Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 429 Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu have a secret meeting late at night

Yi Zhonghai sometimes brings Qin Huairu into the role of Li Xiuzhi to imagine as much as possible the scene where Qin Huairu marries Silly Zhu.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Silly Zhu was good in every aspect.

Putting aside the appearance of Silly Pillar.

Other aspects.

All of them are in line with Yi Zhonghai’s pension interests.

A hypocrite is essentially a person who is selfish to the core.

No choice.

He relies on Qin Huairu for his retirement.

on the contrary.

I still want a son of my own.

The deaf old lady asked Yi Zhonghai to marry Huanghua's eldest daughter. Yi Zhonghai hurriedly agreed to marry because of this idea.

At that time, the deaf old lady said to him, I asked someone to take a look, this girl can give birth to a son, if you marry her, you will have a son, and you will have the capital to stand upright in the courtyard. A hundred years later, A son threw a basin for Yi Zhonghai.

But I didn't expect that the girl was a complete liar.

The commotion made Yi Zhonghai shattered the idea of ​​having a son, and he became the laughing stock of the steel rolling mill, earning money as an apprentice and working as a seventh-level worker.

The importance of Qin Huairu.


When I went out today, I saw Sha Zhu, who accidentally wanted to talk to Sha Zhu about Qin Huairu.

In his heart, he still didn't give up on letting Shazhu take care of him in his old age.

Yi Zhonghai was most worried about Qin Huairu's remarriage at the steel rolling mill.

A situation that draws fire from the bottom of the cauldron.

Qin Huairu had already remarried, so how could he make Qin Huairu become Si Zhu's wife? What was once one big mountain became two big mountains. Yi Zhonghai had to pay twice or even three times the price to make this happen.

He was least happy to see such a situation happen.

But there is nothing to do.

Yi Zhonghai didn't dare to go against the idea of ​​women taking the lead in organizing things. He knew how powerful those old women were, and they were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

Unable to sit still.

Those people in the ninth workshop were looking at him with curiosity.

Not stupid.

Everyone knows what Yi Zhonghai is thinking.

With the intention of adding insult to injury, they started talking as loudly as possible, talking in a flurry of words and looking at Yi Zhonghai with disdain.


Da Liu looked at the data in front of him distressedly.

She found that she had underestimated Qin Huairu's status in the hearts of her coworkers.

Want to have something happen with Qin Huairu.

This is a fact.

But when they were asked to marry Qin Huairu back home, they all backed down, not wanting to become cuckolds.

The only people who are willing to marry Qin Huairu are Jin Biao and Jia Gui.

Even if she informed the old bachelors through the radio to register their names, the old bachelors still did not show up. Everyone had their own reasons for not coming. The tasks in the workshop were very important and they could not leave. They were not married now. I will wait a few years for my daughter-in-law's plans, because I already have a widow I like. Although that widow is not as good-looking as Qin Huairu, she is extremely suitable to be a wife.

The most shocking reason for Liu was that an old man in his early forties gave the excuse that his seventy-year-old mother wanted to have a baby at home, saying that he wanted to see his younger brother.

Da Liu was so angry that his whole body trembled.

He could only look at Jin Biao and Jia Gui helplessly.

Thinking that since Qin Huairu didn't know good from good, it was not impossible to manipulate her, she had a specific idea in mind, and asked Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui to go back and wait for the letter. She would go to Qin Huairu now to talk about remarrying.

You are unkind.

I am unjust.

In fact, they used Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui to provoke Qin Huairu as much as possible, let Qin Huairu know the consequences of not remarrying, and turn this matter into a situation where Qin Huairu took the initiative to organize his own remarriage.

Some reputations are not very good after all.

As soon as she came out of the General Department, she saw several people smiling at her with embarrassed expressions.

Da Liu stared.

The few guys with playful and smiling faces were all honest.

They stammered out their purpose.

"Sister Liu, we are here because of what happened on the radio. Didn't you just say something about registering your name? Let's come over and register..."

Huang Jinbiao and Jia Gui glared at these people.

He regarded him as his love rival for marrying Qin Huairu.

Da Liu thought so too, mistakenly thinking that some people still cared about Qin Huairu's appearance.

Little did she know that she had mistakenly thought of these people.

These people came here specifically to register the widow's remarriage, but they came not for Qin Huairu, but for Liang Ladi in the welding workshop.

I don’t know who made a loud noise, saying that Qin Huairu was the vanguard of widows remarrying in the steel rolling mill. As long as the matter of Qin Huairu’s remarriage was resolved, the remarriage of the remaining widows would also be put on the agenda, such as Liang Ladi in the welding workshop, Statistics Department Zhao Fengxia will be arranged on blind dates.

