Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 440 Silly Zhu refuses promotion

Chapter 440 Silly Zhu refuses promotion
As the steward, Liu Haizhong didn't know whether he was really confused or pretending to be confused when Yan Fugui used Sophora japonica as an excuse to poke Yi Zhonghai, so he said something that seemed to add fuel to the fire.

"Lao Yan, what does the matter of Huaihua's child have to do with you? If it does, it has to do with Lao Yi."

Yi Zhonghai was stunned.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at his bangs.

I cursed stupidly in my heart.

He looked at Silly Zhu and his wife thoughtfully.

Yi Zhonghai knew what Yan Fugui was thinking. He simply thought that Sophora japonica was a burden and disliked him for not paying child support. He deliberately brought it up in front of the neighbors, hoping to take advantage of their support. The power forced Yi Zhonghai to recognize Sophora japonica.

It’s not that Yi Zhonghai doesn’t recognize Sophora japonica.

But Yi Zhonghai felt that Huaihua was just a two-year-old baby. How could he, a big old man, take good care of the baby? In addition, Yi Zhonghai felt that by raising Xiao Dang, he had done his best to be kind and fulfilled his grandfather's duties. Be worthy of the Jia family and worthy of Qin Huairu.

After all, retirement is a matter of care.

Just one person is fine.

Yi Zhonghai himself didn't have much money. He saved the thousand yuan he got from Jia's family. It would be impossible not to leave some emergency money. And because Huaihua is too young, in the eyes of hypocrites, she is far worthless and not as convenient as Xiaodang. .

But now Yan Fugui has raised a problem, and it won't work if he doesn't solve it.

It would be best for Shazhu and his wife to help raise him.

Yi Zhonghai accidentally came up with a solution that even he found incredible.

In the courtyard, the family with the best conditions is Shazhu's family. Li Xiuzhi has been married to Shazhu for more than two years, but she has never given birth to a boy or a girl.

The neighbors quarreled privately and were roughly divided into two groups.

One group said that the current year is not very good, and every household does not have enough food to eat. I heard that in some places people are starving. They will wait until the year is better before having children.

Because of the food problem, Yan Fugui was able to marry Yu Li into their Yan family last year, but he still hasn't married her back because the problem is food.

Li Xiuzhi is also a clerk in the street. She is busy with work and has no time.

One group put some unpleasant gossip on Li Xiuzhi's head, saying that the couple had always wanted a child, but because Li Xiuzhi fled, her body was damaged and she could not have a child.

Silly Zhu is gritting his teeth now and acting out a false picture of a happy life. In fact, he has long wanted to divorce Li Xiuzhi and marry another wife who can have children.

For example, Qin Huairu.

Although she is a widow, she has given birth to three children, which proves that she has no problems.

Although the latter was not the rumor released by Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai believed it firmly. Liu Yufeng, who got married six months ago, is now pregnant with Xu Damao's child.

Hypocrites are envious.

He hoped with all his heart that Silly Zhu and his wife would also become extinct.

Only those who are homeless can understand the pain of being homeless.

He opened his mouth and said something.

"Zhuzi, Xiuzhi, you are the two most promising people in our compound. One is the canteen monitor in the steel rolling mill, and the other is a clerk in the street. The Jia family are no longer neighbors in our compound. What is going on with me, Yi Zhonghai, and Zhuzi? I know, you two can help me come up with an idea about what to do about Sophora japonica. The neighbors all believe in you, and I also believe in you two. "

His piercing eyes fell on Shazhu and his wife.

Thinking that so many people are here.

You can't say anything about sending Sophora japonica to an orphanage.

Li Xiuzhi is a clerk.

That's true.

It's damaging to her reputation.

After reading the script, I knew what kind of fool Yi Zhonghai was. When I heard what Yi Zhonghai said, I knew that Yi Zhonghai was plotting against the two of them. I also knew that Li Xiuzhi was worried about the status of the clerk and it was inconvenient to say some things.

He had no scruples in this regard.

Chefs rely on their skills to make a living.

Yi Zhonghai plotted against him.


"Since the previous uncle said this, I will reluctantly say a few words. The neighbors all know what the current situation is. As the previous uncle said, every household is not easy and they are short of food. More people equals more. Open your mouth, Huaihua is Qin Huairu's daughter, Qin Huairu is the daughter of the previous uncle, and the previous uncle is Huaihua's grandfather. This grandfather has said so, and it is even harder for outsiders like us to get involved."

It was equivalent to pointing at Yi Zhonghai's nose and scolding him.

