Guo's intimidation tactics.

It didn't work.

five minutes later.

No man present dared to admit that he had made Qin Huairu's belly bigger.

in contrast.

They were all staring at Guo Dabo who was standing in front of them with eyes that screamed, "Catch the thief."

Guo Dabozi looked at everyone's suspicious eyes, pointed at himself, and started to defend himself.

"You doubt me? What kind of person am I? It's possible for any of you, but it's impossible for me. I'll give you five more minutes to explain quickly. Don't take chances. It's useless. Qin Huairu has already I was laid off in the Security Department, and I told you all the details about when you were together, where you were fooling around, etc. Qin Huairu was given leniency, and if you don't explain, you won't be able to get leniency even if you want."

No one speaks.

Not stupid.

Without asking Qin Huairu for evidence, he made Qin Huairu's belly bigger. Everyone knew what the outcome would be.

He still looked at Guo Dapizi with that look.


"Director, Qin Huairu is a famous pretty widow in the steel rolling mill. As the old saying goes, rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests. Who can guarantee that the people who make Qin Huairu's belly bigger are the people from our ninth workshop? It's not that I look down on our ninth workshop. None of these people would be in the eyes of Qin Huairu."

This is a self-deprecating statement.

But let the men in the ninth workshop.

Instantly highlighted a lot.

"This sentence is on point. Even though Qin Huairu is a widow, she still has high standards. People only like handsome men. We, Qin Huairu, don't like him at all."

"Look at you, one by one, forget it, stop talking, stop talking."

Seeing that he couldn't get anything out of the men's mouths, Guo Dayai turned his attention to the female employees present.

Ever since Qin Huairu entered the Ninth Workshop, she has become the public enemy of the female workers in the Ninth Workshop.

A good nine workshops.

He was stunned by Qin Huairu's troubles.

Although she is a widow, she is reluctant to part with her glossy black hair. She still has long braids that only older girls can wear.

at this point.

It made the co-workers unhappy.

Because of Qin Huairu's hair, she made a lot of jokes at first, but in the end Qin Huairu managed to keep her beautiful hair.

Think about women carefully.

Ask the female employees if they have seen Qin Huairu walking close to anyone.

Anyone who comes close, as long as he is a man, is highly suspicious.

"Da Liu, Er Mei, and Third Girl, your work station is closest to Qin Huairu. Tell me, who did Qin Huairu go closest to in the past?"

"Director Guo, this matter is fatal. No matter how confused Qin Huairu is, he can't show it in front of us."

"So you don't know either?"

"I really don't know. By the way, Director Guo, how will the steel rolling mill deal with Qin Huairu's incident this time?"

"Expulsion is a minor matter. If you mess up, you will go to jail. Okay, I won't chat with you anymore. I'll go find the factory director. When you are fine, think more about it."


Security Section.

Zhou Wenbo came back and stood in front of Qin Huairu.

He looked at Qin Huairu quietly.

He stared at Qin Huairu for about five or six minutes.


The conversation turned.

"Qin Huairu, you must have heard the content of the loudspeaker broadcast just now to promote the University of Science and Technology of China, right? To be honest with you, Director Yang just organized a meeting of workshop directors of the whole factory. All workshop directors, including deputy directors, of the entire steel rolling mill were present. Okay, do you want to know why Factory Director Yang goes to so much trouble?
Factory Director Yang asked all the workshop directors, including the deputy directors, to convey the latest notice from the factory office to the workers in their respective workshops. The content of the notice has something to do with you Qin Huairu. Look who made you Qin Huairu pregnant with the child. , let this person go to Factory Director Yang to explain himself. If he confesses now, he will take the initiative to confess. The steel rolling mill will retain his job. Is this condition sincere enough? "

Seeing the dull look on Qin Huairu's face.

Not anxious.

Zhou Wenbo added: "All the workshop directors have received a notice from the factory office. The notice says that Qin Huairu has told the security department everything he can, including who got her pregnant and where. The place is pregnant and how long have we been fooling around together."

He walked up to Qin Huairu.

Walked around Qin Huairu a few times.

Suddenly squatted down.

Staring into Qin Huairu's eyes.

"Guess whether he believes that concubine?"

He stood up from the ground, walked to the previous table, sat down on the table, and looked down at Qin Huairu.


"If I were your concubine, I would have believed such a lie, and with the intention of seeking leniency, I would tell the truth quickly, and in the process of explaining it, I would put all the responsibility on you, Qin Huairu. On his head, he said that Qin Huairu seduced him, that Qin Huairu was shameless and not a good widow. He was crying and saying something to promise not to make such mistakes again. Guess, will the factory leader deal with him seriously? "

His tone became deeper.

