Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 308 Zhang Shihao found the intercepted evidence and the helpless deaf old lady

After Li Xiuzhi gave the advice to Jia Zhang to remarry.

Mrs. Jia Zhang kept shaking her head.

Faced with the first, second, and third solutions given by Li Xiuzhi, she chose the fourth option.He doesn't want to remarry, nor does he want Qin Huairu to remarry, nor does he have any intention of recruiting a son-in-law for Qin Huairu.

"Grandma Bangge, don't disagree first. Listen to me explain the stakes here clearly, and then you can decide whether to agree or not."

Li Xiuzhi started ideological work on Jia Zhang's remarriage.

Try your best to talk about the benefits of Jia Zhang's remarriage, the consequences of not remarrying, the benefits, and the consequences.

Everything was laid out in front of Jia Zhang.

"How dare you guarantee that Qin Huairu has no idea of ​​remarrying? Even if Qin Huairu says she won't remarry, do you think the comrades of the Women's Federation will do Qin Huairu's ideological work? I did it just for the sake of the face of one of our neighborhood neighbors. I will tell you these things, and I will give you a few days to think about it yourself and see what you want to do."

He raised the notebook in his hand.

"I won't write a summary of the situation of your Jia family for the time being. I will say a few words of sympathy for you in front of the street director. I will come again in a few days. If you are still like this at that time, I will not be able to protect you. "

Li Xiuzhi described her difficulties in words.

She really wasn't embarrassing the Jia family's widow.

But the consequences of the event.

It was simply not something Jia Zhang could bear.

"I have leaders above me, and there are so many neighbors around me. You are not the only two widows from the Jia family. There are also single widows in other compounds. People are making a fuss, saying why the Jia family's widows don't remarry. Our family's The widow will remarry. When the report letter is sent, guess what will happen to you? I guess even returning to your hometown to farm has become a luxury."

He said a few words to Jia Zhang with great sincerity.

It can be considered a threat.

Stop talking.

He turned around and left Jia's house.

Seeing that the neighbors in the courtyard were still gathered together, Li Xiuzhi waved to them and walked out of the courtyard. There were still more than twenty courtyards that were not counted.

After Li Xiuzhi left.

Mrs. Jia Zhang came out of Jia's house expressionlessly and walked out of the courtyard like a wooden figure.

A depressing scene.

It aroused the curiosity of the neighbors present.

Everyone wants to know what Li Xiuzhi talked to Jia Zhang on behalf of the street.

Someone gave an example of Jia Zhang being lazy and saying that it must be Li Xiuzhi who asked Jia Zhang to participate in the work on behalf of the street and not to be a parasite in society.

Someone cited the household registration of Jia and Zhang as an example, saying that the only person in the Jia family has a rural household registration. Now is such a season of scarcity of supplies, so Jia and Zhang must be allowed to return to their hometown in the countryside to support themselves.

There are different opinions.

Only one person got it right.

This person is the third aunt.

"Have you forgotten what Xiuzhi told us just now? She just came out of Widow Wang's house in the compound next door and entered Jia's house as a street clerk. This is an obvious thing. Apart from Qin Huairu's remarriage, Apart from this, is there anything else?"


The deaf old lady heard someone making a noise in the middle courtyard.

She asked the aunt who brought her food.

"Lao Yi's family, what are those people outside saying? Why are they so noisy?"

The eldest mother glanced at the deaf old lady.

I hesitated for more than ten seconds.

Finally I felt like telling the truth.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that Zhu Zhu's daughter-in-law, Li Xiuzhi, joined the street and became a clerk in the street. She just went to Jia's house. The neighbors are guessing why Li Xiuzhi went to Jia's house."

The expression on the face of the deaf old lady.

It fully demonstrated her shock at Li Xiuzhi entering the streets.

A bit unacceptable.

The plan to plot against Li Xiuzhi was stillborn. The general policy had just been formulated, but before it had time to be implemented, it was doused by a basin of cold water.

She seems to have fallen behind.

A very simple truth.

The deaf old lady's plan against Li Xiuzhi was nothing more than frame-up. She found an opportunity to secretly stuff some bald old things into Li Xiuzhi's clothes at home, and used these old things to frame Li Xiuzhi as having a flaw in her identity.


People with flawed identities have difficulty finding jobs, finding partners, and face difficulties in all aspects.

According to human nature.

Silly Zhu divorced Li Xiuzhi no matter what.

The deaf old lady was very confident and persuaded Silly Zhu to kick Li Xiuzhi away.

