power in the courtyard, turning the deaf old lady into the ancestor of the courtyard, and making respect for the elderly the theme of the courtyard.

Not sure what happened.

Yi Zhonghai still hasn't figured it out yet.

Silly Zhu, who had great trust in him and obeyed his advice, suddenly became alienated from Yi Zhonghai. Not to mention, he beat Yi Zhonghai in public, broke up with the deaf old lady, and married his daughter-in-law Li Xiuzhi.

Yi Zhonghai didn't like Li Xiuzhi. He always felt that Li Xiuzhi was not a good match for Silly Zhu and did not have a good style of respecting the elderly and caring for others.

If he had known that Sha Zhu would meet Li Xiuzhi, if he had known that Sha Zhu would marry Li Xiuzhi under the help of matchmaker Wang, Yi Zhonghai should have taken the initiative to find a wife for Sha Zhu to support him in his old age.

Jia Dongxu died a little too late. If he had died a month earlier, Qin Huairu would have been a widow a month earlier. Silly Zhu would have been completely bound to Qin Huairu by Yi Zhonghai, and he would have been Qin Huairu's helper for the rest of his life.

The plan is just a little bit behind schedule.


Yi Zhonghai sighed in his heart.

He put his hand inside his trouser pocket.

He pinched the thousand-yuan remittance slip.

He raised his voice and shouted into the house.

"Zhuzhu, I am the first uncle. I know you haven't slept. I have something to do with you. Your father sent you money to post money, and it was the first uncle's name written on it. When your aunt went to Yang Jiguang today to ask for old newspapers, Yang Jiguang I gave the remittance slip to your eldest mother. I wanted to give it to you just now, but was delayed because of the meeting in the compound. You open the door, and the eldest uncle gives you the remittance slip and leaves without delaying your rest. "

Whether the voice is loud or not, it is not small.

The neighbors in the middle courtyard could barely hear it.

Diagonally opposite the Jia Zhang family.

He sat up straight with a sigh.Subconsciously, he turned his head and looked at the empty space next to him.

That's where Qin Huairu sleeps.

Qin Huairu was not discharged from the hospital today because she fainted in the second cafeteria due to lack of nutrition, but was resting in the hospital, so she didn't know that Jia Zhang made a big fuss in the steel rolling mill, which affected Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu.

Mrs. Jia Zhang also knew that Qin Huairu was in the hospital, otherwise she would have been making noises about Qin Huairu's unruly behavior.

She quickly pressed her big face against the glass and looked at everything outside through the glass. The aunt was standing in the middle of the courtyard. Yi Zhonghai was knocking on the door of Shazhu's house and talking about the remittance slip. Then he saw Li Xiuzhi opening the door and inviting Yi Zhonghai into the house.

Yi Zhonghai followed Li Xiuzhi into Shazhu's house.

He frowned slightly.

I closed my eyes.

The light in the room made him feel a little uncomfortable.

After adapting to the light in the room, Yi Zhonghai's eyes looked around the things in the room as much as possible. There were portraits of the elderly on the walls. On the originally messy table, I don't know when, there was a statue of more than one foot tall. There is a porcelain bust of a tall old man, with a book written by him in front of it.

Give Yi Zhonghai the feeling.

Just one word.


Before Sha Zhu married Li Xiuzhi, Yi Zhonghai had been to this house many times. At that time, he only had one word for it: mess. Sha Zhu's house was in a mess, and it looked like a dog house.

After Qin Huairu became a widow, Yi Zhonghai's excuse for marrying up Silly Zhu and Qin Huairu was that it was not easy for the Jia family to be an orphan and a widowed mother. Silly Zhu was alone and the house was messy, so he wanted to ask Qin Huairu to help him clean it up, but he couldn't Bao Bao, Sha Zhu wants to pay, five yuan a month, and the Jia family's food money comes out.

Unexpectedly, Shazhu disagreed with Qin Huairu to clean up the house for him, saying that there was a lot of trouble in front of the widow's house, and he wanted to marry a wife, saying that he had a girl, and Yu Yu could help him clean up the house.

Yi Zhonghai's plan to tie up Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu was put aside by cleaning up the house. In the end, he had no choice but to spend money to buy a job for Qin Huairu, thinking that Qin Huairu and Sha Zhu would always be able to cultivate good people when they commuted to work together. When the relationship comes, the bachelor and the widow get together, and nothing becomes something.

A good plan was ruined once again.

Si Zhu seemed to have hatred for the widow Qin Huairu, and avoided Qin Huairu all day long, until Si Zhu met Matchmaker Wang and married Li Xiuzhi.

Seeing Li Xiuzhi tidying up Sha Zhu's house, Yi Zhonghai became less happy.