The expression on the face.

There is also some fun.

"Tell me about you, who played with your body and was pregnant with her child, but was kicked away by him. Is such a man worthy of you fighting for him? People should look forward, as the old saying goes. , Those who know the current affairs are heroes, don’t you think this is the truth? You can’t bear the key thing, because you don’t talk about it, but others make atonement on the other side. Do you think you are losing money? ? You still have a son, and you still have a daughter. If your son and daughter knew that you were fooling around with people outside and had a child, would they still have the face to see others? "

A means of coercion and inducement.

It was made vivid and vivid by Zhou Wenbo.

"As long as you tell who got you pregnant before your mistress, you will have the initiative in this matter. In order to prevent this matter from getting bigger, the factory leader will cover it up for you. You are a widow and he is a bachelor. It's really just a matter of a piece of paper. If he has a family, this matter will probably be a little more difficult to handle, because he needs to get divorced before he can marry you. As long as you have a marriage certificate, no one can talk about the child in your belly. Tell him. Me, who made your belly bigger?"

"Captain Zhou, I know you have good intentions. It's unsatisfying to see me as a widow, an orphan and a widowed mother, but the child in my belly is really our Dongxu's."


"No one believes any other explanation."

"You are great, you Qin Huairu are great. Stay here well. When will you figure it out? When will you call me? As for your home, the Security Department will notify you."


The courtyard under the cover of night.

Got into a weird situation.

Those workers in the steel rolling mill who got off work would subconsciously glance in the direction of Jia's house when they returned to the courtyard.

An unusual scene.

It also made their family members confused.

Did something happen again to the Jia family? With experience, in the past few times, whenever something happened to Qin Huairu or Yi Zhonghai in the steel rolling mill, the neighbors would habitually look at the Jia family or the Yi family when they returned to the courtyard.

He quickly pulled his man into the house.

He asked quietly.

From time to time, there was a sound of gasping for air.

Then he looked through the glass at the Jia Zhang family who were still busy in the Yi family, thinking that the Jia family was really unreasonable. Qin Huairu was obviously pregnant, but she was inexplicably pregnant, and everyone in the steel rolling mill knew about it. What happened, and what made the neighbors confused even more, was that Qin Huairu still hadn't revealed the concubine.

I feel like the Jia family is going to be in chaos.

as predicted.

It's past eight.

After thinking about it, Mrs. Jia Zhang asked people all over the courtyard to ask where Qin Huairu had gone and whether she was working overtime at the steel rolling mill.

Those who knew the inside story did not tell the truth to Mrs. Jia Zhang. They all knew who Mrs. Jia Zhang was. You kindly told her the truth, but Mrs. Jia Zhang was so anxious that she turned against you, scolded you for a long time, and weaved all kinds of lies. When he saw Qin Huairu, he said that he didn't know.

Asked around Jia Zhang.

He didn't ask for a specific answer, but his mind became even more confused because of the miscellaneous answers. Finally, he stomped his feet and knocked on the door of Si Zhu's house.

Because Li Xiuzhi works in the street and is the official clerk of the street, she is the first resident in the courtyard with a street title.

Jia Zhang's household registration is not in the city, and she is worried that if she makes trouble with Li Xiuzhi, Li Xiuzhi will deal with her. Opposite Li Xiuzhi and Silly Zhu, Jia Zhang's attitude has always been very humble.

When entering, either shout or knock on the door.

After Li Xiuzhi opened the door, she said a few words to Jia Zhang, who then stepped into Sha Zhu's house and saw that Sha Zhu and Li Xiuzhi had Wo Wo Tou for dinner.

He even used Wo Wo Tou to flatter him.

Finally, he asked Silly Zhu seriously: "Sinzhu, have you seen our Huairu? In the past, she came back at half past six, but now it's past eight o'clock and she hasn't come back yet. Xiaodang and Huaihua are hungry. Just scream."

Li Xiuzhi sighed inwardly.

I don’t like Qin Huairu, but I also feel sorry for Qin Huairu. From a woman’s perspective, I feel sorry for Qin Huairu. After working hard in the factory, when I get home from work, I have to cook for Jia Zhang and wash Jia Zhang, Banggen and the others. Clothes, both father and mother supported the Jia family. When the child was hungry, Jia and Zhang didn't even know how to cook for the child. Instead, they filled the courtyard looking for people to ask where Qin Huairu had gone.