Except for Qin Huairu, the remaining widows are all living as wives.

With the idea of ​​​​first come first served, I came here to register.

Fearing that Liu would let them marry Qin Huairu, these people gave special instructions and categorically said that they were not doing it for Qin Huairu's face and not to marry Qin Huairu.

These words.

Finally it reached Qin Huairu's ears.

Since the widow entered the steel rolling mill, she has been praised as a flower in the steel rolling mill, and she has always been proud of being the pretty widow of the steel rolling mill.

A farce of remarriage.

Qin Huairu's unrealistic fantasy was shattered, especially when she heard that none of those people wanted to marry her, Qin Huairu's heart instantly went cold.

When you asked me to go into the warehouse with you, you shouted sweetly, saying that I, Qin Huairu, was good at this and that, but now when it was time to fight with real swords and guns, you said that I, Qin Huairu, was not a good match for you. Marrying me, Qin Huairu, is like marrying a lot of cuckolds.

Which is tolerable or unbearable.

The widow was so angry that her lungs were about to explode.

Return home in the evening.

I didn't even think about cooking, I was sitting on the stool alone and sulking.

When Banggeng and the others saw that Qin Huairu looked bad, they didn't dare to make a fuss. They went to Yi Zhonghai's house to eat and brought back a steamed bun for Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu didn't eat.

Lying upright on the wooden bed, staring at the ceiling, around one o'clock in the evening, I suddenly saw a few flashlights.

I looked at Banggeng and the other children and saw that they were all sleeping soundly.

Get up.

Take a step.

Push door.

Came to the courtyard.

Under the weak light, she looked around and saw that every house was dark. Then she felt relieved and her eyes fell on Yi Zhonghai who was waiting for her at the door of Yi's house. The widow didn't say anything and followed Yi Zhonghai honestly. Zhong Hai walked behind and came to a secluded corner of the middle courtyard.

She knew that Yi Zhonghai had something to talk to her. My mind is a little frizzy.

"Huairu, what do you think?"

Yi Zhonghai spoke first.

Ask Qin Huairu if she has any specific views on the matter of remarriage.

Today at the steel rolling mill, Yi Zhonghai wanted to find an opportunity to talk to Qin Huairu to see if Qin Huairu had any opinions on remarrying. If he wanted to remarry, Yi Zhonghai would naturally be very supportive, but there was an important factor in this support. The restriction is to listen to Yi Zhonghai and provide for Yi Zhonghai in his old age.

That’s easy to handle.

If he looked like a very domineering person with his own opinions, Yi Zhonghai would not dare to let Qin Huairu recruit such a son-in-law.

Who dares anyone to hit him?

He doesn't want his retirement to be passive.

Knowing who the neighbors in the courtyard were, when he came home from get off work, he was worried that someone would accuse him of giving Qin Huairu the idea of ​​remarrying.

He deliberately waited until late at night to call Qin Huairu out to discuss what to do.

I don’t want my retirement to become rootless water.

"I don't know what to do. It was quite sudden today. Da Liu found me and told me about my remarriage. He asked me if I had any requirements. You know what happened next. Let those in the steel rolling mill know Go register, I heard there are more than a dozen names registered.”

"Now is not the time to worry about these things, it's about what you think. Jia and Zhang are not here. If you want to remarry, no one can stop you." Yi Zhonghai suddenly changed the situation and took advantage of them, "As the old saying goes, The palms and backs of my hands are full of flesh. You can kiss your children. You can kiss other people's children. You know what I mean. If there is a fuss, you will be caught in the middle and suffer. It's not like your mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, will never come out. "

"Of course I understand what you mean."

Qin Huairu's tone.

With a bit of disappointment.

She is also worried that Jia Zhang will make a fuss. It is best to take advantage of this period of time to establish the facts. Even if Jia Zhang makes a fuss, it will not help.

"I took a look and found that the only person who is really suitable for you, the person who can make you not angry, is Silhu. He is honest, can cook, and is also good to Banggeng and others. When Dongxu was here, Banggeng Lao Silhouette was not angry at all when he took Xiaodang to play at his house. He even gave Banggeng and the others something to eat. At that time, he thought about delaying it for a while so that the two of you could be together. No one expected that they were getting married and making trouble. There’s nothing I can do.”

Of course Qin Huairu understood the meaning of Yi Zhonghai's words.

She also thinks Silly Pillar is good.

