Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 375 Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao come to catch the deaf old lady

The next day.

Bangzhong woke up early.

I was worried that people would see the scars on my face and gossip unnecessarily, so I wanted to go to the toilet to pee and defecate before the neighbors got up.

He wanted to hide from ghosts, but he happened to encounter them.

Yi Zhonghai of the Intermediate Courtyard didn't know if it was because he didn't sleep all night. When Liu Haizhong walked to the Intermediate Courtyard, he also walked out of his house.

They looked at each other and walked silently towards the front yard without saying a word.

Yi Zhonghai is in the front and Liu Haizhong is in the back.

On the road.

Each of them had their own thoughts.

Liu Haizhong wondered what the relationship between Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady was, and why the deaf old lady would leave the door open for him at night and help hide his things.

I guess those things might belong to the deaf old lady.

Another problem arises.

Where and through what means did Yi Zhonghai help the deaf old lady buy these things.

At a time when supplies are extremely scarce.

The things Yi Zhonghai carried to the deaf old lady's house could feed Liu Haizhong's family for half a year.

Official fans are trying to figure out Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai was also thinking about Liu Haizhong. When he saw Liu Haizhong's fat, pig-headed head, he thought about it. When he came back from the street last night, Liu Haizhong was fine, but early in the morning he showed up carrying a pig's head. .

This was the night I was beaten.

What happened? Why was he beaten?

If it was inside the hospital, why didn't you hear anything? He must have been beaten outside the hospital. If it was outside the hospital, he would either go to the black market or the ghost market. It couldn't be that he went to have sex and was caught by her husband and was beaten in bed.

Neither of them asked each other, but started working in their hearts.

Liu Haizhong felt that he didn't read the almanac when he went out.

Otherwise, he would not have met Yi Zhonghai first and then Yan Fugui.

Yi Zhonghai was embarrassed to speak, but Yan Fugui didn't have so many scruples. He pointed at the scars on Liu Haizhong's face and asked Liu Haizhong.

"Old Liu, what are you doing?"

Yi Zhonghai raised his ears.

Prepared to eavesdrop and listen to Liu Haizhong's explanation, he made targeted countermeasures.

Just as the deaf old lady said to Yi Zhonghai, bangs will always be their biggest worry.

Liu Haizhong guessed that Yi Zhonghai would eavesdrop, so he glanced sideways at Yi Zhonghai and gave Yan Fugui the reason he made up.

"Did you see it too? Last night, I suddenly couldn't sleep. I drank some Erguotou alone. There was no food to go with the wine. I drank a little too much. When I was sleeping, I fell from the bed and fell to the ground, hitting my head first."

Yan Fugui saw through it but didn't say anything.

This was not a result of drinking too much, it was simply a beating.

As for who hit him, Liu Haizhong didn't say. Yan Fugui was too embarrassed to ask. After turning his head and saying hello to Yi Zhonghai, the three of them went to the toilet together.


It's past eight.

Neighbors started to get up one after another, but they did not go out to visit relatives and friends. Instead, they all stayed in the courtyard. Some people sat in the courtyard under the guise of working, and some people simply chatted. Gathered together.


A rare break.

The neighbors are all there.

This is also the reason why Yi Zhonghai is happy but unhappy. The happy thing is that he can tell the fact that he is penniless through the mouths of the neighbors.


The word "poor" is the most powerful.

The unhappy thing is that the neighbors are waiting for things to happen as if they are watching a drama, without any concern for Yi Zhonghai's face. Yi Zhonghai feels that he has been underestimated, and he is the one who needs face the most.

What happened yesterday will be concluded today. Many people have certain thoughts and glance at Yi Zhonghai and the Jia family from time to time.

Silly Zhu and his wife are no exception.

Li Xiuzhi was better off. She was worried about her status as a street clerk and was embarrassed to come out openly to watch the fun. She pretended to be cleaning windows and was busy outside.

Silly Zhu had no scruples about this, so he brought a stool out from home and sat on the stool alone, crossing his legs and waiting for the show to begin.

Yi Zhonghai's throat was on fire.

Silly Zhu, can't you restrain yourself a little?

I know you have grudges against me, but there's no need to make it so obvious.

He glared at Silly Zhu angrily.

Silly Zhu fired back provocatively.

At around nine o'clock or almost ten o'clock, a rush of footsteps came from outside.

