Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 346 Zhonghai, my old lady was bullied

After breaking the old deaf lady's crutch with his bare hands, the missing string even glared at the old lady in a demonstrative manner. Seeing that the old lady's face was livid and she looked dissatisfied, he snorted coldly and deliberately broke the cane. was thrown in front of the deaf old lady.

Turn around.

Aiming his butt at the deaf old lady.

The neighbors were relieved that he was missing a string. This behavior was clearly a metaphor for the deaf old lady's face, which was even worse than his missing butt.

In the courtyard, when will the deaf old lady show off?

Quegenxian was like letting out the bad breath suppressed by the deaf old lady for them. They all watched Quegenxian leave as if he had done something great to eliminate evil and do good.


The neighbors also heard Quegenxian humming a ditty from his mouth.

"My dear, Xiaoerlang, I went to school carrying that schoolbag, reading volumes of poems, and reading pages of fables, my dear, my dear, Xiaoerlang..."


The sound of gasping for air.

Flying out of the neighbors' mouths.

Quegenxian completely trampled the face of the deaf old lady into the mud.

Kojiro's children's songs.

It is a metaphor that the deaf old lady is destitute.

He also broke the crutch of an old deaf lady.

This is a status symbol for the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady has always used the crutch in her hand as the dragon-headed crutch of Taijun She in the play. She beat the king unconscious at first and beat the ministers severely at the bottom. However, for some reasons, she could only show off her power in the courtyard and whip the Jia Zhang family who was not enough to act. , the bangs that cannot be flattened even after pouring a bowl of water.

The crutch is broken.

How can you beat someone with a cane?


Guo Dapizi, who had given Qin Huairu a lesson in Workshop No. 9, walked around the factory and heard some bad remarks about Yi Zhonghai, saying that Yi Zhonghai had absconded.

Just when he was pondering whether this statement was credible, Guo Dapai was called to Director Yang.

I thought it was some important production task, or maybe it was just to help Yi Zhonghai fight lightning and eat some training noodles made by Director Yang himself.

Entered the house.

Meet Director Yang.

Only to find out that's not the case.

There were several comrades in the room who didn't know each other but knew each other's profession just by looking at their clothes. They nodded towards each other and said hello.

Director Yang pointed to the two comrades and introduced them to Guo Dapai, saying that they were police comrades from the Red Star Police Station. One was named Zhang Shihao and the other was named Yang Jiguang.

The recent sensation in the steel rolling mill that Li Yulan intercepted and embezzled He Yuzhu's living expenses was discovered and solved by Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang.

Come to the rolling mill to learn about the situation.

Take Yi Zhonghai away by the way.

When Guo Dabozi heard this, he was confused for a moment. Yi Zhonghai had absconded, so why was he still being taken away by these people?

He looked at Factory Manager Yang.

In front of outsiders, Director Yang did not mean to say that those in the security department were trying to deal with Yi Zhonghai, so he casually made up a reason why Yi Zhonghai violated the rules of the steel rolling mill. Without saying anything specific, he just said that Yi Zhonghai was being detained. In the security department, let Guo Dapi go to the security department to bring Yi Zhonghai here, and Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang took Yi Zhonghai away from here.

Without doubting the lie, Guo Dabo followed Factory Director Yang's orders honestly. While Guo Dabo was escorting Yi Zhonghai, Director Yang asked Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang about Liao Sangui's identity. matter.

In solving the case, I believe in Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang.

Professional matters must be left to professionals.

Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang did not hide anything. They told Director Yang the facts they visited and verified in the steel rolling mill and their opinions on the matter.

If Si Zhu did not lie, Liao Sangui would have a problem. There is a 90% possibility that he embezzled He Yuzhu's salary when he was an apprentice.

The only doubt that I can't figure out.

Liao Sangui made such an obvious mistake without even thinking about it. Silly Zhu was not dead. Once the matter was brought to the factory committee, not only Liao Sangui would be unlucky, but Liao Sangui's son and daughter would also be unlucky. In addition, The stub from the Finance Department of the steel rolling mill also has Liao Sangui's signature on it instead of Si Zhu.

Normal people shouldn't do this.

And why did Director Yang say that Yi Zhonghai was involved in this matter.

Factory Director Yang changed the subject and talked about Yi Zhonghai's childlessness and his plot against Sha Zhu to ask Sha Zhu to support him in his old age. Even Yi Zhonghai's incident of sabotaging Sha Zhu's blind date was explained in detail. Clearly, Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang also had a clear look at the punishments imposed on Yi Zhonghai by the steel rolling mill.