If Silly Zhu doesn’t think about himself, he has to think about Yu Yu.

Rainwater is a college student.

Heaven's Pride.

After coming out, there is a bright future waiting for the rain.

If Sha Zhu marries a daughter-in-law with a flawed identity, Yu Yu will be unable to continue her studies. This will be a real blow to Yu Yu.

Silly Zhu will have to worry about this for the rest of his life.

For the sake of profit, father and son kill each other, brothers die without contacting each other, there are too many such things.

Yu Yu has been living with Sha Zhu since he was six years old.

On the surface they are brother and sister.

In fact, Shazhu raised Yu Yu as his own daughter.

This fact, which the deaf old lady was not optimistic about in the past, has now become the basis for the deaf old lady to use her rainy studies to scheme against the stupid couple's marriage.

I'm not worried that Silly Zhu will live with Li Xiuzhi no matter what.

When the time comes, the deaf old lady will have to have a good talk with Li Xiuzhi no matter what. Just talk about Silly Zhu’s determination to fight against Li Xiuzhi, and use Silly Zhu’s determination to restrict Li Xiuzhi. Silly Zhu can do this for you Li Xiuzhi, regardless of his own. You, Li Xiuzhi, just watched Silly Zhu and Yuyu give up their respective futures because of your own reasons!
Silly Zhu and Li Xiuzhi cannot accept this big stick of moral kidnapping.

Under the guise of thinking about the other person, you are destroying your marriage.

There is a prerequisite for these things, that is, Li Xiuzhi is a housewife, not a street clerk.

Before appointing Li Xiuzhi as clerk, the street must have investigated three generations of Li Xiuzhi's ancestors.

In other words.

In the eyes of the organization, Li Xiuzhi is a trustworthy partner.

In this case, you stuffed the bald old things in Li Xiuzhi's closet at home to make a big fuss about Li Xiuzhi's identity problem.

In addition to Li Xiuzhi not being fucked, the street probably has to find out who is framing Li Xiuzhi for stealing the stolen goods.

Li Xiuzhi was a foreigner, and marrying into a courtyard house affected the interests of several people.The Jia family is one and cannot let Silly Zhu support the widow of the Jia family.The Yi family was the second one and couldn't let Shazhu support them in their old age.The deaf old lady is the third one and has no way to eat Silly Zhu’s food.

When the time comes to investigate suspicions, they will also be investigated first.

The identity of the deaf old lady cannot withstand investigation.

This was the reason why the deaf old lady felt helpless. She didn't want to involve herself in it.

Think about it.

I can only give up and try it slowly.

... Zhang Shihao, who was separated from Tang Wenjie, was thinking about things in his mind, thinking about where the breakthrough in the case was and how to verify it.

He walked aimlessly to an abandoned warehouse.

I saw some children playing around inside.

There was a faint smile on his face.

this game.

He also played it as a child.

Fold a paper airplane out of paper, throw it out with all your strength, and see whose paper airplane flies the highest and farthest, whoever is the airplane king.

At that time, the real factor that restricted them from playing paper airplanes was not that adults did not allow them to play, or that their own paper airplanes could not be folded well, but that there was no paper for them to fold the airplanes.

Zhang Shihao once tore up a piece of the newly issued textbook, folded a paper airplane, and went home and won the award from his parents' double team.

A few children playing with paper airplanes reminded him of the past when they were beaten by their parents. It was obviously sad, but his mood improved. He was very happy and suddenly no longer worried.

He stopped his hurried steps, leaned lazily against the door, and looked at several children with a smile. One of the smallest children probably had the worst grades in paper airplane throwing. There were two tears hanging, echoing the snot under the nose.

Zhang Shihao greeted the other party.

When the child saw Zhang Shihao, he was stunned for a moment. He must have been intimidated by Zhang Shihao's uniform, and he came to Zhang Shihao obediently.

"Uncle Police."

Zhang Shihao, who was in his early twenties, was called uncle by an eleven or twelve-year-old child.

It seems a bit unacceptable.

Are you that old?

"Our teacher said that if you pick up a penny, give it to the police uncle."

"You call me uncle policeman, and uncle policeman has to help you. Come on, come on, I will help you fold a plane so that you can win the first place."

Stretch out your hand.

Ask the child for paper.

The child handed the paper in his hand to Zhang Shihao.

Zhang Shihao didn't look at it carefully at first, just treating it as waste paper. When he was halfway folded, he suddenly stopped what he was doing, as if he had discovered a new world, and hurriedly folded the half-folded paper airplane again. It was restored to its original state.