This house could be visited at any time before, but now it cannot be visited at any time.

avoid arousing suspicion.

Seeing Sha Zhu lying sideways on the bed, with his butt facing his face, Yi Zhonghai didn't know whether Sha Zhu was really asleep, or whether he was pretending to sleep and ignoring him.

Mouth murmured.

"Zhuzhu is resting now?"

"I just finished attending the courtyard meeting and said I was very sleepy." Li Xiuzhi glanced at Silly Zhu and replied sheepishly to Yi Zhonghai, "I asked him to wash his feet and he refused."

"I'm probably exhausted. Even though Zhu Zhu is a cook, he has free working hours, but making a living is quite troublesome. It involves the food and drink of more than 1000 people in the factory, and he is also responsible for the reception of the small stove."

“There is no distinction between high and low jobs, all are for the steel rolling mill.”

Li Xiuzhi didn't follow Yi Zhonghai's trick.

He replied like a snake oil.

Yi Zhonghai did not dare to continue talking.

Worry about eating noodles.

He patted his forehead with his hand, as if he remembered something.

"Look at my brain, I'm really confused. I obviously wanted to send a remittance order, but I forgot about it. I don't know what happened to the Qing Dynasty. There was no news for more than ten years, and suddenly more than 1000 yuan was mailed. When I came back, I also wrote my name, Yi Zhonghai. Your aunt got the remittance slip in the afternoon. She thought about it all afternoon, but she couldn't think of who sent it by mail. She came back and told me, I pointed at the top of the remittance slip. I told her a few words about why you didn’t read these messages, but your aunt said she had forgotten them.”

There is something in Yi Zhonghai's words.

Listen to what he means.

There has been no news for more than ten years, and suddenly 1000 yuan came.

It is nothing more than vetoing the remittances of the previous ten years at once.

Silly Zhu, who had his back to Yi Zhonghai, suddenly opened his eyes. He guessed why Yi Zhonghai said this. On the one hand, he wanted to abdicate responsibility, and on the other hand, he was tempted.

You can guess with your toes what measures Yi Zhonghai will take.

Silly heart.

There was a bit of worry.

There are some things that he can know, and Yi Zhonghai can also know, just like the post office took all the old stubs to the paper mill to be used as pulp raw materials, which is equivalent to no evidence.

This is the case in Beijing.

The same is true for Baocheng.

The result of a proper death without any evidence.

I thought that with this remittance note of 1000 and [-] yuan, I could get Yi Zhonghai in once and for all, but I didn't expect that I couldn't find any evidence.

Word of mouth is useless.

This is the root knot.

He Daqing said that he had remitted money to Yi Zhonghai. Where is the stub for the receipt? If there is no stub, how can you prove that what you said, He Daqing, is the truth.

Just because Auntie has to exchange the remittance order every month?

It can be proved indirectly.

But people can also say that this is the money He Daqing owes Yi Zhonghai.

Unless there is a relevant message on all the remittance orders, saying that it is mailed to Shazhu and Yuyu for living expenses, only in this way can Yi Zhonghai and his wife not escape their responsibility.

Things get tricky.

Something went wrong.

Silly Zhu propped up his ears and listened to the conversation between Li Xiuzhi and Yi Zhonghai.

"Master, is it really the money my father-in-law gave us as the head of the family? I have never heard our head of the family talk about it. I asked our head of the family, and the head of the family said that his parents died many years ago. Isn't it money sent to others by mail? One thousand and two hundred yuan is a lot of money."

Yi Zhonghai took out the remittance slip from his pocket.

Passed it to Li Xiuzhi.

After Li Xiuzhi took it, he pointed to the message on it and said: "We are the only Red Star Courtyard in the whole capital, and I am the only one named Yi Zhonghai in the courtyard. The message behind also said that this is money for Zhuzi and Yuyu, no. Wrong, this is your remittance slip. As for your father-in-law, I can’t explain it in a sentence or two. You keep the remittance slip and I’ll go back first.”

"Master, aren't you here to sit down for a while? I'll call our leader up and chat with you for a while."

This is what Li Xiuzhi said.

Just like when you meet someone, say hello and ask if you have eaten.

Many people will answer, "I ate." Even though they were hungry, they would lie and say that they had eaten.

We all know that supplies are scarce. If you eat, others will be hungry.

As a result, Yi Zhonghai took it seriously and took back the steps he had taken.

Turn around.

He looked at Li Xiuzhi and said something.

"I won't delay your rest, right? I haven't talked to Zhu Zhu for a long time. I guess it's been more than a year. Over the past year, many things have been misunderstandings. As the old saying goes, misunderstandings cannot be explained without explaining them. Some things cannot be explained. If you explain it, it will be a lifelong knot, and it is not good to hide it in your heart." (End of Chapter)

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