Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 373 Qin Huairu, I agree with you, mother-in-law, to marry Yi Zhonghai

Listening to Yi Zhonghai's excuses.

The deaf old lady could only choose to believe in Yi Zhonghai, and it was just a choice.

He didn't have any expectations for Yi Zhonghai's words.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't even take care of himself. How to take care of the deaf old lady's three meals a day? If it were Yi Zhonghai, it would still be important. The recent courtyard meeting would not have gone without success, and neither would the deaf old lady. There will be no one to serve me for several days, and I will have to eat cold food.

It’s just the idea of ​​​​playing as many shots as possible.

A feeling of regret suddenly appeared in my heart. If I had known what would happen today, I shouldn't have said that she was childless and destitute. It would have been okay to make up a false story that she had children.

If you know today, why should you be in the beginning.


She knew what Yi Zhonghai was looking for.

Ask yourself for help if you have something.

Not deaf.

So many things happened in the courtyard, and the deaf old lady was also involved. She knew more or less. It can be said that when the search for Li Xiuzhi's bad luck failed, the deaf old lady already knew that Yi Zhonghai would use her. This was also her reason. The value of a deaf old lady.

People have no value.

Very sad.

Why did Yi Zhonghai establish the deaf old lady as the ancestor of the compound?

It's because of the value of the deaf old lady.


The deaf old lady also tried to find some old friends from the past, but when it came to the final step, she gave up. In the eyes of some people, she, the deaf old lady, was the capital for meritorious service and awards.

I would not say these words to Yi Zhonghai.

If Yi Zhonghai knew that the deaf old lady had no value, would he still be able to show his heart to the deaf old lady?

The answer is obvious.

The death of the aunt has given the deaf old lady a taste of the desolation of being away from home.

She looked at Yi Zhonghai but said nothing. She was waiting for Yi Zhonghai to speak first. Speaking first represented eagerness, and speaking later represented initiative.

Only when Yi Zhonghai said something, the deaf old lady could give her opinions in a matter-of-fact manner and show her own value.

Yi Zhonghai guessed that he understood what the deaf old lady meant, so he pulled a stool and sat down in front of the deaf old lady.

"Old lady, a lot of things have happened in the courtyard recently, and they all have something to do with me. I won't hide some things from you, but I have my own reasons. I promise that I will take care of your old lady's life in the future, even if I can't. , I can also find someone to do it for you, you have to trust me."

A slap in the face.

Give a sweet date.

"You know and have seen what happened today. I have nothing to do with Jia Zhang, but those people outside don't believe it."

"Jia Zhang is a bit abnormal."

"Don't talk about her, talk about me. Li Yujie asked for half of my family business, Yi Zhonghai, in front of the leaders today. Mr. Jia Zhang did not agree."

"Of course she disagrees. You, Yi Zhonghai, were Jia Dongxu's master before, but now you are Jia Dongxu's father-in-law, and the Jia Zhang family has become your in-laws. Before Qin Huairu's incident broke out, he wanted to take advantage of you. Yi Zhonghai's family, Qin Huai The news about Ru has been exposed, and I want to take advantage of you Yi Zhonghai."

"I know, old lady, you have to help me with this."

Yi Zhonghai told the deaf old lady exactly what happened on the street, which was why he was so helpless.

Li Yujie is not a human being.

Anyway, that's what Yi Zhonghai thinks.

Speaking of Auntie's story, she wanted to share half of Yi Zhonghai's family property, but instead of taking this part of the family property back for her own enjoyment, she wanted to donate it in Auntie's name.

The people on the street were quite interested.


It’s also an honor for the street.

This is why Yi Zhonghai cannot refuse.

Jia Zhang had quarrels with others several times, but was told, "What does the matter about Yi Zhonghai's family have to do with you Jia Zhang?" She was so angry that there was no specific follow-up.

Yi Zhonghai didn't want to give it either.

Ever since he recognized Qin Huairu as his daughter, he had made up his mind to hand over all his family property to Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu was a widow with three children, and an evil mother-in-law who was lazy and lazy.

How could Qin Huairu have enough food and clothing if half of it was taken away by Li Yujie?

What's more, Yi Zhonghai doesn't have much money now. When Jia Dongxu died, in order to bring Qin Huairu and Shazhu together, he spent a thousand yuan to buy the Jia Zhang family's consent. In more than a year, he gave the Jia family three to four hundred yuan. He spent a lot of money to buy Qin Huairu a job. In the steel rolling mill, he had to be evaluated every month because of his mistakes. He nominally earned a salary of less than 100 yuan a month, but it fell into the hands of Yi Zhonghai. The money is only more than thirty yuan.

This matter.

Can't say clearly yet.