Looking at these punishment notices that clearly stated the system Yi Zhonghai committed, and then hearing about the things that Yi Zhonghai did to ruin Silly Zhu's blind date, Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang were also shocked.

Real talent.

Still an all-rounder.


Inside the cabin.

Imprisoned Yi Zhonghai.

Suddenly I couldn't sit still.

The moral kidnapping routine that was always used in the Siheyuan suddenly lost its effect when faced with the Security Department and had no effect at all.

Those people seemed to regard Yi Zhonghai as a big stinker.

No reason.

What makes Yi Zhonghai even more tangled is that he doesn't know what happened to the withholding of living expenses. Will he blame Yi Zhonghai for failing to return Si Zhu's money as scheduled and let Yi Zhonghai fight against the thunder?


Sadness appeared on Yi Zhonghai's face.

Just when Yi Zhonghai was worried to death, several gloating jokes came from outside the house.

"I just said that the relationship between Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu is not normal. How could he have taken this person for several months without teaching them safety knowledge? He worked in the workshop and made Qin Huairu wear big pigtails. I thought it was because Yi Zhonghai had forgotten Oh, I didn’t expect Yi Zhonghai to be old-hearted.”

"Jia Dongxu has been dead for more than a year. If he was down there and knew that he was cuckolded by his master, would he push aside the coffin board and come out to settle the score with Yi Zhonghai?"

"A tryst in a vegetable cellar, how dare you think about it? If every household has a key, aren't you afraid that someone will lock the two of them in the vegetable cellar?"

"Don't you understand this? This is what smart people do. Let me ask you, your vegetable cellar is locked, but suddenly it is not locked. What do you think?"

"Someone is getting something from the vegetable cellar."

"Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu are just like you think. They take advantage of people's psychology. So Yi Zhonghai is smart and came up with the idea of ​​messing around with Qin Huairu in the vegetable cellar in the dead of night. It's really not like that. As people are talking about, the three children of the Jia family are not Jia Dongxu’s, they are all Yi Zhonghai’s children.”

"No wonder after Qin Huairu became a widow, Yi Zhonghai desperately wanted Sha Zhu to marry the widow. He was planning to use Sha Zhu to support his children."

Yi Zhonghai's head.

A buzzing sound.

The pot is about to explode.


Qin Huairu and I have a kind of relationship, and Qin Huairu and I took advantage of the opportunity when the neighbors were sleeping to hide in the vegetable cellar at night for trysts, and gave away all the vegetables that the neighbors put in the vegetable cellar. It's too hot to eat.

Yi Zhonghai is not afraid of those people throwing dirty water on him. He is worried about Qin Huairu. Qin Huairu's reputation must not be compromised. She is a good woman.

He shouted loudly. "You are farting. I, Yi Zhonghai, am upright, and Qin Huairu is innocent. What are you talking nonsense? You are farting, and you are farting. Qin Huairu and I have nothing."

"Yi Zhonghai, are you the one who has the final say? It's the facts that have the final say!"

"You said that Qin Huairu and I were messing around, do you have evidence? Qin Huairu is my daughter, Yi Zhonghai, my biological daughter! As a father, I should be nice to my daughter. Is it wrong?"

"Yes, yes, yes, she is a daughter, she is a daughter who sleeps together. Who doesn't know that the statement you gave about father and daughter is actually an excuse to hide the truth from others. We don't believe it. The eyes of the workers are sharp and they cannot deceive us."

"Yi Zhonghai, are you still dissatisfied that the matter is not serious? The more you refute, the more enthusiastic the co-workers will be. Say less!"

A smoothing-out voice.

came from the door.

Yi Zhonghai followed the voice and found that the speaker was Guo Dapizi, and he grinned.

"Director Guo."

"Follow me to see the factory director."

Yi Zhonghai thought for a while and thought it would be a good thing to go to the factory director, so he could explain clearly what happened between him and Qin Huairu in front of the factory director.

Let Director Yang use his power to kill the workers of the steel rolling mill. There are rumors that Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai had a tryst in the vegetable cellar.

To show your sincerity.

I also made a mental draft of what to say when I saw the factory director, how to show my innocence with Qin Huairu.


After meeting Director Yang again, Yi Zhonghai was taken away directly by Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang before he could tell what he had prepared in his stomach.

Yi Zhonghai did not resist.

On the one hand, I know that I can't resist, but on the other hand, I also know that I have to do this at any time, and it is better to do it sooner than later.

Thinking of showing off his prestige as an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill on the road, Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang knew how powerful the eighth-level worker was.

