Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 442 Qin Huairu’s resentment, Banggan’s regret, and Jia Zhang’s mourning

The old days.

Qin Huairu disappeared mysteriously due to Banggeng.

A mess.

Lost cool.

She believed the rumors that some neighbors made up casually, and accepted Banggen's theory that he went to Shangaomo Village to find someone from the Lao Jia family to help him deal with Qin Huairu's remarriage, so she took the risk and came to Shangaomo Village to find someone.

Things did not go as Qin Huairu expected.

Comes easy.

It's a little difficult to go back.

There's no way to go back.

She married an old bachelor.

after marriage.

The regretful Qin Huairu repeatedly begged for mercy, saying that she was a widowed mother of three children and a formal employee of the steel rolling mill, and she had to leave here. However, she still failed to convince the other party. Her words even made the old bachelor even more excited. When they got up, the old bachelor waved the document in his hand and said that they were a couple. Even if the king of heaven came, he could not separate them.

Want a divorce.


Give the old bachelor a child, and the old bachelor will let Qin Huairu go back.

The old bachelor will never talk about the marriage of the two to anyone in his life, nor will he tell his children who her mother is. The fact that Qin Huairu married and divorced him will not be spread out.

Let Qin Huairu rest assured about her own reputation.

Qin Huairu saw that there was no hope of her divorce.

He can only accept his fate.

Counting from the wedding day to now, more than six hundred days have passed.

Qin Huairu didn't suffer, but she didn't live well either.

The old bachelor held Qin Huairu's beloved one in his hands. He obeyed whatever Qin Huairu said and asked him to go east but never to the west. Some of the good food at home was also given to Qin Huairu first. Qin Huairu was not feeling well. , and put a hot towel on Qin Huairu's forehead, taking good care of Qin Huairu.

Listen especially to Qin Huairu.

Except for one thing.

That is to let Qin Huairu leave.

Even though Qin Huairu acted coquettishly towards the old bachelor and mentioned divorce again and again, the old bachelor remained unmoved. He said this to Qin Huairu, I will not divorce you unless you give birth to a child for me, otherwise you will be with me for the rest of your life. You can only live with me.

Qin Huairu believed the old bachelor's words.

The main reason is that she has no other way to get the old bachelor to agree to divorce her. This is a rugged mountainous area, and Qin Huairu doesn't even know how she got there.

He thought that if he gave birth to a child for the old bachelor, the old bachelor would let him go, and he would be able to return to work in the steel rolling mill in the capital.

first born.

A girl was born.

The old bachelor happily named his daughter to see.

As soon as Qin Huairu heard this name, she knew that the old bachelor would break his promise and would not divorce her.

The guess was absolutely correct.

The old bachelor has now changed his mind again, asking when Qin Huairu will give birth to his son, when will she divorce Qin Huairu and let Qin Huairu go.

Qin Huairu's teeth itched with anger.

But there is no way.

I can only blame myself for my bad luck.


Lying on the kang.

Qin Huairu will also think about the ins and outs of the matter, how she got here and why she came here.

There’s a reason why it’s awesome.

There are also reasons for Jia and Zhang.

Knowing who Mrs. Jia Zhang was, she was worried that Mrs. Jia Zhang would have a falling out with her, so she thought about using stick sticks to deal with Mrs. Jia Zhang, but she didn't expect that the stick sticks were not found, and Qin Huairu herself was caught instead.


appeared on Qin Huairu's face.

His biological son Banggeng is gone. As a biological mother, Qin Huairu must find her both emotionally and rationally, otherwise Qin Huairu will be drowned alive by the spit of the neighbors.

As for the work in the rolling mill.

Don't even think about it.

After not showing up at the steel rolling mill for more than two years, Qin Huairu guessed that the people at the steel rolling mill thought she was dead and her job had been taken back. Presumably even the Jia family's house in the courtyard had someone else's surname.

Bitter emotions.

flashed in Qin Huairu's eyes.

He murmured a cool epithet.

Looked up.

Looking into the distance.

Then he touched his belly with his hand and prayed in his heart, hoping that his belly would be able to live up to his expectations and give birth to a son for the old bachelor, thus satisfying the conditions for the divorce between the old bachelor and Qin Huairu.


Qin Huairu would never have thought that the stick she had been thinking about was in the ditch behind Qin Huairu's current mountain village, separated from Qin Huairu by a small mountain.

Just follow the trail and climb over this mountain.

She can see the stick.

However, due to a series of reasons, the mother and son, who are so close together, have not met yet.

The widow fell into this place because she was looking for a clue.

However, Bangge listened to Yi Zhonghai's words and wanted to prevent Qin Huairu from remarrying by running away from home, and finally fell into the hands of an old homeless man.