The neighbors who had been waiting for the show for more than an hour knew that the show was about to begin. They stretched their necks one by one and turned their eyes to the door. Some children who did not go to school did not know whether they were being harassed by the adults at home. After being warned, they went to guard the street entrance early in the morning. When they saw someone coming, they excitedly reported to the neighbors in the courtyard.

"The people who came to raid Yi Zhonghai's house are here."

The neighbors all laughed regardless.

Good guy.

It makes me laugh so hard.

These words, spoken from the mouths of other children, would not have such an effect, but these words came from Banggeng's mouth.

The sound was quite loud, so as not to be heard by the neighbors, and he rushed to the front.

Astonishingly, he is the king of children in the courtyard.

Bangge is Yi Zhonghai's nephew. People say that nephews are like dogs and will run away after eating. But having a dog nephew like Bangge is too unexpected.

Yi Zhonghai shouted one after another.

I just don’t know if this is what Jia Zhang taught.

Yi Zhonghai forced himself not to be angry. It didn't matter if he came. He had made complete preparations last night and was not afraid of anyone.

Seeing the neighbors looking at him, including Shazhu, Liu Haizhong, Yan Fugui and others, they raised their heads deliberately for fear of being looked down upon.

But it cannot be looked down upon.

The other neighbors were easy to talk to and gave Yi Zhonghai some face, but Silly Zhu directly spat on the ground and looked at Yi Zhonghai provocatively.

Seeing Sha Zhu ridiculing Yi Zhonghai's face, Jia Zhang couldn't sit still, and said angrily: "Si Zhu, why do you treat Lao Yi like this?"

Upon hearing this, Silly Zhu smiled slightly and treated Jia Zhang as a fool.

He doesn't care.

The surrounding neighbors were in an uproar.

There was really a lot of drama in the courtyard. Before Yi Zhonghai's matter was settled, the matters between Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai were put on the agenda again.

Last night, Xu Damao had used the children's mouth to spread the news about Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai everywhere.

Some people think it's impossible.

After witnessing the scene where Jia Zhang stood up for Yi Zhonghai, I had to believe that Jia Zhang, the old widow of the Jia family, really had a crush on Yi Zhonghai.

Everyone began to speculate, wondering whether Yi Zhonghai would hold a banquet when Jia Zhang married Yi Zhonghai.

After all, he is marrying a wife.

"By spitting, have I violated your Jia Zhang's taboo? Or have I violated Yi Zhonghai's taboo? This courtyard is the neighborhood's courtyard, and I, He Yuzhu, am also a resident here. I don't even have the right to spit. ”

Silly Zhu lengthened his tone, chuckled, and put a huge hat on the heads of Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai. Let you hook up.

I bother.

"I didn't spit on Yi Zhonghai, let alone your Jia Zhang family. I just spat on the ground. Who wouldn't spit on the ground in such a big capital? I spit on you, Jia Zhang family. Don't give up, ask me why I treat Lao Yi like this, what do you mean, this courtyard is the courtyard of your Jia family and Yi family?"

"When did I say that the courtyard is the courtyard between our family and Lao Yi's family?"

"Mrs. Jia Zhang, I don't like hearing what you are saying. It's not your courtyard. What's wrong with me spitting? What qualifications do you, Jia Zhang, have to prevent me from spitting? What do you think the courtyard is? You Jia Zhang The Golden Palace of the Yi family? Or the dragon chair of the Yi family?"

Silly Zhu started to fight mercilessly.

Li Xiuzhi, who was cleaning windows for a living, didn't even look back. She looked at Jia Zhang quietly with a smile on her face through the reflection of the glass.

This fat old woman.

Sure enough there is a problem.

Be someone else.

She had to avoid it at all costs, but it was better for her, lest people didn't know about her relationship with Yi Zhonghai, or what Yi Zhonghai thought about this matter.

I gained a lot of experience today.

"Silly Zhu, you are a generous bastard. Are you the one who talks to elders like this?"

Jia Zhang, who knew she was in the wrong, was frightened to death when faced with Sha Zhu's accusation. She did not dare to act rashly, so she had no choice but to act like an elder and accuse Sha Zhu of not respecting the elderly.

This is also Yi Zhonghai's consistent routine. Under the banner of respecting the elderly and loving the young, he deceives the neighbors to be kind to the deaf old lady and to the Jia family's bosses and others.

As for the elderly and children in other families.

It's none of Yi Zhonghai's business.

"What kind of elder do you think you are? The elder of whose family, how can I have such a good and lazy elder like you Jia Zhang? Your Jia family is so high-ranking that they all regard the Siheyuan as the Jinluan Palace. Yi Zhonghai also If I want to sit on the Dragon Throne, my He family is just an ordinary farmhand who sells his physical strength to earn a living, but I don’t dare to have elders like you."