There are words on the paper.

If Zhang Shihao read it correctly, the paper in his hand clearly had these lines written on it, a statistical table of bank remittance exchange stubs, with the date and the signature of the exchanger below.

This was not the remittance order exchanged by Yi Zhonghai, but it gave Zhang Shihao a glimmer of hope.

If you can find someone else's exchange stub, you may not be able to find the exchange stub of Yizhonghai.

He didn't care about folding paper airplanes for the children next to him. Instead, he used his work clothes to call several children over and inspected the paper airplanes in their hands.

The evidence Zhang Shihao needed was not found.

But he was not discouraged.

The meal should be eaten one bite at a time.

More haste less speed.

Zhang Shihao asked several children to help him look after the abandoned warehouse. He ran to a place with a phone and called Yang Jiguang and Tang Wenjie respectively. He said that he had something good to ask them and asked them to come somewhere as soon as possible while he waited here. They are always there.

The honest boys Yang Jiguang and Tang Wenjie really thought that something good was waiting for them. According to the address, they arrived at the agreed place one after another.

Looking at the abandoned warehouse in front of him.

They were all dumbfounded.

Is this the good thing Zhang Shihao said on the phone?
They each gave Zhang Shihao a blank look.

before coming.

I was still thinking about whether Zhang Shihao wanted to treat them to a meal after having helped Zhang Shihao so much. He had already thought about where to eat and what kind of wine to drink.

dog day.

This is not a meal at all.

People going to eat in abandoned warehouses again?
The smell doesn't feel right either.

"I asked you two, why do you have such expressions?" Seeing the two of them showing displeasure, Zhang Shihao comforted him with a few words, "I said there are good things, and there are good things. When have I ever lied to you?"

"What a good thing, tell me."

"Take a look, what is this?"

Zhang Shihao handed the bank stub he found to Yang Jiguang. Yang Jiguang looked at it and handed it to Tang Wenjie. After Tang Wenjie looked at it, he tore it into pieces with his hands.

Neither are fools.

From the moment Zhang Shihao called them to come to the abandoned warehouse to Zhang Shihao letting them see the abandoned stubs, they knew what Zhang Shihao was planning.

This is to find the key evidence needed to solve the case from the mountains of discarded papers in front of you.

Say something bad.

No less than finding a needle in a haystack.

And it is very likely to fail.

"Old Zhang, are there just three of us?"

"What Old Tang means is that the three of us simply can't finish looking through these things. How about calling a few people, the comrades in your institute, to come over."

"They all have missions. It's just the three of us. Are you scared?" Zhang Shihao said provocatively, "These are not the Yang Jiguang and Tang Wenjie I know."

"Old Zhang, do you think your enthusiasm has not been noticed by us? There are only three of us, and we will be busy until the end of the year of the monkey."

"Stop complaining, think about it. The case has been solved, and your names are on the meritorious service report. Yang Jiguang, the postman of Red Star Post Office, and Tang Wenjie, the salesperson of Red Star Bank, have made significant meritorious service in this case. They are now awarded the third-class individual merit. Once, how many lesbians will write to you at that time, will it solve your single problem?"

"Zhang Shihao, are you married?"


"You're not even married, and you're telling us this?"

"Old Tang, stop talking and go to work. I don't expect to get a third-class individual. Just give me an advanced individual."

"It doesn't matter if I advance personally, just give me another job."


The three of them were busy.

I rummaged through boxes and cabinets to look for it.

From 10:06 in the morning to 30:[-] in the evening, there was still no result. Zhang Shihao went out and bought a dozen big meat buns for them. He didn't care about the dirty hands, grabbed the buns and started to eat them.

As the number of buns gradually decreased, the three of them also became cleaner.

It’s really clean and you won’t get sick after eating it.

Eat and drink well.

Light up the night battle.

I don't know if it was because of the meat buns, but Zhang Shihao and the others, who had been busy all afternoon and gained nothing at all, rummaged through the old papers for the first time after the meal and found the evidence Zhang Shihao needed.

An old-looking money order that had been exchanged for banknotes.

The date above is December 1956, 12. The remitter is He Daqing from Baocheng, and the person who exchanged the remittance order is Li Yulan.

My mood instantly became extremely high.

This shows that Zhang Shihao's idea is correct, and the key evidence for them to solve the case was really found in the abandoned paper warehouse. (End of chapter)

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