Lao Juehu pulled the steamed bun halfway and successfully arrived here with the stick.

Living with hardship all day long.

Bangge was miserable.

I wanted to leave here, but because I didn’t know the way, I had no choice but to give up.

He regretted it.

More of it is resentment.

I hate Yi Zhonghai. If I hadn't listened to Yi Zhonghai's words, I wouldn't have ended up in this situation. Instead of living a precarious life here, it would be better to follow Qin Huairu to live at his stepfather's house. Sometimes I have dreams about eating food. Wotou, when you wake up, you will have endless aftertaste in your mouth.

One wrong move.

Step by step.

No more regret medicine.

It's too late to regret.


Time is like water.

Years are like songs.

64 years passed by in a flash.

After a year of ordinary life, the neighbors successfully ushered in 65 years.

The neighbors in the courtyard didn't seem to have changed much.

It must be said that there is.

There is only one thing left to do.

Yan Fugui hugged his granddaughter.

It was supposed to be a happy event.

But the faces of Yan Fugui and his wife never seemed to be smiling. They had a straight face all day long, as if someone owed them hundreds of dollars.

The neighbors were relieved. It turned out that Yan Fugui, like Jia Zhang, favored sons over daughters and disliked Yu Li for not giving him a grandson, so he casually named her Yan Xiaoxia.

Yi Zhonghai, who had been an honest dog with his tail between his legs for more than a year, felt alive again.

Deliberately in front of all the neighbors in the courtyard, they morally kidnapped Yan Fugui and his wife, saying that boys and girls are the same, and they are all descendants of the Yan family anyway.

After being choked by the third aunt.

Be honest.

Then he looked enviously at Silly Zhu, who was changing the child's diaper.

Li Xiuzhi gave birth to a baby girl to Shazhu.

After careful consideration, the couple came up with the name He Xianghong, with a red heart facing the sun.

Silly Zhu was cheerful.

The first thing I do when I come back from get off work every day is to wash my hands, face, and dust the clothes. The second thing is to run up to the little girl and stare at the little girl like a fool. She looks at the sleeping little girl with a look of confusion on her face. She looked happy. If the little girl was awake, Shazhu would hug her. Sometimes he would deliberately stick his beard on the little girl's silky skin. When Li Xiuzhi cursed her, Shazhu instantly became honest. At night, Li Xiuzhi finally coaxed the little girl to sleep. Silly Zhu came back from working overtime and teased the little girl awake. Li Xiuzhi waved the pillow and beat her violently.

Xu Damao didn't know what to think.

He brought up the idea of ​​getting married, saying that Xu Liu in their family was one year older than He Xianghong, and Sha Zhu had a good relationship with Xu Damao, so they could definitely continue their relationship.

Get a kiss.

Don't worry about your son not getting a wife.

Neither Li Xiuzhi nor Liu Yufeng had any objections.

Silly Zhu can't.

He glared at Xu Damao and explained how he wanted to marry his daughter.

Because of this incident, Yi Zhonghai reported Shazhu and Xu Damao, saying that they were openly doing that and so on. The security team came to check, and because there was no second witness besides Yi Zhonghai, they finally concluded that Yi Zhonghai made a blind report and gave Yi Zhonghai a scolding.

Silly Zhu slapped Yi Zhonghai twice afterward.

Xu Damao took advantage of Yi Zhonghai's time to go to the toilet and threw two kickers in the toilet, allowing Yi Zhonghai to enjoy the drama of feces and urine.


One day in June.

The door of the courtyard.

A woman in shabby clothes appeared.

Black and thin.

Yan Fugui, who was going out to take out the garbage, felt familiar when he saw the woman standing at the door, but he didn't pay much attention to it, guessing whose relative was visiting.

Finish taking out the trash.

Just about to go home.

He heard footsteps coming from behind.

Turn your head.

He found that the woman had followed him in.

The less trouble, the better.

Too lazy to answer.

Although Yan Fugui still carries the title of a steward, he knows that this is not bullshit. He is no longer responsible for teaching, but is responsible for campus health.

Not long after returning home.

Then I heard noisy sounds coming from the middle courtyard, and there were sounds like calling Xiao Jia and Lao Jia.

Yan Fugui's expression changed instantly.

He knew who the woman was.

Mrs. Jia Zhang!
At first, Jia Zhang had to eat free meals there for three and a half years because of things like teasing Banggeng to steal things. This was the end of the free meal and she returned to the courtyard.

There's going to be chaos.

It’s different in the past.

In the current Siheyuan, there is no place for the Jia family. The house is gone, the job is gone, and even the people are gone. The Jia and Zhang family have no qualifications to stay in the Siheyuan.


I don’t think about going out.

After thinking about it for a while, it would be troublesome if someone criticized me.