I could only tactfully signal to the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady looked at Yi Zhonghai and asked back.

"Do you believe me?"

"Old lady, if I don't believe anyone, I have to believe you. What do you mean?"

"Since Yi Zhonghai believes in me, it will be easy to handle. What I mean is very simple. You bring all your things to my house at night. I am an old lady with five guarantees. Who can doubt me?" Me? And they can't just break into my house and search it, right? Even if they search it, I'm not afraid. When those people come to count your property, you won't be able to take out much, and they won't be able to take away much either. Afterwards, You take advantage of the night to move things from the backyard back to your house."

Yi Zhonghai thought for a while.

It seems that this is the only way to do it.

Look around.

Among the 27 or 8 households in the courtyard, only the deaf old lady can be trusted. Liu Haizhong is Yi Zhonghai's enemy. Jia Zhang has made Yi Zhonghai suffer a big loss. Moreover, Yi Zhonghai does not believe in Jia Zhang, the stupid wife. It's the street workers again. The hypocrites can only use the methods of the deaf old lady as a living doctor.

"Then just follow your old lady's wishes. I'm sorry to bother you, old lady."

"If a family doesn't speak the same language, what trouble is there?"

"I'll leave the door open for you at night, and you can just quietly bring your things here. Liu Haizhong has been worried that you will steal his title of steward, so you have to be careful with Liu Haizhong."

"I know."


Jia family.

Jia Zhang's face.

Apply hot towel.

pain. After receiving more than a dozen slaps, it’s strange that it doesn’t hurt. That is to say, she, Jia Zhang, has rough skin and thick flesh. If she were someone who was not fat, she would probably be hospitalized by now.

My face hurts, but my heart hurts even more.

Li Yujie, the man who had killed a thousand people, actually wanted to take away half of the Yi Zhonghai family's property. The distressed Jia Zhang family was left with nothing to live on and no longer wanted to live.

In front of the neighbors, he shouted something that even Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang could not explain clearly.

"Li Yujie, who are you? Why do you want to take away half of my wife's family property? Why? Just because your sister is dead? Is it so awesome to die? You have been married to Lao Yi for so many years and you haven't even given me any eggs. Yi Xia Yi, if I were you, I would kill you with a piece of tofu. You still have the nerve to go to the courtyard to argue with Lao Yi and take away half of Lao Yi's family property. Who are you? What do you say, the king of heaven? What is that? Why don’t you take away all of Yi Zhonghai’s family property?”

Yi Zhonghai knew what Jia Zhang meant, and what he meant. Yi Zhonghai left his property to Qin Huairu. Qin Huairu did not remarry, but stayed in the Jia family to be a widow for Jia Dongxu and serve Jia Zhang. This was roughly equivalent to Yi Zhonghai leaving the family property to Qin Huairu. Gave it to Jia Zhang.

The problem is that those here don't think so.

Everyone thought that Mrs. Jia and Zhang felt that her eldest mother was dead and her opportunity came to marry Yi Zhonghai, so Yi Zhonghai's family fortune was approximately equal to that of Mrs. Jia and Zhang.

The commotion made Yi Zhonghai disgraced.

The more you explain.

The more incomprehensible it becomes.

The more Jia and Zhang mess around, the more they destroy the explanation Yi Zhonghai painstakingly concocted.

It was obviously my own mistake.

Jia Zhang didn't think she was right.

Halfway through applying the hot towel, he took the towel off his face and sat up straight, frightening Qin Huairu who was thinking about something in a daze.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

"Huairu, mom wants to apologize to you."

Jia Zhang’s words.

Qin Huairu was shocked and didn't understand.

You're all right, what are you apologizing for? What kind of apology are you making?

From the day Qin Huairu married into the courtyard, she had never had a good life. Jia Zhang deliberately took advantage of her and vented her resentment on Qin Huairu because the Jia family could not become a dual-income family.

Qin Huairu, the famous laundry master in the courtyard, is newly revealed.

To borrow Xu Damao's original words to describe how many dirty clothes there are in the Jia family, Qin Huairu can't finish washing them all day long. After Jia Dongxu died, Qin Huairu became a widow, and was manipulated by Jia Zhang in every aspect, not Forcing Qin Huairu to swear not to remarry in front of Jia Dongxu's deceased photo means that Qin Huairu must take her with him when he remarries.

Qin Huairu is also a master who is used to receiving anger.

Who asked her to perform the role of a good person who is a filial daughter-in-law.

As a result, tonight, Mrs. Jia Zhang wanted to apologize to Qin Huairu without thinking. Qin Huairu didn't know how to deal with it, and the gossip of the neighbors subconsciously came to mind.

Mrs. Jia Zhang could no longer remain a widow and wanted to marry Yi Zhonghai.