"Jia Zhang, can you shut up?"

Yi Zhonghai, who didn't want to talk at first, saw Jia Zhang making things more and more chaotic.

I am also very worried.

Let Jia Zhang continue to talk, he, Yi Zhonghai, really has no way out. He didn't listen to the Jia family's golden palace and the Yi family's dragon chair.

Spread the word.

Big things.

Then he scolded Jia Zhang several times.

Jia Zhang didn't know how to end it at this time. When she saw Yi Zhonghai scolding her, she hurriedly closed her mouth as a donkey down the slope.

She learned that she had gotten into great trouble.

There was no longer the joy of seeing that the Jia family could occupy the Yi family's property, and there was no more excitement that Yi Zhonghai was Qin Huairu's biological father. He felt as if he had seen a man-eating beast, trembling all over.

If she hadn't known something, she would have collapsed on the ground no matter what, howling several times, calling out to Lao Jia, calling out to Xiao Jia.

I just thought about it in my heart and didn't dare to shout out at all.


After listening to Silly Zhu's remarks accusing Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai, he was beaten violently in the bangs by the two children, and his mood was extremely high.

Today is a good day.

Yi Zhonghai may be completely defeated.

Wait for those people to finish liquidating Yi Zhonghai's family.

Liu Haizhong will find a way to get Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai together, as well as Sha Zhu's accusations against the Jia family and the Yi family.

Yi Zhonghai folded.

The Jia and Zhang family are not enough evidence, and the deaf old lady in the backyard is not enough to be afraid.

He has already thought of specific countermeasures in his mind.


The neighbors were waiting for the person who finally appeared in the courtyard. When they saw the person in front of them, every neighbor present was shocked.

The wrong person came.

It was not Li Yujie, Yi Zhonghai's brother-in-law, but Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao from the Security Department of the University of Posts and Telecommunications. Some neighbors knew them and some did not.

Regardless of whether they know each other or not, they are all confused.

This includes Yi Zhonghai.

Looking at Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao, who had caught him in the security department, a bad feeling came to his mind.

Oh no.

If things go wrong, something will happen.

Liu Haizhong immediately stepped forward and revealed his identity to Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui.

"Hello, two comrades, I am the second uncle in charge of this compound. My name is Liu Haizhong. If there is anything that requires our neighbors to cooperate with you, just say it and I, Liu Haizhong, will guarantee that it will be completed."

"Are you the second supervisor? So there is another first supervisor in front of you. Who is the first supervisor?"

Liu Haizhong felt ignored.

But he still explained patiently.

"Two comrades, I am actually the eldest."

"Why is it that the first uncle is now the first uncle, and the second uncle is now the second uncle? Who are you?"

"I am the second uncle in charge, but I am also the first in charge. The previous first uncle in charge, Yi Zhonghai, got into trouble and was stripped of his title. I naturally became the first uncle. However, because the neighbors are used to calling me "second uncle", So I’m still the second uncle.”

"I can't understand all the nonsense." Jia Gui yelled, "We came to your courtyard because of the old lady in your backyard who is not deaf."

Yi Zhonghai's heart.

If it weren't for the obstruction in my throat.

Maybe he was frightened and flew out.

He knew where the bad feeling was coming from.

Something is going to happen to the deaf old lady.

Last night, I carried so many things to the deaf old lady's house because I knew those people would not search the deaf old lady's house in the backyard.

But I didn't expect that the security department of the University of Posts and Telecommunications would come and bring so many people with them.

All armed.

That's the big deal.

Looking at those dark weapons, Yi Zhonghai felt like the sky was falling.

How to do?

What should I do?

He glanced around the courtyard to see who could help him, but accidentally saw Silly Zhu with the same confused look on his face, and he suddenly had a solution in his mind.

Let Silly Pillar come forward.

Silly Zhu must come forward, otherwise the deaf old lady will get in. He, Yi Zhonghai, will not be able to get any good results. The last few times he came to the security department were all because of He Yuyu's incident.

He guessed that the deaf old lady must have done something to plot against He Yuyu behind her back, and was visited by the security department.

There is no other explanation other than this.

Just when Yi Zhonghai was about to speak.

Golden Label spoke.

Tell them their purpose.

"We busted a grain reselling gang some time ago. According to their account, which ancestor of your courtyard was involved in this incident many times." (End of Chapter)

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