When Yan Fugui stared at Yi Zhonghai, he was thinking about it.

Ran Qiuye spoke directly.

As a school teacher, she knew the consequences of this incident and had to abdicate some of her responsibilities.

To avoid being settled.

"Classmate Banggen came to me and told me about his mother Qin Huairu's remarriage. He cried and said that he didn't want to be the second Erluzi. I am a teacher and I won't lie. I don't know who Erluzi is. On the way here , I inquired about it, and found out why Banggeng was so anxious. The incident with Er Donkey was a painful lesson, and what Banggeng said makes sense. Children are the flowers of the motherland and the pillars of its construction."

Yi Zhonghai was secretly happy.

Ran Qiuye's words.

Not too heavy.

They are all connected with Dongliang.

The onlookers didn't think so.

His eyes subconsciously fell on Banggeng, and he frowned unnaturally. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that Banggeng was the best candidate for prison.

Just such sneaky behavior.

I really can’t tell where the great pillars are.

If Bangge can become a talented person in the future, their children will probably become even more talented.

these ideas.

Just think about it in my heart.

I won't be stupid enough to say it.

The people living in this courtyard are not stupid. They all see the situation in front of them. It is obvious that Yi Zhonghai is fighting against certain people. They don't want to be used as cannon fodder. Regardless of whether the matter is successful or not, they will fight with them anyway. It doesn't matter much either.

Just watch a show.

Ran Qiuye didn't know what the neighbors were thinking, so he still expressed his intention according to his own thoughts.

"Widows cannot remarry. This is an old and bad idea. We cannot have it or want it. We are new people, new times and new weather. Everything must be reformed. Now there is a policy of widows remarrying. This is a good thing. For Qin Huairu, the mother of the awesome mother. Regarding the matter of remarriage, as Banggeng’s head teacher, I originally had no right to speak and had nothing to do with me, but Banggeng found me. For Banggeng’s sake, I made such a small request and must find the right person. Banggan classmate, my future wife who treats both Xiaodang and Huaihua well, must not let the Erluzi incident happen again."

Change of tone.

Look at the stick.

"Classmate Banggen, if your mother Qin Huairu finds a gay man who is good to her and good to you brothers and sisters, you have to think about your mother Qin Huairu, think about her difficulties, and think about her suffering."

"Teacher Ran is right. We must prevent the tragedy of Erluzi, but the work of Qin Huairu's remarriage must continue. I will just add these two words, Lao Liu, do you have anything else to say?"

"No more, let's adjourn."

Liu Haizhong waved his hand.

The neighbors dispersed one after another.

When it was time to leave, some people even invited Ran Qiuye to their homes.

Lice on the monk's head.

Too obvious.

Ran Qiuye found an excuse and followed Li Xiuzhi into He's house. They started chatting nonsense. When Silly Zhu finished his work in the factory and returned home, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

See Ran Qiuye.

Silly Zhu was dumbfounded.

I mistakenly thought that I was dazzled and had hallucinations. I rubbed my eyes with my hands and looked again to make sure that I was right. The woman in front of me was really Ran Qiuye.

For Ran Qiuye.

Outsiders may think that Shazhu has nothing to do with her, and they don't know each other.

But Shazhu himself has a clear background.

There are clips of this aspect in the script of "Qin Man", but the time period started in 66, and now it is 62 years. There are still three or four years before the plot begins. Two people who should not have met, but We unexpectedly met in advance.

Silly Zhu could only sigh with emotion.

Too bloody.

After reading the script and knowing his fate, Shazhu has been taking specific countermeasures to avoid his fate as described in the script. He helped Qin Huairu, helped the widow, and was eventually killed by the widow's family. People were kicked out and died tragically under the viaduct.

The facts behind.

Proves that one cannot conquer the sky.

Jia Dongxu died tragically in the end. Even though Sha Zhu married Li Xiuzhi and became a couple with Li Xiuzhi, Yi Zhonghai still refused to give up and was still obsessed with bringing Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu together.

Now even Ran Qiuye came out early.

A feeling of powerlessness.

came to Shazhu's heart.

An unconscious sigh came out of his mouth.


"There are guests at home." Li Xiuzhi deliberately glared at Si Zhu and complained, "Why are you sighing?"

"Xiuzhi, it's okay." Ran Qiuye said to Li Xiuzhi and looked at Silly Zhu, "Is this the head of your family?"

Silly Zhu found that something was not quite right.

If she guessed correctly.

This was the first time Ran Qiuye met Li Xiuzhi, but he called Xiuzhi such a warm name. Is the relationship between the two so perfect?

"That's the head of our family, the monitor of the second cafeteria of the steel rolling mill, He Yuzhu, people habitually call him Silly Zhu." Li Xiuzhi introduced the two of them, "This is Teacher Ran Qiuye, the class teacher of Banggen."