"I, He Yuzhu, am responsible for making a living by offending people. After all, Sophora japonica is also a living being. The previous uncle has already promised that he will not be responsible for Sophora japonica's three meals a day. Does anyone in the neighborhood think that this child is good or care about this child?" "

Sophora japonica is not the granddaughter of Jia Zhang.

Neighbors may have raised Sophora japonica as kittens or puppies.

The key is Jia.

Two years later Jia Zhang came out.

According to the neighborhood's understanding of the Jia Zhang family, the old godmother must have returned to the courtyard and made a scene in the courtyard. The locust flowers were equivalent to random bombs, giving Jia Zhang family a reason to act up.

When I think of that image.

The neighbors then retreated.

The less trouble, the better.

"Look at what the neighbors think, they don't care about Sophora japonica. The third uncle's family is also in a tight situation. At the beginning of last year, he was planning to marry a wife, but it has been delayed until now. How about the neighbors jointly write an application to ask the orphanage to accept the Sophora japonica? , saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, and it can be considered as a bit of yin virtue.”

Yi Zhonghai was completely dumbfounded.

I really didn't expect Shazhu to say such shameless words in front of the neighbors.

Send to an orphanage.

what do you think.

This is poking at Yi Zhonghai's heart.

But there is no way.

He is a big old man and has no way to support Sophora japonica. It is even more unrealistic to ask a deaf old lady to help take care of her.

Big breather.

Yan Fugui has already written the application form, and the neighbors have also put their red fingerprints on the application form, including Yi Zhonghai himself.

Yi Zhonghai was confused.

When I got home, I didn't even think about it.

Why did he press his fingerprints in a daze without even expressing his refusal?

He was labeled as cold-blooded.


the next day.

Yan Fugui rode his bicycle and sent Sophora japonica to the orphanage.

Even though Huaihua cried and hugged Yan Fugui's arm, calling her daddy, Lao Hao still cruelly threw away Huaihua's arm.

I rode my bicycle to school.

Yi Zhonghai felt embarrassed.

He deliberately hid in the house and did not go out. Instead, he waited for Yan Fugui to leave the courtyard with Sophora japonica on his back, and then hurried out of his house and rushed to the steel rolling mill.

Xiaodang knows something.

Watching the sad scene through the glass.

Don't know what to think.

Neighbors soon saw the scene of Xiaodang cleaning up the house, and guessed that Xiaodang was worried about being rejected by Yi Zhonghai and was trying to show his value as much as possible.

Sophora japonica was abandoned by Yi Zhonghai because it was worthless.


Steel rolling mill.

Silly Zhu just came in.

Haven't taken a breath yet.

Then Liu Lan pulled him up from the stool. I thought Liu Lan was going to tell Yi Zhonghai that he didn't want his biological niece, but he didn't expect that Liu Lan was not here for this matter. Instead, he got the instruction from Deputy Director Li and asked Sha Zhu to go to Deputy Director Li's office to find him. He said that good things were waiting for Silly Zhu.

With a confused mind.

Walked to Deputy Director Li's office.

Thinking about what the good things Liu Lan meant in his words.

Promotion and salary?
It seems that apart from these two things, there is nothing else.

The door of Deputy Director Li's office.

Wide open.

Silly Zhu, who was standing at the door, saw Deputy Director Li bending down to tidy up the inside of the cabinet. He wanted to step in directly, but then thought about it, so he stood there and knocked gently on the door with his hand.

Deputy Director Li, who had his head stuck in the cabinet, stretched his head out of the cabinet, saw Silly Zhu standing at the door, and greeted him with a smile.

"Si Zhu, you can just come in. No need to knock on the door. This is not like your style of doing things, Si Zhu."

"My daughter-in-law teaches me day and night, telling me to respect the leaders in my workplace. I have to listen to my daughter-in-law."

Will be afraid of his wife.

That's so reasonable.

Only Silly Zhu dares to do this.

Deputy Director Li had long heard that Shazhu had married a virtuous and capable daughter-in-law. She became a street clerk as she went to the city to visit relatives. She was a very motivated woman.

I thought that one day I would meet this legendary magical woman, who could teach Silly Zhu, who was accustomed to talking with fists, to be so well-behaved.

He pointed towards the stool.

Let Shazhu sit down.

"Give me a few minutes. After I'm done with this, I'll talk to you about work."

Silly Zhu sat on the stool obediently.

After waiting for three or four minutes, Deputy Director Li stopped what he was doing, put some documents together, and handed another document with a red official seal to Si Zhu.

Silly Zhu took a look.

It was found to be the document of the reserve cadre of the steel rolling mill.

My heart skipped a beat.

Is this the good thing Liu Lan said?

Make yourself a cadre?

To be fair.