He grabbed a coat, put it on his body, opened the door and walked out of the house, towards the middle courtyard.

As soon as they entered the middle courtyard, they saw a familiar scene. Jia Zhang stood in front of the west wing, pointed at the people inside, and cursed, saying that they had robbed the Jia family's house and would be shot sooner or later.

Because it's Sunday.

All are there.

The central courtyard was surrounded by neighbors who came to watch the fun, including Yi Zhonghai, Sha Zhu, Xu Damao and others.

If it were anyone else, facing Jia Zhang's rhetoric, he would feel a little guilty.

The person living in Jia's house was a member of the security department of the steel rolling mill. Although he was not a leader, he was not afraid of Jia Zhang. He set his sights on Yi Zhonghai.

"Master Yi, is this what you mean?"

Yi Zhonghai's head.

There was a buzzing sound.

Bullshit I mean.

I also just learned about Jia Zhang’s return.

shook his head.

The security department smiled and said with a serious heart: "Since it's not your intention, Yi Zhonghai, then I will follow the security department's rules."

Jia Zhang, who was summoning the undead one second, stopped talking the next second.

Three words: Security Section.

It made her flustered.

The old hag didn't know that the man worked in the security department. She thought the man was just an ordinary employee of the steel rolling mill. She wanted to scare the man away by making noises, swearing, and summoning the undead, and forced Qin Huairu to come out to see her.

Jia Zhang didn't think about Qin Huairu being fired from the steel rolling mill. She thought about Qin Huairu's remarriage, subconsciously thinking that this man was Qin Huairu's successor.

She felt that Qin Huairu had been sorry for Jia Dongxu and the Jia family, and felt that the man had cuckolded Jia Dongxu. As Jia Dongxu's mother and Qin Huairu's mother-in-law, she must seek justice for the Jia family and Jia Dongxu.

Good guy.

People from the security department.

This is equivalent to Jia Zhang's kicking the Teppanyaki.

Not bad.

The swearing and swearing became stammering, and the words were completely inconsistent.

Seeing that Mrs. Jia Zhang felt guilty, the security department told the truth.

"You should be Qin Huairu's mother-in-law, Jia Zhang. This house used to belong to your Jia family, but now it belongs to me. I have lived in this house for two and a half years and three years. As for why the house was rolled? The factory takes it back, I suggest you ask your man Yi Zhonghai, he knows. "

"She and I divorced a long time ago, and we have no relationship at all."

"Master, it doesn't matter what you mean. Is Mrs. Jia Zhang your ex-wife? A husband and wife can be gracious for a hundred days, and a couple can be as deep as the sea for a hundred days."

"Xu Damao."

"Isn't it okay to tell the truth?"

Xu Damao began to add fuel to the fire, and she told Jia Zhang everything about what happened at the beginning.

As soon as Mrs. Jia and Zhang heard that Yi Zhonghai was divorcing her, she got married.

He was ready to kill Yi Zhonghai.

Especially when I learned that Qin Huairu was fired from the steel rolling mill because of her disappearance, I wanted to cut Yi Zhonghai into pieces. Your daughter was fired, but you didn't help to intercede. Is there a father like you?

Shifted the focus of fire.

Started to scold Yi Zhonghai.

The surrounding neighbors suddenly felt that Mrs. Jia Zhang was a little nervous. Just now Xu Damao clearly told the news about Bang Gang's disappearance. Mrs. Jia Zhang, who had always been protective of the little boy, actually went out of her way and scolded Yi Zhonghai for more than ten times. Minutes later, she suddenly woke up from a dream and remembered Banggan, and started crying again, saying that the Jia family had lost their incense and she felt sorry for Jia Dongxu.


Inside the rolling mill.

Deputy Director Li has full power as director.

Director Yang, who had been fighting with Deputy Director Li for many years, became the loser in the battle. From the director who was inferior to one person to more than ten thousand people, he became the person in charge of cleaning the factory area.

It stands to reason.

Deputy Director Li should be happy.

There was no trace of pleasure on his face.

When I became the deputy factory director, I focused on Lou Xiaoe's family's business, thinking that I could become the leader of the steel rolling mill and realize my ideal.

Wouldn't have thought of it anyway.

Lou Xiao'e disappeared.

Lou Xiao'e's parents were also missing.

When Deputy Director Li led his people to the small foreign-style building of Lou Xiao'e's house, they found that the door of the small foreign-style building was wide open, and some valuable yellow and white things, antique calligraphy and paintings were also missing.

Only some valuable pieces of furniture were left behind.

No one knows where Lou Xiaoe's family went.

No one is alive.

No body is seen after death.

such a result.

Deputy Director Li couldn't accept it. (End of chapter)

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