"Hello, Teacher Ran."

"Hello, Master He."

Greeted each other.

Silly Zhu did not explain the reason for the sigh just now.

some things.

The more you explain, the more troublesome it becomes, the more unclear the explanation becomes, and the more confusing it becomes to your imagination.

He believed that Ran Qiuye was not the kind of person to hold grudges.

I put down the bag in my hand and washed my face.

Ran Qiuye stood up and said goodbye.

Seeing that it was getting late, Li Xiuzhi was worried that Ran Qiuye was not safe on the road, so she gave a glorious task to Sha Zhu and asked Sha Zhu to see off Ran Qiuye.

Even though Ran Qiuye insisted repeatedly and said that he was not afraid, Shazhu still pushed the bicycle and sent Ran Qiuye to their home.

Said hello.

Watching Ran Qiuye enter the door, he pushed his bicycle and turned back.


Ran Qiuye's home.

The old couple saw a man sending Ran Qiuye back.


I mistakenly thought that this was Ran Qiuye's boyfriend.

Because of the color of the sky, it was impossible to see Shazhu's face clearly, so he gave Ran Qiuye the posture of a meeting between two elders, and asked Ran Qiuye who that man was, what his name was, and what he did.

Ran Qiuye knew what her parents were thinking.


He hurriedly explained.

He mentioned Sha Zhu’s name and occupation, and also pointed out the fact that Sha Zhu was married.

The old couple was speechless for a while.

One competes with tea.

One competes with sweaters.

Ran Qiuye ignored them and returned to his room.

I couldn't help but think of Silly Zhu in my mind.

I don’t know why, but it was obviously the first time I met Silly Zhu, but I had a strange feeling that both of them had met before.

Can't figure it out. …

On the way back to the courtyard.

Silly Zhu was also thinking about Ran Qiuye and the bloody things described in the script.

In the script, the meeting between the two actually had something to do with Qin Huairu. Because the Jia family's income exceeded the standard line of five yuan, Banggen could not be exempted from tuition. Banggen's class teacher came to the door and asked for tuition. Qin Huairu But he dragged Ran Qiuye to Shazhu's house, and Shazhu paid the tuition fee for Qin Huairu.

This was also the first time the two met.

After seeing Ran Qiuye.

Silly Zhu was thinking about something, and he couldn't forget that he wanted to have something happen with Ran Qiuye. He thought that those who are near the water come first, and since Yan Fugui and Ran Qiuye are colleagues, he can naturally help him talk to Yan Fugui and say that he likes him. He asked Ran Qiuye and asked Yan Fugui to help match them up.

He also gave local specialties to Yan Fugui.

I did say send it at that time.

But because of the incident between Qin Huairu and Shazhu, it was impossible for people to believe that the two of them were innocent and nothing had happened. Yan Fugui could not just watch Ran Qiuye fall into the fire bed.

In my heart, I felt that Shazhu was not worthy of Ran Qiuye.

Why do you, an old bachelor who hangs around widows all day long, marry an educated man like Ran Qiuye?

There was no matchmaking.

Not even a nice word to say.

Silly Zhu pressed Yan Fugui about the result, and Yan Fugui fooled Silly Zhu with lies. Silly Zhu was so angry that he could only find Ran Qiuye to express his love in person.

Things weren't quite right at the time.

Ran Qiuye also had the idea of ​​using Shazhu's identity to protect himself.

Then he had the idea of ​​marrying Silly Zhu.

Qin Huairu was unhappy.

Silly Zhu is her long-term meal ticket. Now, if Ran Qiuye marries Silly Zhu, Silly Zhu has his own wife, so naturally he will not help the widow. The widow's interests have been affected, and she has bad ideas in her heart. This is also the wish of countless people. The root of the difficulty is that he himself has been punished, but he still doesn't want Si Zhu to get married, so he really takes the word "repaying kindness with hatred" to the extreme.

Qin Huairu went to Ran Qiuye with Shazhu on her back and told Ran Qiuye the facts about her and Shazhu. She bluntly said that without Shazhu, she would not be able to live, and the Jia family would not be able to live either. She said that she wanted to repay Shazhu's kindness and prepared to Marrying Sha Zhu, I hope Ran Qiuye will not get involved in her and Sha Zhu's affairs.

Praising Ran Qiuye's beauty, she said that even if Ran Qiuye didn't marry Sha Zhu, she could still marry a better man. Unlike Qin Huairu, a widow with three children and a mother-in-law to support, Sha Zhu alone could like him. He also used the words he used to fool Sha Zhu in the steel rolling mill on Ran Qiuye, saying that he was going to be taken advantage of by countless stinky men in the steel rolling mill, but it was Sha Zhu who saved him, saying that without Sha Zhu, he wouldn’t have known what he would have done. alive.