Some people also made a special joke, not wanting to avoid Qin Huairu at all. They said that Qin Huairu would have more brothers if she made trouble, and that Jia Zhang changed her identity from Qin Huairu's mother-in-law to the identity of Qin Huairu's younger brother's mother. Asking Qin Huai Ru, do you have any ideas?

I had no idea at that time.

Now I really have an idea.

Looking at Mrs. Jia Zhang in front of her, Qin Huairu began to ponder alone. Could it be that Mrs. Jia Zhang really wanted to marry her father Yi Zhonghai?

Among the complaints and jokes just now, there was such a saying.

It is said that Jia and Zhang actually have always been in love with Yi Zhonghai, but because Yi Zhonghai married an aunt, Jia and Zhang had no choice but to marry Lao Jia, but forced Lao Jia to take her into the courtyard and have sex with Yi Zhonghai. She married a neighbor who lived in a courtyard. Over the years, it seemed that she had been widowed for the old Jia, but in fact she had been waiting for Yi Zhonghai. After the eldest mother died, Jia Zhang felt that her opportunity had come, so she hurriedly went to Yi Zhonghai's house to show her sovereignty, helped Yi Zhonghai clean up the house, and mended Yi Zhonghai's pants.

The abnormal behavior and the comments of the neighbors made Qin Huairu believe the lie that Jia Zhang had remarried Yi Zhonghai.

Seeing Mrs. Jia Zhang apologizing to herself, Qin Huairu had an idea in her mind. Mrs. Jia Zhang wanted to follow the path of Yi Zhonghai through her.

Who made Qin Huairu different from what she used to be?

Before today, she was still a country girl who relied on the Jia family to get married into the city. Even if she joined the steel rolling mill, she was still in the Jia family's favor.

Today, Qin Huairu has transformed from the identity of a young widow of the Jia family into the biological daughter of Yi Zhonghai, an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill.

It's like having a backer all of a sudden.

Naturally, Mrs. Jia Zhang did not dare to manipulate Qin Huairu casually like before.

It is reasonable to please Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu is Yi Zhonghai's only daughter. She does not agree with Yi Zhonghai marrying Jia Zhang, so Yi Zhonghai probably won't marry Jia Zhang.

Yi Zhonghai is a piece of fat.

What old widow wouldn’t want a bite?

The White Widow from Baocheng was nowhere to be seen, and she went to the capital to trick He Daqing away.

So Jia Zhang was worried.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he had guessed the starting point of Jia Zhang's apology. Qin Huairu frowned unnaturally.

When Jia Zhang saw Qin Huairu frowning, she mistakenly thought that Qin Huairu was doubting the sincerity of her apology. She thought to herself that if Yi Zhonghai hadn't been Qin Huairu's father, she, the mother-in-law, might not have apologized to Qin Huairu.

Who allowed Qin Huairu to have a biological father who was an eighth-level worker? If Yi Zhonghai was Jia Zhang's father, Jia Zhang's status would also rise with the tide.


He reached out and grabbed Qin Huairu's hand.

"Huairu, Mom sincerely apologizes to you. Over the years since you married into our Jia family, you have given birth to a boy and two girls for our Jia family. You have made great contributions to our Jia family. It was me at that time. This mother-in-law is wrong. She has shallow eyes. Don’t be familiar with me. I am just a country woman. I don’t know anything. I can’t even write my own name. Unlike you, you can at least understand what’s going on in the factory. Drawing, Huairu, mom really wants to say sorry to you, for the sake of our mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for so many years, don’t resent mom."

"Mom, I don't mean to resent you. The main reason is that you made me a little confused today." Qin Huairu, who was speechless, after calming down her mind, mustered up the courage to face Jia Zhang's family. He asked, "Mom, when I came back today, I heard from the neighbors that you were with so-and-so."

He gestured in the direction of Yi Zhonghai's house.

I'm a little embarrassed to call him daddy, and I can't call him the previous uncle and master Yi.

This is the consequence of puncturing that layer of window paper.

"You said that you two were in love at first, but because he married Auntie, you two couldn't be together. Now that Auntia is gone, and you have been a widow for so many years, what I mean is, if you really As long as he doesn’t object, I agree with you two.”

Mrs. Jia Zhang looked at Qin Huairu stupidly.

She was frightened by Qin Huairu's words.

What a thing.

I like Yi Zhonghai.

I have been widowed and unmarried. I was waiting for Yi Zhonghai.

How come I, Jia Zhang, don’t know about this?

Looking at Qin Huairu seriously, he found that the expression on Qin Huairu's face was very serious, and there was no trace of joking in it.

He knew that Qin Huairu told him the truth.

She didn't know how to deal with it. (End of chapter)

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