Qin Huairu was extremely envious and jealous of the enthusiasm with which Si Zhu treated Li Xiuzhi as his beloved.

some things.

She knew it too.

If you want to remarry Silly Zhu, you can't remarry casually. Silly Zhu has not been in contact with the Jia family for a long time, and he is also enemies with Yi Zhonghai. He also has his own daughter-in-law, who is a clerk in the street and the eldest daughter of Huanghua. , Li Xiuzhi mentioned anything casually, and he was better than Qin Huairu.

Silly column is not stupid.

Good or bad, he knows how to choose.

The couple has a very good relationship. How can they divorce Silly Zhu and Li Xiuzhi?
Qin Huairu offered money to Si Zhu to marry her, but Si Zhu would refuse.

"Huairu, you are my daughter. As long as you want something, as a father, I will try my best to help you do it. If you like Silly Zhu, I will let him marry you no matter what, but before marrying you , you can’t get married. It’s really not possible. You use Banggeng and them as an excuse to say that you don’t worry about Banggeng and their children, and you are worried that Banggeng will be beaten up by his stepfather.”

Yi Zhonghai’s previous words.

Qin Huairu was very moved.

The widow was completely moved.

The words behind.

But the widow was helpless.

Now it is not Qin Huairu who has the final say whether to remarry or not. It is the steel rolling mill and the street that has the final say.

Liu clearly told Qin Huairu the details. If the steel rolling mill could not solve the problem of Qin Huairu's remarriage, Hongxing Street would take action.

In other words.

Qin Huairu's remarriage was a matter of urgency.

How the arms are the rival of the thighs.

Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai's reputations are not very good.

The steel rolling mill stood on a moral level.

This is the key to making Qin Huairu feel helpless.

"I told Da Liu today, and I have the same idea as you. When the children grow up, I will be thinking about my own personal problems. Guess what those people answered? People said that people like me have seen too many I’ve heard too many similar excuses. In a word, I have to remarry if I don’t want to.”

"You mean it's hopeless?"

"It's hopeless." Qin Huairu suddenly became very frustrated, "When I got off work, Da Liu showed me the roster. There are only two people who are interested in me now. One is called Jin Biao and the other is Jia. Gui, the steel rolling mill means, let me choose one of the two people."

Qin Huairu was so angry that his back molars were about to break.

She is an expert on looks.

The biggest reason why she agreed to marry Jia Dongxu in the first place was that Jia Dongxu had a handsome face with thick eyebrows and big eyes. After Jia Dongxu died, if Qin Huairu forcefully proposed the idea of ​​remarrying Sha Zhu, Sha Zhu would be her future man. So she was delaying time under the pretense of being a new widow, just because she disliked Silly Zhu for having an unattractive cheek, which made Qin Huairu unable to like her at all.

The man Qin Huairu disliked was picked up by Li Xiuzhi, and the couple's happy life after marriage became a model of marriage in the street.

The looks of Jia Gui and Huang Jinbiao.

Far inferior to Silly Pillar.

When I married Sha Zhu, I disliked Sha Zhu’s youthful and mature appearance, not to mention Jia Gui and Jin Biao, who were not as good looking as Sha Zhu. Especially Jia Gui, who would be scared to death when seeing him in broad daylight. It was like a grimace.

"I understand what you mean. You and I have thought of the same thing. You just think Silly Pillar is good. Otherwise, it's really not possible for you."

Yi Zhonghai suddenly lowered his voice and whispered to Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu nodded her head.

Then he looked at Yi Zhonghai.


"is this okay?"

Did not wait for Yi Zhonghai to answer.

Qin Huairu came to a conclusion without thinking about it.

"That's all we can do now."


in prison.

Mrs. Jia Zhang tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

As soon as I closed my eyes.

I dreamed of Jia Dongxu. The short-lived ghost stood in front of Jia Zhang with a miserable look on his face. He didn't speak and looked at Jia Zhang aggrievedly.

Jia Zhang worriedly thought that this was because Jia Dongxu was not very satisfied with her mother.

He despises the Jia Zhang family for not helping him protect the Jia family's property.

As a widow, knowing what Qin Huairu thinks, after being released from prison, she will only end up returning to her hometown in the countryside.

Qin Huairu was in the steel rolling mill or in the city, no matter how he fooled around or how he cuckolded Jia Dongxu, Jia and Zhang were all beyond his reach.

Somewhat unwilling.

Marry Yi Zhonghai.

Just to stay in the city and take good care of the Jia family's business for Jia Dongxu.

I feel sorry for Jia Dongxu.

My heart suddenly felt a little cruel.

He sat up straight. (End of chapter)

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