Just like that, after listening to Qin Huairu's words, Ran Qiuye gave up her good impression of Shazhu.

It was Qin Huairu who had done something sorry for Sha Zhu, but afterwards he pretended to be a good person in front of Sha Zhu and asked when Sha Zhu would testify with Ran Qiuye.

Silly Zhu, who has no brains, actually thought that Yan Fugui was behind it, preventing him from marrying Ran Qiuye. In front of countless people, he called the Yan family and demanded local specialties from Yan Fugui.

The commotion made Yan Fugui disgraced.

That night.

Shazhu was so angry that he even took off Yan Fugui's bicycle.

He couldn't speak clearly, but his aunt got the clue, and then it happened that Yi Zhonghai bought a bicycle wheel for Sha Zhu to end the mess.

Ran Qiuye!
Qin Huairu!
The two men met.

There is also a mother-in-law of my own family in the middle.

Silly Zhu felt dizzy just thinking about it.

In the script, Ran Qiuye's end is not very good. If someone uses this to attack Li Xiuzhi, Li Xiuzhi will not get any good results!
You have to talk to Li Xiuzhi when you get back.

Silly Zhu couldn't help but speed up his pedaling and drove toward the courtyard like the wind.

I called the entrance of the courtyard and took a look.


The courtyard door was actually closed.

After slapping a few times with his hand, Yan Fugui came out sleepily and opened the door for Silly Zhu with a sigh of relief.

"Silly Zhu, why are you back so late?"

I thought of the bloody content.

The sleepiness disappeared from his face.

Staring straight at Silly Pillar.

"Have you been sitting at Teacher Ran's house for a while?"

Looking at the picture of Yan Fugui in front of him who wanted to know the sexy news, Shazhu's mind moved and he actually had the idea of ​​teasing the little old man and lowered his voice.

He looked like a guilty thief.

"Third uncle, I'm married, and I'm still a young girl. If word spreads, if people smash the windows of your house, don't blame me for not reminding you. I sent Teacher Ran to their door, and I came back. On the way back, I met When we arrived at the patrol team, it was a bustling place. I heard that they checked into a ghost market. I thought at that time, if something was pulled down in the ghost market, I went back and picked it up. Guess what I picked up. Are you done yet?”

"Third uncle can't guess."

"I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going back to sleep."

Looking at Shazhu's leaving figure.

Yan Fugui's heart.

It itches like a caterpillar crawling.

I wish I could go to the ghost market now.

How many shots are there if there are dates or not?

What if I really hit something?

Come back home.

After putting on my pants, I suddenly realized something was wrong. The ghost market usually starts in the middle of the night, but now it's not even eleven o'clock in the evening.

What a fool.

Use me, Yan Fugui, to make fun of you.


After teasing Yan Fugui for a while, Silly Zhu's mood suddenly improved. He pushed his bicycle, hummed a tune in a low voice, and came to the middle courtyard in a hurry.

He glanced to the left and right.

The Jia family turned on the light.

The Yi family is also brightly lit.

I don’t know what kind of things we are discussing without seeing anyone.

Pushing the bicycle, I entered Yuyu's hut.

It's not that you can't park bicycles in the courtyard, but some people in the courtyard don't know how to park your bicycle in the courtyard. Who knows what mishaps may happen to you if you park your bicycle in the courtyard.


Like Silly Zhu secretly removing the wheels from Yan Fugui's car.

Not serious.

Like Jia Zhang, he secretly pulled out the bicycle valve core, or used an awl to puncture the bicycle wheel tire.

Caution is the boat.

Be safe.

After locking the door of Yuyu's house, he pushed the door open and walked into his home. He saw Li Xiuzhi leaning on the quilt and holding a book in her hand. It was the script of "Qin Man" that Sha Zhu saw on the road two years ago.

I'm not in a hurry anymore.

No one can see the above content except Silly Zhu.

Very strange.

How could Li Xiuzhi start reading the book so well?

He quickly locked the door behind him.

Take off your shoes and put on slippers.

Li Xiuzhi put the books together and asked Silly Zhu.

"Sent back?"

"Sent back." Shazhu answered, and expressed his doubts, "Why did Teacher Ran come to our house? When did you know each other?"

"We just met today." Li Xiuzhi explained to Silly Zhu the reason why Ran Qiuye appeared in the courtyard, "You didn't come back at that time. I don't know what happened in the courtyard. Liu Haizhong held a hospital meeting and talked about Qin Huai Regarding Ru's remarriage, Teacher Ran was hired by Banggeng to stand up for her, saying that he didn't want to be the second donkey..." (End of Chapter)

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