But they didn't expect Yang Jiguang and Zhang Shihao to mention Liao Sangui and say something like Liao Sangui and Silly Zhu.

Yi Zhonghai's heart.

Raised his throat.

The steps of planning were completely disrupted by Liao Sangui.

Liao Sangui was the partner who Yi Zhonghai gave gifts to take advantage of Sha Zhu and embezzled ten months of Sha Zhu's salary. At this moment, when he mentioned Liao Sangui and Sha Zhu, Yi Zhonghai immediately understood what Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang were doing at the steel rolling mill. Yes, they are not here specifically to escort him, Yi Zhonghai, but they are here specifically to seek evidence and find clues.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't sit still when he thought that Liao Sangui was not dead and that the financial staff who withheld Si Zhu's salary were still fine.

One thing leads to another.


This was to force Yi Zhonghai to his death.

Yi Zhonghai, who was deep in thought in distress, completely ignored the strange expressions on the faces of Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang.

on purpose.

The two deliberately mentioned Liao Sangui's name in front of Yi Zhonghai, just to test Yi Zhonghai's tone.

If Yi Zhonghai's face showed panic, it would prove that Yi Zhonghai was really involved in embezzling ten months' salary from Liao Sangui.

When Sha Zhu was an apprentice, he earned 150,000 yuan a month, which is now 15 yuan. Ten months is 150 yuan. The two of them split it equally. Yi Zhonghai got one-third of the 75 yuan. One, Yi Zhonghai gets fifty yuan.

The money was found and sentenced.

on the contrary.

If Yi Zhonghai's face has not changed, what it looked like before and what it looks like now does not prove that Yi Zhonghai was not involved, but it proves that Yi Zhonghai has received certain professional training and can hide his true thoughts.

Director Yang said something like this, saying that this morning, in front of Yi Zhonghai, Sha Zhu accidentally mentioned this matter. Yi Zhonghai changed his face on the spot and coughed several times to interrupt Sha Zhu's explanation.

In other words.

Yi Zhonghai actually knew that this matter would be investigated in depth.

The only thing I didn't expect was that the steel rolling mill did not handle it internally and did not let the security department intervene. Instead, it handed it over to the Red Star Police Station.

Regardless of whether Yi Zhonghai's face changed or not, Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang would doubt Yi Zhonghai. After seeing Yi Zhonghai's face change, they felt a little disappointed.

Comparing great merit with small merit.

Of course I choose Da Gong.


They didn't have the fate of great merit. Yi Zhonghai panicked to death after hearing Liao Sangui's name. The two looked at each other, accelerated the pace of riding, and rushed back at 16:35 in the afternoon. Arrive at the courtyard.

While at the steel rolling mill, he had already called the street. Director Jia knew that Yi Zhonghai would be taken back to the courtyard by Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang.

Wait in the courtyard in advance.

The first time he saw Yi Zhonghai, he was scolded.

"Yi Zhonghai, what do you want me to say about you? When I was in charge, I used to pretend to be confused about big things. I turned big things into trivial things and trivial things turned into small things. You are really good at covering up the lid. Even big things must be dealt with in the courtyard. Internal processing, now I am no longer a master, the broken jar is broken? Your wife Li Yulan intercepted the living expenses that He Daqing mailed to He Yuzhu and He Yuyu. You and the old lady in the backyard also spent other people's money. You don't want to give it, so you don't want to show up. There is no way to avoid it, I tell you, there is no way!"

Deaf old lady in the backyard.

I'm afraid things won't be too big.

Hearing that Yi Zhonghai was back, he stumbled out of the backyard with his little feet. When he saw Yi Zhonghai, he felt like he had been greatly wronged.

Tears rained down.

It's miserable to cry.

"Zhong Hai, you're back, but you don't know that my old lady's life is miserable. I suffered a lot in the courtyard and was bullied!"

Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang looked at each other.

It's okay if a string is missing.

To torture the ancestors of the compound into this state.

Director Jia looked at the deaf old lady who cried more than she peed with curiosity. As far as he knew, the deaf old lady was in the courtyard, but she was the kind of person no one dared to mess with.


I did this thing to do justice for heaven.

Silly Zhu was thinking about whether to let Quegenxian do it again in a few days to deal with the deaf old lady, and Quegenxian also took action.

"Old lady, tell me carefully, what's going on with you?"

Yi Zhonghai was confused.

Asked a question.

"Zhong Hai, my old lady's crutches, my old lady's lifeblood, were broken by that fool. How can my old lady live?"

"Silly Pillar?"

After saying something, Yi Zhonghai cast his gaze on Shazhu. (End of chapter)

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