She was not a worker in the steel rolling mill. She didn't know about Qin Huairu, so she looked at Shazhu.

"Master, if you know, just tell Aunt Jia."

"I'm a cook cooking in the back kitchen, and I really didn't pay attention to Qin Huairu. Didn't Qin Huairu come back?"

Silly Zhu pretended to be confused.

He is a fool himself.

Jia Zhang was actually convinced. She said nice words, but in her heart she was scolding her eight generations of ancestors. Just as she was about to chat a few words, she heard Liu Haizhong's voice coming from the middle courtyard.

"After dinner, we all came out for a meeting."

Jia Zhang was in front, Li Xiuzhi was in the middle, and Si Zhu was at the end, taking turns coming out of He's house.

When it comes out.

Most of the neighbors have gathered in the courtyard.

Silly Zhu, who knew what kind of meeting Liu Haizhong was going to hold, could only sigh that these people were so full that they rushed to support Liu Haizhong's smelly feet.

There was no entertainment in the evening.

It’s also good to see the Jia family’s drama.

Neighbors showed up at the scene one after another. Those who could come out came out, and those who couldn't came out also came out, including the deaf old lady who had limited mobility in the backyard.

Looking around the scene, there is a sense of self in the bangs.


With the big teapot in his hand, he slapped the table in front of him hard. After the neighbors completely calmed down, he slowly spoke.

"The neighbors were summoned today because of Qin Huairu's matter."

Li Xiuzhi was below and asked Silly Zhu in a low voice.

"What's wrong with Qin Huairu?"

Silly Zhu looked at Jia Zhang who was not far away.

He lowered his voice in response.

"Qin Huairu was pregnant. The Security Department asked Qin Huairu to reveal the man. Not only did Qin Huairu not say anything, she also said that the child in her belly belonged to Jia Dongxu and was detained in the Security Department."

Li Xiuzhi covered her mouth.

Even though he is well-informed.

But he was still shocked by Silly Zhu's answer.

She remembered that Qin Huairu had been incarcerated. Just because Qin Huairu had been incarcerated, Yi Zhonghai had been nicknamed the "maniac". Even now, some people still tease Li Xiuzhi about the fact that Yi Zhonghai arranged for Silly Zhu to marry Qin Huairu.

How come the person who got the ring got pregnant?

He pulled Silly Zhu's hand with his hand.

Silly Zhu's hand grasped Li Xiuzhi's hand, and the couple stood up together and walked towards Jia Zhang's bangs.

I saw Liu Haizhong staring at Jia Zhang and said word by word: "Jia Zhang, do you know why Qin Huairu didn't come back? Because she was pregnant. It was not easy for a widow to raise a child in the steel rolling mill. I wanted to give Qin Huairu a lenient opportunity and let Qin Huairu explain who her wild man was, but it turned out that your Qin Huairu was so awesome that she refused to explain and was locked up in the security department. Mrs. Jia Zhang, I am the second in charge of management. As an uncle, I order you to tell the truth about Qin Huairu as soon as possible, who is Qin Huairu pregnant with, and who is that person? "

"You call your mother a big-headed idiot. My daughter-in-law is already pregnant. How come she's pregnant? I'll beat you to death, you stupid bastard, and you'll have to die in peace. You can use the Jia family's shit basin."

Jia Zhang, who had just reacted, cursed Liu Haizhong a few dirty words, raised her hand and slapped Liu Haizhong.

Liu Haizhong didn't expect Jia Zhang's reaction to be so strong.

Not prepared at all.

So he received this slap firmly.

"Jia Zhang, do you dare to hit me?"

"Not only do I dare to hit you, I also want to run you over to death. I'll make you hold the shit basin for my daughter-in-law, and I'll run over you to death, you bastard."

Jia Zhang took his own head.

Used as a weapon.

Hitting towards the bangs.

Liu Haizhong is obese, and Jia Zhang is also obese. Together, they are called Siheyuan Double Fat.

And because the distance is relatively close.

Liu Haizhong was knocked to the ground by Jia Zhang. I don't know if it hit his tailbone. He sat on the ground by himself, grinning and sucking in cold air.

Neighbors all around were smiling.

Watching a play.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were very happy in their hearts.

Well, Liu Haizhong, you have today, so Jia Zhang had better knock you to paralysis on the bed. In this case, Liu Haizhong won't be able to hit the two brothers.

The two of them were not happy for too long before they were knocked out of their reverie by a loud shout from Liu Haizhong.

"What are you looking at? Come and help me up." (End of Chapter)

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