This is really not a good thing!
Silly Zhu, who has read the script, knows what will happen in the next few years. Li Huaide, who is called the deputy director, has suddenly become the director of the steel rolling mill. He has great power. A big shot who sticks to his word, even the steel rolling mill. He moved all the directors of the factory to the cleaning department, responsible for the sanitation of the steel rolling mill. They worked with brooms and dustpans all day long, and some of them even ended up with their families ruined.

For example, the shareholder of the steel rolling mill, Chairman Lou, and his family went underground, but for some reason, this part was crossed out in the script and was changed to say that Lou Xiaoe ran away with her parents with the help of Sha Zhu. A few years later, he brought He Xiao back to compete with Qin Huairu for the stupid pillar.

Liu Haizhong was exploited by Deputy Director Li and became his minion, running rampant in the steel rolling mill. Even the fool Liu Haizhong was arrested.

The year Lou Xiaoe came back.

For what Liu Haizhong did back then, old scores were settled, he was fired from the steel rolling mill, and he went to work. His wife died and her three children were also implicated to a certain extent.

Now promoted.

Not a good time.

It is easy to be labeled as Deputy Factory Director Li.

Not everyone has the ability of Deputy Director Li, who landed safely and took advantage of powerful policies to become the first group of people to become wealthy.

If things go wrong, it will be the second bang.

Only a fool would accept Deputy Director Li's kindness.

Silly Zhu retreated in his heart and deliberately focused his doubtful eyes on Deputy Director Li.

"Si Zhu, you, it would be great if you were half as smart as your wife." Deputy Factory Director Li's tone of hatred flew into Si Zhu's ears, "Old Zhao, who is in charge of the canteen, will be here soon. I’m going to retire, I mean, I’m going to let you take on this burden.”

Canteen director.

If Silly Zhu remembers correctly.

In the script, he was promoted to the canteen director by the front line of the steel rolling mill in the year Lou Xiao'e returned. On the one hand, Director Yang repaid the favor. If Silly Zhu hadn't been kind to him, Director Yang would probably be gone. On the other hand, Director Yang would have been gone. On the one hand, they want to use this method to tie Sha Zhu to the steel rolling mill, so that Sha Zhu can go out and work alone.

In a word.

Don't do it!
In a few days it will be 63 years, and in more than 65 days it will be years.

He doesn't want to be a target.

Keeping up is the most important thing.

"Director Li, director of the cafeteria, please leave it to others. I can't do it. You also know that I am reckless and can't speak. Don't delay your affairs. If you really think I'm good, give it to me." Raise your salary.”


The words behind.

Deputy Director Li didn't know what to say.

I've never met anyone who doesn't want to be an official.

Like that Liu Haizhong, when he sees an official, he will approach him and flatter them.

Look at the expression on Shazhu's face.

It's not like cheating.

Then I knew that Silly Zhu didn't play tricks with him because he really didn't want to be the canteen director.

After thinking about it for a while, he agreed to Shazhu's proposal and raised Shazhu's salary from the current forty-six yuan to fifty-seven yuan, which was announced in the form of a broadcast notice.

Along with it.

There is also the matter of so-and-so being promoted to canteen director.

Knowing that Sha Zhu was inappropriate, he took the position of director. He also knew the importance of Sha Zhu in the leader's heart. The new canteen director said a few words of gratitude to Sha Zhu.

But not everyone thinks so.

Some people just can't figure it out.

For example, Liu Haizhong, an official fan who was busy in the workshop, was shocked when he heard that Shazhu rejected the proposal to promote him to be the director of the cafeteria. I have to be the squad leader.



Return to Siheyuan's Silly Pillar.

He received the attention of the neighbors.

They all looked at him.

It was speculated that the incident at the steel rolling mill had reached the ears of these neighbors, and they all couldn't understand why Sha Zhu was not the director, but continued to be the monitor.

Some people also said a few words to Shazhu that they thought they were considering for Shazhu, telling Shazhu not to make casual decisions when encountering such things in the future. It is best to come back and discuss it with Li Xiuzhi.

Some people are still feeling sorry for Silly Zhu.

Si Zhu, who had a panoramic view of the expressions on the faces of the neighbors, snorted in his heart.

The chick knows the ambition of the swan.

You know shit!
It's almost that time. The more high-profile you are, the easier it is to be dealt with.

Safety is the most important thing.

Ignoring the neighbors, he walked directly into the house. When he saw Li Xiuzhi coming back, he relayed the matter to Li Xiuzhi, thinking that Li Xiuzhi would dislike it and complain.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiuzhi understood Si Zhu's reasons for not being the director.

some things.

It's good for them to know.

(End of this chapter)

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